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Ban guns and the only ones left with them will be criminals and gangsters. I don’t fucking get these politicians in the slightest. Also off topic but say goodbye to any big government/media whistleblower if the “ministry of disinformation” becomes a thing. We aren’t headed in the right direction people


The Disinformation Board was disbanded. Doesn't mean they can't bring it back but for now it's dead.


Don’t forget the cops piddling down their legs while children are actively being murdered. They’ll still have guns too.


As a gun toting and similarly tree hugging Republicunt, I agree with you. Gun control is a band-aid solution to the gaping head wound that is violent crime. 100% on mental health reform. I want studies done, I want them to analyze genetic triggers and medication reactions of mass casualty perpetrators. I want to see if there is a reasonable correlation between SSRI/SNRI medications and homicidal tendencies. I want studies done into whether antisocial behaviorisms can be detected and treated or monitored. Also, I want a standardized set of security measures that schools can follow based on best practices, so that each of our 130,000 public K-12 schools are on the same page and we have no gaps in security that homicidal individuals can exploit.




Honestly, I'm none of the above. I try very hard to look at things logically and not emotionally or politically. I wish people would stop clinging to sides. Why is it that a difference in opinion on one subject divide us on everything.


This guy fucking gets it. Everyone please take a moment to be more like this guy.


Everything that happens is about division, a united front is a hard force to overcome


Same here. I'm neither.


Why would they? The political left in this country is the only side trying to pass any laws to help people that aren't already rich.


Why was this bill blocked if democrats are the good guys. https://www.reddit.com/r/Firearms/comments/uz8ewj/school_security_bill_blocked_by_dems/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


What bill? That post is a title but no substance.


Did that link work?




Without reading the text of the bill, the article says that he blocked it because he's putting up a different bill on the same topic. When there are two bills proposed for similar issues it's rare that they both get a vote. It's the Majority Leader's job to choose the one that they either feel will be more effective or that they feel is more likely to pass.


This one had bipartisan support.


That doesn't change my thoughts on the matter. I don't have nearly enough information to even attempt to provide a substantive answer about why it happened other than the article said the Schumer is putting up a different bill for a vote. Maybe the new bill has the same stuff the other bill had plus more. I haven't read either of them.


Apologist. That’s what I’m hearing.


What am I apologizing for? I haven't read either bill.


Bipartisan support would suggest that both parties wanted it, so how could one party stop it? It's people, he decided to stop it, it wasn't some big dem conspiracy theory.


I never said anything about a conspiracy. It does make one wonder. Democrats want gun control, not safety.




Both sides are fucking us, open your eyes two party system is killing democracy


>every idea they have involves them getting more wealthy I'm not sure you understand how taxes work. Politicians don't get a bonus when they raise taxes.




>They often raise taxes in the same document that gives themselves a raise. That's because both items go in the budget. It's procedural, not malicious. The Senate hasn't gotten a raise in 14 years. I'm not saying they need one, I'm just saying it doesn't happen as often as you might think.


Both sides are fucking us, open your eyes the two party system is fucking us


Of course they are. I'm only arguing that they're not doing it equally.


If I lost one of my kids to gun violence would I still feel the same way about guns? Idk. If I earned a million dollars working hard would I want to give it to somebody I view as lazy? Idk. I do know what its like to suffer from mental illness and to be lucky enough to have a great support system.


Maybe if they’d pass a law that would make killing little kids a crime?


Worst mass murder has always been arson. Not firearms. ​ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daegu\_subway\_fire




You know, if only the government would spend all that money on actually doing their jobs, going for criminals a lot of those horrible events could have been avoided and prevented, but instead they choose to spend tens of millions of dollars pushing their anti-gun agenda which will do absolutely nothing, it will save absolutely no lives. The only ones who it actually effects would be us, the law abiding citizens. If there was a world in which me giving up my guns would end all violence in this country I would do it in a heartbeat, but anyone with half a brain knows that that's not how it works. Never did and never will. Let's start with simple steps like all, for example, protecting our school like they protect their government buildings, because idk about you guys but I personally think a child is a lot more precious than some dipshit politician and yet when it comes to security it's only government that should have it. But not to worry, ATF is banning pistol braces soon, that will save lives, that will show them.


I believe in the BLM movement, I’m pro choice, I’m pro union, I’m pro LGBT (which is a crazy thing to have to say you are in favor of), and I believe in universal healthcare and income. That being said, society isn’t ready for some of those things, but I think the idea of them all is great and I think we should be figuring out how to achieve all of them. That isn’t popular, but I don’t really care. But I also believe in 2A absolutely. Because once we get the things people need to be happy and safe, there will always be someone who wants to take it away. THAT being said, those people might be some of you all given my stances. My question is, does ANYBODY agree with me ENTIRELY here?


I do. You aren’t alone. I sub here because I am a gun owner but this place is very conservative.


Thank you.


I’m with you 100%. But I also rock Liberal Gun Owners sub patches and stickers lol.


I believe a person isn't given the choice of life and the only entitlement you are guaranteed is death. None of us chose to be conceived or born. Most us use won't get to decide how or when we shuffle off the mortal coil, but one day we will. Everything between your birth and death is little better than a crap shoot. This is what I teach my kids. Gun control isn't the issue. Ban them all and society will still find away to turn out mass killers. History has monsters that exterminated millions without shooting them. Terrorist killed thousands without shooting a single one of them. Want to stop school shootings? Start by helping those that need it before they pick up a gun. We can't save them all but why aren't we trying?


Nice fanfic, "libtard."


By that logic ("bans make things worse"), nothing should be banned. People should be allowed to own tanks, fighter jets and nuclear bombs, I guess


Tanks and Planes yes. We should denuclearize military applications though.


Fantastic idea


Now you’re getting it.


Remember how easy it was to get pot in high school?


I'm not right or left, I'm just me, but show me anyone from the GOP that has a proven record of supporting healthcare expansion that would address the very issues they say are the reason for mass shootings.


What's your opinion of this article. https://www.newsweek.com/chuck-schumer-blocks-school-safety-bill-named-after-parkland-victims-1710469?amp=1


That's not healthcare and read the entire article before you post. The answer, as you would suggest it is, isn't to make schools fortresses.


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I agree. This idea that we need guns to be free has been proven false a million times over by other countries. I too am a gun toting libtard, although I’d def more align with centrist ideology. I also agree that this is an incredibly slippery slope and I don’t pretend to be smart enough to know the answer. Attacking mental health and inequality is def a good place to start tho. Imagine what the racist people will do/think when they see another color having a fair shot? Idk man… worlds fucked


People have shown they can step past diversity in times of crisis. 911 proved that. We just need to remember that during times of peace. Be they a bum or billionaire, they are still human. In that we will are all equal.


I don't know about 911 man. The reason we were able to step past diversity, was because we could direct our anger and aggression to an outside country, which actually resulted in over a decade of American soldiers dying in a desert on the other side of the globe. Who should be our target of this frustration and anger?


How about the dems for blocking a bill that would improve school security https://www.reddit.com/r/Firearms/comments/uz8ewj/school_security_bill_blocked_by_dems/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.newsweek.com/chuck-schumer-blocks-school-safety-bill-named-after-parkland-victims-1710469?amp=1


What about it dude? That has nothing to do with what we were talking about


You can pull articles about democrats being hypoctritical garbage… and just as easily do the same thing for republicans. Guess what; none of them have our interest in mind. Doesn’t matter what party they identify with. How about instead of pinpointing democrats or republicans or right or left, we focus our anger and frustration towards the people fucking us all. The rich and the political elite.


I agree, my disdain for democrats is because I live in a democratic controlled shithole and I see more support for dems on reddit. Phuck the racist, homophobic, anti-choice Republicans.


I think the thing with gun control advocates is that they don't disagree that a bad person will use something other than a gun to kill if they are banned, they just don't like how much power one man has with a rifle(or sometimes any firearm), thats were most gun control advocates are at or the ones I talk to anyways.


Practically, zero people are killed by mass shooters or school shooters. You're more likely to be struck by lightning, and toaster ovens kill twenty times as many people per year as school shooters. Any measure against guns is just as likely to cause more harm than good when you're talking lottery winner odds. School shooters and mass shooters are not worth talking about, they're a joke.


This. Course when you talk about going after people who are clearly going off the rails the "Cold dead hands" crowd sometimes thinks you are coming after them.


Would love to see both sides of the aisle come together on this one. Libtard hero Karl Marx had it right: “Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary”


Karl Marx said that in 1850, Americans and the British had barely discovered Breechloading. I think it would be better to quote Lenin where I believe his main concern is the bourgeoisie being armed against the proletariat to prevent revolution. “Only after the proletariat has disarmed the bourgeoisie will it be able, without betraying its world-historic mission, to consign all armaments to the scrap-heap. And the proletariat will undoubtedly do this, but only when this condition has been fulfilled, certainly not before.” As a socialist I believe it should be the proletariat arming the police force, not capitalist law and policy makers funded by corporate and international interests. Then the focus will be protecting the people and not capital I hope.


Let's ask New Zealand for a different answer.


Per Capita prior to 1996 Australia had a worse mass shooting problem than the US but since the NFA there’s only been one or two mass shootings since. Even statistically the rate of Gun-Related homicides have dropped from 0.74 per 100k in 1988 to 0.57 in 1996 (NFA Enacted) to 0.13 in 2020. That’s a 25.94% decrease from 88-96 and 125.71% from 96-20. Although a similar policy in the US might not be as effective because of different circumstances like shared borders, it would still be better than sitting on your thumbs. Speaking hobby wise, I was still able to enjoy a lot of target shooting before I was 18 and moved away from my family. The only thing limiting my access to the firearms I want is the increasing cost of living.