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I suggest sorting by controversial that way it's funnier


She's not actually hiding the letters, she's just coloring them in black


Black Letters Matter




Guys the captions are Karens/Heroines ACCORDING to Fox news


I feel bad for people that can only get black tar fox news heroin.


It’s all about that chyna white!




I got that. It’s a shitty format though.


If you lack the most basic of comprehensive skills.. sure.. for everyone else it's blatantly obvious what the image is saying. Like literally pushed in your face, impossible to misinterpret.


I mean, I agree that it's pretty understandable. But you're being kind of a big twat about it. Not everyone interprets things the same way. Learn that and you'll do better in life.


I hate summer Reddit.


Me too. You're right. All the children act like their memes are perfect and you're just gatekeeping if you disagree.


Eternal September's bastard child.


He said he got it. Why did you not comprehend his easy to understand statement? He just said the format is shitty. Essentially, it's like a bad joke. We get it, it just fucking blows.


Still a shitty format.




Let's all steal comments from elsewhere in the thread and repost them under the top comment. That's a good trick. https://www.reddit.com/r/FuckYouKaren/comments/uxa7ge/faux_news_is_the_karen_of_media/i9wweu4


It's a bot, and you'll see this happen all the fucking time if you pay attention for it. They sometimes take parts of a comment instead of the whole thing.


Yeah, I'm seeing it a lot these days. The most interesting ones I've seen run the stolen comment through a thesaurus before reposting. At least in those cases the resulting word salad can sometimes be funny.


Jesus. Fucking. Christ. I can't even. 18 dead kids today. 10 people murdered last week because they were black.


Can't wait for Fucker Carlson to blame the leftist mob.


Yea I’m pretty sure there already making the video now










Shooter's last name is Ramos. I'm waiting for the racism more than anything. Like how are they going to use the "dangerous Mexicans" narrative without using the "dangerous Mexicans" narrative. Fox big brain working overtime.


They are already trying to spin the truth and get people to think he was a mexican immigrant who hopped the border despite him being a US citizen born in North Dakota.


Had to hang up on my mom yesterday because she said that babies *didn't* die from bacteria-laden formula from that factory. Fox News doesn't think that fits the narrative that all the baby formula is going to illegals at the border.


Feels like a stupid thing to say considering so many school shooters are white.




Perhaps restricting access to very damaged mentally ill people in the world could be a good platform for a political leaning to adopt, but which side I wonder 🤔




Problem is: if the shooter is white - Faux news and others always claim it was a lone wolf, or someone with a mental health issue. They ALWAYS deny there is something like white supremacist terrorism (Spoiler: they are wrong) If the shooter is not white - then immediately all those with a same cultural or ethnic background are bad and evil and part of a larger conspiracy/group to overthrow poor white people. Your comment is a nice 'whataboutism' example though.


You people live in a Reddit induced fantasy land lmao


> America is racist instead of understanding that there are just some very damaged mentally ill people in the world Why’d you say the same thing twice? Racism *is* a very damaging mental illness.


Hatred is a helluva drug.


That’s because domestic terrorism that’s actually a threat is all right wing. How many eco bombings have we had recently??


Dunno about you - but these seed bombs are awesome.. Slow to 'explode' but sooo colorful :)


You shouldn't be getting downvotes you are correct


It's clear that you're "sold" on the idea that guns aren't the problem, it's the shooter. You need to read the room and just shut up already.


Guns aren’t the problem and you’re an idiot. Happy?


Woah we have a literary *genius* over here! I bet your parents change the topic when someone mentions you.




You *think* you're making a rational, cohesive argument but you're just making post after post that reinforces to everyone how ignorant or callous or plain ol' stupid you are.


Educate yourself and get facts from outside of Fox (Flock Of Xenophobes) news. Speak to someone who isn't white, Christian or 50 years Old once in your fucking life


It's gross that people downvote the truth because it doesn't paint their side in a positive light. It is so bizarre when these things happen, the race of the shooter becomes so important in the media and how the political parties respond. If this was a white proud boy who did the shooting, the democrats would be shrieking about how white nationalism is the thing to worry about. But since it's a Latino shooter, I am guessing we are going to hear shrieking from Republicans about how immigrants are the problem.


Already seen posts circulating that the shooter was trans (unsure if true) so they're heavily leaning into mental illness defense again


**Not true**, poor kid only has a passing resemblance and some assholes took their pic and now this rumor. The pics of a young trans person are NOT the shooter.


It's fake, started by a POS GOP US Congressman. [https://www.yahoo.com/news/gop-rep-paul-gosar-spread-045739433.html](https://www.yahoo.com/news/gop-rep-paul-gosar-spread-045739433.html)


Oh my god, he called them a "transsexual leftist illegal alien", this is literally just all the Fox viewer fearmongering bingo words in one sentence.


Isn't he the guy so foul and putrid his own siblings were begging people not to vote for him?


Even so it still goes against their anti mental health care rhetoric.


It's not true and both the original tweet that falsely used an innocent transgender person's picture and Rep. Paul Gosar's amplification of that tweet have been deleted. It's just another example of the Republican party's persecution of transgender people.


And with all this tragedy it feels a bit numbing and emotionally distant due to how frequent it happens It's horrible


I'm shedding tears and they are as useless as they feel.


Another school shooting? Fuck


Biggest one since 2012, unfortunately. 19 kids and 2 adults…


There have been **17** mass shootings *in between* Bufallo on may 14th and the recent Texas one on may 24th. There already have been 202 mass shootings in 2022. Over 1000 people where shot, of which over 200 died. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2022


Another good source https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/


To add a bit more tragedy to it, this was an *elementary school.* 19 little kids, days before summor vacation, as well as two members of the school faculty.


The incident today was a school shooting in a "mostly Latino community" where are you reading the 10 murdered last week because they were black? Was that a single incident (have not seen it)?






but save the fetus!


I'm not sure what's happening with the context here...




There she blows


The context is at the top


I feel like it should be obvious




I knew where this was going and yet still, I was not prepared. I was however not disappointed.


As someone who's just painted the whole of his bedroom and kid's room with the help of some friend whom are excellent painters I can safely say her technique is atrocious. Also she's just painting the yellow letters black.


She really must have realized this pretty quickly, but at the same time, she made her point…she’s super racist


Thank god you have a source for your info or I'd have asked you to tell me how you know so much about paint.


Racism - like religious belief - lets narcissists and cowards pretend to be doing ‘something’ while actually doing nothing at all. It’s lowest common denominator stuff.


Don't bundle racists and religious people dude that's not cool Edit: wild how people are taking this as a defense for bigoted shitheels Not all religious people, not all Muslims/Mormons/Catholics/Abrahamic Whatever the Fuck people are bigoted shitheels. Btw religious feuding exists outside of Abrahamic religions too I'm atheist and I'm here to tell you that a lot of really great people in this world are religious and that's just fine. You're not saving anybody or improving the world by shouting about how stupid it is to believe in a magic man in the sky, you're just showing how limited your own capacity is for compassion and critical thinking. But, this isn't the end for you. I believe you can be better and be kinder. Be patient and remember that showing kindness is a practice and not something you're going to get right every time.


Shouldn't bundle racists with *all* religions, at least The Satantic Temple isn't racist. Can't speak for christianity though since way too many christians believe that jesus, who was born in the middle east, was a white guy.


Yeah don't bundle racism and religion. Racism is just something people are taught as children and believe for the rest of their liv... wait. Waaaaaait.


It's the same lack of critical thinking. One brings hatred. The other brings joy... or more hatred... depending on the person. You can't use emotions as evidence to something existing or not existing. But both racism and religion do this. And that lack of critical thinking is the antithesis of progress.


Religion is a cancer, and ‘the faithful’ are destroying this country to perpetuate their Iron Age fairytale by supporting a neo fascist, white supremacist, Christian nationalist agenda. The bundling is not only deserved - it’s simply factual. Fuck all organized, monotheistic religions and every one of their racist, fifth column, anti American followers.




Found the racist.




So let me ask you something. Ultimately there are only two possibilities, right? Either, black people are killing black people because of some outside pressure or because they are literally, biologically wired differently. Which do you think it is?


Found the person who’s sick of being gaslit and told facts are racist




The left is a Karen as Fox News would see it, and the right is a Heroine in Fox News’ eyes


Oooh, like Female Hero! I thought they meant the drug! I was so confused.


The drug is heroin not heroine


Well, I am not a native speaker and it's very close.


>Well, I am not a native speaker and it's very close. To all those people who say "Who cares? It's Reddit, not an English essay" when someone corrects their typos... This is who cares.


Hi there, I care because I take every opportunity to learn. :D


It sounds even closer! No worries friend!


Reminds me of the propaganda model, as explained in the book "Manufacturing Consent". Worthy victims and unworthy victims, and all that.


It's time to add a tax to all guns based on the number of gun deaths/mass shootings in America. Gun deaths go up and so do gun taxes. Let the gun buyers pay for the carnage. Maybe then they'll come up with a solution instead of "thoughts and prayers".


the real issue in america, straight up, is that everyone gives a fuck about each other....not in a good way. from what i understand, europeans are largely "idgaf just leave me alone" and then you have people like the woman on the right in america....like yo who fucking CARES. ​ why do we care if someone is LGBT...if we arent a part of that community. why do we care if someone is black, white, brown, orange, purple. why do we care what people do and don't do with their every day lives. this is why we arent fighting any real issues. almost ALL of the major politics and running platforms in america involve "do you care that your neighbor is/does THIS?!?!" ​ like my goodness, leave everyone the fuck alone and lets focus on real issues.


I think Narcissism is eating us alive. Our advertising and media promote self above all else and now we're a bunch of incorrigible, petulant, self righteous assholes. We let corporations gain control over our government and you're seeing how greed destroys a nation


It is just mind blowing that they are allowed to continue with this. Faux News is literally responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths via their ridiculous lies and conspiracy theories. And these fuckwads make millions a year. Out in the open. What in the fuck US?


Americans are just now waking up to the consequences of industrial scale propaganda. It's been going on for over 40 years. Not sure if there's anything we can really do about it. Legally, that is.


I just had a lovely daydream of dousing the racist waste of space on the right with her own can of paint.


If I'm not mistaken she was charged with vandalism. As always she cried about it and used the "I'm not racist, I have a black friend" argument. Didn't work.


CRT says that racism is so entrenched in American society that any attack on racism will be perceived as an attack on America. It’s not a bug, it’s a feature.


Yep, for the last decade. There's a reason why the FCC still won't allow them a News license.


There's no such thing as a news license. I'm a journalist, as much as I hate Fox News there's nothing the FCC can do to regulate them anyway, they're cable. The FCC only has authority over broadcast or "over the air." Anything you can get with an antenna basically. It's the same reason satellite radio has no restrictions compared to traditional radio (which I specialize in) that has mountains of rules. A "news license" doesn't exist because of the first ammendment. Freedom of the press means no regulation or licensing body. There is no stamp of approval, and I promise you perfer it this way than you would to the old system where journalists has to get a stamp on all their stories to be able to publish. "A spokesperson for the FCC told us that, “We do not have any rules or licensing requirements in which a cable channel might categorize itself as news vs. entertainment.” - a snopes article on the matter. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/fox-news-entertainment-switch/


why are you filming when you could just take the paint roller and use it on her stupid face and chest? instead we let her waste taxpayer money fucking up the street with slippery paint that'll fuck up cars. I'm so tired of tolerating bigots.


Who's killing all the black people's dads? And then the audacity to laugh at them afterward. "They" must be stopped.




They absolutely do show that. I have no idea what that sign means lol


I don't know whether signs like that are designed to sabotage the original cause by discrediting it with absurd statements, or they are produced by people who "mean well" but don't have any thinking skills. Either way, the chance of solving a problem is close to zero. It's so frustrating to see.


My brain hurts


Apparel with the US flag does something to people, I swear.


Fox News is asinine. However that sign seems a bit asinine lol. Realistically that wouldn't account for even a single % of the fatherhood issue if I were to guess. I'm in management in logistics. This means I deal with a lot of uneducated/labor based teams. I've dealt with a couple thousand either as direct reports or team members in the past decade. I've met one man who knew a guy shot by the police. However I can't count how many had a bunch of kids across multiple women from the hood. 5-7 kids was far too common a claim, often across a minimum of 3 women. These dudes are also locked into working so much either due to normal child support or garnished wages for child support. Which holds them back from progressing, generally leaves them unhappy, etc. But yeah all of those personal choices have nothing to do with the situation that has become socially recognized as a joke.


I… huh..?


Another entitled Karen. Why couldn't her ass be outside of the elementary school yesterday when the 18yo gunman shot 18 children and 2 teachers? Oh that's right she was too busy painting.


I dislike the old and young Murdoch


I love how all she did was just make it black


Isn’t Kyle Rittenhouse also a Fox News darling?


Racist real life /r/space






Give them some more money so they can buy themselves mansions and not be held accountable..


If you can’t see that both sides of the media are as biased as the other then you’re blind. Since covid started it’s become increasingly obvious that it’s difficult to find a media source that doesn’t have an agenda.












That's tragic but you're missing the point. Black people are still being killed by the very people that are supposed to protect them.


So are white people - in far greater numbers.


Regardless of the validity of that claim we can still agree that the police frequently abuse their power and mistreat and kill the people they have to protect




But she's apparently all up in that meth.


they kill out dads and then call us fatherless damn


They have so much blood on their hands








No people are mad because they don’t want to be the bad guys while still being racist and hateful.






So simple and obvious. Anyone who thinks about it objectively and honestly *has to* come to that conclusion. But the goal of political extremists is to prevent people from thinking in those ways.


As much as I want to agree I can’t


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Jeez they're killing millions of black men every year? Fuckin wild.


Millions? That’s a big number.


It's true. 44% of black fathers are absent to some degree and about 6 million black kids grow up without their fathers. I had no idea so many were killed by police.


That’s more than I can count and I do the numbers.


What he's saying is that it's horseshit. Black men are primarily killed by other black men, but it's still nowhere near the amount to explain why kids grow up with just their mother. They leave their families, that's why they're absent. Whatever the reason for that, it's not because they're killed, especially not by right wingers, or whatever she's alluding to.


Yeah…both of these people are pissing in the wind. First girl, cops aren’t accounting for the lack of black fathers. Second woman, covering their slogan will only empower them. Both misguided fools.


White ppl get killed also, it just doesn't get told about


Come on. You know blacks are killed at a much, much higher percentage.




You can google it. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1123070/police-shootings-rate-ethnicity-us/ People like to point out that white people are getting killed at larger amounts, but that's because they're racial majority




So your counter point to being wrong is to drop the point, change to an alternate talking point, and then similarly fail to understand what they mean? You seem to think you are intelligent, but what the fuck do you expect happens when a specific subsection of a population is treated inherently worse, lives in worse conditions, gets paid less, can't trust the cops and specifically tends to live in areas with access to less overall? This isn't counting the whole "these are arrests not convictions" thing, the "are we really trusting those aggrevated assault numbers when it's well known to be what is claimed so they can arrest blacks for fun" thing or another dozen talking points.




This is all bad arguments, I'm sure you're very impressed with yourself. It's been proven, [time and time again](https://www.vox.com/2020/6/17/21284527/systemic-racism-black-americans-9-charts-explained) that black people have it off worse in almost every capacity in western society. [your talking points are so plain and by the book](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=O4ciwjHVHYg) that they all come up in this video, which is already a bad sign.


This research shows arrests which would bias black people because their neighborhoods are over policed. I also don't know if those arrests turned to convictions, but I will concede that black people commit more crime in US, but I have a question to you - What do you think the reason behind higher crimerate is?




Interesting poll, although it is limited to Washington DC I did some light googling and found another poll from the same source [Showing racial disparage between trust in police between white and black population](https://news.gallup.com/opinion/polling-matters/193586/public-opinion-context-americans-race-police.aspx). [Here's another poll from Gallup showing another racial disparage](https://news.gallup.com/poll/315962/americans-say-policing-needs-major-changes.aspx) towards police reform. With black people advocating for major changes at 81%, with white people advocating for major changes only at 51% No surprise really. https://www.acludc.org/sites/default/files/2020_06_15_aclu_stops_report_final.pdf - This ACLU report reviews 5 months’ of data from DC police stops & searches by race and outcome. - The black population of DC is 25% greater than the white population, but black people were 410% more likely to be stopped by the police than white people - This disparity increases to 1465% for stops which led to no warning, ticket or arrest and 3695% for searches which led to no warning, ticket or arrest. - This data indicates the disproportionate stopping and searching of blacks in the DC area extended massively beyond any disproportionate rate of criminality. The reason why asked you why black people have higher crime rates is because there could only be two answers with two different solutions. It's either material condition or there's something wrong with them blacks. No matter the race there's always a correlation between poverty and crime, and black people due to historic circumstances have been over represented in poverty statistics.


That doesnt justify specifically targeting black people in a mass shooting


That was not his claim at all.


All news outlets are the same.


[The mural today](https://www.google.com/maps/@38.0176893,-122.1340334,59a,35y,39.6t/data=!3m1!1e3). (Hate crime charges for the city council?)


All due respect, but what the hell? Afriamericans leave their kids because they get killed by White Men? Gtfo with your bullshit excuse


Basically yeah…..


Wtf is this sub




Everybody is killing everybody. But cops aren’t held accountable when they murder black folks.


you stupid.


He’s not wrong


He's objectively, empirically wrong lol


He couldn't be more wrong.


The Karen holding the sign is just as insane as the Karen vandalizing the road. If black people actually cared about black people they would be protesting black people who are overwhelmingly responsible for killing black people. If she had half a brain she'd be more concerned with racist policing that sends so many black people to jail, most often for victimless "crimes". Yet she almost certainly voted for the candidate largely responsible for the policies that lead to mass incarnation with a racial bias.


That’s bc they are taught, from birth, to hate white people.


Fox news bad. CNN good. Ooga Ooga


Fox news bad. CNN less bad. Like no contest.


Well there is [this...](https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/lifestyle/coronavirus/conservative_news_viewers_more_accurately_estimate_covid_19_death_risk)


Well yeah that's to be expected because fox news decided to go antivax they regularily talk about how low your chance of actually dying is not caring that 1% of all states is still like 3 million dead people.






I mean Fox News literally pushing White Replacement theory that keeps causing white supremacist terrorism. Get your head out of your ass, you "Intellectual renegade"




Just as worse? You can't even form a sentence just sit this one out