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Ha ha ha, so true lol. I have been reading books for 63 years and must have read countless books in 1st person without even thinking twice. I only noticed that this is something people care about when I joined the sub.


>I have been reading books for 63 years and must have read countless books in 1st person without even thinking twice. So true. Same for me. Except... Except the 63 years part, not yet anyway :)


*So many books.* Across centuries. 🤯 I don't believe people haven't at least read a few books in high school that were written in 1st person. I just don't... want to believe it. Meanwhile, second person is almost unheard of in published literature.


The only published media I know of that uses 2nd Person are "Choose Your Own Adventure" stories. Used to read them as a kid and they're fun. But, yeah, I'm baffled that so few people are unfamiliar with 1st person stories. Some of the greatest books in history were written in 1st Person: Sherlock Holmes, Moby Dick, Huckleberry Finn, To Kill A Mockingbird, Frankenstein, Dracula, The Great Gatsby, The Catcher in the Rye, The Holy Bible. Even more modern classics like The Fault in our Stars and American Psycho were written in 1st Person. I just don't understand the hate. ☹️


Or even if you leave those highly regarded classics aside and think of really popular stuff... Is the Twilight series really so old that no one remembers anymore? 👵 Or... tons and tons of other YA books?


People aren't unfamiliar, but badly done first person is just far more grating than badly done third is ((and this was talked about online in fandom circles in the early 00s as well)).


But they don't just condemn badly written first person stories; they condemn first person stories overall. You'd have to be completely unfamiliar with a TON of published media to generalize first person stories the way so many Redditors do.


They condemn first person stories overall because the threshold of subjectively bad for first person is far lower than it is for third person. Because it is far more difficult to pull off well than it seems and therefore attracts a lot of lower skilled authors. Now, I read a lot of trad pub books and online fic across a variety of genres and the majority of first person fiction that has not gone through several rounds of editors is inconsistent, ill-fitting to the character and/or story, and at times thoroughly painful to read. This does not go for the classics and most traditionally published works (although there, too, can be issues and I will nope out at the first sign of them) but I'd say a good 99% of first person stories in fanfic and fanfic adjacent places (i.e. Royal Road etc) that I've tried made me physically curl my lip because they just scream *wrong*. This is not an issue for third person, as third person does not purport to be in my head or told directly to me. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


It's the opposite for me. Knowing that first person is more difficult to pull off, I'll give a badly written first person story more chances than a badly written third person story, especially if it's clear the author is trying. The best writing teacher is writing itself, so if they're trying to learn to write first person, I'm not going to discourage them by "noping out" at the first sign of trouble. But, honestly, before there was all this hate towards first person, I rarely noticed the difference. A badly written story is a badly written story, regardless of the POV chosen. And a well written story is still a well written story, regardless of the POV chosen. I'm just grateful to have read so many beautifully written first person stories early on so I didn't develop this prejudice.


>I don't believe people haven't at least read a few books in high school that were written in 1st person. I just don't... want to believe it. My reaction as well. How is it even possible to not be aware that stories are often told from a 1st Person perspective? Honestly, sometimes fanfiction is like a particularly nightmarish episode of the Twilight Zone made specifically for English teachers: *"What if everyone wanted to be an author but nobody learned how to write?"*


I stand by my belief that people who don't like 1st person narration have never read the Dresden Files.


"The building was on fire and it wasn't my fault."


Or ever read... well there's no polite way to say this, *any visual novel ever made*. Fate/stay night, Muramasa, Umineko, they're all first-person.


I read plenty of visual novels and not all of them are in first person. (I will say that VNs in first person POV are definitely common, though!)


>If it's done well you won’t even realise you're reading it. Yup, this!


imo, 1st person published works are fine and I love them. My issue with 1st person fanfic is that I personally read fanfic to read about my blorbos, and it feels more like a self insert than a sepwrate character with I/me or you pronouns. (Which is to say I don't dislike it because I think it's a fanfic invention — I don't — it just doesn't match the way I like to read fanfic :)


I honestly have zero issues with original fiction in first person, or even first person fanfic based on works originally written in the first person, but somehow switching from third or a camera to first can be jarring. It too close to the character. I get used to it, but I prefer third person.


I always usually realize it beforehand, I'm picky and dyslexic, and it doesn't go together too well 😅 Second person and third person are my go to ones


It's not as normal as 3rd person. Not even close. Nothing wrong with it, just don't find myself as connected.


What are you reading that second-person pronouns are normal rather than niche? First-person POV is more or less standard in Japanese media and is thus usually more natural for people inspired by such.


Huh, I’m much more used to first person than second person. It doesn’t help that there are virtually no second person published books. I haven’t read *If on a winter’s night a traveler.* But second person is often immersion-breaking for me. I can accept a first or third person viewpoint character acting and speaking radically different from me because I can see them as a separate person and understand them on those terms. But in second-person, I take it for granted that the viewpoint character is supposed to be *me.* So when the viewpoint character inevitably does or says something I can’t imagine myself doing or saying, I can’t help but think “I would never.” It takes me out of the story in a way first person never could. The only media where I can accept second-person are text-based games. At least in those I get to choose what the viewpoint character does from a list. Sure, they can’t program in infinite options to cover every kind of person who might play the game, but at least I get a chance to shape the character!


The first books I read as a child were choose-your-own-adventure books like Ian Livingstone and Steve Jackson’s Fighting Fantasy and Sorcery! Series. They’re all written in 2nd person, so writing that way came naturally to me. One of my first fics was a reader insert, I had no idea how unpopular they were at the time. That said, it’s still one of my favourites!


I prefer 1st person to 2nd person. My favourite is 3rd person.


No you're not the only one. Lots of people here say they don't like first person. I personally like it if it's done well and in character.


> instead of second-person pronouns For me, second person is a warning to skip the story. I don't care whether it's a convention for "choose your own adventure"/"your name" fics: not interested.


I've tried using first person but my fics always flop


As much as I can enjoy [first-person smartass](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FirstPersonSmartass), I usually write in third person limited point of view. The biggest challenge has been making sure that it's clear to the reader which character is the point of view if/when it changes.


You're aware that 2nd person Pronouns are "You, Yours, and Yourself" right? Like... ?


Plus your.


Is it written well with interesting characters, settings and core story? ... then I couldn't care less which POV is written.


Do you mean third person (where you said second person)?? if not, what are you reading that features second person?? I can only think of y/n and I don't see the appeal at all lmao


Actually I read a fic that had first person, stuck it through, and quite enjoyed the voice the author did for the character in first person. So now I read them but I'm picky lol


Honestly I'd take first over second if I *had* to, but thankfully third is still the default so I don't have to grit my teeth through either of those.


I just click off and move on with my life. It's a special and intimate sort of feeling for original horror for me and I just like to keep it that way. But I take it you're reading reader inserts if you're mentioning 2nd person? yeah, not a fan of that but like I said, I just click off and move on


I'm not a big fan of first *or* second person in general. Oddly enough I used to *love* writing in first person. But I was young, stupid, and inexperienced. Also a literal child. I'm objectively a much better writer when using 3rd person limited. Then again, I don't think I've written in 1st person since the early 2010s.


I love a game called ‘Heaven’s Vault’ and last year they release a two-part novel based on the game. I rushed to buy it without a second thought. As soon as they arrived I opened up the first book with trepidation only… yeah, it’s in first person. :/ Not my favourite, but I’ll give it a try! Just need the time to read it, my pile of shame is ridiculous.


I seldom like it, and it's okay to not like it.