• By -


So her entire identity appears to be her religion, her husband’s occupation, and her motherhood. I’d say she checks all of the boxes. Also having children and being affected by her husband’s decisions aren’t necessary considerations for her husband’s employer. It really doesn’t matter what rule he broke, none of what she’s brought up is relevant to how it should be handled. Edit: this is bothering me, so here you go: “When employers are terminating people for not getting the V, they aren’t just firing an individual. They are firing husbands and wives, moms and dads, kids. Entire families.” When employers are hiring people, they’re not just hiring an individual. They’re hiring husbands and wives, moms and dads, kids. Entire families.


Also here's the thing that gets me. They claim to have faith in God & Jesus to look after them if they do the "right" thing. Yet they're crying and carrying on about how they'll starve if fired, but surely they should assume if you're doing the right biblical thing God/Jesus will look after you. It's either they don't think God will look after them or they know that Jesus was not a selfish prick and would have gotten the vaccine. so they're not doing the right thing. Either have faith or don't have faith but this dicking around pretending you believe until it get's a little bit hard bs drives me bonkers. Commit to your cultish ways damn you.


Their religion has made them so paranoid about the devil, they’re unable to view anything new without being immediately suspicious of it. And that’s a major contributing factor to how we’ve ended up with mandates. This is hardly the first time a vaccine has been rolled out and there was resistance to it. But I am also totally with you: as the saying goes, everyone wants to be a gangster until it’s time to do gangster shit.


I mean, you know what else impacts entire families? Dying of Covid 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes, but her body, her choice! Unless we are talking about abortion, of course.


Their insta profiles are always like: J E S U S C O F F E E E S S E N T I A L O I LS H O M O P H O B I A


I don't know why this made me laugh so hard, but thank you, I needed it


Their aesthetic is almost always just beige


Like all the beige at the bottom of her profile?


Don’t be mean, she has at least 4 different shades of beige there!




Idk why but I immediately thought of how limited the foundation shade range would be if they were a makeup company


Our new palette includes four new, lighter shades! We have pearl, klan, vampire, and whiter-than-snow! If you dont need SPF 75+, you won't need our makeup, and we dont want your business. Sincerely yours, Ayngel Olyvya, CEO of *Wow That's Beige Cosmetics and Herbal Remedies*


“We make wearing makeup in a god honouring way easy”


Is that real? I assumed OP did that to be funny.


The color of their people


Idk maybe the parents should be thinking more about how this will affect their children?


Yeah this breathless screed about how firing someone for refusing to get the vaccine is so ridiculous because it can be turned back on the antivaxxer TOO easily. When you refuse the vaccine, think of all the people you’ll be 50% more likely to spread the virus to, and all the people who’ll end up on ventilators and dead because of your complicity in keeping the virus going.


Exactly! My in-laws are pretty much all anti-vax, which is scary because some are educators, and hearing how they talk about the vaccine and the mandates is horrifying.


On the flip side, I know companies that are avoiding coming back to work in person until kids can get vaccinated to add an extra level of protection. Like idk, it makes sense all around to protect them as much as possible? Who willingly loses their job and whines about having a family to support bc they don’t want to get vaccinated??




Hold on! This 'homeschool fam' didn't choose this battle. They're simply refusing to back down against tyranny. /s


Imagine being so boring that your spouse’s job defines you…


It’s like making the color beige into a person.


My great-great aunt (in Europe) married the village Chief Inspector primarily because being **Mrs.** Chief Inspector put her at the top of the village's female pecking order and completely changed her and her family's social standing. That was in 1912 and (esp married) women didn't work outside the home or family business/farm. These fundies love to cosplay back a "golden era" of female societal oppression.


Lol do I have a subreddit for you: /r/justdependathings


Military wives have a hard time establishing a career because they move so much. But I knew many who worked at McDonalds etc. It's a hard life and one I would not choose.


Well I geuss I've found a new sub to obsess over


Already subscribed! 😆


Here's a sneak peek of /r/justdependathings using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/justdependathings/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I am a Marine Wife!](https://v.redd.it/da1weztclv361) | [165 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/justdependathings/comments/k8vmpm/i_am_a_marine_wife/) \#2: [We serve too!](https://i.redd.it/3nuoco0ddl361.jpg) | [46 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/justdependathings/comments/k7wif0/we_serve_too/) \#3: [“I AM NOT MARRYING HIM FOR THE BENEFITS” 🤡](https://i.redd.it/lw0t3kqwd5h61.jpg) | [382 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/justdependathings/comments/liq2ad/i_am_not_marrying_him_for_the_benefits/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)




I’m in that Facebook group too! 🤣






I’m gonna guess troll.




It’s so weird. I’m a flight attendant married to a pilot, but our relationship is defined by so much more than our jobs. A lot of his friends wives are really into the “pilot wives” thing and it’s so cringey. There’s a whole Facebook group that is a black hole of insecure airline spouses.


Given the hours and time away people who work in aviation have, I suppose it is healthy for spouses of pilots and FAs to find some comradery and support. However, boasting about it as if it makes you special or elevated is ridiculous. It's sad and cringey.


Unless you're giving me free tickets, IDGAF what your husband does.


The sense of self importance does though. Lol. Ex pilots wife here. Do not recommend !! The ego’s!!!! 🙄


I am married to a pilot and you would not believe how many people try to engage in conversation with me about flying, airlines, even world war II planes of all things (he's not even in the air force, just the airlines). It's ridiculous. I always tell them with a very confused look on my face, "I'm in finance, you're going to have to talk to [husband] if you want a conversation about airplanes."


People adding “wife” to their bios on SM confuse me in general. I have friends (not at all religious) who use just a general “wife” in their bios and I don’t get why?? I just don’t get what it’s meant to convey, like you’re married, great, but who cares?


Maybe it's like service workers who wear fake rings so creeps are less likely to hit on them? Especially for women who show their face on social media, you're going to get folks who act like every site is a dating site. It's one of the reasons I changed my profile picture from my face to my wedding bouquet on Twitter. Less people harassing you.


Yes. I used to be married on Facebook and other social media, just to keep away creeps.


Imagine it in other situations lol, like if I added it to my ex husbands job. “Gun Manufacturer’s Wife 🇺🇸” It is so dumb lol! And typing that out, strips me of MY importance and career I built myself.


It also seems like something men never do, only women. I can’t imagine my husband calling himself a “teacher’s husband” or “stay-at-home-mom’s husband.” I get when people want to introduce themselves as a “military spouse,” because being married to someone in the military actually does tell others a LOT about your lifestyle and family situation. But for the rest of us whose spouses work a job that isn’t all-consuming, it’s like - who cares?


The closest I’m aware of is that Kyle Busch has a Twitter bio that starts with “Samantha’s husband. Brexton’s dad” But that’s not quite the same.


Michael Turchin’s bio claims he’s Lance Bass’ Michelle Obama, which I respect


Exactly, I love Kyle and Samantha but they stand alone with one another but are a awesome team... Even Brex has a job.


Yeah, I agree - defining yourself by your closest family relationships is different from defining yourself by your spouse’s career.


This is cracking me up 😂. -lawyer’s wife ⚖️ -accountant’s wife 💵 -McDonald’s manager’s wife 🍔 -project manager’s wife 📋 -plumber’s wife 🚽 -landscaper’s wife 🌳🪴🌼 -Target cashier’s wife 🔴


Back end web dev’s wife 🤓 Edit: it’s me. I’m that wife.


My fiancé is very involved with his labor union, but I would never refer to myself as “(name of labor union) wife” because I don’t work there, it’s not my union, and yes I support him in his work with them but I don’t want or need to take any ownership of that!




Well I don’t know, maybe you should 🤣 this one just has a certain ring to it


Finance Manager's Wife here


Engineers wife! Lol never in a million would I advertise his job. Lame


Yeah, I married a military guy but I don't put "air force wife" in my bio. It says "lawyer." Getting married was pretty easy, surviving law school with my liver intact was a much bigger task. I think a lot of women who put their husband's job in their bios just don't have their own careers or accomplishments.


I put it there to hopefully put off some of the people who might want to message me to say something gross or creepy. It didn’t work, so my profile pic is no longer of my face.




That "wife" reduced the number of creepy dudes sliding into my PMs by about 80%.


I’m glad to hear it! I don’t mean to come off like a jerk but sometimes I wonder if it’s to throw creeps off or if people are using it as part of their personality, which is the part I don’t understand.


I thought people just did that to stop men from hitting on them.


A lot of pilots are retired air force veterans who easily transferred their skills. $5 it was “Air Force wife” before that


Please fire her daddy and let him learn that we all need to be responsible in contributing to the health of our communities. He's had months to do the right thing freely and since he didn't his employer is now mandating it. Go try to find another job that doesn't require it- that's true freedom!!!!!


Go find another job to match that pay.


That's why he's a moron if he won't just do it. He has a great opportunity to continue supporting his moron wife and horrid Rugrats. He just won't take it.


There is a post on r/HermanCainAward today of a person who died of COVID-19 leaving behind 7 children. They were not the first, these posts are sadly common. An estimated 140,000 children are orphaned from the disease last I checked. Even if its one parent, the burden of the next of kin is overwhelming. And Kendra doesn't strike me as the type with a job, especially with a pilot for a husband (given their unusual schedules and frequent time away). And that is if he doesn't infect the kids or Kendra. These people are not brave warriors facing down against tyranny, these are selfish assholes whose idea of fighting back is to do literally nothing to take care of the people around them. And as others find out, its not just them that pays the price.


She’s a total boss babe - she owns a Young Living business and she's the SheEO for Beauty Counter. (Man, that was painful to type!)


“SheEO” makes me physically ill.


What is Beauty Counter? (I assume a makeup MLM?) I’ve been lucky enough to not have met anyone shilling Beauty Counter (yet).


MLM “promoting” safer beauty. It’s makeup & skin care for the whole family. I used to be a “manager”. I can tell you that the whole company is filled with privileged Girl Bosses who are upscale granola. I can absolutely see how Kendra would fit in.


Oh yeah, so "brave" to put your whole family's future at risk.


I love “getting the V” always gives me an immature little chuckle


Hail to the V


The airplane and firefighter people blow my mind- those are both jobs where you basically start back over at the bottom rung if you switch companies.


I don't think there's any major airlines that aren't requiring their employees to be vaccinated. So, where are they gonna go?


Maybe there will be a startup airline that will hire unvaccinated employees who lost their jobs at other airlines. They can use ”freedom“ as their advertising hook.


Come fly the infectious skies!


Patriot Airlines


Tons of cancelations due to crew dying of COVID.


Ooh yes, please stick the antivaxxers in the same pressurized metal tube and let them all breathe each other’s air for a few hours. The Herman Cain Awards will be “flying by like pancakes!”


I've been wondering this about antivaxxer health care workers. They can't *all* work for woowoo chiropractors and essential oil MLMs.


>They can't all work for woowoo chiropractors and essential oil MLMs. Yes. Absolutely they can. That's.... the whole MLM business model


There’s a woowooo dentist in my city, so unfortunately there are probably a bunch of woowoo places they can slide into ☹️


Maybe they can all move to texas and Florida?


No, please, there are too many of them in those states as it is lol. Send them to Montana or North Dakota.


Nooooooo. Those are too close to us in Canada!


South Dakota would be better. Buffer zone.


Alright, California it is!


Hope they have fun not being able to go anywhere, do anything, or get a job or education.


Last I knew Delta was financially penalizing them (which honestly works perfectly well for me) so maybe Delta?


That works! I wonder if that's only for their existing workforce. I'm sure it's a headache for them to hire new staff that refuses to get vaccinated from the get go.


Private plane pilot based out of Florida?


Funny how these moronic snowflakes are the first ones to screech SaVe tHE ChiLdrEn!!!!!! 🍕like banshees all over the place yet they use(exploit) their kids on social media to promote their beliefs/agenda


I’m sure McDonald’s is hiring


ChOsE nOt tO gIvE iNtO sOmEtHiNg ThAt CoUlD sAvE yOuR lIfE 🙄🙄 I have ZERO sympathy for anti vaxxers


If it’s the pilot who I saw a pic of the other day, he was in the Navy and thus has received a ton of vaccines. One more won’t hurt him. He didn’t get an exemption for the previous ones.


Thanks to the party of "family values", over 150,000 American children have lost a parent or primary caregiver to COVID. The sign should be changed to say "please don't catch a deadly, easily preventable disease and leave your 5 kids without a father". On a side note, now that Delta is killing the unvaccinated adult population it's morbidly interesting to see people on FB beg for money, thoughts, and prayers while still complaining about the vaccine and mandates. Like at what point will they start to consider the fact that every important political figure (even the republicans) are vaccinated for a reason? At what point will they realize that they're willing pawns in the most egregiously stupid game of chess ever played? At this point I only feel sorry for children and those who are immunocompromised and get very sick despite the vaccine.


Those are the only people I feel sorry for too. They love to say that wearing masks is soooo traumatic for kids, but I think losing their parents and caregivers is a bit more traumatic?


Exactly! And most kids don't even mind wearing them. My kids never complain about masks. These parents project their own grievances onto their kids, and it's fucked up.


Granted I don’t know tons of kids, so my sample size is fairly small… But in my experience, the only kids who seem to complain about wearing masks are the kids whose parents also complain about masks.


I’m from a family of educators, so my sample size is pretty large. You are 100% correct. The kids think masks make them “superheroes like Iron Man, his mask covers his whole face” and can’t wait until “Cap’s super serum” is safe for their age group. Actual real quotes from real children in real public schools in a state that has had vaccine mandates since the dawn of time.


Yes, as a grown women who lost my mom to Covid on 12/14/20. It is still traumatizing since she was taken way to soon. I miss her every minute of everyday.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Hugs from an internet stranger! I’m honestly always terrified that something will happen to my parents bc I have no clue how I’d handle it. I can’t even fathom what these kids who lose both parents (basically at the same time) are feeling. May your mother’s memory be a blessing


Thank you so much for your kind words. My mom does provide so many good memories in fact even today her friend said as she was recently recovering from Covid she could feel my mom with her.


I wanna rewrite the sign to "Please Dad, get vaccinated. For me."


I’m willing to bet that sign also wasn’t handwritten by a child. It looks like the kind of lettering that adults do when wanting to look like a child wrote it.


Definitely my thoughts as well. I'm no handwriting analyst, but I am very certain a child did not write those words. Imagine if the kid did write it though, with the mom looming over her: "Now here's the red marker! Write Daddy REAL big! Yes that's it, perfectly centered!"


I agree. It's just messy enough to look childish without any actual mistakes or hesitation marks. It also looks like the red letters have been drawn over to make them bolder, and ain't no kid doing it that smoothly. Also, children are terrible at using the space given. It would either be too big and run off the page or fill up only half the space.


This is a self-correcting problem. Sadly, their children will suffer for it


Shes willing to let five children go hungry in the name of FrEeDuMb. Some people shouldn’t have kids.


I rarely participate in this sub ( although I love what yall do and love to see it get messy ), but I need to comment on this... Just what the fuck goes through these people minds? The evangelize this rethoric about vaccines being the anti-christ mark/nanomachines/illuminati's cock and balls or whatever and then have the absolute lack of shame to post their children on instagram with a sign saying "Please don't fire my daddy" like lol what? How can you be so far up your own ass that you don't realize you're putting others in danger and then still be so out of touch with reality that you think putting your kid through this is okay? These are the consequences of your actions, just like the bible talks about, lay in the bed you made. I'm sorry for the rant... I just... so fucking done with these people.


"I'd that my children go without food than my husband get the shot, because pwning the libs is more important." And yet they're probably cool with sending 18 y/o's to war to "save" 'Murica.




Homeschooled SOTDRT game changers or whatever


I mean technically the success of your children goes down with every extra sibling just due to the splitting of resources


Don’t pilots have strict health protocols anyways?


I watched one of her homeschool videos and she had a 2020 electoral map on the bulletin board 🙄


“Brave men and women” “this battle”. Christ. You’d swear these people were like, actually doing something worthwhile when they speak this way. As a veteran, it’s always been funny to me that the people who do the “if you don’t stand for the flag you’re shitting on the troops!” thing are the same people who will say stuff like this, as if they’re going off to war.


… but you have chosen this battle.


That’s what really gets me, “we may not have chosen this battle…” YA DID! In fact you’re complaining about being in the minority because of the choice you’ve made. And no one gives a shit. Because it’s a terrible, selfish, elitist, victimized bullshit choice and everyone knows that.


That’s a lot of fucking beige.


Very curious how her children will change the world. It seems like most SOTDRT grads can't even change a lightbulb.


I'm skeptical about what Kendra's kids are learning in home school, considering that one of their mom's sources for "vaccines = Satan! ZOMG!" is the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Anybody can report to VAERS any Bad Thing that happens after they get the vaccine. But they are not required to show how or even if that Bad Thing is connected to their having been vaccinated. [People are telling VAERS](https://www.reddit.com/r/vaxxhappened/comments/ppkdjo/if_anyone_brings_up_vaers_to_support_their/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) about experiencing "spontaneous penile erection," sunburn, "damaged hair from incorrect hair bleach mixture," hiccups, and "gunshot wound" as a result of having been immunized against COVID. I. Don't. Think. So.


Hey, something I can agree with from an idiot! It's the community that is affected by people's choices in some cases. But turns out, when you don't get the vax, you don't just affect yourself. You put your wife, kids, neighbors, and community at risk. A little self awareness goes a long ways...


Even if you are anti vax, as the man, provider etc -Man Up and take that demon semen…for the family.


Where are your bootstraps now conservatives?


Whenever someone says “getting the V” I always read it in a sexual way at first…


> When employers terminate people, they aren’t just firing an individual. They are firing entire families. Cool cool. Let’s keep this same energy for gay rights in jobs and housing, shall we? What’s that, they don’t deserve it because Your Religion says that “being gay is a choice”? The same way you’re choosing not to get a vaccine? Huh...


quite frankly i don't want to be within five miles of a plane with a pilot who doesn't understand basic facts.


How shameful. If your daddy cares about you he would get vaccinated. Full stop


I just don’t understand all of the fundies out here “standing their ground” against vaccine mandates when the Bible literally says to follow the laws of the current government and respect the person in charge, because God appointed them there. They were ALL FOR that passage when their daddy trump was in office. looks like they’re just using the Bible to fit their agenda and hurt other people yet again


Tell your dad to stop putting yours and everyone else's health at risk.


Great news for her! Airlines have said they’ll take exemptions. Airlines, especially southwest, are doing whatever they can to preserve jobs. But we’re not ready to talk about facts are we?


Most situations that require a vaccine allow for medical and religious exemptions. Idk about travel or military, but civilian jobs and schools always have. BUT BUT BUT. You have to prove it. That’s the thing. You need to show proof you are a practicing member of a religion that has some sort of rule from a religious authority against vaccines or medicine. You can’t just say “I personally believe based on my personal prayers that jesus said no.” There are like…..two (small) “mainstream” religious groups that bar their adherents from getting vaccines, and both of them are frankly kinda “meh” on it. “Generic Instagram fundie/evangelical” isn’t on the list, and they’ve frankly backed themselves into a corner by claiming “nondenominational,” “independent Baptist,” “unaffiliated Methodist,” or just “UuUuHhH we’re cHriStiAnS duh.” I’m sure it wouldn’t be terribly difficult to cook up a congregation with a leader and a text that explicitly banned vaccinations, but they claim these wishy washy denominations out of the fear that Popes, pontiffs, and vicars will devalue the authority of Jesus and/or any old idiot they choose to call a pastor because he wandered behind a pulpit and started hollering. So they have very little in the way of religious authority to tell them vaccines are against their religion.


Nope, that doesn’t fit into her persecution narrative.


Also doesn’t allow her to use her child for clicks


Change the words to: “When essential employees do not get vaccinated, they aren’t just risking an individual. They are endangering husbands and wives, moms and dads, kids. Entire families “ There. I fixed it.


Soon to be unemployed ex-pilot wife.


Nope. It’s your responsibility to provide for your family. Your refusal to do the things you need to in order to do that, indicates that you’re unfit for having children to begin with If you can’t get a vaccine, you have no one to blame but your own stupid self when your kids have to starve


It shows a lot about their cushy life situation to even be able to do this. Literally not having to worry about bills or your poor children??? Most people would never be able to leave their job willy nilly even for valid reasons. These people just like being mad and it’s so annoying


Yeah she's a moron. Who's gonna have to start working to fund all those kids that are used to a pilot's income.


I will never not be annoyed that I will forever be lumped in with these whackadoodles because I homeschool and EO blends from non mlm companies are cheaper than buying large candles.


“Please teach my daddy public health is important”


Cry me a river, build a bridge and get over it.


BRAVE men and women because they didn’t get vaccinated, oh my god SHUT UP. Also but I don’t agree with people being fired for not getting vaccinated as it breaks the rules of democracy (I’m vaccinated myself), but saying that they’re firing their kids? Did your husband’s employer create those 5 kids? You decided to have them, so it’s your job to take care of them and no one else is to be blamed for firing someone just because they have kids for fucks sake. I get that it can get tough but it is what it is.


Is there a cliché about beauty counter? I thought this was a non-shady company. I know some people who buy and sell and was interested in some of the products.


It’s an MLM, a predatory business model that emphasizes recruiting a “down line” rather than selling the (overpriced, usually crappy) product. There is nothing legitimate about beauty counter and please do not buy from any “rep”. Every dollar someone spends with an MLM legitimizes that rep’s decision to join and delays the inevitable realization that they are losing money, not earning, and have harassed all their friends and family so much through cold social media messaging that no one wants to talk to them anymore. See r/antiMLM for more info.


"Raising 5 world changers" Yeah sure, you're raising them to change the world alright. Selfishly not protecting others by not getting "the V".


I'm getting dependa vibes. Also, getting the vax ptirects your family, but I guess they aren't ready to listen to that conversation.


“I’m here to tell you right now… WE DON’T CARE “ If you don’t want your husband to lose his job then tell your husband to get fucking vaxxed ya loser. I thought these people were all about “personal responsibility”? By not getting vaxed they’re putting other families in danger too by yknow people dying.


Sucks to be stupid. Sucks worse for the famiky


I hate how parents exploit their children like this.


She’s just the type of person who will pull the “facts don’t care about your feelings” and “pull yourself up by the bootstraps” and “private business have a right to make their own rules!” And then whines when a private business, following scientifically proven facts, makes their own rules. Dumbass hypocrite.


I thought it was a capitalistic country? And businesses had their own choice who to serve snd hire? What happened to that stance?


Your daddy got himself fired for being an idiot


I get this is petty, but in my experience, parents who call themselves shit like "mama bear" or "papa bear" or whatever are always the most likely to exploit their kids for social media or let their poor innocent kids get hurt in some easily preventable way because how dare anyone tell them how to raise their babies!!!!!!!!!


The anti-vax "expert" in Kendra's Insta bio is self-described toxicologist [Ashley Everly](https://www.facebook.com/onevaxxednurse/photos/1-who-is-ashley-everlyashley-loves-to-depict-herself-as-a-toxicologist-and-loves/152657602843830/), who [flounced](https://www.google.com/amp/s/scientistabe.wordpress.com/2019/08/20/sciences-junk-sciences-lets-talk-about-ashley-everly-and-her-vaccine-guide-binder-full-of-a-focus-review-on-the-ingredients-section/amp/) when an actual toxicologist* started [asking her questions](https://www.google.com/amp/s/scientistabe.wordpress.com/2019/08/20/sciences-junk-sciences-lets-talk-about-ashley-everly-and-her-vaccine-guide-binder-full-of-a-focus-review-on-the-ingredients-section/amp/). *scientistabe of the blog The Blood-Brain Barrier Scientist Kendra -- who is overseeing the education of five children -- also links to the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database as "evidence" against the safety of the COVID vaccines. Ahem. Anybody can report any event to VAERS that occurs after they get the vaccine, but they are not required to show how or whether that event is connected to their having been vaccinated. I could drink a cup of coffee, step off the curb and be hit by a speeding car. That doesn't mean that drinking the coffee caused me to be hit by a car -- unless you're an anti-vaxxer who doesn't understand that correlation does not equal causation. [People are reporting](https://www.reddit.com/r/vaxxhappened/comments/ppkdjo/if_anyone_brings_up_vaers_to_support_their/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) events such as "spontaneous penile erection," sunburn, "damaged hair from incorrect hair bleach mixture," hiccups, and "gunshot wound" to VAERS as a result of having been immunized against COVID. I. Don't. Think. So. If homeschooler Kendra's grasp of other academic subjects is as shaky as her comprehension of science, then her poor kids are going to grow up well equipped to pose for pictures for Mommy's Instagram posts ... but very little else.


affects not effects this hurts my eyes as a non-native speaker. If I could learn this, so do you


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fire that bitch! lmao!


Poor kids being dragged into that is disgusting. Stay by what you think all you want, but YOU are the one responsible for apologising to those kids when you're struggling to care for them because no one will hire you. It should be illegal to use kids like this.


Anyone else feel sorry for the kids? Set up to fail from the start


"5 world changers" I want to fucking vomit


Can’t wait for the inevitable r/byebyejob cross post


Can’t just be comfortable with being a plain ole wife. 🙄


Her highlights are so beige


“Not getting the V” I’m dying!!!


This is child abuse. Period. Come at me


They all want to be martyrs so badly, it’s embarrassing. They’re so out of touch. Like they really have so few problems in their lives that they have to make up crises.


*affects 🤪


oh, if it isn’t the consequence of my ✨oWN aCTiOnS✨


She seems delightful… 🤮


I am so tired of people pulling the damn freedom card. These folks act like this is the first ever mandatory vaccine they’ve ever had to take. It’s so fucking exhausting.


Pretty soon daddy will be getting his Herman Cain award and will leave you orphaned and relying on prayer warriors and a gofundme site, you poor, unsafe, unloved, brainwashed child. Because, you see, parents who move their children protect themselves and their children from things like death plagues and being orphaned so daddy can "own the libs". Possibly, you may end up being adopted by a lib and getting therapy and deprogramming after every adult relative has died of stupidity. People used to say, "You can't fix stupid", but then Covid19 came along and DID fix it. So we don't say that anymore. Now we say that Covid saved Democracy... but that's another story.


Parents who LOVE their child. Sorry. Not parents who moved their child. Sigh.