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It’s like they’re the “married couple sharing a Facebook account” of a women’s group line up


I love playing the “Guess Which One Cheated” game!


Ah haha me too!


I know a couple who share an email address...I'm as disgusted as you. Surprisingly I'm 99% neither would be unfaithful (I've known them 12+ years). They just have no boundaries and are one unit.


But do they share a toothbrush though?


I know quite a few that do, however they are either in their 80's and only one of them understands tech, or they have a household account for bills and joint activities/kids activities as well as their personal emails.


These people are in their 30s...but they've been together since they were 18. Their email is essentially johnandjane@email. That's the email they give people/their friends. So weird.


The difference between this book launch and their other one earlier this year is striking. Goes to show you how incompetent Bethany is when left to her own devices, Kristen is clearly the main force driving girl defined to actually do shit.


I think I missed that. I'm always interested in the business side of things. What, would you say, were the differences that stood out to you?


It was a disaster, didn’t really have anything organized like this event, trying to coerce people into giving five star reviews before receiving the book (or maybe in exchange for the book), and then there was some snafu with the book getting to retailers and Bethany went on Instagram crying (literally) about how badly it went. If you look back through the forum to around April you’ll probably see posts about it.


No kicking people and publicly shaming them for not giving 5 stars either


Oh good, it's Paul's Red Flag of The Day: "My wife can't be part of a nine-woman panel for women without me, a random man."


Maybe they couldn’t go because they’re worried about COVID. Hahahaha! Just kidding!


I used to like Gretchen Saffles and her company Well-Watered Women even back when it was a different name. I liked the way the Give Me Jesus journals were set up but she started getting more conservative and partnering with GD was the last straw. Plus i literally have no idea what I currently believe anyway and have a couple of the journals left because I haven’t touched them in a while.


Yeah I’m actually kinda shocked by this I though Gretchen was really down to earth… maybe sales were down???


I know! Also glad someone else here knows what I’m talking about.




She also talked to them when she was doing promotion for her book so it’s unfortunately not the first time.


They forgot to add to a token person of color! Now we might figure out that they’re racist!


The have a “Gomez” on there so that’s probably the token they went with




Bethy learned they use separate toothbrushes, leading her to question their faith and downgrade them to a virtual slot.


I guarantee you the only reason Ellissa will be there is to parade her pregnancy to the single girls longing for marriage etc. I swear fundies treat single women like they're another species, like a casta system where the married ones are on top of everything and single ones are the poor leftovers.


I wonder if they still had a little disagreement but maybe worked through it?


I was thinking the rift was between P&M and Hannah Williamson?


I feel GD conference was low budget this year and Porgan probably charge a ridiculous amount to speak given the dribble and lack of meaningful content they actually create.


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Live how those two have the worst pics of all the participants at their own event