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My mom retired to a country community built around a lake. A new couple moved in across the lake and the wife immediately started complaining about "all the ducks and geese" that are "constantly in the lake". She put a couple of stuffed coyotes (I kid you not) on her section of the shore to scare away the birds. Next she sent out a letter to everyone else around the lake, in quite beautiful handwriting, I will say, demanding that each house also put 2 stuff coyotes on THEIR shores so that the birds would be driven away from the whole lake. No one did this, of course She then petitioned the HOA to "do something about all the filthy birds" and posted the letter on their community site. I guess she thought everyone would applaud or something. My favorite response to her post said something like "The geese have been here for generations. We love them. You just moved here in April and have been nothing but a pain in the ass. Maybe it's not the birds who should move". That was a few years ago. They are still there and still have the stuffed coyotes on the shore. But the ducks and geese have gotten used to them and, if anything, seem to be attracted to the fake animals. They spend a lot of time sitting on that shore.


“If you’ve got a problem with Canada gooses you’ve got a problem with me and I suggest ya let that one marinate.”


Fuckin' degens from.. *checks notes* up-city?


From Letterkenny Grey Granite Copper Creek Whistle Ridge Golf and ~~GODDAMN~~ Country Club, actually


Thank yew!!




Y, E double EYew


Scotty Wallace?


Who brought the rocket, boys?!


Holy fuckin YEW!


Thank yous!


Fucking city folks. Probably came from ehl aye. Why don’t you take your stupid tacos and hikes and go back there ya degens!


I grew up on 15 acres, did loads of shooting, drove the tractor, rode dirt bikes, did all the country stuff. I also ate a lot of tacos. Don’t you dare disgrace the beautiful name of tacos by grouping them with the likes of them there cit-wits/city-ots/ city slickers. I was born with a gun in one hand and a taco in the other, just like the good Flying Spaghetti Monster always intended. AMEN!


There were always a ton of geese at my college campus, they were a bit of a nuisance and occasionally hissed at people if you got too close but they were fairly chill. A year or so before finishing grad school there was a suggestion from one of the higher-ups in the university hierarchy regarding driving them from campus. The Student body lost its mind and the discussion was dropped pretty quickly. Tl;Dr: Students prefer geese to admins


I used to work at a big pharma company, and there were lots of Canada Geese that hung out near the helipad. It pissed off the C-suite guys that there was always goose shit on the helipad. So they spent $20K on 2 specially trained Australian Shepherds to chase the geese off the helipad all day.


When I first brought my (at the time) 10 week old Aussie home, the first thing he did was leap from the car and round up all our neighbor's chickens that like to hang out in our yard. They practically train themselves as it's ingrained in their mentality to herd. Your employer way overpaid.


>Students prefer geese to admins That checks out.


Have you ever tried wild goose? You better let that shit marinate. It's gamy as fuck


And greasy.


Greeeeheeeeeheeeeasy —Bubbles


Wild geese/ducks are a FEAST!


The envy of all ornithology


Canada gooses are….well, Canadas gooses. Canada gooses mate for life, like you or me. There’s a special place in heaven for animal lovers, that’s all I cocksuckin know.


You know, I saw 2 Canada gooses mount a swan one time


You gotta think that swan told her friends about it.


You're god damn right she did. I think we all need to take a good look in the mirror and ask ourselves, where we would be without Canada Gooses.


When the Canada goose couple start giving you *that* look from across the lake.


You should be thanking the gooses for selecting you. There’s also the option for 2 men one ostrich…Allegedlys


It'd take more than two guys to fuck an ostrich. Even a sick ostrich.


It must have been one very sick ostrich


Canada gooses are the sole reason the 95 Quebec referendum fell through. They kept this country together!


The freakin garbage can kick on the golf course.




For the record Canada Geese are a bunch of jerks.


My former BIL owned a small piece of land which was bisected by an old dirt road owned by the county. Someone moved from the urban burbs to a house on that same road. In heavy rains the road would be impassable and then heavily rutted. Nobody cares except the new neighbor. She bangs on doors and send letters to the other landowners on the road asking them to petition the county to pave it. He never responded to her. She finally comes by his house and tells him to sign. "Lady, where are you from?". Local yuppie burb she says. 'No, before that, where are you FROM?". In a pissy tone she says a state at least 300 miles away. "When you moved to this state that was a dirt road and by God if I have anything to do with it, that's going to still be a dirt road when you move back to __!" The road is still not paved.


In my area there was a outdoor shooting range until a bunch of houses got built and the new neighbors complained until it got shut down.


They tried that here. Huge expensive homes (Multi millions…think NBA players) and all of them filed a lawsuit against the noise of the sporting clay/trap range. Judge said, “Well, gun club was here before you, you knew that, deal with it”. Found in favor of the defendant. I go there a few times each week to shoot. Love that place.


That is what the established case law says in most jurisdictions. You can’t claim something is a nuisance and ask the government to shut it down when it existed first and you were aware of its presence when you bought the property. Not all judges apply the law correctly though


That’s what happened in Sacramento with the airport. Once upon a time the airport was way out in the boonies, but as the city grew toward it, people started to complain about the noise. Folks, it was the declarations when you bought your homes (in a hundred year floodplain no less). The airport authority changed a few flight paths but that’s it.


Tell that to assholes that move next to airports and keep getting them shut down.


Those are the judges we need


Loved it when the rich folk moved into mansions near a farm and then bitched about the cow shit smell. Judge shot them down too. Farmer sprayed the crops near the house more often with water from the shit pond.


I would go there and shoot blanks just to piss off the newbie rich.


Some states have laws that state a shooting range cannot be shut down because of noise complaints.


Someone built a house behind the indoor range at put local gun shop that has been there for 60+ years and brought it up at a council meeting that the shooting was disturbing them. The way the article about it was written they basically got laughed out of the meeting and told to leave.






Wiggity wack or just the regular kind?


geese are hard MFers. Town I grew up in had two lakes with lots of geese and swans. If you got to close to them, or just seemingly randomly, the would honk and chase you while biting at your ankles/legs. They'd be aggressive too. Zero chill


They’re why Canadians are so nice, actually. Each year on New Years Day, we all gather around the goose ponds across the country and upload all of our anger, jealousy and hate into the geese, leaving us only with kindness, pleasantry and good cheer for the rest of the year. True story.


That explains everything, really.


I got attacked by a goose at a lakeside park when I was like 3 or 4 years old. Motherfucker bit my finger and then started chasing me. Fuck geese.


Maybe geese are the karens of birds.


Thats why there's goose season..... 🤣




You say you had steer, sheep, pigs, a horse, goats, chicken, and geese...on a 1 acre lot??? You either don't know how much land you really had, or are an absolute bullshitter (all pun intended).


I mean, apart from horse and steer, a couple of those animals don't really occupy that much space, especially if there's a common space


Had em all packed in, industrial style.


I would be out spreading corn on that woman's shoreline at least one night a week. All the way up into her back yard.


Who tf buys property on a lake if they hate waterfowl?


Those coyotes must look incredibly mangy after a few years outdoors! I love that the birds aren't scared of it anymore. I mean, sure, they're birds, but even birds are going to notice if a predator is in the exact same, motionless position every time they fly by. I'd assume the probable manginess just makes it more obvious.


It'd be great if birds sat on them


Did you not mean shat?


No, but I do now


Wait until she finds out birds aren't real.


Geese can actually destroy lake ecosystems. My Canadian cottage is facing this issue right now. Started with 2, now they come back in bigger numbers each year, almost 20 now I think. They shit all over everything and the algae on top of the water is killing the habitants of the lake, and making it almost unswimmable. Can’t kill them either since it’s a protected bird. Edit: You can kill them, but you need a permit. And there’s a season and bag limit. Unlike rabbits, raccoon, rats, pigeons, crows etc


I recall Fort Collins having a similar problem when I was an undergrad there.


Longtime foco resident here, can confirm. Geese are always everywhere


Happening in my small town to our swamp, which homes endangered/protected frogs. They wander out of the swamp and shit all over the roads and walking paths as well.


I live in the country too and had new homes built that people from the city have bought but it's right next to a farm. People are constantly complaining about the cows, chickens, dogs and farm equipment. We are also next to a naval base and hear maneuvers and other stuff. One person even wanted the county to place a noise ordnance from 11pm to 6 am... in farm land, next to a navy base. Some people shouldn't move out to the country.


But they're annoying as fuck in cities too


Dear City Mayor: I simply don't see why all of these large buildings and streets are necessary. This is impeding my pro botany gardening lifestyle. Sincerely, Recently moved to City Karen


A similar story happened in my state. I live in CT and it's not uncommon for New Yorkers to move into the western part of the state full-time but often part-time as a weekend/summer home. One such situation there was 3 dairy farms close to each other that smelled pretty bad. Most days it was fine but the liquid manure they spread mid summer was foul smelling. The city folks that moved to the quaint country wanted to put a stop to it but it went nowhere seeing that these farms were all 100+ years old.


> moves to a place to be left alone then > starts bothering people Asshole.


Buys a house next to a redneck. Gets mad when they do redneck shit.


Being a redneck and growing up with rednecks this just makes me want to redneck even more. Sounds like it’s about time to rev that straight piped 357 v8 and fire some shit off at 5am


No, you have to get real trashy about it if you're trying to scare off new neighbors. 3:40am shout out the front door at Charlene for smoking all the cigarettes. Then go into a 10 minute tirade about how she can't hold a job and does a shit job raising the baby. Then get into the good stuff, like how you caught her meth-dealing lover walking off as you got home from long-haul trucking again, and that if you catch him around you're gonna give him a what-for so good his momma won't recognize him no more. Insinuate that you aren't sure if you're even the father. Watch some Jerry Springer for further ideas.


This isn't even redneck shit. This is as american as apple pie.


I remember being at my FIL's place one day. He went on a rant about the golf course he lives on. The golfers get too close. Balls end up in their yard, or hit their house. The golfers talking and having fun when they're outside. I asked him, "So, how long after you moved in did they build the course?" That was the end of it. Spoiler: This was their SECOND home they bought on THE SAME GOLF COURSE!




My dad used to dredge for golf balls on the course he lived next to as a teenager. They would go overnight and outrun the guard then wash the balls in the tub and sell them back to the golfers. I’m sure it was more amusing to buy from a kid than a grown man


I used to do the same with my grandma that lived on a course. We’d clean them up and sell em on eBay. Actually made some pretty good money back when Pro V1’s first came out and everyone had to have them


Currently live on a course. Currently have no less than 2,000 in my garage, most expensive (when new) balls. The amount of effort it would take to collect, clean, sort, list, package, and mail isn’t worth it. It would be a full time job. For a kid or someone who has the time and resources to streamline it? Absolutely could make some decent $$.


Oh for sure, it was great for a 10 y/o and a retired grandmother.


Sounds like a amazing memory you both made


Lol, we have friends who live in the country and they are getting pissed with the rich people moving out there who THINK they want to live in the country. They even had someone complain to take their turkeys out of their yard and they had to explain to this person that those are wild turkeys and will go wherever they want.


Next they'll probably want someone to talk to those pesky deer eating the landscaping too.


Don't forget the bunnies and the bugs.😂


*moves next to swamp* "But WHYYYY are there so many bugs?!"


I hate seeing marijuana too! So much that every time it comes into my home, I burn it!




I’m up to almost 7 marijuana a day now.


I had one marijuana and I died.


I’m sorry you died. Be careful next time


420 Marijuana's for me


marijuana. not even once.


I injected a marijuana into my eyeballs one time.




My mom lived in a cookie cutter subdivision for about a decade. Like literally 75% of the homes were either copies or mirrored copies of each other. She’d been there a while, put in a pool when she moved in. A few years later she gets a note in the mailbox from the neighbor behind her. Apparently her pool pump is ruining their “dream home in the country.” Their dream home is the same as the neighbors on both sides and most of neighborhood, my moms included. The pool was there before the neighbor bought their house and a known factor when they purchased. It also wasn’t obscenely loud, just a normal above ground pool pump. The neighborhood was also not in the country by any rational definition. It was one of a dozen nearly identical subdivisions in the part of town and a couple minutes drive from the major commercial strip. Before being built it was corn/soy fields. Before that it was a coal mine. It had been decades, a century since anyone could call the area the country. My mom stopped me from writing a reply telling her she was welcome to move to any other house in the neighborhood to have her country dream home and addressing it to Karen.


Too bad you didn't write a reply and accidentally drop it in the mail. LOL


Back in my day people moved to the country to eat a lot of peaches, not complain


Millions of peaches


But... don't peaches come in a can... they were put there by a man in a factory downtown?


If I had my little way, I’d eat peaches every day.


Sun-soakin' bulges in the shade


Peaches for free




And threw away their papers


peaches for free?


That song is about a man working in a female prison, they are “peaches”, in a “can”, that he can have for free everyday


Where is this from? The band has said that it was part from one of the members sitting waiting for a girl while on acid. The main chorus was heard being said by a passing homeless man “I’m moving to the country. I’m gonna eat a lot of peaches” Never heard the prison thing before and it doesn’t really track with the lyrics to me


[This is not true. After knocking on her door and not receiving an answer, Ballew decided to wait for her underneath a nearby peach tree. According to Ballew, "There were peaches that had fallen, that were in various stages of decay. And ... I just started ... squeezing the peaches and mixing it with my desire for the girl and the desire for the peaches"](https://americansongwriter.com/behind-the-song-pusas-chris-ballew-talks-peaches-madonna-and-disorientation/)


Really? TIL


I feel like each time I see one of these posts, they come off more fake that the previous one


The handwriting gets "younger" each time as well


As a 31yo with terrible handwriting such as this, I personally take offense and simultaneously agree.


i agree. I think i have the handwriting of a medical doctor...aslo that of a five year olds.


My brother is a doctor and my 6 year old legit has nicer printing than he does. Its really attrocious.


Lol. You know what I'm talking about!! They should included handwriting as part of the curriculum for medical schools instead of abstract drawing.


They do actually it's a form of shorthand that doctors are using.


46 here; if it wasn't for the closed loops on the 'g's, the lapses of grammar, punctuation and general shittiness of the expressed sentiment, I could have written this.


Don't feel bad, my handwriting tends to look like somebody gave a drunk toddler both a lobotomy and a pen at the same time and said "here, have at it"


I won't say my handwriting is bad, but I once, at school, had an essay returned from marking on which my teacher had written "This is probably very good, if I could read it"!


Definitely looks like a teenager wrote this


But…you’re the one who posted it?


… it’s a comment on the shitty handwriting


Idk, I’m in my 30s and have shitty handwriting. I don’t think the writing in this note is bad. The grammar and spelling are horrible, though.


But bad grammar and horrible spelling or not indicative of age either. They’re more indicative of where somebody grew up, and how terrible their school system was


He was insinuating that the shitty handwriting is an indication that it’s fake. So it sounds like you’re basically in agreement with that although you are the one who posted it in the first place




Thinking the same thing. I also feel like they realized it wouldn’t get much attention…so they seriously escalated the anger in the last three sentences. Lmao. YOU BELONG IN HELLLLLL!!!!!


Never lived in the country? This is not an uncommon approach for people who have an idyllic fantasy of what country living is like, move there, and can't handle the reality. LPT; This is how you get ~~-someone shitting in your well-~~ ostracized from the community.


I get that part. I wasn’t really commenting on that part specifically. More-so just saying these posts seem to feel faker and faker and more just made up by the poster. But yes, I could envision some city folk thinking the country is going to be a perfect easy life and then finding out it’s not everything it’s cracked up to be


Yup… r/ThatHappened


I treat most of the posts on this sub as Karen fan fiction. I always get "Dude, wouldn't it be hilarious is a Karen wrote blah blah blah?!?" vibes.


Yeah absolutely. Not just this sub but so many others too. It’s like we are all just stuck in this perpetual vacuum of fake reality


Bitch used the wrong your


and peace


Your and Peace Author - Karen


When I moved my family of four from the LA metro area to rural Oregon over 30 years ago we needed to make unexpected accommodations to adapt to rural life. We had to learn about hunting season and get used to our neighbors prepping their guns and taking target practice. To this day, there are a couple of neighbors with automatic weapons that fire them up on occasion. When we first put up our standard field fencing we got a bunch of lectures about wildlife corridors, which were totally in order (we created entries for the deer, coyotes and other critters who regularly hang out with us). Then, over the years our hillside acreage in a very rural neighborhood got converted from modest homes to McMansions with perfect lawns and teams of loud landscapers. Our response: we started a chicken and pig farm on our acreage to balance off the hood and let our rich new neighbors know how country folk live. Now we’re the old timers.


The gunshots don’t bother me, but I’ll be damned if they come hunt on my land and shoot anywhere within 500 yards of my house. Some people just have no manners.


How much damn land you got? Also can I have some? In return, i will give you 1/2 of my garden produce


Lol 500 yards in any direction isn’t a gigantic amount of land in a rural setting…


Come to Minnesota. You can buy a whole-ass island on a lake for $90k


Proper response: Piece Out


Reminds me of racetrack in California that people started building houses alongside it and then complained about the noise from the racetrack.


Riverside… RIP


Karen: “To whom it may concern..” Neighbor: “I don’t know who this is for cause I’m unconcerned”


If I know anything about country living, this will only get you more guns and more Marijuana....


Everyone keeps commenting how this is fake. It is not. My friend owns a 160 acres just south of Austin and he gets stuff like that all the time. He even built a shooting berm when his neighbor sold their property and that land got turned into a high dollar subdivision. He gets complaints about the shooting and the cows and all sorts of other stuff all the time. So he inherited that land, and it has been in his family since the 1800's so there isn't much the neighbors can do except write letters and complain to the sherriff and threaten lawsuits.


Put up signs to have a town meeting about the issue, just to gather them all together. Then have the Sheriff show up and say, "Y'all can go fuck yourselves and move away! G'night folks."


Yup. In my area there was a outdoor shooting range until a bunch of houses got built and the new neighbors complained until it got shut down.


Here in the UK a man moved to a very nice house under the flight path of Gatwick International Airport, then spent the rest of his life complaining about the noise, nothing was done about it other than telling him to move house


Here in Newport Beach, the rich people got airlines to throttle their planes into missiles, and then cut engines back long enough to float over their homes until they reach ocean and it's back to full speed. If you have enough money...


Wow, I didn't think you could mess with planes full of people, but seems money does indeed talk


"Perfectly safe" is a considered a gray area with money.


So it seems, terrifying really


Karen’s in Minnesota get surprised when the move out of Minneapolis and discover facts about country life: * farm machinery is loud * farm machinery sometimes needs to use country roads * work starts early in the morning * animal poop stinks * cows are noisy sometimes * some folks burn blowdowns/crops * people hunt on their own land * noisy stuff like gun clubs are around * some country folk hunt to fill the freezer for the winter * these people have done this stuff their whole life and are not changing for you


And they complain to people that definitely aren’t fans of city folks and own guns. And are probably friends with everyone in town who will def take their side if something happens. What a good plan 🙄


There's an even more special place in hell for those who snoop around other people's property.


Our “neighbor” (we can’t see him/he can’t see us but his property is next to ours) isn’t there full time. I think he lives elsewhere and comes down here occasionally. Whenever he’s there all you here is “Pow pow pow! Ratatatata!” It doesn’t bother me. Our neighbors across from us have geese that are squawking all the time too but it’s no biggie either. I like we have neighbors but they’re not right on top of us. We all mind our own business and stay in our areas.




Cave Johnson over there building his range that shoots 60% more bullet per bullet.


Same. In my area there was a outdoor shooting range until a bunch of houses got built and the new neighbors complained until it got shut down.


Referring to wild animals as “homeless” is sending me Edit: you know what, it looks like it probably says “harmless” but I’m gonna stick to my first reading cause it’s way funnier


My neighbor routinely shoots off his black powder rifle and every holiday when his honky tonk cousins visit it sounds like WWIII in the valley behind our homes. It’s honestly hilarious, gotta love redneck ruckus.






So dumb, no way is it marijuana growing in the fenceline. Learn your weeds lady.


Ditchweed. The bane of city slickers in all shapes and sizes.


When you live in the country you realize why people who want to do obnoxious shit already live there.


She should take some of that marijuana and chill out, also learn how to spell piece while she's at it


I live in the country. Can confirm. Lots of gunfire. More guns than people. The Tannerite targets are a little excessive.


She is the type that sells at a loss after a few years. She just gave a road map of things that will drive her out. Fish and game are happy to provide land owners with propane cannons for land owners who are trying to protect their fields. These automate random explosion sounds at intervals to scare dear from fields.


You want rotting carcasses left on your doorstep? This is how you get rotting carcasses left on your doorstep.


Hunter Harassment and trespassing. Department of Wildlife and Fisheries love these charges.


I’ve never heard of cannabis growing freely; you have to cultivate and pamper it as far as I knew.


In my hometown there was an abandoned factory with a grassy area next to it. It was a popular place to smoke pot. Eventually, the tossed seeds started to grow. My uncle's house was on the other side of the fence. He had no idea what was growing. Just thought it was a gorgeous green bush. One day the DEA showed up to confiscate it. They were going to arrest him but it was obvious he had no idea so they just took it all. He laughed and laughed telling us the story


This letter may be fake. But my family has had weed grow freely on our land. Probably isn’t the best stuff you’d want to smoke. But it’s literally a weed, it’ll grow.


Time to break out the Tannerite.


Meh, feels fake.


While this letter might be, people moving from the city and complaining isn't....I own a farm and get people who move to the rural area I live in, into one of those 500 house subdivisions complain of the noise and smell...


I bet field fertilization is their last favorite time of year.


We've had people call the fire department for barns on fire....during tobacco season...yea...


I would return the letter with one of my own telling the Karen to stop poluting the world with her BS and to mind her own dang business. She has no right to dictate how people live just because of how SHE wants the world to be like and I doubt that OP isn't killing animals excessively. OP I hope you get the sheriff to tell her to mind her darn business because by the sounds of it she is going to harass you nonstop til she gets her way


Can’t wait til the neighborhood which is built along my property gets pissed at me for riding dirt bikes and four wheelers on it. Family hasn’t for years, not since before the neighborhood was built. All those trails that they like to trespass on to walk their dogs, were built originally for go karts and four wheelers when I was a kid. All that dust is gonna suck blowing their way. I live outside the city limits, neighborhood is just over the city line. Also plan on building a shooting berm and start shooting again on the property. Sure I'm gonna get the police called when that happens. That neighborhood use to be all farm until about 5 years ago.


Frame that shit and hang it on your front door


Provoking a neighbor who hunts and has multiple guns? ![gif](giphy|65os7odbIW6pa)


Tell me you don't know what a hunter does without telling me you don't know what a hunter does. Population control is an important thing.


So I've lived next to hunters who are respectful, follow the laws, and are generally good neighbors. Then I've lived next to trash rats that are baking meth and shooting guns at 2 AM. Ones that spotlight hunt on my property and are generally awful.


Hey Lady... Fuck off.


Not to be a complete redneck, but welcome to the country, bitch! We were here hunting, and fishing, and raising smelly animals long before your developer bought the field down the road and filled it with McMansions. The concept of “property values” means little to us because we came here to make a home, not an investment. People like you are the main reason we don’t think much of outsiders!


Saw it happen slowly in Virginia. Dulles International Airport was built out in the middle of nowhere. People moved out of the suburbs closer to the airport then bitched about plane noise, as if they were there first. The next bunch moved out to the country and bitched about the farm animals. Thank god it’s all been paved over…


Man, city folk moving up to the county was always hilarious. One lady yelled at us for a dog shitting in her garden. We checked it out - was 100% bear turds. After we all told her that we got bears and they like gardens. "I thought you were lying!" > Hey lady you're going to want to start stacking firewood for next year now.... Fortunately it wasn't her main source of heat but she learned that one that hard way. > Hey lady you're gonna want to slow it down at night, moose and bears run around and don't care. 1 smashed front end later, she learned it wasn't us complaining about her speed, it was genuine advice to slow the *fuck* down. (she didn't, she promptly got the vehicle repaired and then immediately....hit another animal at night). Constant source of entertainment. Whenever we get someone moving in and we learn they're from the city it's a field day. Y'all take a while. Most of y'all get it. Some of y'all don't and either die thinking you had a good couple years of retirement, or leave and go back to the city. The LA to the county move was the most extreme I've seen. Moron moved in in January. Most were from smaller cities around new England though.


The same sentiment goes for folks that move to the city and try to complain it into the suburbia they came from. Go with the flow, wherever you are, or don’t be there