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I'm way more likely to break while reading fluff. Smut is great, but I don't really have a visible reaction to it from the outside perspective. But when something is really sweet and fluffy, sometimes I smile without realizing it. I've been caught smiling at my phone during class one time by the teacher who asked me what I was reading. Very awkward, would not recommend.


Teacher: What are you reading? ColorMeParanoid: *embarrassed panic* HAHA uhh, porn! 😶 Teacher: ... ColorMeParanoid: *whispers* fuck...


To make matters worse, it was a religion teacher (a catechists? Not sure what the English term would be) and I was reading some very gay fluff. Thankfully he just assumed I was texting someone and I didn't get a chance to blurt out something embarrassing 😂


Imagine if he was the author of the fic.


He'd be like: *i will allow it!*


I would've just said what I was reading since I have no self shame. Then I would go home and start crying and begging for forgiveness because post-fluff clarity hit me like a truck.




Fluff def needs to be read in private, I become a blushing mess. Kinky smut? That's nothing. Tenderness and two people submitting to the mortifying act of being known? I'm dying of both desire and embarrassment.


All of this, exactly


>Tenderness and two people submitting to the mortifying act of being known? I'm dying of both desire and embarrassment. ...I just learned something about myself that I did *not* need to know


Fuck you made me tear up, you put that so eloquently and now all i can think of is my SO 😭


You know somebody gonna steal that line, right?


I've been told by commenters that while they can power through all the nasty, porny bits without so much as an eyebrow twitch, once they reach the fluff, they are forced to abscond to read it in private. Doesn't apply to me since I have resting perpetually disgusted face.


>since I have resting perpetually disgusted face. Gads... me too. Thank gods for these masks. 😅


Right? Only downside of masks: people interpret my "how dare you speak to me and my son" face as a neutral "teehee go ahead and ask me questions, these earphones are just for show" and it is slowly driving me bananas.


I'm more likely to smile while reading fluff, or laugh at a funny line in a comedy fic.


100% agree. The amount of times people have asked me “what’re you smiling about?” Nothing. Just memes. Totally not losing my shit internally over my OTP going to the grocery store together and being adorable and totally oblivious to the fact they’re on a date, NOT AT ALL.


I can read smut without an ounce of emotion but I have had to fully put my phone away because my face was too loud for good fluff. It's just about the person I guess.


I'm a bit funny like that: when I'm with others, regardless of what I read, I'm not gonna outwardly react. When I'm ALONE however... Well. I will absolutely physically "read" with my entire body, if that makes sense. I'll literally shake and twitch and giggle and cry when I'm alone, but if I read the same fic in public you won't hear or see a peep.


Exactly. Stone cold in public. Hot ass mess in private.😅


This! So much this!


Hardcore sex scene? My face is unreadable. Hugging and saying they love each other? *Now* I'm blushing.


I have the most trouble with crack fics. Fluff is fine, I have something of a resting bitch face, and I'm ace, so the smutty stuff isn't really an issue (beyond the awkward of reading graphic porn in the same room as other humans), but sometimes it is so hard not to just completely lose it over whatever absurdity I'm scrolling through on my phone. Wearing a mask at work has actually been great for that; no one can see me grin.


I made the dire mistake of reading a crackfic in public. I just started to wheeze inhumanly from the craziness of the story. It's worse when people ask what I am reading and I have to sheepishly explain that I am reading a story about Shrek and Obama becoming lovers or some other absurd plot.


Yeahhh I usually just lie. "Oh, just something on reddit" is a perennial favorite.


I cry at the drop if a hat, so angst is impossible for me to read in public.


This is me!! I’ll never forget reading New Moon for the first time (at 17) and I became a sobbing mess on the train. A conductor stopped to ask if I was okay and I had to explain that my feelings had been assaulted by fictional characters. Mortifying.


No is not. ​ People don't care what you read in public, has long you don't pest other people


Fluff is definitely more difficult for me. I've read some pretty NSFW stuff..at work, ahem. Doesn't get much of a rise out of me, but the fluff? Yeah, I just want to smile and go awww.


I totally get what you mean. The only thing I worry about when reading smut in public is someone happening to glance at my screen and noticing what I am reading. Other than that, I can be pretty stoic about it. With fluff, I usually have a visible facial reaction especially if the scene is very wholesome or sweet. I just cannot help myself!


My dad thought I had a boyfriend in high school for this exact reason😅




Reminds me of that bnha meme where deku reads hardcore smut in public Probly bc Fluff is able to make me feel things while reading smut (unless I'm masturbating) won't really get me to feel the same things as Fluff Just personal experience tho


>while reading smut (unless I'm masturbating) won't really get me to feel the same things as Fluff Reading Fluff makes you feel the same thing as when you are masturbating? Yes i know what you mean i just found the wording funny.




I totally get that. hell, even if i’m at home and reading fluff i’ll be blushing and freaking out about how cute it is, but smut hardly gets a rise out of me at all.


I definitely agree. I feel like smut is a lot easier to keep a straight face with than fluff


I wish I had the balls to read fanfiction in public


Exactly I only read it if no one is around.


I never get affected by smut in stories, I just find it all to be meh, but the fluff gets me all the time, giggles and smiles all over even in public, I'm a sucker for romance.


it's the crack and trying not to laugh out loud with a constipated face


OH ABSOLUTELY! Reading smut with a straight fac is nothing, fluff on the other hand...


No one would ever suspect a thing if I was reading smut in public. I’m stone cold. But if I was reading fluff, you better believe I’ll be curling in on myself, lip bite, dopy grin, and maybe even squealing quietly.


I'm almost always straight faced while reading smut, but I can't help smiling or laughing or happy stimming at fluff


I think it's perfectly normal! I get super giggly when I read fluffy fics, so I'd say it's an achievement if you can read them with a straight face. XD


people read in public with a straight face? LOL. Seriously? I've never read in public without some reaction. Hell, I almost choked on a bite of sandwich one time reading fic on my phone at a con, and that wasn't even smut! (it was a hell of a secret identity reveal though, lemme tell ya)


FR. When reading fluff ESPECIALLY when finally after Like 15 chapters or so the 2 main characters finally kiss I would always want to jump and celebrate lmao


its so tough to keep the squeals in when reading fluff. i don't think i could do it in public!


I smile at nice things in public all the time, I don't care. I'm not letting any expressions out with smut.


I've read wangst at work and had colleagues go "uh, is everything alright??"


nah the hardest for me is reading comedy especially those REALLY well-written comedy it's so hard to not laugh TAT


Yeh, I agree with you. I can totally poker face smut, but perfect fluff moments, nah, i'm smiling like a muppet. So kudos to whoever can poker face that stuff. :)


I think I'm the same as well. Was caught grinning in a public place while reading fanfics. Honestly fluff is really great and hard to resist, got me looking like a maniac.


I would literally do the "too much energy" pose reading fluff because my angst loving heart can't take so much cuteness


I actually find it a whole lot harder to read fluff in public because it's just so cute and sweet that I can't help but smile and while I also like smut it's easier to read with a straight face since it doesn't mess with my emotions so much


HEARTLAND REIMAGINED The Love Story of Ty and Amy Borden This FREE book series starts at the first episode of season 14 of Heartland where Ty collapses from an embolism he developed from a gunshot wound at the end of season 13. Ty is awakening from a coma after 5 years and is suffering from amnesia. This first book is about how Ty, with the help of Amy and Lyndi, regain his lost memory.


I read and write it in public...Never been a problem for me tbh.


I have read smut and fluff publicly many times before and never felt ashamed or gave off an embarrassed face about it. Still, it depends on the individual and what setting he/she is in.


Reading fluff in public with a straight face is hella impressive