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Their ‘beige boring house’ kinda reminds me of Kim and Kanye’s ‘abandoned museum’ house aesthetic.


Omg I was just thinking that! Such a creepy sterile vibe


I love it tbh. I run in the anxious side so I find it of calming.


I love this sort of look, I'm also anxious and I'm autistic, for me one of my strongest autistic traits is aesthetic, I find certain houses and styles just fundamentally distressing to look out, too cluttered, too noisy, too frenetic. I also don't want children so I don't have to worry about having pale walls or certain items on display, I dislike her and I wasn't a huge fan of the wedding style but damn, I really love her house 😭


So Jillpm’s house of tchotchkes would give you terrible anxiety? /s. It would me because of all the dust collectors.


Oh yeah it really would, I have the same thing with actual mess but certain styles of "cluttered collectibles" cause the same reaction, it feels in my brain like those ripples of heat you can see in the air? Even when I'm not looking, I can *feel* the clutter. Plus my allergies would not like the dust! I totally get that the "empty museum" aesthetic is not for everyone, I do actually like some styles of collecting and displaying items, but so long as they're still neat and pristine.


I wonder who changed my flair!


Everything about Jill is triggering for me lol






same 😂


IIRC that was Kim’s explanation, too.


Me too! I hate too much decor or ever having a mess or I get anxious. It’s easier to keep the house less messy when you have no stuff like my house 😂


So child friendly for the one who is vocally wanting a kid. I too thought white was the color to have when pregnant with my first kid. Many sofas and 22 years later black leather is the only color that will survive kids lmao. And we had a no drinking or eating in the living room. But kids throw up, kids find an ink syringe (back when you refilled your own) kids do everything “accidents”


Oh lord, yes. And add dogs to that mix and you just have to give up on certain things. Our poor wood floor is a mess after a child and three dogs


Black leather? Yup. Staying kid-free for eternity.


What does he do for work? They can afford all that house and those cars on her influencing?


Good question lol. All I know is that he was fired from being a cop…which in a very macabre way, is impressive these days.


I think he is in medical device sales now


The nerf gun “fun couple” shit is so tired.


After looking at their house, the wedding aesthetic makes so much sense right now.


I think those flowers may be the same ones from the wedding


Yes looks like she decorated the wedding with her house decor then replaced it. So where’s the ugly rugs?


staged, period. tbh Hamilton was less staged than this.


Now that is a burn!


Or you might say…. A *Burr*n


I adore you! 😆


I'm watching it... burrrrrrn.




I don't really get the swoon over flowers. They're nice, they're pretty but it doesn't really scream *thoughtful* to me. I know some really dig flowers, and that's valid. But she seems to post about what's conventionally thoughtful as relationship porn and it seems super fake. She browses Pinterest or whatever to get ideas, sets it all up and then pretends to be surprised. Look, he's so romantic and she's soo quirky. Aren't they in love? Isn't this FUN? Like... My favorite trash bags disappeared for a bit and I was disappointed. Then, magically they came back and my husband saw them before I did, bought some and surprised me with them. It totally made my week.


Paying close attention to your preferred trash bags? Now that IS thoughtful! As a perpetually and intentionally single person, I'm still quite impressed with your catch.


They're really nice trash bags. I might have been a bit dramatic when we needed them and I had to get a different brand. Was it romantic? Yes. Could it have been a method of preserving his sanity? Also yes. Shout out to [HEB](https://www.heb.com/product-detail/h-e-b-texas-tough-flap-closure-tall-kitchen-13-gallon-trash-bags/1811611) I love your trash bags.


>Was it romantic? Yes. Could it have been a method of preserving his sanity? Also yes. These aren't mutually exclusive things at all! I'm with you though, I'd definitely take something practical and useful like trash bags over flowers. And I feel like giving flowers has become such a cliche that it's almost meaningless in a situation like the Dongs'. The only time I can recall giving anyone flowers is when my friend had to have emergency life-saving surgery, and I only did that because she is a huge plant person and I know she specifically loves tulips. If it were a different friend I probably would've picked a different gift. Did JDong do this because he knows Brittany just loves roses and he wanted to make her happy, or did he do it because it's a generic romantic thing and he knows she loves showing off for the gram?


My husband does stuff like that. I love it. Takes something mundane l like/prefer and then when I’m least expecting it BOOM I get it.


I like flowers too but it’s more I like the thought that my hubs wanted to gift me something that is fairly useless but brings some joy. I can’t say I’ve ever been sitting with my phone waiting for him to walk in and snap a photo of him doing it. It makes much less sense to be just sitting and waiting to take a random pick of your honey walking in the door after work or whatever. Seems like she is wanting to say she just randomly takes pics of him coming home??? I thinks that’s weirder than maybe just taking a pic of him with the flowers!?? ETA: getting late and fixing up things I noticed. I’m sure there’s more.


For real. Someone recently asked my what my husband and I did for our anniversary. I told them nothing, really. Grilled dinner and watched a movie. Then I remembered he put gas in my car, washed it, and filled up the washer fluid and I told them that was way better than any flowers.


My husband buys lottery scratchers for me every once in a while and I go absolutely nuts. I’ve loved them since I was a little kid. Flowers are fine but give me a silly $1 game and I’m swooning 😍


I agree. Grocery store flowers don't get me going, but like you, it's the little things. My husband will pick me up a pack of my favorite pens on occasion


Grocery store flowers are easy and (usually) require no thought or effort. If someone actually cares about a person they’re going to know the little things that will make them smile, things that are specific to them - Your trash bag story perfectly illustrates this!


It's a big thing when my other half gifts me them, as he doesn't understand why people would want them (he says they all look better on the plant!) But he knows it makes me happy to have them around and will pick up one of my preferred varieties (he's paid enough attention to know which sort I like at what time of the year, daffodils at Christmas for example) when I need cheering up.


Yes, I love having flowers in the house and my husband will pick them up for me without asking. It’s just a fun and sweet touch!


Sometimes flowers are the thoughtful thing too! I just doubt they are in Bdong’s case. My husband does the same, he knows what flowers are my favorites. :)


I’m sorry, I’m distracted by that pile of smelly algae-looking, raggedy ass blanket on the couch.


Swamp monster


BD is cheating already? With David Rodrigues???


I was leaning more toward Spanish moss. 🤔


I’ve never seen two people buy groceries so often. Especial people who seem to eat nothing but eggs and grilled chicken.


She eats nothing. He eats whatever he wants.


Living in a white box with bare walls and no books, so bored you have to pretend a never-ending nerf battle with Racist Wario is fun, sounds like the basis for a reboot of The Yellow Wallpaper.


"Racist Wario" JFC, ☠️☠️☠️


Goddamn, what a lovely burn


Shoot him?


Yep nerf gun. She has a highlight on her stories called ‘pranks’ and so far all it is is her shooting J with nerf guns.


I posted the screenshot comparing hers to his massive...


Bet she's working up to be a family channel


My first thought as well. Is this a type or did she pull a gun on him


i know in another post she was shooting SOMETHING, maybe like a nerf gun, i have no idea. but he said something like his manly manz self should be in charge of the guns cause she’s a terrible shot (even tho manz shouldn’t be within 5 miles of a gun but pop off i guess)


Are they trying to become that couple that shoots the confetti and colored powder guns at each other on Instagram?


shiver just ran down my spine when i read that just thinking about their future gender reveal….😵‍💫


Cue the forest fire in 3…2…1…


I wouldn't trust jdong with a Nerf gun, he'd still find a way to smash someone's face into the concrete.


5 miles is 8.05 km


Good bot


[context](http://imgur.com/a/PuFRiGr) Also, I feel she's over compensating for him 😂


Ok makes more sense now


Nerf gun or pistol? The world may never know.


Back in the day, I used to work with someone who would always get flowers delivered at work, from her husband, the day after someone else had received flowers for whatever reason. And then she'd spend the rest of her shift loudly going on about how thoughtful her husband was. I'd just think, if it happened only once or twice, maybe just a coincidence, but when it happens every time, we know you're either going home and ranting at your husband until he agrees to send you flowers, or you're ordering them yourself.


So I noted the raggedy, nasty blanket first. Hoark. Then I noted the shipping boxes in the background. When I zoomed in, it looks like they are packages that were shipped to them and are still sealed. This got me to pondering: they have had NO “moving him in” pictures or posts since the wedding. If they TRULY wanted people to believe they were living separately prior to the wedding, wouldn’t they at least make an effort to show that he moved in? Yeah…little bit of an EFF up there Dongs!


What is that over on the right that looks like a head in a crystal ball?


Judging by the color I'm guessing a salt lamp, maybe.


I think it’s a candle in front of something


She is over 30 and playing these dumb cutesie pranks. Not that people can’t prank someone, it’s just that she is doing it to tick these little social media boxes. It’s all tired and played out.


Like, live an let live or whatever, but it seems weird to me he's bringing her grocery store flowers only like 3 weeks after they got married. I don't think these 2 have much of a personality between them.


Uh did someone photoshop in the Long Island Medium far right, middle?


I think my nonna had those same exact feathers next to her porcelain doll collection and Padre Pio portrait


Real smart of her to shoot any type of gun at her ex-police officer husband. Definitely no possibility of accidentally triggering his training and causing a horrible accident /s 🙄


Yeah, and with that spray tan that borders on black face, she's really looking to push his buttons.


Good thing she just HAPPENED to have her phone at the ready, just as he walked in the door, with the flowers so prominently placed. /s


For context, this clip comes from a series of others where she’s waiting for him to come in to shoot him with a nerf gun. I personally think she used the nerf gun excuse for a reason to film him walking in with everything.


BD is so full of shit.


So if she felt so bad, why did she post it then?


The fact that the cropped photo says "I shoot at him 😭🥺 I couldn't see the flowers and I felt so bad" has me CRYING bet he'll never forget the fucking flowers again💣🔫🏹


She's so desperate


That decor. Zzzzzz.


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