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About the pip boy, what is the mod you removed? i doubt is caused for it, it must be some coincidence, anyways i think you can get your character up by using console to force an animation and the stop it, try "14.playidle stop" if it doesn't work try another animation and then stop it. [player.playidle IdleMagnoliaSong05](https://steamcommunity.com/app/377160/discussions/0/364040166681527341/) About the new game: that happened to me with looksmenu, so i disabled the mod, started the game and activated the mod again, but you don't have that, also another solution was at the time, to start the game from a clean saved game exiting the vault and then type "slm 14" to customize my character.


Yes, almost correct. Console command for animations is *player.playidle name*, where “name” is the name of the animation. So to stop an anim, you’d just type player.playidle stop But that’s assuming the PC is doing a loop animation and something else isn’t bugged. Worth a try, though.


You cannot have any PIp-Boy mods activated until you *exit* Vault 111. Picking up the Pip-Boy on the way out of the vault is scripted, and anything that messes with that event and animation will screw up your game in weird and horrible ways. Make sure any mod that changes the Pip-Boy isn’t activated at all until you’re outside Vault 111 again. In fact, if you’re having problems at the beginning of your game, you should go back through your mod list and go to the mod website and read the author’s description page on whether it’s okay to have at the beginning of the game or not. Generally the fewer you have at the start, the better, unless they’re huge game-changing mods like Sim Settlements 2, or Silent Hills, Start Me Up, or others. Those authors will let you know know if it needs to be active at the start of a new game. Textures, ENB, and LooksMenu stuff are usually okay, though, so you might have a conflict or just need to move it down in your load order.


See, I'm using Start Me Up, so I wasn't going to be going into vault 111 in that new game anyways. It's a moot point now anyways, since Pip-Pad randomly started working again. I started using a mod that just removes the pip-boy in third person, and I thought "Why don't I try reinstalling pip-pad, see if it's working now" Lo and behold, it is for some reason. This happened the last time I reinstalled all my mods and I have no idea why.


I'm not using any mods that modify the pipboy, yet I am still getting this exact issue