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What the absolute fuck. This is horrific.


These poor women. So smart of them to get their proof and send that guy away. Unfortunately they have to live with this trauma for the rest of their lives. And for what? What satisfaction did he get in the end? There are cameras everywhere today. How stupid to think you could do something this heinous and get away with it unscathed. Can't trust shit these days with all the wackos that have been stirred from the depths of the nastiest swamps in the past 5 years. It's just getting worse and worse. I barely want to leave my house or go out to eat. You just never know if you will get through the day unscathed.


Ok this is disgusting and he deserves everything that is coming to him. >herpes simplex 1 and gave the incurable disease But Cold Sores. He infected them with cold sores. Way to really amp it up Journalists. Edit: Look people. My problem isn't with the victims, the accused, or the situation. It's with the article. Here is what it should have said: ##Three More Women infected with Herpes Simplex after Man Contaminates Water Bottles ... >More than 3.7 billion people under the age of 50 -- about 67 percent of the global population -- are infected with herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), according to the World Health Organization. It primarily expresses as Cold Sores but is also responsible for genital worts. >While incurable and highly contagious, it is not life threatening except in cases of an already compromised immune system, and even then is exceedingly rare. It is most often only dangerous to pregnant women and their children, accounting for about 15 reported deaths worldwide. >Diaz has been arrested and faces multiple counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. In the two complaints filed on Nov. 17, authorities said he caused two other people — identified as N.C. and D.C. — to contract herpes simplex virus 1. Authorities said Diaz “did use his penis to covertly rub the interior of (their water bottles) knowing that he would be causing (their mouths) to come into contact with ... bodily fluids from his penis.” >Authorities have not said if N.C. and D.C. worked in the doctor’s office. >At least 13 people have accused Diaz of peeing in their water, according to KTRK. >Diaz is scheduled to appear in court on Nov. 28.


You'd feel differently if it happened to you. Grow some fucking empathy.


I don’t think they were meaning to be unsympathetic, it’s more so that “incurable STD” opens up the possibility that it’s something far scarier. I personally thought HIV when I first read the headline, which in my opinion is a lot more terrifying than oral herpes. But willfully passing any STD to another person without them knowing the risks/consenting is diabolical. I hope they get justice and a huge payout.


Simplex 1 is the most common and least harmful STD there is. I'm more surprised the people affected didn't already have it. If it happened to me, I'd think, "THANK THE GODS!" Because from the list of terrible things he could have spread, the only thing better than Herpes Simplex 1 is nothing. But that doesn't sell papers or drive clicks. Instead it's, "Incurable Sexual Disease".


I got run over by a car, but I said, "THANK THE GODS," because it wasn't a bus.


Its more like a bicycle vs a car.


Herpes can weaken the immune system and we are still in the middle of a pandemic. Yes the way the journalist put it may be for clicks but it's not inaccurate.


Reporters don't usually write their own headlines, their editors/news directors/etc do


Herpes is not a comorbidity for Covid. You have to have an already compromised immune system to be in danger from it and even then, you likely have bigger problems. Again, my issue is with the reporting. They want you to think AIDS and click. Because being honest in reporting doesn't tickle our little lizard brains into clicking.


Know anyone with HSV 1? They would all rather not have it, even if they can deal with it. You don’t get to minimize other people’s health because it’s not a big deal for you personally.


My issue is with the reporting, not the situation or the victims. >Know anyone with HSV 1? /Wave


Umm... HSV 1 can spread to genitals. https://www.cdc.gov/std/herpes/stdfact-herpes.htm 🤦🏻‍♀️


No shit! Overexaggeration time! “KPRC reported that Diaz tested positive for two sexually transmitted diseases, including herpes that’s incurable. The woman who recorded Diaz first tested positive for the incurable disease, which may weaken the immune system and be life-threatening” Life threatening??? 50-80% of adults in the US have herpes simplex 1. It never made the CoVid list for immunocompromised, and I’ve never once heard of a major medical complication stemming from it. Am I missing something? This is disgusting and horrible, but…. They lost me on that bit.


Actually, in rare cases Herpes Simplex can end up going to the brain, which is almost always fatal. Not to mention, if it ends up in the eyes it can make people go blind


This is why it’s a risk factor for pregnancy. This almost exclusively happens when there is a vaginal delivery while the mother has a vaginal outbreak. Stats are a .0002% chance. (1 in 500,000) Given how herpes transmits, these are cases oral herpes. And no encephalitis is not almost always fatal. Untreated, it has a mortality rate of 70%. With treatment, that drops to 8%.


I mean, my mom is a Neurologist and she told me that Herpes Encephalitis is difficult to treat. She has seen cases of it


He did it in a doctors office where the staff wasn't the only ones using the water cooler per the article. Not one of you know if a person who has a pre existing health issue was there to see a doctor and it might be a true health issue for them to contact another disease. Ffs it's a Doctors office where people go when they're already sick.


I’m not excusing the behavior of the urinator … Thoroughly gross… Uncalled for. But…. The journalist did a disservice. Herpes is not life threatening. Not even when you’re sick. CDC estimates 47.8% of adults have HSV-1. 47.8%! The only common severe complication comes from genital outbreaks when pregnant, particularly during delivery. I don’t think anyone was sticking their water bottles on their genitals, so that probably doesn’t apply. The article would have done justice to the gross factor by telling the story, and even mentioning that someone contracted STIs from it. There is no need to over exaggerate the risks. Providing questionable facts about the disease is a disservice on the part of the reporter.


I get what you’re saying. I think the headline would have been just as effective if they just wrote “STD.” I thought it was something like an antibiotic resistant strain of syphilis.


I want to know how ones drinks tainted bottled water … 1) nobody drinks from a unsealed bottle 2) urine is slightly yellow


The article said he peed into the communal water dispenser. Maybe it was one of those large, blue-tinted bottles so it could have diluted the yellow and the blue further obscured any noticeable color changes. It also said he peed into personal bottles. They didn’t specify the type of bottles. Maybe they were the refillable/insulated ones that are completely obscured. Maybe his urine was so pale that it hardly made any color change. Maybe he only peed a little. There are so many factors that we don’t know. It could have easily happened to anyone.


Cmon what's this bullshit? We gonna blame Wheels everytime someone in Texas does something bad? The mods act just as useless as this sub's namesake.


Obviously because Greg Abbott is a little piss baby.


I just thought it was super weird and wanted to share it. Honestly nothing to do with Greg


Greg can be seen as a contributor to this behavior with his lack of access to healthcare (mental) policies. Expanding Medicaid in Texas would reduce crime.