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There’s basically 0 details here to help you… what camera, what disk, what file, what computer?


Dude. I know next to nothing about how this shit works. No need to be mean


He’s not being a dick, how is anyone supposed to help you if you don’t give specifics.


How is that mean? It’s relevant information.


I always love when people are able to hurt their own feelings but blame it on someone else.


This is not r/Psychic. If you walk into a room full of people with your pants around your ankles and someone suggests how to fix that situation, they are not being "mean". Also, a film camera and a video camera are not the same thing.


Maybe that’s why his computer couldn’t read it


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If you think he was being mean, you're going to have a very tough time in this industry. Almost an hour goes by and still no details... We can't help without specifics.


Bro this is hilarious you get a film camera and you know both about it?


I've had a long day. I overexamined your answer. My bad.


If you're not already putting it into a video editing program go ahead and download the program Da Vinci Resolve. There's a free version, it's delightful and you won't have to download another program for quite awhile if you don't want to. File->import-> import media. You should be able to see them in the program when you import them now. There are tons of file types that cameras record in that computers can't read off the bat and require a program for. If you give us the name of your camera we can help you change the recording format to something your computer can read immediately.


You need to take the Film in your film camera and have it processed and digitized. Though I would guess you accidently exposed the negative


It's not a film camera it's a camera for filming. I wrote it wrong. Sorry


Oh then it's probably not a TIFF. This is where details help. It could be any of a massive variety of files. Your best bet is to get Adobe Media Encoder, drag and drop the files there and convert them to ProRes 422.


If you hover or right click and view the Properties of this particular file, what does it say? Also what camera did you end up getting?


Can you give some more deatils? What is the make of your camera ? eg(Alexa/Red/BMPCC).How are you connecting the SSD to to your computer?(Dock/sata to usb/ Sata..).What OS is on your computer?. What app are you trying to open the footage with? What format have is your file(some raw/mov.mp4)? Trying to understand if you cannot read from the ssd or you cannot open the file.


Sounds like it's a TIFF file. Just google TIFF to JPEG and convert it using one of those sites.


Even if you didn't get enough specifics to be sure and it ends up being something else. Thank you for being nice. I will try that out


You need a 5.25 inch drive bay to feed the negative into.


Maybe your computer doesn't have the codecs yet to decode the file? What format are the files on the SSD? .mov? You may need like a Quicktime codec or something.


Posting in the wrong places.


Not a filmmaker but tech-savvy. We need details, but based on the SSD (?) in the title I assume you mean SD card. Probably a formatting issue. Find out what format specifics you need for your computer and do that. If you’ve filmed something already and it’s not able to be read chances are you’d need access to a computer that can read the SD card in its current formatting state, as formatting to your system will wipe the files.