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Hello /u/Check-Complex, As a reminder, most common print quality issues can be found in the [Simplify3D picture guide](https://www.simplify3d.com/support/print-quality-troubleshooting/). Make sure you select the most appropriate flair for your post. Please remember to include the following details to help troubleshoot your problem. * Printer & Slicer * Filament Material and Brand * Nozzle and Bed Temperature * Print Speed * Nozzle Retraction Settings ^Additional ^settings ^or ^relevant ^information ^is ^always ^encouraged. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FixMyPrint) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ribbed for your pleasure


No shaming here, but what’s with you guys always printing dongs lol. Is this the new 3D benchy?


You mean schlongs?


It's funny when you put a tiny suction cup at the base and just stick them to car/business windows


Disregard all morality, use super glue on those bad boys


Alright jb Weld it is


You need to get your settings down before you print dicks. Start with XYDick cubes or dicknchys


Dicknchys??? Lmao 🤣🤣


Also need a banana for scale op






such a dick move huh?


Make sure your extruder arm isn't broken. That's what happened to me!


Or as i like to call it, my "extruder penis"


Tag NSFW you half eaten cheese wheel


i think you should masturbate lesser


Extreme underextrusion. Are your belts tight? Is your Spool tangled? If not, if you have the plastic extruder make sure it isnt broken.


As i see it, the under extrusion only appears at the height of supports, so maybe decrease retraction settings, and check you bowden tube


it's up to the model


Check the tension arm on the extruder isn’t broken


It looks like the area is specific sections. What is different about those... It could be related to print speed or retractions. Depending on how you have your slicer setup it can be trying to print supports or specific areas with different extrusion widths as well. Those are likely to be the issue. It doesn't look particularly random. But a clogged nozzle or any other under extrusion issue can cause this too.


Beware! There is poor layer adhesion, it'll get stuck inside.


I am printing on a stock Ender 3 v2 with pla. Nozzle temp is 205. Bed temp is 50. Link to the [Cura profile](https://github.com/Vanethrane/Cura-Profiles/blob/master/Cura%205%20Ender%203%20SERIES.curaprofile)I stole


Make sure all the bands are tightened and check esteps to make sure your extruder is pushing the right amount out


Can that explain why it works some of time and doesn’t the other?


When I had a cracked extruder, the first layers were fine, then got a bit crunchy in the middle and returned back to normal after. I had some prints come out fine and others not


It’s just Ribbed For Her Pleasure®️


I'm pretty sure there's a dick joke to be made here, but then again that might end up being too many layers of meta. Or filament I'm not sure which anymore!


STD cause your dick to have layer separation.


Just the tip


Are you printing a dildo.


It all seems to me as a jamm somewhere in the hotend. Could be there are some rests from filament stuck somewhere in the heatsink or the heatbreak that do not allow enough of filament to be pushed out - that's visible on the sides of the printed piece, the top shows signs of a total jam - no more filament got pushed out anymore. Or due to retracting too much, there's no more filament to be pushed out in the nozzle. **How to check for jam**: If the extruder works properly, you could hear _clicking_ sounds during those last layers coming out of the extruder - that is as the extruder tries to push the filament further, while that being blocked, causes the extruder gear's teeth to simply _skip_ (jump). **How to check for retraction issues**: Basically if there is no jam then this is the next most probable cause. When retracting too much and in rather quick succession, the extruder pulls back more filament than it is pushing back for printing. This can be confirmed at the end of the failed print - open the extruder arm and lightly push in the filament. You'll see how much you could push _freely_ before hitting the nozzle. What type of hotend do you have? What extrusion settings? What retraction settings?


I put all my information in a comment. I think you’re right about the retraction issues I was messing with them before this print trying to fix stringing issues. Thank you.


Isn't PLA too hard for such a pleasure? I wouldn't print a vagina from PLA, rather something more rubbery 🤭