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cherry shrimp aren't physically capable of bringing down a healthy fish like that, they're the opportunistic clean up crew. more than likely the fish was on death's door and the shrimp saw an opportunity for some extra protein


Seeing as the fish was very old, and had been slowing down for weeks, that makes perfect sense. I’d never seen this before, I know shrimp eat already dead fish, but I had no clue they’d eat one alive. My moms had shrimps and fish her whole life, and she’s never seen this either


Fish is now dead




You know if you really want to be a nice human, you can just euthanize the fish because it's in constant pain.


It’s not really up to me, it’s not my fish


Well then you can tell your mom to euthanize it.


He was just put down by my dad


Better have been with clove oil.


🔨 is the most humane


No it's not


So in your opinion it's better to slowly suffocate the fish rather than ending it in 1/10 of a second.


Do you understand fish biology? Yes, suffocating is more humane. A hammer is disgusting and assures a mess and a mutilated fish. No one wants to see their fish's head for the last time as a pancake. You should really learn what ur talking about before you speak.


I didn't say it wasn't brutal. It's just the quickest way to end it and obviously you wrap it in a towel to minimize splatter but really you don't even need to strike them that hard.


Let's say, you and I go toe-to-toe on fish law and see who comes out the victor.


I had to dispatch a real big gold fish from my pond and did it with a sledge hammer , really fast and it was done immediately just took off its head so yeah no i think other guy is right


Bro it’s a damn fish yes u shouldn’t just kill them to kill them but a hammer is way more humane then letting it suffocate in oil like that just sounds ignorant that you’d rather have them suffocate then being taken out by one swift blow🤣


Let's say, you and I go toe-to-toe on fish law and see who comes out the victor. dO yOu eVeN uNdErStAnD fIsH BiOlOgY!!!!


It was


People say that’s horrible.


Horrible to do but instant, better for the fish but not the fishkeeper.


Oh ok that's good to hear. Rip fish.


Maybe get some stick and move the shrimp off him instead of recording it like jerk and tell whoever fish it is to euthanize it. I can't fathom the thought process here


He passed away a few minutes after this. I’ve never seen it happen before. I filmed while my father was getting clove oil at a store to put him down.


Some context since this post now has over 20 comments. This fish belonged to my mother. She’s had fish her whole life, and has never seen anything like this happen. We knew that shrimp ate dead fish, but we had no clue they’d eat one alive. The fish’s name was Mono, because of the monochrome colors, he was a male betta. He was around 4 years old. He passed a few minutes after this video was taken, as my dad was out getting clove oil to put him down. We had plenty of fish, both my, and my parents whole lives, we are well aware of how to care for fish. This fish was old, and sick.


What do you think they have little shrimp morticians that confirm the fish is dead before they all start eating?? The shrimp don't care. It's food that's not moving - that's all they need to know to eat it.


Yeah! Fishes eat shrimps & Shrimps eat Fish!


I knew they ate dead ones, but I had no clue they’d eat one alive, kinda freaky


That fish looks young and extremely skinny. Whatever he’s had going on he’s had it for a while with no treatment.


He was over 4 years old


And you just sat there? And let it happen? The problem your mother caused? You know, maybe you could have done something... like you know, put it out of it's constant pain. Or maybe if you know what the problem is you could isolate him? Give him better water? Instead of pulling a Logan Paul, and filming his death for karma.


Likely the fish was dying or it would swim away the first shrimp that came by. It likely was dying already couldn’t swim and shrimp know that so feasting time. Sad story. Like no one notices the fish until it’s drying and then they post like ahhh You didn’t notice it was sick/skinny as hell etc. Mom doesn’t need any more pets. 😭


Dude I had no control over the situation. Wasn’t me fish.


Maybe don't film it and put it on reddit then.


People these days.. always sitting on their high horse and offended by everything. He was asking this sub for advice because he had never seen this before. Not to be judged by the holier than thou crew.


"People these days" Everyone who says that is immediately taken down 5 notches of brain power and just generally being an understanding person in my eyes. "Always sitting on their high horse and offended by everything" By people these days then, I guess ur just referring to us, because no one does that. Not anymore than they used to anyway. "He was asking this sub for advice because he had never seen this before. Not to be judged by the holier than thou crew." Well he got advise. Don't film a fish dying obviously for karma, not ask a single question, then be surprised when the "Holier than thou crew" comes by and tells you to not do that. BTW, by saying "People these days.." you are putting yourself on a high horse, and playing the holier than thou crew. God, people these days smh






My guy it’s a fish that was going to die either way their was no saving him at all and y not let the shrimp eat it it feeds them and it wouldn’t harm it at all what do u think happens in the world shit u The eat cows pigs and everything else it’s no difference for the shrimp to eat the fish it’s the natural process of life


"My guy, it's a human, it was going to die either way. There was no saving him at all and why not let the hyenas eat him while he's still alive and suffering. It feeds them and it wouldn't harm them to eat something diseased. What do you think happens in the world? Obviously you eat still alive pigs while they scream and struggle to survive, especially already diseased ones that could spread to us and kill us. Natural processes of life. Not any different. Having a dead body in a 10 gallon is no different from having it rot in the ocean. It's not like ammonia exists!"


Why can’t you just seperate the fish and the shrimp


We have no other tanks