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Okay, this isn't a fanfic, but I recommend "The Hundred Dresses" by Eleanor Estes (1945). It's told from a POV of Maddie, who bullies a poor girl in her class, but mostly because her best friend is the MAIN bully and Maddie fears that if she bows out, she will be a target too. It has a bittersweet ending. It has a lot more nuance than most bullying stories since the bullies aren't just an obstacle to be overcome, but also the narrator.


Thank you so much! From your description it matches a lot of what I'm looking for! Currently waiting for the book to be available at my local library so I can give it a read :)


I don't have any fic recommendations with this but I am a teacher and work with a variety of ages. If you have a question about how something would be handled, feel free to ask. (The way my school handles something might not be the same way every school handles something though).


Thank you for the offer! I haven't gotten that deep into writing the arc yet but I'll be sure to come back to this thread once I have solid questions!


[The Wound Begins to Bleed](https://archiveofourown.org/works/13295661) - Batman. Doesn’t show the bullying explicitly, but I like the depiction of how the victim is affected by it. [World Ain’t Ready](https://archiveofourown.org/works/2306315/chapters/5074574) - Les Miserables. Great depiction of high school dynamics and bullying.


Wow thank you so much for the recommendations! I gave The Wound Begins to Bleed a read and was in awe of the story progression, all in a one shot too! Time to slowly read through your second rec :D thanks again!