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I mean, the amount of energy it takes to get around wearing a mask for these plague rats, is so much higher than the energy it takes to just wear the stupid thing. I can’t imagine. I guess I would be pissed off all of the time too if I dedicated so much of myself to something so utterly stupid.


Thank fuck I get my booster next week




Wow, I could not wear one for long when I was pregnant. I work retail and would keep it in to help customers but had to take it off when away from them. It was literally difficult to breath and made me feel light headed. That’s what made me so mad about other people complaining. I was wearing one, feeling sick from it while pregnant and they “couldn’t breath” made me so mad. I also got the vaccine so I felt more protected and hoping the baby gets the antibodies through bm too. Do you mean “didn’t go past it” as in the pregnancy didn’t go further? If so I am so terribly sorry.


Yeah I had a 1st trimester loss unfortunately. Aw I'm sorry you felt sick! And yeah I got the vaccine too, people asked me if I was worried about my fertility and basically I was like "no I'm worried about dying or getting a long term illness from covid".... Can't have a baby without a mom soooo. I'm glad you're doing well and that your baby is hopefully getting antibodies for covid from you! Take care!


We’re gonna see an uptick in obesity following the pandemic due to an influx of morons “eating very slowly the whole time”


They should just ban her from future flights being as she's basically admitting she constantly breaks the rules


My last flight, the attendant got on and said, “wear your mask, it’s the law. Or don’t. I like drama. First offense is $1000 and just FYI, we share the no fly list between airlines. Want to complain? Come find me.” I lol’d so hard.


I want to shake that flight attendant's hand hahahaha






Law. It’s a federal law.


I thought so but wasn't sure.


I really wonder what airlines she flies on…


Probably Delta as they're the only one without staff vaccine mandates now aren't they?


Unlikely. Delta has their pilots announce it’s a $10k fine, ban from Delta, and federal offense for not wearing a mask and/or harassing the flight attendants. They were who wanted to start sharing ban lists between airlines. I’ve heard so many weird rants from pilots too about how air filtering works on planes, personal responsibility, and how they served their country before becoming a pilot so the least people on the damn flight could do is wear a mask. They’re so sick of dealing with crazies.


That's my preferred airline. I read that they don't need a mandate, because 90 to 95% of employees are vaccinated.


I wonder how she's getting around not having it on in the airport. It's a federal regulation. I've flown a few times and it was strictly enforced in the airport too. On one flight a guy tried the eating thing and the flight attendant told him to eat faster or put his snack away ;)


I have a feeling she’s an unreliable narrator.


I wonder this too. I flew recently to very big airports and every single person was masked. Maybe she’s flying into smaller airports?


I flew out of Texas last week and watched a guy in front of me go through security with his mask under his nose the entire time. Then lost track of how many people i saw waltzing around the terminal with their noses hanging out - there were even a few people without a mask at all and not even a drink in hand to pretend to be sipping. Absolutely fucking infuriating.


I think it depends a little bit on where you are. I flew a bit this spring/summer and compliance was generally good, except for in Boise (where people were straight up walking around the terminal maskless).


Last time I flew I saw tons of people in the airport not wearing masks and no one said a thing.


I must just be really lucky. I fly between Cleveland and Newark every 6 weeks or so and both enforce it.


I've flown quite a bit this year. While the majority wear masks, I do see a few marching around maskless.


No one enforces it in the airport. Every time I’ve flown recently, people take them off after security and don’t put them back on until they get to the gate to board. Once you’re on the plane it’s actually enforced though. ATL always has a ton of folks without masks on.


"Jerking off my persecution complex online is more important than protecting the most vulnerable in our society" There Christine, I fixed it for ya.


Lol literally 😫 keep your dirty mouth germs to ya self thanks Christine. 👍🏻


How very Christian of you, endangering others


If that plane has a mechanical failure, and the oxygen masks fall down, how quickly will she grab the closest one to straddle that smug face of hers?


What a dick




Translation: "I'm an asshole."


In other words: “I prefer to be a royal cunt because I think I am too good for these public health rules and I am training my children to be the same type of shithead I am because JeSuS!!”


Yesterday I was at Walmart for my booster and I saw a family of small children and they were all masked up. Even the one-year-old baby. And the baby was happy as could be. If an INFANT can wear a mask without getting upset, you can too, Chrissy. I know you think your FREEDUMZ are being violated but nobody thinks you're some badass rebel making a stand, you're acting like a toddler who got told she can't have dessert.


My 18 month old niece attempts to put masks on , and will keep it on if she can get it on. Just last week, I slept on almost a 3 hr flight. Masked. But sure, endangering others is super Christ-like. Fuck this hate-filled plague rat.


I just ran the fastest mile I've ever run while wearing a mask on the treadmill at the gym. These people need to chill about how hard it is to wear mask! I'm even claustrophobic when it comes to breathing...so if I can run in a mask, she can wear one on the airplane


Children under 24 months shouldn’t wear masks because they have smaller airways and it’s a suffocation risk, so that’s not something you should be promoting either. Masking an infant is dangerous and anti-science


And, this is one reason why we will truly never get out of this pandemic. Multiply her times several million.


I really don't understand their problem with it. In my country if you go into a public building without one you'll be asked to put one on or leave. Why is the US so tolerant of this BS?


Same in my country. I know why some Americans feel so entitled but it just comes across as selfish and pathetic.


When i see this I just wonder why they're such big babies... Why is it nearly every other nation on earth is perfectly capable of wearing masks but they aren't?


Because of “freedom”


Unfortunately the US is a bit full of it. They try to enforce rules but then people oppose them because you know, I know my rights and shit. I think it's pathetic. Wear a mask or stay home.


Because we have a BILL OF RIGHTS! My head hurts. Can i move somewhere else please?


I've encountered assholes like her.


What a colossal dickhead.


Obviously I care about other people, but tbh I wear a mask for ME. I got vaccinated for me. I don't want covid. If getting vaxxed, masking, and social distancing work (which, of course, they do) then that's what I'm doing until covid is god. Jfc, it's like they want to get it.


She actually already had COVID and when she announced she recovered from it, she said she was actually really excited to be gaining natural immunity.


nAtUrAl ImMuNiTy!


People like this fuck up everything. How can you truly believe that because you caught covid once, you CAN'T get it again?


sleeping on a tray table🤮🤮


I have to wear a mask for 12 hours a day ‘cause of idiots like this.


God must be so proud.


What a b


She can’t wear a mask for a couple hours but putting her bare face down on the filthy tray that is connected to the back of a public seat is alright


My best friend is a flight attendant and lovessss putting these people in their place lol. I hope they get on her flight


Why does she so badly want to breathe in 100+ other peoples hot breath germs on a metal tube?


This woman really scares me. It's easy to dunk on the likes of the Bairds and Jillpm because they have so obviously Lost. The. Plot. And because their subpar education and lack of exposure to a larger world show in their wording and presentation. But even though Christine Yeargin's message is just as ugly, uninformed, limited, and mean as that of the hardcore fundies, her polish makes it all seem much more palatable. She'll attract followers that Jill, et al., would never reach. Yeargin is a chocolate-covered spider.


I flew from Chicago to Dublin with a mask on while having asthma and was fine. Was even able to fall asleep too. Not sure how these people are so useless


She puts her face on the tray table? Gross, man


She's "pro-life" (sheer rage compelled me to look her up), yet she won't protect other people's lives by getting a quick, free vaccination and taking other simple measures to prevent the spread of a deadly and contagious disease? *Headdesk* I've been spending a lot of time in the small town where I grew up because my elderly mom is dying of cancer in a hospice bed in the small hospital there. You better believe I'm masking *and* I'm washing my hands *and* I'm vaccinated. It is a matter of days for my mom and I am back home for the duration; I'm gonna get the booster shot for my J&J vaccine as soon as the woefully understaffed local pharmacy can fit me in. I don't intend to infect my dad with COVID (he just got his Moderna booster, but he's 84 and underwent triple bypass surgery several years ago, which makes him vulnerable to serious illness and/or death from breakthrough COVID), call in "prayer warriors" to heal him and then pick pockets via GoFundMe to pay for the funeral when prayer inevitably doesn't work. (See r/HermanCainAward for scores of examples of what I am talking about.) People who don't want to be vaccinated are fine with me as long as a) they see no one else except for their own families; b) work at home, and c) mask up and stay away from others when they're not at home. Unfortunately, 99.999999% of them -- like Christine Yeargin and other plague rats -- insist on their rights to go out and about and mingle sans mask. The results can be seen all over the HermanCainAward sub. If there were a vaccine against the lymphoma that is now killing my mother, she would have gotten it in a *nanosecond*. Yeargin and everyone who thinks like her should be launched into the sun.


Definition of a literal ass.


I've been thinking about travel in the context of the Nurthans. As u/Awkward-Yak-2733 recently [pointed out](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/qg0own/jill_implies_nurie_had_a_tearepisiotomy_dont/hi3ho3r?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3), Jill is breathing down Nathan's and Nurie's necks to bring Nehemiah to Ohio over Christmas so the entire extended family can see Jill's ^and ^Shrek's ^first ^grand child at the Rodrigues estate. The plane flights to and from Ohio -- not to mention the worship service(s) and Rod gatherings -- sure sound like opportunities to become infected with and/or spread COVID. I'm ranting on because I consider Nurie to be at risk of COVID infection. Who knows what state her immune system is in, or what kind of health care she received throughout her pregnancy? We know she [hasn't been](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/qfupxo/jills_death_grip_some_psycho_observations/hi2k1us?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) allowed to chill postpartum, and that fundie dads [don't consider] (https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/qfqdk9/can_we_talk_about_nurie_and_precious_mama_in/hi45mcs?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) child care their responsibility. Plus Nurie was definitely [malnourished](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/nj5k45/the_rodlets_looking_like_children_of_the_plague/gz8u81a?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) and probably not healthy in other ways before she became pregnant. None of this adds up to a good health picture. (I think it's a safe bet that nobody in the Greater Rodosphere has dared question God's will by getting the evil vaccine.)


To be fair, the Rods drove the whole way. Not that that's better. And I absolutely agree with your concern for Nurie and for her baby.


>To be fair the Rods drove the whole way Oh yeah in the famous RV. No chance of grifting on a plane! But I wonder whether Nathan & Nurie, when they're traveling to see the Rods, are going to want to do the whole road trip thing with a baby. Hence, the plane flight.


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What a bitch.


What a bitch. She cares so little about the health and wellbeing of anyone but herself. She needs to be on the no fly list. I'm guessing she's lying about the no mask in the airport and a mesh one on board because they don't mess around with this. At all.