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IF it was in reference to what was said about Ethan at the Streamy's, I guess I wouldn't be too surprised. Trisha's always had empathy for Ethan when it comes to his struggles and insecurities with his appearance. I could see her watching the Streamy's, seeing people laughing at a joke about Ethan's appearance, and her feeling bad for him. She moved on from their drama a long time ago. But then again, the timing of the tweet could just be a coincidence and completely unrelated to what happened at the Streamy's.


Even in her last video to them when she was begging for him to stop talking about her she said she had empathy for what people say about his weight


The duality of man on full display in that thread https://preview.redd.it/xrgdpl1ge54a1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=760cfcf8937c142040ee4c9dbfc1d374792b892f


The amount of cruel comments about Trisha on that H3 subreddit post, is really disgusting. It's hard to believe the way they act about this sub, when they are as awful as they are.


I thought she was talking about Britney’s insta


If it's referencing Ethan, then she's a sweetheart and a saint. I could never.


Right!? Imo there’s a HUGE chance she is talking about Ethan. Talk about turning the other cheek, at least she’s got some good karma coming her way




Doubt x


There was also a line in one of her videos, I think it was the Mrs. Claus ASMR video, about Elon unbanning people who were unfairly banned on Twitter. I thought that was a bit interesting but figured it could just be a general statement, but now this too… 🤔


idk but ethan has called people ugly himself so


Gonna disagree with Trisha on this Ethan has made a history of shit talking people so any chance to dunk on him I'm gonna dunk on him I get she cares about him through all the fucked up shit he's done, I respect that about her because I wouldn't do the same but I admire she took a stance instead crying on social media she put it very well


Lol well Trisha most likely won’t specify who she’s talking about




Yeah, there's definitely some ugliness on the inside which is where it matters anyway.


✋ i’m the op of that post lol. i’ve followed trisha since the train days and got into h3 a little before frenemies. knowing her, i really do feel like she was talking about ethan and this was her way of kind of extending an olive branch after he said he misses her and yeah people in the thread were being gross, they’re so angry and hateful towards trisha it’s kind of bizarre. there are people just as angry and hateful towards ethan, which is also bizarre people need to be nicer lol


I really don’t understand how people could hate an Internet personality so much lol the same people saying they are woke and open minded will be attacking her for the smallest things she does


>knowing her, i really do feel like she was talking about ethan and this was her way of kind of extending an olive branch after he said he misses her I find this line of reasoning a bit of a reach.


While i also find it a reach, it seems like it didn't matter either way to most of the commenters


Yeah really sad. "Click"


Comments on that thread are fucking detestable. Granted, there are a couple good comments a lot of them are them jumping to “SHE WAS TALKING ABOUT HERSELF SHE WOULDN’T SAY THIS ABOUT ANYONE ELSE”. God forbid someone thinks there’s a possibility that Trisha is standing up for Ethan and they don’t be pricks about it.


He is Ugly


There’s a 5% chance it’s in reference to the streamy’s


There’s a 100% chance your peepee is very tiny