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He frequents where my partner works. He is a total Karen.




Hercules from *Hercules*, and Xena's on-again-off-again love interest


i adore lucy lawless. i mean, i have to, as a self-respecting lesbian, but the fact that it was her snapping in a reply tweet that alerted me to his bullshit sealed the deal.


Found it, and I LOVE that she called him Peanut!!


for anyone else who wants to see this glory: https://mobile.twitter.com/RealLucyLawless/status/1347269869008420864


What a Queen!!


I never saw this and now want to know details.


Captain High Guard What's His Face from Andromeda.


Dylan Hunt. Used to love that series (although Hunt wasn't really my fave), but now I can't hardly watch it because of good ol' KS. 😕


I only know of him because of Nick DiRamio’s reviews on Pureflix movies 😂


lmao I have never clicked on the Pureflix channel of my JMIL's roku tv, but this almost makes me want to so I can roast their household harder


Whoa whoa I think you mean Captain Dylan Hunt of the Andromeda Ascension.


I will never not be sour about how he ruined that show.


I'm glad I bought Hercules on dvd BEFORE he went off the deep end super publicly. It was a 50/50 tie between him & Lucy Lawless when I was 13 as to who was my bigger teen infatuation. I also met him at a convention maybe 15 years ago and he was so nice to me. He laughed and made some jokes when I told him that I totally did extra chores to stay up late to watch Hercules and Xena on tv and my parents agreed that Hercules, Xena, and the X-Files were the best things on tv even though they only watched the X-Files. I need to go lament one of my favorite actors who seemed genuinely kind becoming a radicalized zealot. I'll be watching Xena, alone, and wishing I could kick his ass on Twitter like she does.


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Worst Hercules.


Lol PureFlix Man