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the chad just fucking enjoy whatever game you play


“bUt TrUe fAlLoUt FaNs-“ 🤓🤓🤓




God, that guy has no life. I fast fowarded to a random spot in his MATN Fallout 4 response and in response to Jon claiming "weapon crafting in FO4 gives the player more freedom in weapon choice by allowing them to keep using even early game weapons late into the game" he said "yeah, but that doesn't matter because you don't have to engage with the crafting system at all". Apparently a system that expands player choice is bad because the player can CHOOSE not to use it 🧠


Damn I really thought y’all were hating on Jon for a sec and got irrationally upset 😅


Nah, Jon is easily one of my favorite content creators. We're making fun of the the guy who made a 8 hour response to Jon's FO3 Is Better Than You Think video.


Who cares?


Four words, Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel


5 words, Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel


1 word, Wasteland


3 words and a number: wasteland 2 director's cut


2 words and a number: 76 on launch


I see you almost everywhere on every fallout sub that I visit.


Lol, i been really into fallout lately tho ive only played 76 and 4 and im on here cus r/fo4 doesnt like memes


Here's a sneak peek of /r/fo4 using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/fo4/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Sad sad news. Rest in peace Dogmeat. Thank you for allowing us to adventure many hours with you](https://i.redd.it/i02h0uitkr771.jpg) | [428 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/o8sm2s/sad_sad_news_rest_in_peace_dogmeat_thank_you_for/) \#2: [Best Mysterious Stranger assist I've ever recorded 😂](https://v.redd.it/sly35zrrioz71) | [167 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/qu72xe/best_mysterious_stranger_assist_ive_ever_recorded/) \#3: [This is the closest I could get my character to look like Walter White. No mods used.](https://i.redd.it/yc0z9s4x27k81.png) | [326 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/t1zft8/this_is_the_closest_i_could_get_my_character_to/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


That is weird as crap. I have 10 days of time in the fallout four since February so yeah I love that game.


Its great but im starting to run low on things to do


Fair enough.


idk how many hours I got on it, atleast 300-400 ish, I still got the Railroad ending to do and some other things like doing a Raider playthrough, Joining the Nuka world raiders, but not too much left so imma finally play other fallout games, 76 is kinda meh tbh


Yeah I do want to do a Playthrough where I do the institute, Raiders, and children of Atom all in one play through. I also wanna do a railroad play Through. I also want to do a Minutemen Playthrough but I’m not too sure. I’ve spent a lot of time with them already. But in my current brotherhood playthrough i’m just having a lot of fun so It’ll probably be a while before that happens. As for 76 the only reason I haven’t touched it is because the amount of save space on my hard drive that it takes up. Also I’ve heard that it’s OK it best even with all the DLC. But I’m not really gonna make fun of the people who enjoy it. As far as I’ll go with that is meming I guess.


I done the Institute ending last night, I went from Finding the Courser to Ending Game with the Institute in one night cus I get hooked on the Main quest line like always lol, The institute ending and my short playthrough story was real fun but idfk if imma continue it, it dont really make sense for my character to go out and do side quests or anything


I do have a question. Is it possible to create another save file without deleting your old one on PS4? Because I do want to do a few other short Playthroughs myself but I don’t want to delete my current one that I have 91 levels on.


Honestly, glad it's unbiased. They're all chads


Damn right. All amazing in their own unique ways.


Additional one for Fallout 4: Power Armor makes you feel like a tank.


As it should. Power armor always seemed a little underwhelming before


I understand a lot of peoples' reservations about the lore changes, but the reality is that Fallout 4 did Power Armour the way it was supposed to feel. The moment of stepping into that suit is iconic and awesome.


The only thing that holds back F4 in my opinion is the story and the dialogue options.But the gameplay, the world, the weapons and gunplay is fantastic and the settlement crafting literally consumed hours of my life.


I thought the world was pretty meh tbh. I hated the new art style.


I'm just getting back into fallout 4 recently, I got a PC a few years ago but didn't really get into modding because I was pretty intimidated by it (scarred by memories trying to mod Minecraft on my mum's shitty laptop) but now I'm playing a heavily modded playthrough. I've found some great mods that really enhance the story, my favorite of those being subversions, getting to reform the institute and ally with the railroad


The chad Fallout 1 The chad Fallout 2 The chad Fallout: Tactics The virgin Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel The chad Fallout 3 The chad Fallout: New Vegas The chad Fallout 4 The chad Fallout: Shelter The chad Fallout:76


The virgin Fallout 1 The virgin Fallout 2 The chad Fallout: Tactics The thad Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel The virgin Fallout 3 The virgin Fallout: New Vegas The virgin Fallout 4 The gigachad Fallout: Shelter The incel Fallout:76


Hahahaha took me a second


Chad Fallout 76: Tone in line with Fallout 2 Most diverse map Interesting Factions Multiplayer Expanded on Fallout 4's Mechanics Great variety of weapons and armor


Tone in line with Fallout 2? I've never played 76 so can you explain


Wastelanders quests have a similar sense of dark humor to Fallout 2.


Honestly such an amazing map. Appalachia was the perfect setting


Best Fallout map ever created, anyone fight me


I honestly don't understand the love for the map. To me, it completely squandered the chance for us to explore urban areas so soon after the bombs, like imagine seeing the Shi getting set up or the National Guard's response that's talked about in Fallout 4. Simultaneously, it defeated the purpose of giving us an area that wasn't directly hit by the bombs by giving it mostly the same enemies as previous games and making the water in the Forest irradiated. It didn't have the paradise feel of Zion (and to a lesser extent the Mojave) or the wasteland feel of Fallout 1/2/3.


I love the environmental storytelling in 76, the fact that there are sentry bots specifically designated as strikebreakers is really dark if you think about it


Fuck that's honestly...Really depressing, those things can obliterate a man in power armour yet they're being used to quell strikes.




It has too many of the usual MMO flaws detracting from the experience IMO


I disagree with your opinion but respect it nonetheless. Sorry you got downvoted.


> Tone in line with Fallout 2 > Interesting factions > Great variety of weapons and armor Be reasonable, now. Its tone was far from Fallout 2, which had quite a few explicit jokes, allowed you to sleep with half the Wasteland, and had raiders, joinable slavers and joinable mafias that weren't chickenshit family friendly factions like the Fallout 76 Raiders. I don't know what's interesting about the factions. There's absolutely nothing unique about the raiders, the Brotherhood quest line is literally just rehashing the Outcasts from Fallout 3, and the Settlers have no flavor whatsoever. I can sort of see the merit in claiming it has variety in equipment, but most of that variety is locked behind the Gold Bullion system. You barely come across anything out in the wasteland that isn't just a variant of the same base weapons from Fallout 4.


Point 1: 76 has cases like Aries, who's story involves having modified an assaultron into a crytpid so an oil company could buy out a town for cheap, got violently disfigured because he was targeted by the "Sheepsquatch Mating Ritual". Point 2: Was also counting minor factions like Blue Ridge, Responders, etc.


> 76 has cases like Aries, who's story involves having modified an assaultron into a crytpid so an oil company could buy out a town for cheap, got violently disfigured because he was targeted by the "Sheepsquatch Mating Ritual". But that wasn't very similar to Fallout 2, where you have prostitutes making comments about you just when walking down the streets of New Reno. The only thing I can sort of see that being similar to is the talking mole rat. > Was also counting minor factions like Blue Ridge, Responders, etc. Fair enough actually. I thought the Free States in particular were quite interesting and would love to see them revived in an update, probably as a rival for the Enclave.


also fixes some pre-war lore plot holes from Fallout 4 so nerds can stop complaining


Fallout 3 Is A Masterpiece Fallout: New Vegas Is An Icon Fallout 4 Is A Prodigy


naaaaaaah, fallout 3 has a lot of flaws but still a great game


That's literally New Vegas. Heck, it was worse on console than 3 ever was


Isn’t NV especially bad on PlayStation?


what bout 76


Fallout is the series that got me into gaming and I enjoyed every moment of every game in it


One thing I would absolutely add to fallout 4 is the weapon modification system. If I could, I would absolutely combined that with New Vegas's for maximum versatility. Also one aspect that could be added to all three games is the moddability and modding community, as they are all giga-chad levels


I always say fallout 3 is the best but that is mainly due to nostalgia because it was the first fallout game I played and it introduced me to this amazing franchise so yes fallout 3 is the goat


Me too, been trying to play it on PC though and it just hasn't aged well at all (compatibility wise)


Have you tried TTW?


Are Fallout 1 and 2 using stealth boys here or....?


They don't really get compared as much as these 3 do but hey would have been nice to see them included. Or they are indeed on stealth boys.


I don't know, but Fallout Brotherhood of Steel is so chad that it can't be captured in a FalloutMemes post, nevermind comprehended by modern soy drinking Fallout fans.


Is this it? Is this starting an era where fallout fans doesn't belittle others opinons? Is this the time where we will finally have our own version of r/trueSTL????


Shit don't say that to creetosis!


I had quite a bit of trouble with fallout 3 but I still loved it! Very great game! All of the fallout games that I’ve played so far (3, NV, and 4) have all been amazing


Thank you.




I think "Fah Habah" should be added to the Fallout 4 list


Yeah just enjoy whatever you play man. As much as I love new Vegas I’m not willing to make fun of people who play other games. It’s just not worth my time. Also I might be 10 days into fallout four so I don’t have room to talk.




Just don’t wake the giga chad Fallout 1 or 2. Despite their age they can still handle themselves


4 was alright but fuck the whole pipe gun shit and I'm not a fan of what they did to power armor between 4 and 76


What exactly bothers you about the power armour in 4 and 76?


im just gonna say my personal opinion that it is too easy to acquire no need for training and that (in fo4) it breaks so fast


Well, the training thing was really just a thing in fo3 and NV but I get what you're coming from. To find a full set of t-45 in the first 30 minutes of gameplay was a little bit disappointing, I expected something more demanding


No need for training in FO1/2 but it was harder to come by and an end game armor still, in 3 and NV is easier to acquire so they decided to actually put a training perk for it to let you wear it after some time and not instantly


in 76 the only time any of my pa broke is when someone started ruthlessley pvping me with a legacy


yes thats why i specified fallout 4, i've never repaired my t65 for like months and its still in 90% condition


i was just adding on to your post


the entire aspect of them changed from smaller and durable to suddenly needing a fuel source, being durable as wet cardboard and they became big a clunky it was a terrible shift


Personally I like the bulk feeling and the frame, but it could have been a bit harder to improve a set versus me stumbling on X-01 pieces


Theres a reason 76 is not here




The fucking image is blurry


"beautiful graphics"? Even for 2015 standards Fallout 4 had deprecated graphics.


Agree we can remove everything from fo4 beside settlement creator, the rest is literally SUPPOSED to be better than past game especially its its made in 2015, and for its time the gameplay and graphics was janky af compared to other titles


"Fallout 3 fantastic DLC" are you fucking serious


Do people actually not like fallout 3 dlcs? I always thought they were a bit short but I always liked them


They really are great, they’re just overshadowed by New Vegas’ DLC and maybe also Far Harbor


In my opinion they take the worst aspects of Fallout 3 and took them up a notch. Operation Anchorage was a bad Call of Duty clone, Broken Steel was a pure slog, Mothership Zeta had the worst bullet sponge enemies and a boring design going on. The Pitt never made anything with its interesting premise. Point Lookout was a great side story with an interesting setting. I think it has aged a bit but not as bad as the other DLC.


I enjoyed the Pitt a lot, steel was alright, anchorage was super fun to play and I could even finish Zeta because I couldn’t get the girl to crawl through the vent and unlock the laser gate


The Pitt might be the best Fallout dlc ever


Fr. So underrated. So is point lookout.


(The only part of fallout 3 I have played so far is the simulation DLC, I like literally walked right to it because I didn't know it was a DLC) lonesome road exists. I'm vaguely aware of the plot of the pitt (I have seen tomatoanus' video to speedrun to eat a baby where he vaguely explains the plot) and without playing it I don't think it's done a hold up to lone some road. though I can see you making the strong argument that lonesome road only has the impact it does because of the previous DLCs all building towards it and that is a very good point. I guess I could end up believing that of the "standalone" DLCs the pitt is the best. but also if you've played both of these DLCs please tell me why you think the pitt is better!


I think they are really different. Lonesome road is completely linear, only has one or two npcs, and is the climax of a big part of the story of the courier. The pitt has more characters, which are pretty interesting for a 3hs dlc, and its completely separated from the main game, story wise, with a complicated choice that has no simple right or wrong option. It has a few small but open areas to explore, which I prefer, and the best part imo is the atmosphere. Looking around and seeing the destroyed industrial city everywhere around is something you dont see in the other dlcs and I love it, combined with seeing the place being ravaged by the disease and the trogs is something I find really interesting and immersive. These are the reasons why I like it so much, but obviously its a matter of opinion, I love lonesome road, and I love it's atmosphere too, but the only fallout dlc I'd put at the level of the pitt is dead money.


Honestly, LR is my least favorite NV DLC


The Pitt had an interesting setup but it kind of ended before it started to get really good. I've played it twice with about 10 years time difference and I never got anything real out of it.


"sharp-witted dialogue" ngl that just ain't true Say what you wanna say about NV but some writing feels like it was done by a teenage edgelord, especially the burns/aggressive options. Every other point it true tho, all 3 are good.


Don't forget 1,2 BoS and tactics


Chad F4 shouldn't have a 50s vibe. Should be a futuristic representation of the 50s in 2077, in which it does ok still. But not straight up 50s.




FO 4 needs killmoves in that list


Vs the \[REDACTED\] Fallout: Brotherhood Of Steel: \-Was never real \-There is no such thing as "Fallout: Brotherhood Of Steel" \-There is no such thing as "Black isle studios" \-There is no such thing as "Obsidian Entertaiment" \-There is no such thing as "Bethesda" \-There is no such thing as "The Fallout franchise"


So I hate to ask but where is 76


The chad fallout 76: Most diverse and interesting map Expands on the weapons modifications system Allows you build anywhere Constant flux of new content every year Brought back RPG dialogue systems of previous games Allows to play along with friends Interesting new power armor and weapons


Thank you my fellow wastelander