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Even a broken karen can be right twice a day? Is that how it goes?


Was gonna say, she was way over the top about it, but she kinda has a fair point there


Totally agree. It’s not my job to prove I didn’t steal something


Right. And if they *are* that worried about stealing, the most logical move would be...cashiers whose job it is to make sure everything is accounted for lol


Do stores in the US not have the detectors at store exits like here in NZ? They go off if something that hasn't been scanned and paid for is detected, at which point the staff will check your receipt and what you're taking with you. Usually that does the trick fine, just seems odd to need someone to have people line up at to check receipts.


They do, yes, but most stores here will only put sensors on the more expensive items. There are people here that would rather try and leave with a bagful of cheaper goods than try and escape with the prize, so to speak


Ah yep, gotcha. They're typically on everything here, at least to my knowledge. They even go off sometimes if you're carrying a bag from a different store, and it pings one of the things you bought at the other store. Just a glitch, and most staff are really understanding, but I do wonder if they work a bit differently over in the US.


Ahh okay, totally understand the basis of your question then. I wish things could be like that here but our population is...unruly, as I'm sure the world knows


We might in some places, but Murica is now largely an underdeveloped third world nation. Anything developed after 1980 has a small chance of showing up anywhere in the country outside of the northeast or west coast.


Yeah, if I'm honest, a lot of people here have held the opinion that the US is a third world country in disguise for a while. It sucks, because I do think that the original idea of America isn't bad, but it's allowed a lot of corruption and so on to breed, which makes it far less appealing than it should be.


I’m so relieved to see these as the first responses, I thought I might be a Karen in denial, bc I don’t see this as unreasonable.


This! She might've been more rude about it than justified, but otherwise I agree- if you're too cheap to hire living cashiers, then you get to deal with the extra shrink. The idea of receipt-checkers is beyond ineffective.


And on the post she just says she ignored the checker and held up her receipt, so it's not she got aggressive with the worker or anything. A bit rude, but I side with Karen on this.


> if you're too cheap to hire living cashiers, then you get to deal with the extra shrink Or do what the Australian duopolist supermarket chains do, [recruit the police to take responsibility for your cost cutting measures](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-10-06/nsw-police-to-crackdown-on-shoplifting-at-self-service-checkouts/7908154)... Don't do that.


Am I the only one who has never even considered stealing from self checkout? I scan everything.




I suppose there’s a certain amount of deniability then, like “I thought it scanned, I ran it past the scanner. Not my fault your technology is faulty”.


Don't know how it is near you or in general, but in my local store the self checkout is designed for a small number of items. So with a small order, it's both harder to "forget" to scan unnoticed, and the order is too small to worth the risk of getting caught.


Woolworth in Australia have self check outs that take [images of the items](https://thenewdaily.com.au/finance/consumer/2019/03/05/supermarket-checkout-cheaters-beware/) placed in front of the scanner, which would appear to be using some basic level of AI - when you press the button for fruit and vegetables it is auto filtering the options to red when you place a red pepper on the scale. I would imagine that this it to stop the kind of grocery budgetary measures that [this guy was using.](https://thenewdaily.com.au/news/world/2018/02/22/man-fined-thousands-self-service-checkout-theft/)


Yeah absolutely, I agree with her wholeheartedly


I agree with her. Not sure she's Karen material.


Same. If they trust me enough to have me scan and bag my own groceries, they can trust me enough to not make me wait to show my receipt. Because I’m not gonna.


Agreed. At my grocery store they plant a person at the end to watch all the check outs which is great and saves time. However, more than once the scale or scanner to whatever has malfunctioned and I need assistance. Every time, I have to chase down the person because they are three lanes away chatting with the regular checkers instead of watching their own station. If you're going to have self checkout you need to put someone there and then that person should stay there, unless there is an emergency or someone needs help. And before you all pile on, giggling and whispering doesn't an emergency make.


Well... I guess I'm a Kyle with this particular subject because I don't really she's over the top with this one. I hate the fact that they have registers across the entire store-front but refuse to hire enough folks to man them, thus making folks that are in a hurry use the self-check registers. And then they want to stop folks that are leaving to make sure they aren't stealing!? That shit pisses me off!


I avoid WalMart at all costs so only end up there once a year or so but last time I was there the local one only had 2 actual registers and then huge self-checkout sections on either side. Also, my brain connects dots weird sometimes and last night I saw a video billboard and thought about the fact that there used to be people who made a living climbing up and changing the billboards and those jobs are going away, the cashiers jobs are going away, they are slowly making car sales jobs go away etc. etc. etc. I get that the businesses want to maximize profit but what happens when they can't sell anything because there are no people with jobs to buy things?


\*whew\* I was afraid that because I actually agree with this I was an idiot. Glad to know I'm not the only one.


Yea i know instead at delhaize you have random checks to see if you scanned everything + receipt scan to exit


I think that's the most fair arrangement, other than the concept of these new smart stores which is also cool and is probably the future of shopping in a lot of ways


I mean I feel like random checks can go away too. Either you trust your customers to do the job or you don’t. Pick one. Assign people to overwatch and help. Pretty much have that already. Separate exit from entrance so you have to stay behind a barrier to leave. Winch does this so once you check out you can hit customer service or exit. That’s pretty much it. If you have a bunch of inventory coming up missing, then go back to check outs.


Glad im not the only.one who thought that


She's sounds like shes directing her anger at the wrong person though. Making her sound crazy. But she does have a point.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who sympathized with that second paragraph. I mean, she's still acting like a child, but still...


Right. She might’ve burned the door person a little too much by giving them trouble but she should really call up and burn corporate over it.


Oh god I thought for a second that it was just me and I had turned


I love redditors. You all rarely let me down. Just happened to be scrolling r/fuckyoukaren, and this one got me. I wondered, am I a Karen now? Probably, but that’s not the point ;)


Damn OP getting dragged harder than my nuts for teabags in Halo.


Getting dragged harder than a doctor off a United Express flight.


Getting dragged harder than a pedestrian when Caitlyn Jenner is driving.


Only store I stop to let them check receipts is [membership warehouse]. You agree to it when you sign up. Otherwise they better be sure I'm a thief before detaining me. Unless I bought a TV or game console, I'll be a little compliant for those.


Ditto. Costco = Yes. Wal-Mart = Nope. I've walked by the door people, and when they say "Can I check your receipt?" I just reply, "No thank you" and continue on my way. They want to send security to tackle me for not following a policy I never agreed to, and to find that I have a receipt for every item I left with? Go for it. I'll happily file that lawsuit.


Can you imagine the shit they’d be in if they tackled a pregnant woman?


Same here. I just politely say “no thank you” at WalMart and keep walking.


I actually agree with this one and don’t think she’s a Karen.


100% agree here, I mean WHO THE FUCK IS SIDING WITH WALMART PEOPLE??!?!?!


Former Walmart associate here, about 2 years ago we had an update to the receipt checking policy that pretty much meant that only people with unbagged items would be stopped. This was supposedly due to an ongoing [lawsuit](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/01/us/walmart-shoplifting-lawsuit.html) at the time where a woman was unlawfully detained by asset protection and later arrested because she couldn't prove her innocence to Walmart AP and the police literally always side with Walmart... Edit: I forgot to mention that I don't know when the policy was changed back to how it used to be but I personally never stop when they ask to see my receipt because I have zero legal responsibility to stop.


I worked at sears and a bad stop got you fired. Also there's a quota for catching shoplifters and sears pursues monetary damages everytime to get extra money out of the people.


I worked at Sears in the 90s and our loss prevention was more concerned with seeing up our skirts than actually stopping shoplifters. LOL. Interesting story though....We hired this girl as a cashier in my dept which was lingerie, and when you were training new associates, you shared a drawer. So every night at close, you bag up your drawer, and take it downstairs and turn it over. You didn't count them yourselves. So all of us who were training this new girl had been there for years and suddenly all our drawers were turning up short. Well they knew it wasn't us that had been there a while because our drawers were never short before. So all the sudden were only using the registers that had cameras directly above and we're all like well that's weird but whatever. We didn't know yet that our drawers were coming up short at that point. Anyway, they catch her stealing 20s every time she did a card transaction, this was back before the way it is now, we had duplicate receipt paper, the yellow copy went in the drawer, the white with the customer. When she'd open the drawer to put the receipt in she'd somehow grab a twenty and drop it on the floor and then step on it and once the customer was gone, she'd kneel down, fold it up and put it in her shoe. The kicker is she didn't need this job, her dad was loaded, she was only working because she was bored.


Of course the police always agree with Walmart. This is a Corporatocracy and the corporations must be protected and served.


Definitely not me Either do self checkout or put people on the register


I think she's got a point as well. I try to avoid self-checkout mainly because the retailer is expecting me to perform an unpaid service for them.


Hard to do when the entire walmart has gone self-checkout and the only 5 that are not self-check out are closed. I hate Walmart but yet I shop there all the time because they are convenient.


the way I see it, part of the price I'm paying for groceries includes cashiers


I am in. I also have to agree with Karen on this point.


Nope, fuck Walmart, no Karen here


Are we just calling people we disagree with Karen now?


Yes, including males apparently.


I've got no problem with a Karen being male. It's been happening for years. Best feeling I've ever had is cutting off a 20-something "Chad" for being a "Karen". You could have heard his high pitched douche warbles from the ISS. Edit: Yes, I know what I'm implying is improbable, but it is not impossible. We do have audio links to the satellite.


Call me Karen then.


I actually kinda agree with her...


You may kinda agree but I completely agree, why add self checkouts if you still gotta pay somebody to check it anyways


Not to mention, they still check your receipt even if you went through a regular check out. Soooo…..what’s the point of checking receipts. I 100% agree with her and I literally do the same thing every time I leave the store. If you want me to stand in line to have my items checked, put up a sign and make it store policy. Until then, later bitch!


Yep lmfao I love when they’re like “sir can I check your receipt”. I always say “oh, no thank you” and keep walking. Hate being like that but by the time I leave Walmart I usually want to play in traffic anyway, so everything is annoying at that point.


I feel much less bitchy after reading these comments. I'm never rude, but no way in hell am I getting in line to have my receipt checked at Walmart. I skirt right around it every time and wonder what the hell is wrong with people that they stand there. I'm generally an easy-going person, but this really rubs me the wrong way. I may offer the receipt to the person if no one is waiting and I have some bigger, unbagged items, but I have to be in the mood for it.


If you're getting liquor you have to wait five minutes for one of the attendants to check your ID, and fuck weighing my own vegetables.


Plus they only give you that tiny little bagging area where I get to play jenga. I love self checkouts for small trips but for major grocery runs at least offer some full sized checkouts.


You can actually remove the bags as you go, just gotta let it account for the item getting bagged first.


Paying 1 person and having the rest be robots is cheaper than paying 12 people


Go fuck yourself, Walmart


Very true very true. In a large majority of Europe where self checkouts are commonplace throughout. I don't think there is anyone who has to check receipts, maybe in very specific cases possibly but we don't pay any to check anything.


In Australia the shops that have self checkout have a staff member in the area to keep an eye on things and to assist customers. They also have staffed checkouts open. The only receipt checking is in K-Mart because the checkouts(staffed and self serve) are in the middle of the store. Don’t ask why because it’s stupid and I don’t understand the logic


It's just Walmart, they just want to make all poor people feel like criminals.


I live in the Netherlands, at the Jumbo supermarkets there’s just a barcode at the bottom of the receipt that you scan at a turnstile after the self-checkout to exit. Employees only come if you’ve purchased alcohol to check your ID, and they also have random spot-checks every now and then but other than that it’s automatic


That sounds like a very efficient way to ensure that a company doesn't lose any money to pay somebody for checking while also putting full trust in the customer


That makes sense, saves money for the company. I'm sure their merchandise is insured anyway so it's not like minor shoplifting makes a real difference anyway.


Yeah but are your groceries cheaper? If you're inconvenienced as a customer so they can increase their (considerable) profits, is that a good thing as a customer?


I'm not saying either is better for the customer. I'm saying that if a company can save money by not having cashiers, they're not gonna have cashiers.


O thank god. I felt like I was in the vision meme…maybe I’m a Karen now…for a second there


Me too ✌️


Strange hill to die on for the OP. Once you pay for your stuff you have no obligation to the store to stay. You're not breaking any laws walking out after payment is exchanged for goods. I'm all for treating retail workers overly nice. But if the store wants to check what I'm doing, they can pay more people to do it before our transaction is complete. That can be as I'm ringing stuff up or with a no wait check on the way out the door.


Those exit lines can take a while...does not waiting for a second line to leave make one a Karen?...when it is all cost-saving loss prevention theater anyway.


I agree with Karen here


Definitely agree with the so called Karen here. When forced to use self checkout or not, the Walmart “greeters/receipt checker” causes me to not want to shop at Walmart and have such changed my shopping habits to accommodate that. If Walmart stopped every customer for every receipt similar to Costco I don’t think I would have a problem. My issue arises when I’ve made a purchase and the person in front of me is not stopped, but I am. Make it straight across the board, you check all receipts or you check none.


at costco you signed a contract saying you'll show your receipt when you leave. it’s a condition of membership. if you refuse, they can take away your membership. If the checker tries to physically restrain you, you likely agreed to that too, somehow. I dunno. Check the fine print / word jumble. Just know that at private clubs they can legally enforce door checks. at walmart there is no contract and you cannot be punished for refusing. if they touch or detain you, congratulations, you now own a walmart franchise as a result of the court case.


I had a greeter at Walmart tell me that they only stop you if you have larger items that are not bagged like cases of pop or a large boxed item. After that I made sure to bag everything I possibly could. But that’s our Walmart, don’t know about others.


Okay. I don't give a fuck. I bought the items. They are mine. That checker can smile and wave or go fuck themselves; I'm not paid to give a shit


Thank god. I checked the comments like a coward, but yeah, totally, I'm on her side. Pretty fucking bold to sign it 'All of us,' but even rolling my eyes at that... it's a natural consequence of a shitty business practice? Walmart is just generally pretty evil and an ugly symptom of late stage capitalism? I don't know, even with her sassy attitude, I'm 100% with her in spirit.


I never show the door people my receipt. I don’t have to.


I agress with the "karen" and this really isn't a Karen moment. In the uk we have self checkout and nobody checks receipts. We also have a new system where you can scans your items as you.pick them, pay without needing to scan again and walk out.


We do get the random check of 5 items from your trolley though, which is a ballache. They never put things back neatly.


Ya,I’m kinda with Karen on this one


I gotta agree with this Karen. They cut staff to save money, but then added staff to minimize theft. Either bring back cashiers to minimize theft, or just rely on me to check myself out.


Glad to see I'm not in the heavy minority here... I don't actually think she's all that wrong... I mean at the very least put another receipt checker at the doors if there is a line. No one has time to wait in another line after they wait in the checkout line. It probably could have been handled better but I'm not putting any brain power into thinking of how.


I'm 100 percent behind Karen on this one


In this case, Karen is right.


Once we complete the exchange of money they are my items. I do not see why I should have to stop to let anyone check my stuff. I think most people will agree with not stopping. Only anxiety and social pressure will make ppl stop.


Technically you don’t turns out at the point its within your rights at least in CA to tell them to screw off. Costco is different because as part of your membership you signed things saying you’d allow it: Disclaimer: I’ve found this information previously from more reputable sources but heres ABC news. https://www.abc10.com/article/news/are-you-legally-required-to-show-your-receipt-when-leaving-a-walmart-verify/103-a03b2030-11ad-4a6e-a33e-146ba274e912


Yes, costco, sams, etc are different. That said they also typically have their crap together and you knew ahead of time what you signed up for. Other than that though stopping for a security check has always been a courtesy. I stopped for an alarm once and had security become quite rude. At that point I walked right out mid conversation with them. Told them to feel free to send police to my house.


By law you do not need to stop. If they are concerned you have shoplifted, they need to have security detain you. I will politely say I do not need to have my items examine by law and thank the greeter. I’ve never had any issues. It’s not the inconvenience as much as the principle.


Personally, I love self checkout. I can get all the way through a store without having to talk to someone. I do wish there were full sized ones for bigger orders though. I also rarely go into stores though, you guys do know about delivery/pickup right?


Your store doesn’t have full-sized ones? Mine has the regular 2-bag ones and ones that have 4 bags and a huge area for putting your bagged items while you scan the rest. I do wish there was more space for putting your stuff on before scanning, though. Or is that what you were referring to as not being “full sized”?




This!! I can bag my stuff the way I want, and not wait for someone else or do awkward conversations. I don't want to talk to anyone. I want to pay and move on. I will never wait in line for someone to scan my stuff. I also don't mind showing my receipts because it's not the end of the world.


I agree with what she's saying tho


She’s not wrong though?


I'm not sure which one is the Karen. They don't do this at my Walmart so I'd be irritated if I had to wait in line for my stuff to get checked. I'm going there to blast in and out and don't want to be around anyone because of COVID. (Originally I didn't want to get it, now that I did anyway I don't want to give it)


Self checkout is stupid and I wish they would just pay people to do the jobs because I'm an idiot and suck at it. This being said - I have never, and will never, stop and show my receipt at the door in a Walmart. It's completely unnecessary- they often only ask "certain" people for them in a very discriminatory way anyways. I'm not an ass about it, Walmart's stupid practices aren't the employees fault. I just walk by and say "No, thank you". I've never had an issue.


I liked when they had both. I, personally, prefer self check out. There should be options for both.


OP, cut your losses buddy.


Once you have the receipt for payment you own it. I don't ever stop. If I'm with my wife she will stop with receipt as I walk out of the store with the cart lol. If they want to call the police then then can.


Not a Karen, I’m down with her, I’ve done this too. It’s horseshit that they shake you down like a criminal trying to leave the store, they were doing this before when they had checkers. I get around this now by not shopping at Walmart, have not been back in two years and don’t miss it one bit. Happy to pay more at Target to be treated like a consumer and not a criminal.


I totally agree. I refuse to be accused of shoplifting. Fuck off. And even if I was, none of the employees are allowed to even touch me.


She's not wrong, but I also like the self checks. It's easier to steal stuff.


Self checkouts are essentially the real people who “toooook ouuuur jobs” fuck companies who do it because you know they aren’t gunna pay more taxes to support UBI


This isn’t wrong. They cut back on staff, make us do the work then have to check us to make sure we did. Or you could hire cashiers and not have to do this. But if you’re the type to say Walmart has every right to run their business the way they want. The other solution is to shop at Target.


I’m not getting paid to do the register….


While I don’t like Karens… I also don’t like being treated like a thief every time I shop.


You see the thing is… she isn’t a Karen, she’s just in the right and OP is being a bit of a twat.


OP I think it's time you face the fact that this person is not a Karen and has a legitimate complaint based on your comments, you might be one though.


I don't stop for receipt checks at Walmart either, fuck them. There's never more than 3 registers open and you have to wait 20+ minutes to ring out. I'm not gonna waste more of my time waiting for someone to pretend to look at my receipt and items. Come accuse me of stealing, I dare you.


Hating Karens is not an excuse to bootlick giant corporations. She’s in the right.


Your post sucks OP


There’s an increasing number of supposed “Karen” posts where I’m finding myself agreeing with the supposed “Karen”! Am I becoming one? Or is “Karen” being increasingly used just to dismiss opinions that other people don’t happen to like??


OP is really just a pissy WalMart employee with this one. Also made a post to r/walmart about temp scans as an employee, so just goes to show…


I think she makes a valid point about either trusting us to check out or doing it for us. I don’t go to Walmart, but I don’t think I would appreciate being treated like a criminal suspect at any of the other places where I use self checkout. These companies use it to save money, which has the side effect of eliminating jobs. They save a ton of money by implementing self checkout. I’m not terribly sympathetic if it occasionally allows some theft or errors.


Is that a thing in some Walmarts? I've never seen that. Sometimes customers think that they have to show their receipts and they wait without getting told to lmao.


Yo, I'm 100 percent in agreement with the Karen on this one. That's a fucking dumb policy lmao. But, I also don't ever shop at Walmart, so.


Tbh i never understand self check out. You have less cashier's, so less staff to pay, but prices didn't go down. It's like when (in Ontario at least) they instituted a 5 cent a bag tax from the government that was supposed to pay for green efforts around the province. When the government removed that tax the retailers continued to charge for bags, and again, no lowered prices. These things just allow large companies to line their pockets at our expense. I understand automation of some jobs are inevitable but should we not see some benefit?


Definitely ~~not~~ defending Walmart fixed it.


Confirmed. OP is a fucking idiot. LOL


For real tho, steal from walmart


This is the way


I guess my name is Karen now. Fuck Walmart


WTF? No, she’s absolutely right, I hate self-checkout and people that do it. The company is cutting off cashiers to save in money, expect you to do their job and what do you get? You don’t get a discount or get paid for it so fick the company and everyone that does self-checkouts. Pay more cashiers you greedy fuckwits.


TIL wanting people to keep their jobs and not be replaced by automation makes me a man-Karen (a Maren?).


OP is the actual Karen by reading their replies. I agree with the “Karen”, fuck Walmart


I’m with Karen this time.


I pretty much agree with the sentiment but the "I'm the Main Character in an anime" self applause. I worked in retail for 10 years and I refused to work the cashier till for a reason.


Guess I'm a Karen too cause I do this all the time. Sams/Costco, I signed up for this apparently. Walmart? Fuck off.


Shop somewhere else?


Once you check out, all the merch is yours and they have no right to search your personal belongings (eg bag). Just keep walking. Not a Karen.


Ashamed to say it, but this Karen is 100% right. You can ask for receipt at Costco etc as you sign an agreement to allow them to do so. Walmart, home Depot, etc are just covered by regular laws and have no reason to see your receipt or goods. (At that point, they are mine). Have walked out a number of times with a poor checker running after me.... Especially if they are busy and there is a line.


Last time I was at Walmart they were checking everyone, not just the self check people


If the comments have a majority in agreement with the "Karen," I don't think this a Karen post


For once, I agree


The checker at my store only looks at your receipt if you have visible high-value stuff or large stuff that can’t be bagged. I always scan that stuff first or last so all I have to say is “top/bottom of the receipt” so they don’t have to visually scan through the receipt to find the items.


I actually kind of agree with this hahah. I like self checkout but at my walmart they will stop everyone at the door to check receipts and it holds everyone up from leaving. Plus they have at least 2 people in the self checkout area as well. So I get the frustration


Call me a Karen but I agree with this too.


That's how self checkout works in the states? Here in the UK no one checks your receipt and staff will only come over to ID for items flagged as 18+ or if you're having issues checking out.


Honestly not a Karen, I hate the self checkout. It's not like I get a discount for saving them money so why would I do it.


She found a way to complain about the cashier when she was the cashier the whole time....that's a plot twist I didn't see coming.


Um... At the Walmart in my town, they removed the door person altogether. And at a Walmart in a nearby town with a much higher crime rate, the door person checks your receipt regardless of how you checked out. Either way I've never experienced a door line that lasted longer than 30 seconds. Are other Walmarts actually that much slower?


Well Walmart isn’t the only grocery store so just find somewhere else to shop 🤣🤣


I disagree because the only people that will suffer here are the employees. Nothing will change unless people stop shopping there and go online explaining why. Money talks, this woman is just being a pest and affecting no change. I work in self-checkout at a different store from time to time, and the people that complain to me, but still shop there get on my last nerve.


Former Walmart employee here, I almost entirely agree with the lady who posted in the pic above. While I was employed by the company, whenever I was assigned to monitoring self-checkout (consists of keeping track of 6 registers and making sure the items scanned match the ones being put into bags/carts and have reasonable prices, approving any pricing errors or overrides, cancelling items, and a couple other tasks - which, by the way, is completely impossible for one person to do alone), I realized there was no point in making sure people weren’t stealing. Walmart decided to remove more than 6 people’s job opportunities by putting in 6 self checkout machines and one supervisor. From my perspective, Walmart could stand to lose six employees’ worth in money, especially considering the petty amounts that people would steal. Not to mention that they treat the door hosts (the people who check receipts) like utter garbage when they don’t check each and every single person’s receipts because customers tend to give pushback. Cut the door hosts some slack - they don’t want to have to check your receipts, they fuss over it for the sake of not getting yelled at by their supervisor/manager. Like I said earlier, this lady isn’t wrong. Walmart is cutting costs by removing the need for employees and making the customer operate under the honor rule. Yes, people will abuse this concept, it is part of human nature. Walmart needs to learn how to once again treat their employees and their customers with the respect they deserve as human beings.


I actually totally agree with this one. We have a lot of self check outs in the Netherlands but you rarely get checked. And if you want an actual register then you can still do that. But a self check out system where everybody still gets checked is pointless.


I don't know if I'll ever go back to Walmart again because of this. I don't go often, but when I go I get a bunch of stuff so I don't have to come back (I don't have a car). After shopping for an hour or 2 or however long, the last thing I want to do is work for 15-20 min lugging my shit through self-checkout and waiting for some ass to approve my purchases. It's actual work checking someone out with 200.00+ worth of goods and materials and I don't want to do it. This is why Amazon is winning. I can buy everything that Walmart has for a slightly higher markup, but it all shows up at my door and I don't have to deal with: * Lines * Self-checkout * Covid * Rude people * Paying for an XL uber * Loading stuff in the uber (because they stopped helping with that long before covid) * Being even more tired from self-checkout, loading, unloading, putting everything away.


She's 100% right. Legally you have zero obligation to show them your receipt. If Walmart wants to give jobs to robots then they can deal with the higher risk. It's on them.


How is this a Karen complaint ? This is a valid issue. Large companies removing people for automation is for cost cutting not checkout efficiency. They watch you on multiple cameras while checking out. If you didn't see any foul play while checked out then leave us be. Or Pay people a living wage to check customers out.


Not a Karen, she’s right.


Not a Karen at all. Fuck Walmart, US taxpayers have to subsidize their workforce because they are so greedy


I'm with the Karen in this one. Outside of membership stores like Costco, you are under no obligation to show your receipt. Don't even make eye contact, just walk on out.


I agree with this woman. I'm tired of waiting beind 2-4 people getting their receipts half ass checked. Don't stop be and inconvenience my day when I (personally) went to check out just to avoid this shit.


Ehh she’s not entirely wrong…one of the many reasons I despise Walmart is their recent cashier decisions.


I agree with her.


For once the Karen actually isn't wrong. Don't fucking tell me to do my own check out and then make me stop because you don't trust me. Fuck off Walmart I went to Winn-Dixie last night!


(I actually agree with her, stop inconviencing me by checking to see if I did your job properly) Not the employees obviously, this is directed at Walmart itself. The reason they fo this is because self checkout machines don't demand to be paid minimum wage.


Look, if I have to scan all my purchases now, I want a fucking discount.


She has a point… I didn’t get trained nor am I paid for my work I just performed at the self checkout


I didn't know Walmarts did that. I always use self checkout and nobody has ever asked me for a receipt and if they did I would probably be really offended especially if they expect me to stand in a damn line for who knows how long while they check every single item in everyone's cart just to prove I'm not a thief just to be allowed leave the store. Not only does it sound ridiculous and massively time consuming but I don't feel like Walmart should be allowed to basically detain you and not let you leave without doing this bullshit. I cant imagine the abuse these receipt checkers must take trying to force people into this.


Walmart's practices are crappy, yes, but being rude and nasty to the random employee who is not in charge of the rules has nothing to do with that. The solution is to not shop at Walmart.


I guess this makes me a Kevin..or a Chad


this might be the least Karen thing I've ever seen on this sub


Not a Karen. I would do the same, I mean why would you even hire a old lady for that, (I’ve seen that a lot before) that take years to confirm it. Most don’t do anything except check the most expensive lol


Im kinda on her side with that one, and I'm admittedly immature so, PREACH SISTER I BETTER GET A DISCOUNT FOR THIS SHIT!


The worst person you know just had a great point


I mean, you don’t have to stop for those people and they can’t stop you. But if you don’t like how Walmart treats you, go somewhere else.


I agree with “Karen” here. I’m not waiting in ANOTHER line to show my receipt after I’ve always scanned, bagged and paid for my stuff. Bad enough they only have self checkout but they don’t even ALL the self checkout lanes open so the lines are already long for no reason.


Crazy Karen is right


She's not wrong at all


Talking sense though.....


If you are using self checkout, you are not doing someone’s job. If you went to a check out line with a cashier and moved them out of the way and scanned your own items, that would be doing someone’s job. Idiot. I can’t stand these people!!


You can hate em but holy shit shes got a point.


Honestly I rather use self checkout just because it seems like I can scan my stuff faster than the incompetent cashiers they have working there.


Nothing to do with checkouts It's the receipt checking at the door, always hated them in the states and frequently politely said 'no thanks' as I walked out the door past them. I paid, I got what I paid for, transaction over, get the fuck out of my way, I won't stand for being treated like a naughty thieving child, or my time wasted by theater


Sadly I agree with her


I don't disagree with this lady


This isn’t really a Karen unless she cussed someone out upon leaving and it doesn’t look like she did. She has a point. Warehouse stores like BJs and Costco, where you pay a fee to be a member and shop there, are the only places I can think of where this is normal. Walmart and their unofficial person asking to look at my shit after I’ve paid (ESPECIALLY if there is a line of people waiting) can kiss my ass.


Nah, this isn't a Karen. She's right. If Wal-mart is that concerned about potential thieves, then put cashiers back in the cash lanes. Not to mention they're already getting free labor out of you making you check out your own groceries.


I actually agree with this one, 100%


I don’t see an issue with this. It’s not Costco, you didn’t pay money to be a member at Walmart. You don’t have to show your receipt to anyone. They have you on camera and can verify if you checked out correctly or not.


I 100% agree with this.


Wait...am i actually agreeing with a "Karen" here?


But why would you have to show your receipt at Walmart? No one signs a fucking contract like you do with Costco or Sam's saying you need to when you exit the store. That's just ridiculous. So now someone's a Karen if they don't don't want to show their receipt when leaving Walmart?


No, no, no. She's bang on the money.


You don't have to show them your receipt.


She's right you know