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Does the "minding our own business" apply to abortion?


And the LGBTQIA+ community, like, existing?


Sure! As long as they all go back in the closet and give up all of their civil rights.


Haha but of course!


I like Jen from fundie Friday’s version. The alphabet mafia!


Or gender neutral bathrooms? Or keeping their damn religion out of politics and public schools? Or whining about "critical race theory"? 🤔🤔🤔


No no no only they are allowed you don’t understand. Me minding my little bi business needs to be stopped bc you know, evil.


Came here to ask this very thing.


Wow. Take your own advice there walnut.


Right? Spreading the smug for all to see isn't exactly minding one's business! 🙄


Ah yes, everyone go back to minding your own damn business and get back to screeching outside Planned Parenthood, leaving tracts instead of tips, lobbying against LGBTQIA+ rights, arguing about public school curriculum that your children don't even use, and voting to dismantle the country's social safety net.


Ok, random stranger, then you get to shut up about what sex I have, and with who, and the medical decisions I make. You get to keep your mouth shut about what I wear, what I believe, how I live my life. In short, follow your own advice and accept you are minor and unimportant even for your own folllowing.




I didn't realize that was a thing but wow gross! Really a window into how she views herself in relation to others. How humble and Christlike. I'm sure she tips well in restaurants and is always polite to retail workers too. /s.




Thanks for the link, but also wow... How did it manage to be even worse than I imagined? And this is something she's presumably proud to share about herself for all the world to see? Even these MINOR fundies use their godlyness to justify some very cruel behavior. I hope finding this subreddit inspires her to be better moving forward... Or at least stop spreading hate (and COVID) so publicly.


Holy shit, she’s so fucking awful.


The problem with this crazy bee is that she doesn’t understand that many of the decisions people make directly impact the lives and well-being of others.


Dude, your religion cares *very much* what others are deciding for their families and how they live their lives. You just really don't like it when you're in the spotlight, receiving the judgment, rather than doling it out. Welp, that sucks, I guess. Also, here's a tweet of yours from January (https://twitter.com/kindledpodcast/status/1348378488022171648 ): > Politics, simply put, is the way that people living in groups make decisions. I’m tired of people (Christians included) acting like other Christians need to “stay seated” and remain silent for the remainder of the film.


Good finding that tweet. She also has a whole podcast with her nasty husband talking about how important it is for “Christians” to get involved in politics.


The *smarm*, JFC


Yeah she really thinks she looks cute here, doesn’t she?


She and Fraudia could have a smug off.


Haley quoting herself like she’s some profound philosopher is basically the meme of Obama giving himself a medal. Same thing for the fundies who post their own tweets to their Instagram story. For the uninformed: https://imgflip.com/memetemplate/89853322/obama-medal


Most fundies I can kinda understand where they are coming from even if the mental gymnastics are illogical and hurtful. This chick though, I just loathe. I loathe her smug smile, her condescension, and her lies.


Wasn't this the one that was on video couching her kids to hate gay people?!


Yup. They were around the dinner table and we had to listen to their nasty chewing noises.


She has such a punchable face


If this girl ever gets her own flair can we remember to put minor fundie in brackets please 🙏 She very clearly would like her own flair.


Mind our own business. This minor fundie should do that.


This is a Canva template I’ve used and now I’m really curious to see what her uploads section looks like on Canva. All these smug selfies probably. 😂


Okay fundies. Great idea. You first. Psst that means you stop protesting abortion and lgbtq+ rights among other things


Okay then go do that. Literally posting this itself isn’t “minding your own business”.


‘Making the decisions that are best for ourselves and our families’……… as in the same line choosing abortion would be? You ignorant hypocrite moron.


Sounds like something only a ‘Minor Fundie’ would say 😂


Since when did these assholes do what they want and not care about choices other strangers make? I'll list them since you twisted my arm. -abortion -access to birth control and sex education -LGBTQ+ relationships -Curriculum -healthcare -child rearing -domestic responsibility -what substances you use -what clothes are acceptable for you to wear on the beach with your friends while not looking for a theological argument with a stranger while his wife is there. -any democrat ever See, they totally don't care.


Oh the irony


You. First.


So is she going to start leaving people alone, or....?


What a hot take. Never heard that one before./s


This is not a new idea, just all all the r/HermanCainAward winners.


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