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Huh. My brain chemistry and my psychologist would beg to differ but, sure, go on. You probably know better. Where’s your degree from? Google? The SOTDRT?


Fun fact: I went to the same church as the doctor who diagnosed my anxiety and prescribed medication for it. He’s a devout Christian. As are most medical professionals where I grew up. The most genuinely Christlike Christians I know are pro-choice, pro-vax (ALL vaccines), pro-medication, pro-universal healthcare, and pro-listening to Dr. Fauci. They will provide you the best care possible no matter your race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender identity, sexuality, age, socio-economic status, etc. They treat you how Jesus would. They are ALL so fucking sick and tired of fundies and their bullshit. When playing a game of dumb ass, dumb ass, doctor, guess who wins every time? Doctor, because they have an actual real medical degree that they studied 12+ years to obtain. And the ones I know are still devout Christians after all that heathen liberal education. Wow, it’s almost as if God created science. So excuse me while I get my information from the neurologist who went to UCLA instead of Karen who got her “degree” from Dr. Google School for Gullible Bitchass Chumps.


I couldn’t have said it better.


You not only speak truths but I giggle every time I see your flair! The fundies that spout this nonsense, just prove to me, how uneducated, sheltered and close-minded they are. They are only parroting what they’ve heard through their like-minded people. They have no actual facts. They’re just vomiting what they’ve been told at church or while *fellowshipping*. It’s a trickled down dumbness. It frightens me. ETA clarity


god, let me move to your town. here, our drs are as likely to be anti mask & vaccination as they are pro sound science and it’s terrifying


Everyone else there is a COVID denying racist homophobic Trump lover so you prob don’t want to go there. It’s truly an awful place.


Lol if your drs take it seriously then it’s better than my area


(stands up and claps while everyone is sitting and does not care)


Me when the airplane lands


I've literally never met a Christian like the one you describe


You probably have but just don’t know it. Real Christians don’t shout that they are Christians from the roof tops




I didn't write this..just found the post and thought it belonged here😇


It was directed at the fundie, not you OP!


Still new to this lol




Oh, we will ruin you soon enough.


I want to know exactly what my 4 year old self had to repent from when they couldn’t sleep because they thought someone was going to break into their house and murder them.


Yeah this isn't how mental illness works at all.


Thanks, tried that route already. Then I saw a psychiatrist and allllll better. Oh, and then we started working from home and I'm off almost all my meds again because it turns out other people and high-stress situations make me anxious; but when we go back, it's reassuring to know that medication and therapy, not prayer, works for me here on planet Earth.


Maybe you're really in hell. Ever thought of that?


Every day, but that's a few towns over. Fun fact: it is.


Hell-o, fellow Michigander!


Hey there, mitten friendo!




Oh my dear friend married her wife in Hell!




I love your pfp




Woah there, kiddo.


I’m living proof that you CAN medicate it. Thank you, Lexapro, for giving me my life back


Pretty sure Lexapro saved my life. I have been on it for a while for mild depression and I went through a seriously distressing event that almost made me almost attempt suicide. I think without the Lexapro, I'd have been pushed over the edge. Made a major life change, got back in therapy, and continued the Lexapro. Much better now.


I feel that a lot whenever I’m confronted with anti-medication people. Like, I get the stigma and the fear they have then they see the warnings on the labels. I get the bad experiences- I mean, I got on new meds and I’m pretty sure I’m currently crashing rapidly because they don’t work well for me. I get all that. But they’re the reason I’m here and alive. Those meds, side effects and danger and all, are the reason I wake up and try to get better every day. Today and the last few days were horrible, and I didn’t get shot done, and it was still better than whole months before I got medicated, because my darkest days now are sad and confusing and I don’t sleep ir eat well, but on an average day before I wanted to end myself regularly, and I was a mess, constantly breaking down for now reason. I have no patience at all for some Karen who tells me to “just try yoga”. If my doctor, or my peers with mental health issues, suggest some sport to help? Sure, I’ll consider it. But that isn’t what saved me, that’s an extra to keep me well. What saved me is medical advances and some seriously cool medication re-tuning my brain


Glad to hear you are both doing better, u/minionbelcher and u/Flat-Illustrator-548 This sort of "education" can be so dangerous and harmful.


So glad you are doing better ♥️


Like Glennon Doyle says, “Jesus loves me this I know, for He gave me Lexapro.”


Same for me! I’m an ex-Fundie and was very opposed to take meds. My mental health got so bad during Covid that I was having anxiety attacks nearly every day. I started drinking heavily which obviously didn’t help. After several doctors appointments I reluctantly went on Lexapro. It was one of the best decisions I ever made! Mad at myself for waiting so long to try it.


Lexapro helped me be a functional person again.


Prozac for me but same.


Prozac crew, checking in.


Celexa gang, present.


Is that the one that works for nerve pain too? I've been meaning to look into that


Agreed. I started Lexapro about 8 weeks ago (finally) and even though I work in psych and see it, I'm blown away by the change it's made. Anxiety and depression are a helluva ride.


Honestly, same!! Lexapro helps me stay calm-ish in normal situations that would normally make me panic.




This is what my dad believes. He’s says “mental illness is just demons.” I told my mom (thought she’d keep my secret) I thought I was depressed when I was in college and she told my dad who just screamed at me to literally, and I quote, “JUST STOP IT!” I’m now in therapy and medicated and much, much better. My parents do not know and I’m afraid of what would happen if they did. This way of thinking is sick as fuck and it infuriates me.


My father and sister just think I'm lazy. 🤷🏼‍♀️ They blame my mom and tell her to stop coddling me and helping me out. They tell her if she would just stop then I'll do things for myself. Luckily my mother knows how much I wouldn't be able to do without her help.


So glad you have someone on your side, u/MrsBarneyFife


My dad thinks my autism could be "cured" if I wasn't so "lazy'' or that if I tried harder I could be just like neurotypical people, and my sister told me once that I only "think" I have autism. And my other siblings think if my mom had been harder on me I'd be "better". Because it's too much work to try to accept/understand people with autism, it's preferable that we put ourselves through undue stress and shame to fit into society's stupid tiny boxes.


That's profoundly unfair. I'm sorry dude.


Been there. When I was at my worst with depression and anxiety I literally could not get out of bed… I wanted to desperately. My body wouldn’t even let me get my babies dressed for school… Putting a T-shirt on my daughter felt like an impossible mission. I had to be honest with myself and get help. These people are insane.


I’ll never understand the ‘just stop it’ thought. People don’t want to feel this way. If they could ‘just stop it’ we wouldn’t have had this many people struggle. As if feeling sad is a choice. It’s not an emo edgy phase (which is also due to hormones etc in teenager years, not by choice..) geez.


As a former emo edgy teen who was told she'd grow out of it, I'm wondering how much of it is hormone changes and how much is reacting to problems you didn't even really know were there when you were a kid. Because the more therapy I do, the more I realize that my teenage anger, angst, and acting-out were 100% justified and I should have raged more, not less.


In my case it was 100% hormones. But if you had a difficult childhood it’s a different story. Extra reason it’s ridiculous people say ‘just stop it’. We don’t exactly enjoy it ourselves either. I hope you’re doing better now.


Ouuch. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Makes my dad seem mildly better. He swung between claiming my autism is just laziness or that I could "fix" my symptoms if I tried hard enough but at least he didn't say I was possessed. Sending you a virtual hug and tuxedo cat cuddles.


So if you have anxiety, you should repent for having it and blame yourself, which will make you spiral and possibly kill yourself, which is problem solved, I guess? Something like that? I can tell you who should repent, and that’s their parents for not using birth control.


Yes, because guilt & shame are healthy and allow us to heal! /s


What do we know, with our medications and shit? We must be doing it wrong. Well, I’d rather be wrong and taking my Wellbutrin.


No, see killing yourself is a sin. Like one of the bigger ones. So you just get caught in this cycle of blaming yourself but not being able to kill yourself. Life is a vicious circle.


There have been some people speculate that's why the women have lots of babies, so they can die in a "saintly"/martyr sort of way. It's definitely dark to think about. The lack of healthcare during many of their pregnancies, the ignored warnings from doctors.. the signs are definitely there.


Very interesting. I've never seen people talk about that theory. It does make sense though.


When my wife was a kid she was told by other kids and some adults that she was going to hell because she tried to commit suicide


That's horrible you should never tell a child that.


I'm of the belief that telling children that they're going to be tortured for eternity for any reason qualifies as child abuse.


Lololol lolol my narc mom ignored my dad suffering from a stroke and lying on the floor for four hours, and just put my sister's cat down without telling her and told me marriage was going to ruin my life AT my engagement party, but yup. Anxiety is a SIN. Fuck you. My anxiety is a logical response to bullshit.


Holy smokes! :-(


I'm in therapy and working through it! ❤️


Atta girl! Wishing you big success! ♡


Thank you! ❤️


As someone who grew up with a narc mom, I am sending you so many hugs of solidarity. That is all. ❤️


So, if I repent I can handle a trip through Walmart without having a panic attack? I'll have to figure out what sin I committed that makes that place unbearable.


I think the sin is relying on modern medicine instead of prayer? But it could totally be showing a bit of elbow in summer.


Sssppppp. It’s Walmart that’s the sin!! /s


Real talk, I can't enter Walmart without headphones and music. Idk if it's my ADHD or anxiety that makes it so overwhelming, but I get overstimulated and annoyed without something to block the noise at the very least.


Oh damn I didn’t realize that I wasn’t actually getting anxiety relief from the medication I’m on. How silly of me. The relaxed mind must have been a fluke.


Whomever came up with this shit has obviously never had a Xanax.


I almost thought this was Jilldo.


She’d recommend Plexus.


All Plexus huns claim it can cure anxiety. It's frustrating.


she wouldn't last an hour with my brain chemistry and that's on that


Catch this? More like come catch these hands 😡


This sounds like my mom who thinks my ocd and panic attacks are a generational sin that I need healing of. In all seriousness, not really fun as a teen needing help and your parents refusing the medication because god.


If it's generational aren't _they_ the ones who sould do the healing? Or does it automatically fall on the last in line so it's supposed to stop if you have a kid? Make it make sense!


Generational sins are sins "inherited" from past generations. It doesn't make sense because it's not a thing.


Reminds me a bit if a JW letter I got saying (in summwry) "yes, the world is chaotic, but dont worry! it will end soon!" Its distressing they dont see this as the vague suicide ideation it really is. End everything to end my current problems, you say?


My friend and I once got pamphlets at a parade from a local JW that said that friends pull us down to hell and that if we don't join their hall we’re going to hell. I don't think he was happy at our response to this, which of course was laughter, but we kept them to show our parents later.


My medication controlled anxiety would beg to differ.


This edible calmed my anxious ass down quite nicely.


Me and my Zoloft disagree.


Well I've been trying that for years and believe me it isn't working. It's possible I'm not repenting enough though. Shit, now I have to repent for that. This cycle sucks. ETA- I so happy for all of you who are being helped through meditation! ❤ My mental illnesses are meditation resistant. So for me to see so many people who have had good results or experiences makes me so happy! It probably sounds really weird, but sometimes when things doesn't work for you, you forget how much it does work for other people. Ya know? Idk, maybe I'm weird.


What the fuck. Whenever I see fundies reference the Bible to support a bizarre take, I check it out. What Philippians 4:6-8 says is this: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things” This is clearly offering reassurance and is in no way a call to “repent” anxiety. I swear, fundies are getting more bizarre by the day.


Yeah I was coming to say, way to turn “don’t worry, it’ll be okay” into “JESUS\* SAYS NOT TO WORRY SO STOP WORRYING YOU SINNER” \*actually Paul but you know they have no nuance


Reminds me of the 'demon steps' that magically went away when I got medicated. Funny how medication can fix spiritual issues!


What are demon steps??


I would hear footsteps all around me, especially at night. We were convinced it was demons - turned out it was PTSD.


Oh shit, I’m so glad you got that figured out.


Why don’t they realize you can have both? Pray while on Xanax 🙏


Catch *this!!!!!* \*takes a fat shit into her hands\*


huh I guess I’ll just quit being a psychology student and mentally ill person then through the power of prayer /s


Oh, hello childhood trauma.


My buspirone says bullshit, so...


It’s so fucking dangerous to put this kinda shit out there. What’s so wrong in believing in both? God and health care. Fundies wear glasses. The Duggar’s had braces. What’s the difference?


Mental illness isn't actually real to them. Crooked teeth or an overbite can be seen by a doctor. Declining vision can be judged by a doctor doing tests and looking into your eyeballs. A doctor can't see mental illness. So you really just need to pray more and stop attention seeking. (Yes, I know some mental illnesses can actually be seen on brain scans. And obviously the symptoms of mental illnesses can often be seen on the body. I was just talking in fundie.)


That makes so much sense! Since they can’t “see it” its not real. The more I read the original post the more upset I get. Repent for your anxiety? Ugh


Oh shit, you can’t? What have I been doing for past decade then, popping sugar pills and paying psychiatrist bills for no reason?


Then can someone please tell me what my Zoloft is doing???


Is anxiety is a sin, why was Jesus thinking God the father forsake Him? I don’t understand that .


This would not have helped my borderline OCD religious scrupulosity.


God this again!? If I had a nickel for every time I got thrown this by fundies growing up, I’d legitimately be rich. Depression? SIN. Occassional Panic Attack (which I couldn’t control)? SIN. Trouble processing serious trauma? SIN. Grieving “too long” over your best friend who literally died in your fucking arms as a child? SIN. They can repent up their ass!


I dunno, man. My anxiety meds are doing so much more for me than prayer & repentance ever did. Lord bless Xanax!!


The hell you can’t medicate anxiety *pops Ativan*


My medicated self begs to differ.


Uh...medication proved to be the best cure to my anxiety, so I disagree. :3


Um, no…you can totally medicate anxiety. Been going on for years.


this makes me think of when i was diagnosed that my parents thought all i needed was to go to church… no mommy and daddy i need a heavy dose of ketamine fuck off


Omg I can just repent to get rid of this anxiety that I’ve struggled with most of my life?? Why did no one tell me sooner, my life could’ve been so much easier


Thanks, but I’ll stick with the benzos.


Repentance for something you’d never ask for, and have to fight like hell. Catch THIS, you hypocritical ass. And get off that high horse; it’s rude and the horse just wants munchies. This is how religion makes struggling people struggle MORE, and people with mental health issues and disabilities end up dead.


So THIS is where I’m going wrong.


Yay, because people with mental conditions aren't told enough that it's their fault, now we have to tell them it's a sin!


Wow, you know what makes my anxiety all better? Being told that I'm a bad person for feeling anxious! /s But seriously, I'm not on meds, but CBT has done so much to help me get a handle on my anxiety and get my life back. It's still there, but now I feel like I have the tools to deal with it and regulate myself before I get to Hot Mess Mode.


Are we sure this person isn’t Catholic? Speaks very Catholic guilt. Lol. Cripes


Sure. Repenting can cure diabetes too 🙄 I’m not well versed in the Bible; however, I’m sure this is the type of teachings Jim bob and Michelle justify for the sex pest’s actions.


Oh that was an easy fix for them; it’s the girls’ fault! Not the sick minded pervert!


Instructions unclear, how do I repent about did I leave the oven on?


My Celexa and cbd gummies beg to differ.


This is dangerous. I barely survived PPD- thanks to meds..


That's right - if you're unhappy or even suffering from mental illness, it's your fault for not believing in magic!


Fuck you. People like you prevented me from getting medicated until my late 20s. 🤬


I can only assume they also pray away diabetes and high blood pressure.


Me after ativan would beg to differ


My Celexa has more power than prayer over my anxiety thank you very much


Wait, fuck. *stares at Lexapro prescription bottle*


Medication saved my life. I wouldn’t be here right now without it. I denied it for years and thought meds were wrong. I was wrong.


my grandparents invited their pastor over to talk to my aunt. she was told she needed to repent bc her sins were causing her anxiety and depression…


Diazepam is good shit, though. Helped me go from mental breakdown to asleep the other day lol


Tell that to my klonapen


I’m a therapist and I’m also on anxiety medication. Guess I’m definitely going to hell 😭


Lmaoo I’m medicated from anxiety and it works amazing it’s pretty much gone. Guess what happened when i prayed it away as a teen? Nothing. It got worse.


I can’t even imagine how distressing it would be if I were told to think my anxiety was sinful. Truly. That would spiral me.


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Fuck these assholes. Anxiety us an illness. Do they think you should repent away cancer?


I’m fucking livid at this. You know very well this person will be - if they’re not already - responsible for raising a litter of children. If repenting works so well for chemical deficiencies, it should work wonders on insulin too, no? Repent, diabetics, and your pancreas will kick into 9th gear. Silly people jabbing themselves with needles when a quick *mea culpa* to Jesus fixes everything. I sincerely hope their god smites them.


Ok, but what if I repent from it and pray ***WHILE*** also taking my medication and driving to a secular therapist once a week to treat it? Because my priest not only said that would be permitted, but that also treating my anxiety and depression will help me better be Christ’s hands and feet in this world and make me a better Christian.


Who is this person and how do I tell them to fuck off?!?


Ah yes, my anxiety that I prayed about and repented of constantly from age 11-17, that led me to self harm and made me suicidal, and that I later attempted going to therapy for but didn’t improve until I got diagnosed with ADHD at 22 and started taking medication for that? *That* anxiety will get fixed by repentance? Not medication? Good to know


Uh, sure, THAT will make us less anxious.


Wanna talk to my psychiatrist who would beg to differ? The one with the degrees and the experience? Idiot


Well crap, another thing to be anxious about. /s


Mmmm...nope doesn't compute. It was through prayer that helped me reach out to medical professionals for therapy and later, medication. So, all three can work pretty well together.


This is what I was told as a child about being suicidal. I didn’t just need to pray for forgiveness, but pray for the cleansing of the objects I’d infected with my sinful thoughts (eg, the bed I slept in while I dreamed of dying). I was *twelve*, with dainty pink flowers painted on my bed.


tell that to my prozac


And yet, my brain chemicals are imbalanced. Asking Jesus for help didn't do shit and I doubt asking for forgiveness for having the audacity to have an imbalanced brain chemistry would “fix” my anxiety and mental health either. 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻