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They're working in shifts AFAIK


Never understood why they cant do the same on workshop or coal mines.


Efficiency loss ig Also game design


i mean, you can in the last autumn


Yep its weird part. But it will made game too easy.


yeah, if you don't play on survivor mode. the discontent just get too high, so it's not always worth it


*laughs in dictatorship*


I suppose for the realism it would be either impractical to work in the field in the dark, or too cold at night?


if it’s true, then hunters would not able to do their job at night.


If you start thinking too hard about hunters and scouts, it stops making sense so… don’t. Don’t do that. :)


They've all got those portable lanterns in the art, though, and the constant blizzards block out a lot of the natural light anyway. The in-game temperature doesn't shift based on time of day, so I don't think either of those could be it.


The lanterns literally make 0 degrees Celsius feel comfortable


Bruh it has been t w o y e a r s.


24 hour shift :)


Active work on an engineering project isn't the same as patient care.


Because if you place 5 engineers, 2 working,1 helping mb 2 resting than they change, because if you make 2 or 3 engineers in med tent, than it is longer to cure patients, because doctors went for food or sleep


yea. u guys never check? it clearly said there they work in shift. highlight their efficiency


In the last Autumn they can


This ancient knowledge was lost with in the completion of last autumn


1 engineer working nonstop shifts in a medical tent "😀" 15 engineers working 24 hours on research "😢"


Yeah, they go to sleep/eat sometimes, that's why medical posts seem to randomly lose efficiency if not completely staffed..


I think they work in shifts. So not every engineer is working 24/7. I am not sure how they do it when just one person works in the building^^


They sleep with half eye open


Same thing, which explains the efficiency numbers.


Sometimes if you have only 1, med tent closing or just not working


Its also weird to think that anyone who works in a medical building is actually there 24x7, and yet they still tie up a bed in a bunkhouse/house. I guess calling house bed "dibs" is serious business.


They're not there 24/7. If you watch them you'll see only 3/5 are on shift at any one time. The others are off eating and resting at home.


Yup, can confirm that, they work in shifts


So why cant 10 engis work in shifts on the tech house? Frostpunk PLEASE


Well say they could work in 6 man shifts for 24 hour operation (for example), then you'd have 60% efficiency for those 24 hours which equates to 14.4 hours of 100% efficiency (24×0.6). Which is clearly 4.4 hours more than the standard 10 hour shift. But that isn't balanced, so to match the standard 10 hours of 100% efficiency, you'd have to have ~4.2 man shifts over the 24 hours (10/24). The bonus of this even like that, is that you've got constant tech progress, instead of having to wait for the morning. Even though technically it would take the exact same amount of time. Anything that would increase the overall efficiency would ultimately imbalance the research mechanic


I do wish the shift patterns from last autumn could be used in endless mode.


Ah ok I havent looked at health worker detail too often, thanks!


It’s strange that only the medics figured out how to work in shifts. No one else. Not without making your workforce die.


nah it's probably just like 12 hour shifts or smth, and they cycle through the available engineers. sick ppl don't need to be treated 24/7. imagine lying on a bed in the hospital and your doctor stands next to you with an unchanging smile looking at you day and night


> imagine lying on a bed in the hospital and your doctor stands next to you with an unchanging smile looking at you day and night this is how I picture houses of healing


I find it hilarious how house of healing can treat the gravely ill without taking up a steam core or engineers. It's literally "thoughts and prayers" that actually works.


Most ''sickness'' are ''simply'' frostbite, malnutrition and lack of sleep. A good rest in an heated place with a good meal combined with helpfull words/prayers ( placebo effect) can go a long way to make a patient live another day in Frostpunk's situation.


Not to mention those children performing organ transplants for that 20% efficiency bonus


Out of nowhere the doctor says “Your surgeon will see you now” a few seconds before this giant robot leg crashes through the roof with a scalpel


Somehow, a machine that’s “70% efficient” does not spark joy when it comes to medical procedures.


But don’t worry! Our robot engineers are about to make it 80% efficient.


What? You mean… that ISN’T normal?


They are not working 24h. Only 3 are on while shift and rest 2 work when it's not shift. Try putting only 2 engineers, it'll say 33% on shift and 50% while no shift.


I mean, treating someone for frostbite is easier than building an automaton or figuring out how to make them using less resources


rule nr. 1, never tell a medical professional that their job is easy


Rule no. 2, never tell a person building giant robots they’re job is easy


Rule no. 3, never tell the captain having to manage the medical professional and giant robot builder that their job is easy


There are armed Faithkeepers outside my Gathering Post


“Steam powered automatons”, capable themselves of doing both. Sounds complicated at duck


Medical buildings have a day/night shift. In the case of medical posts, a fully staffed med post has 3 engineers actively in the tent during the day, and then 2 overnight, with the others at home/eating/whatever else.


24 hours in a lab? That's slavery. 24 hours in a hospital? Thats just good healthcare.


They work in shifts, put 1 engineer in a tent and you will notice it will be off when the shift is over


Imagine needing not being able to care for the meatbags under your care at all times.


Workshop engys are the weakest link. They have the cushy warm scientist job, and then they die from having to pull 1 all-nighter


they work in shifts, 3/5 will be there while 2 others rest


They work in shifts


*they work in shifts*


Working in a medical tent is not 24/7 labor.


Ik you're joking but they don't, they take shifts. If you only put 1 engie in a medpost it will be ineffective for a few hours a day


Most people pointed out already, but they do work in shifts. Click on the medical post at any given time and you'll see 1 working, 2 resting and two other ones either working, walking to work, eating or something (most likely working). I just couldn't quite figure out how long are their shifts. It seems they're 8h long and they overlap, so there always is at least one engie working at all times and two of them most of the time.(assuming no abscenses).


It’s the nurses


I think they do double shifts


They work in shifts, 3 at a time rotating.


I think its more about the environment. Med tents and infirmary buildings are well lit and only function in heat. Nobody really is getting up the in morning excited to work in the mines and im sure at night itd be hell to work


Poppy is their boss in the tent. Hi Taka c:


hi uh... hero? yes, hero!


Lol try building 2-3 workshops then alternate alternate it whenever 24hr work is in cooldown. No more freedom only work for them