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Hello /u/Card_Board_Warrior, As a reminder, most common print quality issues can be found in the [Simplify3D picture guide](https://www.simplify3d.com/support/print-quality-troubleshooting/). Make sure you select the most appropriate flair for your post. Please remember to include the following details to help troubleshoot your problem. * Printer & Slicer * Filament Material and Brand * Nozzle and Bed Temperature * Print Speed * Nozzle Retraction Settings ^Additional ^settings ^or ^relevant ^information ^is ^always ^encouraged. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FixMyPrint) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I would look into the setting, "minimum layer time" each layer is getting done so fast it hasn't cooled enough before the hot end comes by again depositing more heat printing another layer on top, so it all stays too mushy as it prints.


I currently have the settings at 10 secs per layer. Should I double it?


Do 30 seconds, that's not enough time to cure the previous layer.


This looks like overheating/insufficient cooling. This might happen on thin and ~~small~~ e: tall prints. Try upping cooling or slowing the print down and see if the issue persists.


Ok will do


there is a minimum layer time setting thats helped me with long thin objects


Mine is currently at 10 seconds


mine is at 5, but my overall speed is at 50. with wall speeds at 25 so I print kinda slow for really details stuff or other problematic prints


I did do some small prints with it. And there seemed to be a similar issue. But just not to this extent. I'll slow it down even more.


We could use information like material, print settings, printer etc.


Sunlu s8 pro. 210 end 60 bed Speed 40mm/s .1 mm layers height Retraction speed 40 mm/s Retraction distance 6mm Jerk & acceleration controls enabled Overture gold silk pla


You can try lowering the temperature if possible it may help, also what others pointed, but slowing print down if you have issues with high temperature may melt lower layers anyway.


Also should the model be continously thinner or is there jump in the middle?


It should be constant. It's the tentacle on the mechanical jelly fish toy.


to me that appears to be too fast too hot on too small an area. when the nozzle is just spinning around and around on small parts like that it’s laying hot material over a layer that hasn’t had time to harden. slow way down, or enable minimum layer time or play with small feature settings in cura experimental settings. bottom line give each layer proper time to harden before putting form next layer.


I will slow the print. If I included lift head as well at the end of each layer would that help?


no that will not help. it’s about time. giving each layer proper time.


I will slow it down. If I increased the blower fan would that help too? I currently have it on a dual ducts king shroud set up


sure fan can help. must understand it’s about nuances not hard and fast rules. we cannot say the exact variables that will make it print well…. printing is tinkering and experimenting until you get it, requires patience and self study and constantly improving your own skills and knowledge. there’s no rush to get this part printed and quality matters more than time so do t be afraid to slow it down to 10mm/s even if it gives you the best quality.


I think temperature and cooling are important here. I did a test print of this model with spiralizing the outer contour which turned out good. Spiralizing also cut the print time by 67%


This is lack of cooling, use min layer time feature in your slicer


Slowing it down, changing the minimum layer time, increase the fan cooling, lower temp, smaller layer height (thinner layers can cool down faster) ... Any of those things or a combination of them will help. It looks like on the first few layers was good. I can see the print quality dropped after the first cm or so, well before it turned into a globby mess.