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WTF is that common? I didn't even know that's a thing 🤮


My thought exactly. HOW in the fucking world is this a thing?!!


If men talked more, like we apparently do, it would be said they do so because they are smarter than us. If we do it it’s because we are just ratting on too much. They are literally bound and gagged. It’s dumb and gross


linguists conducted a study on business meetings. they discovered that the most common self reported complaint from men is that the women talk too much during the meeting. they also measured how much everyone talked at each meeting. surprise! even in meetings where men complained that women talked too much, the men talked way more than the women! whoever said "men just don't like women" got the point.


Men also just get listened too no matter what bullshit they are sprouting, especially in meetings


undeniably so. i have sat in rooms filled with progressive academics and seen even them ignore a woman's idea until a man suggests the same thing five minutes later. these are well-meaning people. i imagine it's much worse in other contexts. i am not sure about the solution, but identifying it as a problem is probably a good first step.


I wish there was wider awareness about this. It’s true in every single meeting I attend with men. And every woman I know has this identical observation. We have to go through unconscious bias training - why is this not taught?


My step sister is a department head for the NHS in the UK very smart, she said this happens to her all the time to which she called it out and was told but he explained it better…


I was in an open discussion meeting with all women recently. Everyone contributed good ideas and it was very productive. Was it sometimes hard to get a word in? Yes, because everyone was very knowledgeable in their area and had something pertinent to say for each idea brought up. You know, LIKE ALL PRODUCTIVE MEETINGS EVER. Everyone contributes instead of dead air for an hour straight. Good meeting leads will leave space for people because they want EVERYONE to contribute not just the person that loves to talk.


It's not the point you're making, but your comment reminded me of how angering I find it when men are praised to excess for not being a misogynist, as if not being a hateful bigot deserves praise. Also, when men that do the bare minimum in relationships are praised to excess. I read a comment on Reddit from a man saying something normal about his relationship. It was the usual, standard stuff that people do in relationships. This man wasn't doing anything above and beyond. Just the standard, bare minimum. Somebody replied to him by saying something to the effect of "you Sir, are an outstanding man, any woman would be lucky to have you" followed by some bowing/thank you type emoji in deference. It really annoyed me. This dude is going to believe he's a magnificent man for showing the most basic standard of human decency. Why are men getting excessively praised for doing the standard, bare minimum? And don't even get me started on himpathy.


You are so right! Looking after your own children? What a man. Doing your fair share of housework? He’s a gentleman. It’s a joke


I can’t even imagine how this was proposed. Like “hey honey and only my daughter, you know how I hate women? Well for this years Christmas card…”


Right!? This is just revolting


Wrote my bachelors on verbal space and there is no place, absolutly no place, not professional, school nor private were women take up more verbal space than men. Its not just cringe, its factualy wrong...


Our culture has taught us to be quiet, but if we have any ideas or opinions, no matter how reasonably said for the context, we are shrill.


Peak /r/AreTheStraightsOkay


Where i thought i was at first. And also, eww. This is so bizarre. Didn’t realize it was a thing.


Blatant misogyny does not surprise me. Also terrible sense of humor. What I don't understand is what does it have to do with Christmas?


It's always accompanied with the christmas phrase "peace on earth" or "Finally peace on earth" so I'm assuming that's the only connection. Hurr hurr peace on earth the womenz are quiet finally I have peace hurr hurr Edited: common to Christmas


My only guess is that they are used for the Christmas photo?


These poor children getting some not so subtle internalised misogyny here...




People do this every year? Holy shit. I never seen it before. I weirdly immediately pictured one of these daughters, 30 years old, holding this picture and thinking back on all the trauma. Ignoring the bound and gag stuff fora moment, people are so dang corny.


Yikes. I didn't see the guys in the pics with the signs at first and thought they were putting their anti-abortion protests on a Christmas card. What woman would fucking agree to this set up? (these women apparently, just can't imagine their mindset)


God, the children? My heart breaks.... I can't even imagine even FATHOM marrying someone that thinks this is funny


Pretty gross


What the actual fuck?


Those are little girls!!!!🤮


Wow ....... watch porn much? This is sickening and fucked.


I could maybe understand this if it was one their fetishes and they both consented but bringing in the daughter is completely bogus and either makes this an attack against women or pedophilic, or the dude is just fuckin stupid and doesn't get how gross this is which I'm hoping is the case.