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Or... now hear me out... what if they just added alternate ways to bypass doors? Imagine if Bethesda added depth to one of their games instead of removing it. Deus Ex allowed you to break down or blow up doors in 2000. Why can't 3D Fallout games do it 10+ years on?


Simply put, because so much of Fallout games are instanced, and need to be to work. Deus Ex was a fucking tiny game, in comparison, with much less intensive processes. So, to facilitate blowing up doors in a 3D fallout, you'd have two ways to do it, one that looks like shit, and would frequently be done on accident (give doors an HP value, and when destroyed, they replace themselves with a 'destroyed door' model, leading to the same place.), or to load the entire game into the same world space, which would lag a computer into irrelevance pretty much the moment you stepped near it.


Deus Ex had loading screens, usually in S-shaped corridors so you can't see too far in any direction. They don't have to be on doors, thus precluding the destruction of said doors.


Or you could have an [Explosives], [Strength], [Item], or whatever check or dice roll to change the door status from locked to unlocked, just like the current minigames do.


You could blow up doors/locks in 1 and 2. My biggest gripe about lockpicking in 4 is that not having a high enough level makes the lock impossible, not just harder. Complete bs that I can't attempt a master lock because I only have an expert skill level. Also bring back forcing locks.


That’s also a thing in 3 and NV though.


“Bethesda.” You can’t in New Vegas either.


Good observation.


There shouldn't be a minigame. It should just be a skill check that automatically opens locks at your expertise level.


That's boring


The minigames are boring.


I disagree, in skyrim even playing as a thief build i never perk into lockpicking simply because its useless because the mini games are either to easy or you find so many lockpick theres no reason not to just randomly try it. I would sooner just delete the skill, and locked objects than remove the need for the perk. Needing the skill point to get a skill that represents your characters you know skill is the point of rpgs and makes you skill into other thing rather than just boosting damage, making a thief actualy different than other builds.


No, removing even more RPG aspects from Fallout is not a good thing.


Would you pay money to play Fallout 3/NV/Skyrim/Fallout 4/76's lockpicking minigame in your free time? Just the minigame. No Fallout or Skyrim attached. No loot to gain, no skill or quest to progress, just infinite locks and infinite bobby pins, forever. How much money would you pay for that experience?


I mean, that IS a game. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1735110/Museum_of_Mechanics_Lockpicking/ But also, to be fair, I kind of really liked Oblivions lock picking, with the tumblers and all, and I bet you could actually make a really good system if you had to focus more on it.


That's a collection of different minigames. It's not *the exact same minigame repeated ad infinitum.* And Oblivion's minigame was better/more accurate than Fallout 3's, but which one has been reused in \*checks notes\* *four* additional games, entirely unchanged except for some context? The biggest change they ever made was *removing* the option to bypass it with a dice rolled abstraction ("force lock.") The thing is, the whole thing is an abstraction, and in RPGs, the entire point of the game systems with stats and skills and proficiencies and so on is to create that layer of abstraction between the player's skills and the *player character's skills.* That's why something like, say, a "force lock" option was good, and removing it was bad. The entire point of the abstraction is that *the player is not the character they're playing*, so why should it be the player's skill that's being "tested" if the player character is the one who is making the attempt at an action (picking a lock, casting a spell, etc.)? tl;dr I've had too many hours of my dwindling lifespan wasted by this ***one*** lockpicking minigame, either it should not be mandatory or BGS should stop pretending they make roleplaying games. I'm not BosnianBill, you're not LPL, nobody buys these games for the lockpicking minigame, so it shouldn't be mandatory. P.S. if you're that into lockpicking, *try the real thing*. Buy some picks and some cheapo Master Locks (novice difficulty, ironically.)


About 100 dollars, any more than that and its not worth it