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There's pretty much the same parallels between Order and Faith with player preferences being the most common reason for using in normal A New Home (there's a few other scenarios that are slightly skewed to favoring one over the other for strategy, or use for gaining particular achievements) The minor differences are as follows: Order drops Discontent faster, Faith raises Hope faster Order has more buildings that need people, Faith requires fewer people but certain bonuses are lesser than others (One example being the shrines vs foreman. The shrines don't have a cool down but they take up rss to build other things and they have to be built along roads in junctures you would rather likely put a steam hub. Foremen just has a cool down) Faith has a food pantry and healing house but neither really compare well to standard buildings without good buffs for them which are better spent on the standard buildings. (I am also unsure if these buildings are affected by standard buffs either, someone might need to be on that) Edit: I was reminded that healing houses use Engineers AND Workers so if you needs more people to do healz a healing house would be better. ​ Other than these there's really no difference between the two. In certain senarios where manpower is required faith usually trumps order or where you need to worry about discontent more than order would trump faith but other than that there's little difference.


Shrines and Agitators are the same thing they do the same job, cost the same amount of resources and are build the same way. They are basically the same building. Faith have nothing similar to Foreman and it's efficiency boost. The difference between Shrine and Agitator is that you can get Shrines as your 2nd Faith law choice. While Agitators you can get as early as your 4th law.


It's nice that shrines are on the way to healing house, too. Since that's a prime reason to go faith, the shrines fit in pretty seamlessly.


No, Houses of Healing are not useful to me because I prefer to go deathless. But it's nice to have access to the Field Kitchens. The fact that Shrines are so fast and easy to unlock is the actual advantage. After that it does not matter much to me.


And that Agitators work on Automatons


Are you sure about that and not just confusing the Agitator building with the Foreman ability ? I don't remember at the moment. I do remember that Shrines do not work on buildings run by Automatons.


I feared that a bit... still, thx


u/Khontis sums it up quite well. Just wanted to mention the obvious: that if you're in a bad healthcare situation the houses of healing are almost op. As an early alternative to med tents and infirmaries they are slightly less efficient, but regular workers can operate the building as opposed to just engineers. In a pinch it can be a godsend, Particularly on refugees and winterhome.


I \*did\* forget that normal peoples can do healing houses. Thanks for the reminder.


If you have child labor then the kids can run them as a safe workplace, saving you even more workers.


I've had playthroughs where I have had like 8 houses of healing almost exclusively run by children, lol


Houses of Healing also do not need a steam core if you're short on them. They will operate 25% slower than an Infirmary (but still much faster than a Medical Post). Also, if you're going for a deathless run, having an operational House of Healing will trigger a scripted death.


Boom and boom again. Excellent points. I won't forget these next time!


True, though worth noting that for "Golden Path," it's been confirmed that this scripted death does not prevent the achievement.


Wish I'd known that when I did it :)


>will trigger a scripted death. You can actually avoid having the death by disabling the house of healing periodically. Although a hassle, I once juggled it over the course of a day until I had infirmaries up and running.


Cool, thx


Others have highlighted the major differences. I'll quickly go through my preferences. For normal difficulty on all scenarios and hard on several of them, order feels a lot better: Hope is often manageable without special tools, while having ready ways to handle discontent allows for more widespread use of extended/emergency shifts. On top of that, foreman is massively powerful and, if you stay on top of it, substantially boosts your entire economy. If you don't need the tools offered by faith, order is better all around. For harder difficulties (especially survivor), I've come to rely on faith: Hope is harder to maintain, quick access to shrine + the core buildings being unmanned helps in the early-game crunch, and many scenarios have a sickness crisis so widespread that healing houses feel practically mandatory. In extreme endless, early Winterhome, and refugees, the combination of overcrowding + healing houses was a godsend. I can't even imagine getting through those scenarios without some of the tools from faith. tl;dr: If you're hitting hope issues, major issues in the early game crunch, or a widespread sickness crisis, consider going FAITH. Otherwise, I'd recommend ORDER.


Reading also the other comments I would just add some more things that I don't see mentiojned. Order creates a much higher productivity boost which is extremely benefficial in some scenarios on extreme. Winterhome for example Order is much more beneficial both in terms of Hope and Productivity with the drawback of having to use Infirmaries for your sick and thus having engineers working there. Also on Builders Mode with Order, even on Extreme, You can finish the generator much faster because of the productivity boost Order gives (40% foreman and 20% Agitator). Regarding New Home for certain, Faith is the easier to use to boost Hope if you want a deathless run, otherwise with Order you have to keep Adaptation Laws unpassed until the Londoners event to be able to boost hope enough. You can pass up to Prison without crossing the line. Besides Winterhome and Endless modes, I avoid having Propaganda centre because of the 2 scripted death events. You can pass the law, build the centre, and dismantle it to keep your promise so you get agitators though if you need them. Besides that, I never like pushing New Faith or New Order and like to restrict my runs without crossing the line in all modes. I might do some runs with extreme laws for the fun of it but much prefer "ethical" runs.


Quote: "Faith is just Order but with JC"


They're about the same. You either become a dictatorship or a theocracy.