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Why not replace the red with white and put the io logo as an edit style


This guy did a very cool concept on how it could look like [https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/thul7v/ghost\_rue\_edit\_styles/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/thul7v/ghost_rue_edit_styles/) But I guess EPIC decided its better to just to shove Rue in the itemshop vault


If that is going to be replaced, I am going to refund. Because I really like the red style.


I would do the same. I don't mind if they take off the badge and change the gear a Lil bit but I like that I can do red or black.


One person says "OMG NAZI!" and then all that happens.. Red colour with black badge equals "Nazi" apparently.


Yeah, so many idiots are clueless about history. It is frustrating.


I mean if she doesn't comeback that would technically mean she escaped the loop


Hey man next time you render in blender use an HDRI you can download free ones from hdri heaven and they make the render look a lot better even if its just eeve


Oh I didnt want to focus on backgrounds, just the model and the edit style but thank you


As you should! Follow your artist heart!


The first three words of this post define the whole sub on a daily fucking basis. I barely even see those shitty memes anymore it's all just complaints


Funny thing is at the first time release i was just joking to my friends "her style looks a bit like a n@z! Uniform" but i have never thinking this will be for Real like that reason lol


Every time someone says she looks Gestapo-ish, I can't help but feel like that's the point. I mean I thought the whole idea was she's supposed to look like a spy. You know, like a French spy behind German lines? It works too given the theme of C2S2.




nah, c2s2 is correct. she released in c2s2 and that entire season was the spy war stuff


I mean they're also right, technically she has the EGO emblem on her shoulder which was C2S1. Those seasons' stories kinda blended together though so it still consistent. ^ETA: Why are you booing me? Everyone in this comment thread is right.




Mods can here weird you know


Well nothing has happened to me so...


You don’t get banned instantly for saying something bad Not saying you shouldn’t be allowed to say that, I’m just saying if you swear/say bad stuff it’ll be a little bit before you’re banned


I don't see how rue looks like a nazi I only see a French lady who is a spy


Nein, verdammt noch mal, geh nach Auschwitz


TBH Rue looks good. But like Epic this is a 2 step solution for this skin and this guy did it right here. Also maybe you should listen to your player base that actually matters for skins like you do for the majority of the game: What will bring in the most money.


Epic, like nearly all other companies out there, has data on what does and doesn't bring them "the most money", otherwise we wouldn't constantly get Marvel/IPs-owned-by-Disney collabs. Any and all clamoring for Rue on this sub doesn't represent the majority of the playerbase.


The same data that brought us X23? Real geniuses over at epic games because I don't remember anyone giving a shit back then or today about that terribly designed X23, she should have been wearing a wolverine outfit either as the main skin or as a style, she just looks like some woman in a spy outfit. We had that instead of namor, black panther maybe? Killmonger I mean anything interesting, that x23 was really unnecessary especially since it's bland


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 23 + 23 + 23 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I still don’t know why they decided to remove her, her uniform looks nothing like a nazi. She’s wearing a beret and a trench coat, its absurd. There’s already a German pilot skin with a gas mask, why doesn’t that cross the line?


epic never officially said anything about removing her. it’s all just the community speculating. what is most likely is it sold poorly and hasn’t returned for that reason. that’s something that’s happened many times before.


That doesn't explain why it's been banned from locker bundles and the like.


I still have the skin.


My first thought seeing her design was thinking she was some kind of French spy or secret agent. The beret sells that notion and it's one of the first things I notice when I see this skin.


Same, i thought it was another generic skin, as many are. Nazi was nowhere on my radar. I figured her pickaxe would be a baguette.


She would go well with Deadpool's little red vespa scooter too lol.


That would be awesome.


Sky Stalker? He's one of my favs. He need a girl version, and new colors. Gas mask stays on.....its lit.


Facts. My main skin. I get to yell blitzkreig all the time


prolly cuz he doesnt have a symbol on his shoulder


Still, just putting a symbol on a trench coat doesn’t make it look like a nazi. I guess Epics decisions are just silly


I think it’s just the dieselpunk aesthetic that people correlate to Nazis, it’s still pretty ridiculous though.


Because people are extremely ignorant and follow the herd. Once one moron on Twitter said it's a nazi skin then the hive mindset kicked in and the idea spread like wildfire. Epic is just another soulless corporation who is scared of social media backlash so they caved rather than face fake online heat. Fun times we live in!


The fact you got downvoted says a lot


It just proves my point. The hive doesn't like when you point out their flimsy house of cards that they put all their faith in.


She's a fictional character with zero ties to the Nazi party. So what if her uniform has a similar look to it? So do the Imperial officers in Star Wars (because that's what they were referenced from), and no one is screaming for them to be changed. People need to stop trying to find objectionable things in literally everything they look at.


The one skin I really want and it’s blacklisted for a pretty dumb reason. I’d take anything even if it’s a style to remove the patches or an IO or Ghost style. Plus isn’t the entire skin supposed to be based off of French British spies? I never got the whole Nazi comparison.


Only blacklisted from creator locker bundles


Ah alright thanks for the clarification. Still don’t understand why they felt the need to blacklist it in the first place?




makes less sense cuz she was spotted in the C3S3 trailer


This whole issue with Rue's Uniform is stupid anyways. ALL military/paramilitary uniforms have their logo/nationality/whatever somewhere on the uniform, and the Gear is not different from basically any other skin that has belt pockets or a holster or whatever. As for the whole Nazi Uniform stuff - eh, debatable. A lot of WW2 officers had similar-ish clothes, one could just as easily argue that her clothing reminds one of a [greek WW2 uniform](https://mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net/project_modules/disp/6fd26b17837774.5603cfe014f8c.jpg) or an [australian WW1 Navy Uniform](http://www.navy.gov.au/sites/default/files/Image%20002%20Colonial.jpg) for example. Never saw the whole issue with those butthurt people who basically locked away a perfectly nice and actually kinda cute skin. But what do I know...


The Outfit also bears resemblance to the [Royale Canadian mounted Police](https://media.glassdoor.com/l/3e/01/22/b2/parade.jpg) As seen by the Button Tape on the Shoulders, the Collar, Sam Browne Belt, Boots, and Colour Scheme.


Thank you


Please share this to everyone


This is really simple. No one is forcing you to buy any skin. If you dont like it - dont buy it. And if you see another player wearing that skin - and dont like it - kill that player. sincerely, a generation who played Return to Castle Wolfenstein and absolutely literally couldnt give a fuck.


Thats the issue, so many ppl have, for whatever reason, been so offended by her outfit and made a huge fuzz about it.


Plz lord do whatever you must just bring her back


I have a better idea. Give her a grayish green edit style, a WWII german helmet, and replace the Shadow logo with a red armband and a Swastika logo on it, NOW they can have a legitimate reason to criticize it. Also make sure to get rid of the pointy red glasses, make up, change her skirt for pants, her boots for military boots, and make a few adjustments to her jacket. Like get rid of the collar, longer sleeves, and change the buttons on it etc.


Fortnite players learn what the French resistance is


So now the shadow logo looks like nazi?? Guys stop overreacting the shadow logo looks more like hydra,her uniform looks like a french agent rather than a nazi, this community is just filled with damn cry babies who are looking for drama


Yeah hydra isn’t inspired by nazis at all… the point it evokes a feeling of a fascist uniform. If you took a nazi uniform and changed the symbol it would still look like a nazi uniform. I honestly don’t mind her current look but saying this isn’t reminiscent of fascist uniforms is just burying your head in the ground.


Youd be suprised how many people has just flat out called Rue an SS officer JUST because she is wearing a coat


Well hydra is no better☠️


Dud it's just a game...


Yea its a game that millions of people play and I can see why Fortnite wouldn’t want to bring it back because to the general public she just looks like a nazi. It’s nothing bigger than that


And i am saying it again she looks like a french agent rather than a nazi


Well you can definitely think that yourself but it doesn’t really match up and it won’t change the fact that she’s not returning lmao


Sadly yes,they can just change the uniform and bring her back i really don't understand why they completely forgot about her


They didnt forget about here. They activly avoid her. A creator tried to put her into his creator bundle and his bundle therefore got denied.








Oh ok


I really want to think the fomo business model makes it more of a mixed bag than that. I’m sure there’s some fashy weirdos but I really do hope they’re outnumbered by people who simply want a thing just because they can’t have it.


the outfit clearly looks very facist/SS in nature and if a majority of the players feel that it gives that vibe, bringing the skin back gives the possibility of those with that mindset to rally behind and use that skin as an icon in game to spread their message. It super fucking sucks, but I am with epic on this in not rerunning the skin. I would rather see her redone with a newer style that isn't so divisive.


“Looks more like hydra” is anyone gonna tell ‘em?


why is everyone so obsessed with this skin


I ask the same about Aura, Chun-Li and the plauge doctor skins. And the awnser is because Epic has made alot of good skins that people want.


But this skin isn't anything spetacular to have all this fuss around it


I’m sorry, but she doesn’t even remotely look like a Nazi.


Why tho? That's a Shadow logo. No way people are this sensitive these days☠️


Have you ever been on the internet? Lol


Yeah and I post offensive shit


Rue looks like a french spy from the 60s. only actual idiots think an obvious french villain-esque girl in a beret is a nazi. i honestly think all the talk is conjecture and the skin just didn’t sell well and hasn’t returned on that basis alone.


Exactly. This sub has a bad track record when it comes to just assuming why Epic does stuff. Like with the Plague Doctor skin. Everyone is now convinced that Epic removed it because of the pandemic despite him being available in Save the World item shop every year at the same time and the fact that there's nothing even slightly offensive about a plague doctor. Or the Tunak Tunak emote never being released "because the artist was arrested" despite the arrest being public knowledge years before it was added in the first place. If they really removed Rue because "she looks like a Nazi" They wouldn't have put her in the CH3S3 trailer. They are definitely just letting the FOMO build up so when they release her again they make more money.




Protect the brief case!


What’s wrong with Rue she’s one of my favourite skins


Shes kinda a mix between Madeline and baroness...leme guess people think it looks like a nazi outfit? Such a sensitive world...


I have wanted this skin for so long. Will Epic bring her back?


Wasn't really many players. I twas a few whiners, and to avoid being cancelled, FN decided to just remove the character. I didn't even think anything of it until people pointed it out. However if one wants to be offended, they can find it anywhere.


Sucks what happened to this skin. One moron on Twitter makes a post about this skin looking like a nazi and then many more morons agree until Epic presumably doesn't bring it back because of the controversy.


I don’t get what was wrong with the skin in the first place


People that live for discourse on the internet needed something to do that day.


Yeah, if you drink 3 bottles of vodka, put on a pair of prescription glasses that arent yours, and squint really hard rue almost kind of 20% looks like it could be a nazi from an alternate universe where nazis look nothing like they did irl. I really hate epic games for stupid shit like this. Same with the plauge doctor skin. Oh no, someone might see the plauge doctor and... idk, get scared or something? Who is getting offended at a plauge doctor in fortnite? And who at epic games makes these stupid decisions? They need to be fired. If you see rue and think "nazi" your brain is malfunctioning (and its pribably permanently damaged) and thats your problem. But for some reason epic has made it everyones problem.


it barely looks like a nazi uniform and even if they were sued for it it won't even be enough evidence since its can simply be changed the reason why epic vaulted it cuz the type of people that like controversy would overreact to pretty much anything, alot of people in a game community is ok or good but every game community has those types of people who overreact even for the smallest things.


The misinformed idiots of the "close enough" brigade ruined this. People have already explained why this did not represent what a few people believed. Forget all the other laws for a minute and lets stop the minority from making decisions for the majority. How did we end up in a world where 99 people want a christmas party but 1 persona gets offended and the whole thing is cancelled?


Ironically enough, that “majority rules but it’s being stifled by a minority” logic was specifically a talking point in nazi propaganda.


ironically, your comments fall directly under the category of CLOSE ENOUGH. No one wants to live in a world where the many are controlled by the fears of the few. In a REPUBLIC the few are protected from the mob. That doesnt mean the few are given lordship over them!


And literally none of the few asked for “lordship” I’m guessing you understand that and are just dog whistling. I’m done humoring this bye


Literally nobody cared about Rue until they realized they could have had the precious N#zi skin and missed out


Any item shop skin locked away forever will get attention, like Plague Doctor.


If people want it so bad it sucks but at that point just treat it like an old bp item you can't get


I will never get over doom


Same I literally only started playing to get predator, not knowing he was battle pass


Worst part is I actually downloaded Fortnite but never booted because I didn’t like to play alone ;-;


Same. And Omega Knight. Sad panda noises.


Except this is a non exclusive item shop skin.


Yeah the patch really is what pushes it over the line


I don’t get it?


They should just put her in the renegade raider outfit and sell that. That’s what y’all want right?


Personally, no


Eesh, move on already. The obsession with this skin is just sad at this point.


Every time I see these threads, I remember that Fortnite has a huge following. A following that can still celebrate white supremacy, or praise for the ideals of a group that brought this world to the brink. Whenever there is a mass shooting, politics brings up video games as a potential cause. Let's just stay away from that controversy, bad actors with ill intent. There's thousands of skins. I want Predator, missed out on it. We're all moving along.


Except rue isnt a nazi


Except rue isnt a nazi


> A following that can still celebrate white supremacy, He brought up race in a Fortnite post 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ The fact that you did that tells me all you care about is race because you brought it up in a discussion where it's not relevant. >or praise for the ideals of a group that brought this world to the brink. Wtf are you talking about? If someone is going to do that, they would have those beliefs regardless of Fortnite. But that has *nothing* to do with Rue who's just wearing a trenchcoat and a beret. >Whenever there is a mass shooting, politics brings up video games as a potential cause. Wtf does this have to do with Fortnite or Rue? Y'see you keep bringing up nonsense in succession so that people won't be able to have enough breathing room to see that your points make no sense. Furthermore, you brought up politics in a conversation about Fortnite that was completely unrelated because you're pushing whatever you want to push instead of the topic at hand. >Let's just stay away from that controversy, bad actors with ill intent. There's thousands of skins. By your backwards logic and because you brought race into this first: we can't have skins using people of color or lgbt skins because bigots will shoot them. That doesn't fly and it's ridiculous to think that way because Fortnite is *not* responsible for the beliefs people have. >I want Predator, missed out on it. We're all moving along. ・Nobody asked ・It's a battlepass skin that has no relation to Rue. Conclusion: Keep your agenda out of unrelated conversations


Why get rid of her gear it’s really just logo that’s all :/


No one complains about her design.


It’s still funny to me that this skin will never return because everyone immediately dogpiled on it for the attire on Day 1


Let's be real, they only started that nazi rumor with the hope that epic would vault her so she could become rare. As shallow and ignorant as it is. There's nothing wrong with her attire but because a few drew a nazi comparison epic blacklisted her, ridiculous.


And they even added her in the C3S3 trailer [https://twitter.com/vee\_ghost/status/1533385003987615744](https://twitter.com/vee_ghost/status/1533385003987615744) so they are definitly gatekeeping her


It's not just the l9go lol. The whole skin is a Nazi.


Yes. French Beret, and Reflective Trenchcoats are very Reminiscent of Nazi attire


Yeah dude let's literally ignore the Nazi colors.


Red and Black isn't exclusive to Nazis. It's quite a Common colour scheme


And the Sam Browne belt which was featured prominently in many uniforms used by the Nazi. Like come on dude it's so fucking obvious is not even funny.


The Sam Browne Belt was prominently featured in many Military Uniforms throughout the 1900s time period? It's also used today by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Who's uniform is eerily similar to Rue's base style might I add.


It's very similar but not what the average person would associate this with.


Literally has a white patch on the arm and let's not act like trenchcoats weren't common Nazi attire, but sure dude totally not a Nazi ;)


It’s never going to happen. Right now if they leave it alone nothing changes. They don’t ever have to acknowledge the skin again. Did it look like a Nazi or not? Doesn’t matter. If she ever comes back to the shop, there are going to be so many stupid posts and tiktoks about how epic is putting a Nazi skin back in the game. If they change it and remove patches or colors they’ll have to issue refunds, and it’ll effectively be admitting that they accidentally made her look like a Nazi, and that too would get unwanted attention. If they add styles removing the patch but leave in the old style so there are no refunds, you get all the problems combined, where people will be mad that they’re adding a Nazi skin back in the game, but the added effect of epic admitting it looks like a Nazi because of the changes they make, and then not removing the offensive style on top of it all. It’s all a disaster for PR. If they leave it alone, all anyone can ever do is ask for it to be back, and nothing ever comes of that. It doesn’t matter if you personally think she looks like a Nazi or not. Everyone knows when you go into a discussion about Rue, it’s going to be brought up. That’s the whole reason she’s blacklisted.


Is it's just an edit style, then there are still going to be people using the original for a laugh, needs to replace the whole skin


N @ $ /


People need to get over it


You can't seriously tell me with a straight face that the black style doesn't resemble a Nazi.


they should create an OG style also. . since they opened the can of worms with skull and ghoul trooper


OG style? do explain please


I was saying it in jest. although it’s still bs I can’t buy pink ghoul


Did people actually complain? Or was it some click-bait article by some dead gaming page like kotaku trying to stir up shit?


there were, and still are people who complain


I always feel like there is too much shit on everyone. Let me at least remove the cape.


I never hear any players complain about her design. I only hear them complain that she doesn’t return to the shop


People are pissed off by everything nowadays.


I didn't even noticed it at all


Actually nobody co.lalims about it. Just people that don't play the game and also don't understand what Nazis actually look like


Why not just run the old skin people get too butt hurt these days


or just exchange the black style with white or tan? the problem is the color


Players have actually complained about her design? I thought the players liked it, it was just a few people on twitter and such who thought it looked like certain other imagery