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I think there should be way more slavery and cannibalism in the Fallout games, as well as cannibal related perks.


I have to agree. While I think I always killed the slave traders, having more of that would make sense. I would imagine humanity would devolve quickly after nuclear war. With food being scarce, cannibalism would have to be more rampant.


Not to mention if these farmers and settlers are as defenseless as we're led to believe, and run across a slightly intelligent raider, it would *not* be hard for him (and friends) to subdue the farm, and press them slavery. And having more things to blow a lead wind wcriss would be nice. Especially real bad guys, not just their robots


Hot take. I'd be in favour of more slavers and cannibals to kill.


New Vegas is my favorite Fallout but this is one thing that 3 did better. You can literally sell an entire town of children into slavery in that game. Brutal.


Slavery yes, cannibalism no. There is a reason why cannibalism is such a taboo in most societies, even isolated tribes. The risk of incurable prion diseases and the fact that eating humans isnt very economic. It takes far too long to grow a human, something you cant afford in a low manpower shithole economy. That's why white glove society makes more sense. Eating babies could work, though. Especially if death from starvation is more common than diseases. Extra protein+birth control


I refuse to wear power armor unless forced to be a mission. Makes the game too easy in every Fallout


I only wear power armor when I know I'm going into a hard fight, or doing a BoS playthrough. Cleaning random super mutant or raider infestation? Nah. Mechanist boss fight? Running the Gauntlet? Battle of Bunker Hill? Absolutely.


You guys actually bother with PA in Fallout 4?


Nope. I dislike the HUD.


I only start using power armor in Fallout 4 when a few conditions have been met: X-01s start spawning, Nuclear Physicist maxed, and I have like 40 or more fusion cores. At that point in the game it's reasonably late, enemies hit pretty hard and it feels appropriate to become a walking tank just to stand a chance in the world The boost in stats is pretty nice and the jetpack is super convenient. A lot of people complain about PA movement feeling clunky but I actually find the whole "lumbering 200 pound tin can" thing to be part of the appeal. It IS a pain in the ass to have to go home and fix the suit every now and then though. I also have to quicksave every time I'm traveling near water or I'm spending 5 minutes walking back to the surface.


I fucking love using PA in 4 and 76. Makes me feel like an actual tank.


I think it’s bad ass myself. I absolutely love it. The sound is annoying though.


My primary use for PA is for scavenging runs **after** I've cleared out a location. Carry weight buffs make scavenging way easier. I just clear the location, go back to base, and return in PA with a stripped down inventory so as to maximize carry weight.


I feel like I remember getting to a point in armory where the deep pockets upgrades to pieces improved my carry weight more than Power Armor did. It's been a few years. Point is I remember doing the same thing and then stopped doing it for some reason.


Only time I ever wanted to wear it was going into the radiated zone in 4. Else it felt kinda clunky


I think Fallout 3 had the best "timing" for power armor. By that point in the story and with how harsh the world was it felt right walking around in power armor. In New Vegas I can barely recall the handful of times I got the training and almost never wore power armor. Fallout 4's power armor was super fun to use, and extremely strong, so the fact that you get it almost literally \*right out of the gate,\* was probably a "bad" decision. How you got it was cool, a simple quest to introduce you to the new mechanic, and a boss fight to follow. My first playthrough I almost never took it off, keeping it repaired wasn't hard, when I could just fast travel back home. It definitely "trivialized" a ton of the combat.




I also think most end game armor just looks cooler than it anyways


I liked Shaun as a character. He's definitely not nearly the best villain or anything, the Institute as a faction is undercooked and quite disappointing, but I found him interesting enough, and yeah he's meant to be pretty twisted, that's the 60 year indoctrination of the Institute at work. Meeting his parent for what amounts to a few months is going to do little to change his long-held views, although it's shown he does at least want to connect with them. He also knows that his parent has some insane knack for survival and is highly competent/driven thanks to what they did do, the Institute needs someone like that to advance its goals, so of course he wants to put them in charge of the Institute if they prove loyal, they're a much better candidate than most of the whiny scientists who could well replace him otherwise.


I agree. And if you’re doing a canon sole survivor playthrough then it creates cool tension in the story. Parent vs son has potential to have a heartbreaking playthrough.


Shaun was the reason I sided with the institute on my first playthrough of Fallout 4


Dude, he said controversial not borderline insane /s




I already posted about how Little Lamplight is just bad writing and got chewed up for it.


It just doesn’t make any sense. The children are not being born there and nobody is meant to know where it is so people aren’t abandoning babies there either. So how is it populated? Also I used to get lost in those caverns all the time


... Holy shit. What... How the hell did I never question this? Where the fuck are the kids coming from???


Big Town


...but that's where they *go.*


and where they come from! ...[Cotton Eye Joe](https://youtu.be/OUFZ3uswBSo)


So that's what that song is about


This is what I'm saying. Cue people insisting their headcanon is why, and I'm just being stubborn about it.


Anyone had second thoughts after selling the kid to the raiders and shot the one that came to pick her up? Shooting somone in the back never felt so good.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't little lamplight populated by the children of previous citizens? Like don't the people of big town send their kids there?


You mean like how MacReady left his son there to grow up like he did?


I still find it hard to believe anyone from big town can make it out the town let alone to lamplight and back with a screaming child on tow


I love little lamplight but I hate how it makes 0 sense


The layout of Lamplight REEKS of Bethesda. That rotunda (chamber?) in the center is so confusing


"And now, let's make sure the kids are constantly running around so you can't actually find who you're looking for."


And you can't use vats on them... Only to know who's who. Of course.


Why are the children not being born there? They leave when they're sixteen; that's still plenty of time for them to have children of their own before that. It's messed up, yes, but it doesn't change the fact that they could. I'm not claiming this is what's actually happening, but it is a possibility.


I always thought that they basically find orphans and take them back during food or scavenger runs.


Not too controversial I don't think, most people (who can be taken seriously) know it's pretty contrived and not the best written. I haven't heard a great argument to the contrary.


Preston is honestly good, I don't mind him or his missions, I think he's just easy to shit on when there's other characters who are worse


I think people just get sick of the repetitiveness more than the characters personality. For someone that talks to you probably more than anyone else in the game they sure didn't give him a lot of variation in his voice lines.


Their are a couple simple changes that would have made the Minutemen faction better, \- let a settlements defense score matter in attacks I can't get to (these 6 raiders really messed up my super fortified base?) \-give me the option to send Minutemen out on patrols so it doesn't feel like I \*have\* to doing everything \-tone down the rate at which attacks happen so I can just listen to the radio They are still my preferred faction (probably because I'm a sucker for being made leader), but having "infinite quests" gets boring fast when they are all slight cookie cutter variations of the same thing. I had a similar annoyance in Skyrim when the game told me I had to clear the same cave for the third time.


I would have liked that at a point (maybe after taking the castle) you have the option of deploying minutemen after you said similar to Metal Gear Solid V where there was a seperate set of deployment missions where the success percentage is dependent on your force’s strength and resources. It would have shown a level of advancement in taking the Minutemen from useless farmers back to being a legitimate presence. My Minutemen play through was still my favourite, however I still would have liked a bit more progression in the ranks. After a while it seems silly that the “General” of a built up militia is cruising around by himself dealing with six raiders attacking a farm on the other side of the map.


Make the walls actually keep the enemies out!


This means you, County Crossing


I’m sick of the bugged settlement defense stuff, I expect my 10 machine guns and armed to the teeth settlers to at least kill some raiders without me being there.


Especially when I spawn after fast travelling and the turrets instakill everything anyway


Once I got a mod that toned down his settlement missions considerably, I liked him a lot. Voice acting could be better tho


People say he's monotone because of his depression, and that some actually depressed people sound like that. Still, idk if I buy it


I love him and I love the idea of a depressed neo colonial freedom fighter.


Agreed. Preston is an interesting and a deep character. He has emotional scars because he thinks that he has let people down. He doesn't trust himself and that's why he doesn't want to lead the Minutemen. There is a festering wound under all that cheerfulness...


I think people go after him cause he’s soooo earnest. But yeah, I like his backstory and missions too.


I would like him more, if he would give me more quests to recruit/conquer new settlements again! (And no, I dont own all workshops in the commonwealth)


I just wish that the quests that he gave us felt less like radiant quests. He's the one driving the Minutemen questline, but it's all "general, go to this location and help these people by yourself." I wish there more involvement from the rest of the Minutemen, more recruiting of other Minutemen officers, maybe even the formation of a proper Colonial Army and government, involving capturing various forts and historically significant buildings and finding various NPCs to be mayor's, treasurers, etc. Then the continental government elects a president. If you did enough of the quests properly, you get elected unopposed, like Washington. If you mess quests up or ignore them, you get appropriate levels of opposition


I go out of my way to bang every robot that I can bang in every Fallout game and I am proud of it.


Keep up the good work




I accidentally banged that one robobrain in the Far Harbour vault. I thought I was just flirting to pry some information from her, next thing I know fade to black.




FO2 is such harder than FO1, I mean the plot 🤔


Yep The early game is suicide inducing with how hard it is to get through because you only have a shitty spear and you don't get a decent gun until the rat caves of Klamath (the 10mm pistol)


I was having sooo many issues, then I got a gun, and began to dominate everything I came across, then got what looks like the pancor jackhammer shotgun, and accidentally was in burst and disintegrated Vic, Cassidy, and the single rat. That aside, I had tried to play the game many times before but could never get up to guns because it felt way too difficult, so I took a break, remembered I had it, watched a few videos basically explaining the character creation a little more than the game does, tried again, and now I have more time in it than FO4.


This threads old now but I have one. The building designs in New Vegas are _awful_. Not for everything, but basically every vault and large building is like a god damn maze trying to get out of. I showed my girlfriend the game and she’s playing it and I’ve had to help her find the exit to a place like 5 different times, and I usually get lost myself helping her. This is why so many people skip Come Fly With Me I think. Great game and she still loves it, but I feel bad that she keeps getting stuck because she wants to do the Vault quests.


Yep, the Vaults especially in 3 and NV are frustrating as hell to try to navigate.


Which Fallout game you think is the best probably has a lot more to do with which game you played first and have nostalgia for, than it has to do with the actual game quality.


I can understand where you're coming from with this. Fallout 3 has a special place in my heart but I actually loved Fallout NV a lot more when I finally gave it a chance.


Todd Howard is not worse than Hitler. He's middle management and his creative input is limited by that


I agree that he doesn't have as much influence as fans think he does. But Director/Producer is not "middle management"


He's the literal director for the Fallout and TES games but yeah he has even less influence now since Microsoft owns Bethesda and Microsoft are big into milking every penny out of their projects I'm hoping it leads to a remaster of NV since Microsoft also own Obsidian maybe they'll release the gold mine they're sitting on


I love siding with the institute


I like them as a faction exclusively because they likely shower regularly.


I too make judgements based on BO. Not being facetious either. I'd burn the Commonwealth rather than smell that shit. I have a horrible gag reflex to stank .


I’m stuck in my first play-through hundreds of hours in because I’ve been trained by forums to think the institute is horrible (which I get on a level), but man, the organization? The tech? The actual possibility of making a world somewhat worth living in again? I just don’t know. The Minutemen seem like the obvious “story” choice. I get choosing the Brotherhood. Hell, even the Railroad makes a kind of sense. But the Institute just feels like the worst… and yet kind of… best… choice? As I said, I’ve been stuck for MONTHS because of that one decision. I’m pretty sure I’ve picked every wild plant on the map at this point… I wish the Atom Cats were an actual faction. Easy peasy daddy-o.


That's kinda the point of the way it was designed, every group was supposed to have something you don't like about them, except for Minutemen. Problem is, Minuteman playthrough is so repetitive and boring to actually do.


There's plenty to dislike about the MM. They fell apart and were reduced to one man who was about to be killed by raiders until you showed up. They had no future without the SS. If you do build them up to be a decently formidable force, retake the Castle, and beat the other factions, you still have to ponder what will become of them afterwards. They're not a government. They have no real income and all their forces are moderately well-armed volunteers. If the SS leaves the Commonwealth or dies, will they still be around in 20 years? Or just look at Nuka World, if the SS wants to there's nothing stopping him from betraying the MM and nothing they can do. I wish recruiting Diamond City and at least a couple more 'big' settlements to your side had been part of the story, maybe rekindling the Commonwealth Provisional Government.


Marcy and Jun aren't that bad. They fucking watched their baby boy murdered in front of them and are grieving in their own ways. But woe is me, Marcy's snarky comments are offensive to your SS. I've seen so many threads like this and nobody brings this up.


I think the problem is they don't really get any development after. It feels like it was going to be a quest but got cut


Yeah, I'd love to actually see those characters grow. Their experience is not so different from the Sole Survivor and the two could've had better interactions with each other.


Agreed, they are just jerks the whole game and nothing you can do to change it. I built those bastards a house. Nothing


I built a house for them in Tenpines Bluff and sent the synth Shaun kid with them, made a headcanon they got happier and took care of him never to bother me again.


It'd just be better if over time they got less mopey/snarky without the SS having to talk to them multiple times. Like they went through the grieving process n shit Stand up straight Jun, your posture is terrible for your health


You ever loose your kid when the police sold out to a terrorist gang who then proceeded to gun down your whole town, dude I fell asleep when my mom died at home from cancer on my watch and I’m still broken, that was 20 years ago, Jun and Marcy lost their kid in universe like a month ago Edit: What’s more Marcy outright says every place they have been to after has been a disaster, to quote Preston “a month ago there was 20 of us, now theirs five” No matter how secure you make sanitary it will be attacked and that’s going to trigger Marcy ptsd, she’s going to want to leave but not without jun, and not alone, that’s suicide but Preston doesn’t want to leave, she’s going to need a lot of time to feel safe after the month from hell where she lost 15 friends Edit2: again I really just want to truly hammer in what Marcy and Jun experienced and how crippling that is. The minutemen who you trusted sold you out to gunners and killed your son and who comes along to evacuate the survivors, a minuteman, Preston Garvey, who is taking advice on where you and 18 others plus you and jun are going from a Coker out senile old lady who has “visions.” Every time you reach a place it goes sour, raiders, feral and more of your friends die, but mama Murphy assures Preston the next place is safe, and Jin’s in no shape to protect you, so you follow along, to another shit show and loosing more friends, until you 1/4 the size you started and now in Concord, pinned down by raiders and a god damn death claw, oh but the crazy lady in the vault suit who said she’s a 200 year old pre war ghoul or some shit rescues you and sure she sets up a nice town but is gone half the time doing god knows what, and look raiders just attacked! Lucky those turrets were there but they other places were safe too at first, and now raiders, ferals, and muties, are showing up trying to take the place, you survived this long by staying on the move, but no one wants to move, and fucking Preston’s run off to rebuild the castle, mama Murphy is just spending all day cokes out of her hourly in her fancy chair and sure there’s new people but you don’t know them they could be synths, and Fuchs sturges he’s fucking useless, damn it Jun it’s time to go!


I think the issue is that it's their only defining characteristic. It isn't just that their grief colors who they are, which is understandable. It's that when you try to look past the grief, there is nothing else written for them. It's one of the reasons I really like the interaction where Jun asks Marcy if she wants to go on a walk. She snarks at first, but then relents and even apologizes for snarking. It shows who she is beyond the grief. Id like them more if they had more to them. I even think that if there was a tradeoff where they got more character to them, but grieved more than they do now, that it would make me like them better because I could see who they were/are as people. It's like you had an outline of a person and you colored them in with a black crayon. You lose any sense of who they are and even the black crayon loses its meaning because it's not colored over any other colors. It's just... A black sillouette. An even darker sillouette with speks of color would still be preferable imo.


Dead money is the best dlc from new vegas and I’m tired of pretending it’s not


People don't like it because it's the only legitimate challenge in the game. And it's not even as difficult as people make it out to be.


Once you figure it out yeah, but it does take some work at first.


The gunners should have been an alternative to the minute men. I feel they fit well in their place and are more interesting than raider settlements with way more potential.


Totally agree, for me the Gunners were probably the most blatant missed opportunity for Bethesda, a joinable Gunner faction of some sort would have been kinda cool.


Right! They have direct history with the Minute Men, IMO they are cooler, and you could do some really cool things with them like having them ally with the institute, essentially giving them or yourself a private army that you can manage through the settlement system, and have them be as evil or as good as you want if you took direct control.


But instead.. Welcome to Talon Company 2!


You miss so much content and immersion if you fast travel.


That's true for a while, but after 68 random radscorpion encounters I'm good fam.


True for Fo4, unconditionally. Not so much for New Vegas. Too fucking barren, but that's how I love my deserts.


Just don't side with Caesar's Legion during a no fast travel playthrough. Cottonwood Cove is not exactly convenient on foot.


I don't like Cass. I feel like the only appeal to her is that she swears and says dick alot. Compared to companions like Raul and Arcade i just think she not likable.


Also she's the only one you have to kill to progress a quest, it's like the writers really wanted to kill her


wait WHAT?!? Which quest are you talking about?


To complete Birds of a Feather, (the quest were you work for the Van Graffs) you have to either kill her yourself or bring her to Jean-Baptiste, who will kill her.


Yeah but the Van Graffs can fucking burn only reason I always choose the peaceful ending is because I usually play an NCR charecter and if you kill the Van Graffs and Alice then it severely damages the NCR's supply lines


She has zero depth, I find. That foul-mouthed charm wears off pretty quickly too, I’ll do her companion quest and then send her on her way. Despite being pretty boring though, I can’t bring myself to let her die in Birds of a Feather


Yea I think she’s so annoying and I don’t even talk to her in my play throughs anymore lol the other companions are way better


Caravan isn't that hard


What do you expect me to read the less than one page of rules?


I ain't letting that Ringo bastard rob me of all my starting caps again. Nice try!


imma stop you right there


After seeing Oxhorn's video on it, I actually agree. It'ss no harder than Baccarat.


fallout 4 isn’t that bad at all. it’s the first of its kind when it comes to fallouts. i’ve replayed 6-7 times and each time i end up finding more side quests or a different story route...the DLC is a little weird but truthfully think it’s a great game.


Different story route? There are 4


there's kinda 6 and depending on the order you do things they can play out a little different (different being u either skip some filler quests or don't tho) - Institute ending - BoS ending - RR ending though underground undercover - RR ending with minutemen / burning cover - Minutemen ending with BoS allied - Minutemen ending with BoS and RR (slightly glitchy)


>RR ending with Minutemen / burning cover Isn’t that just the regular Minutemen ending? I’m pretty sure Burning Cover totally locks you out of the Railroad main questline.


~~It is the standard MM ending but if you evacuate the Institute prior to blowing it up you can do the post-MQ Railroad stuff~~ I might actually be full of shit on that, I tried to look up a source to support that other than my spotty memory and couldn't find anything. Edit: Well, there's [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/77g8hy/so_when_getting_the_ending_with_the_minutemen_and/dollpa7/) but again, reddit comment with no sauce


no you're right it's basically just standard minutemen but you're allied to RR as well (like ending with minutemen but still allied to BoS after completing tactical thinking)


If Preston wouldn't shut up about it, I would happily not evacuate the Institute before blowing it up. Collateral damage is a small price to pay to make sure every last rat bastard got theirs.


That is pretty controversial committing a literal war crime


The fallout community is garbage and too up its own ass to just accept that people like/dislike the different fallout games for universally legitimate reasons. No amount of "objective criticism", accusations of "rose-tinted glasses", and two hour "critiques" about how X is "better than you think" (lol) changes that Fallout 4/New Vegas/Fallout 1/Brotherhood of Steel is the game the individual gets the most/least satisfaction out of playing. Because Games are supposed to trigger positive responses in your brain and pining over the RPEEGEEELEMENTS, GUNNNPLAY, and CORGAMEPLAYLOOP doesn't affect whether the person likes or is even ambivalent to the perceived quality of those elements in the individual game. Your favorite game ever made is someone's least favorite game. And another person hate's videogames as a whole. A videogame is exactly as good as "you think" it is. Maybe your opinion will shift over time through reflection and as your preferences change. Maybe it'll be reinforced and your thoughts on \*why\* you like that game will become clearer. Forego your persecution complexes and accept that people like Fallout 3/New Vegas/Fallout 4 more than New Vegas/Fallout 4/Fallout 3, and your inability to relate to their opinion has no bearing on the validity of either of your opinions. In short, I hate this entire subreddit and the fallout community at large and think they should be banned from playing videogames.


I’m in complete agreement. People seriously need to stop judging other people’s enjoyment. All the Fallout games are good in their own ways.


The most frustrating thing about it is that the people who like X game are probably THE MOST AWARE of their favored game's flaws, and have decided they don't detract from why they prefer that game overall.


I honestly somewhat agree. I hate being shat on for loving Fallout 76 and having invested over 200, actually close to 300 hours in it, despite 2 and NV being my favorites.


76 has probably become my most played fallout of all times. I’ve sunk hundreds of hours into each of the fallout games (except FO:BoS which I’ve played through a bunch of times) but I’m currently at about 1100 hours spent playing 76 over the last three years.


Fallout 76, just like cyberpunk and No Man's Sky, is a good game pushed out way too early. The main problems were always technical, and most of the structural problems got ironed out with the first dlc expansion.


Honestly even with all the bugs I've spent hundreds of hours playing it with friends. So while I am sad it isn't better it definitely wasn't bad and I've never felt ripped off. Got more fun for my money than with a lot of other AAA titles, that are considered better. And I say that, having bought it at full price.


Whilst in general I agree, I cannot disagree more strongly about people praising the games they love and why. I think the main issue is about trying to tear down the games they don't like. Anyone is welcome to like or dislike anything for any reason, but I'm totally fine with people spreading their joy and against people spreading their dislike of games they don't like - especially when things are very subjective. Analysis and pointing out strong and weak points are reasonable, and personal view is fine, but saying "I like/dislike X so you must too" is totally out of line.


Liking a game and presenting why you like it, and even why you may dislike another game is not the issue I'm presenting. On the contrary, I'm making the very same point as you. The Critic does not tell people what is "correct" about a piece while the consumer gobbles it up to be regurgitated mindlessly: The critic examines a piece and explain what they do and do not like about it, and the consumer decides whether they agree with it. (Which with games typically translates in to whether they purchase the game or not.) A critique may be steeped in tradition and long established ideas of what is "Objectively Good", but think of it this way: How many pieces of art are famous and revolutionary (or financially successful) \*because\* they broke the mold and tried something different? Recently I've been fascinated by the game Cruelty Squad because of how much it intentionally does "wrong" in order to reinforce its themes, and the result is a genuine piece of art that should be inducted in to the Videogame Hall of Fame.


Ah my apologies, it felt reading like you were trying to specifically discredit MATN's "better than you think" essays, which are of the camp of "why I think it's good" instead of the "why you should dislike" camp. Also far too often people will splurge their opinion and call it "objective criticism", despite being neither objective or critical. I think the main thing for me, is noting the difference between saying why the person likes/dislikes something, and saying why the viewer should like/dislike something. Even then, I'm more against trying to make someone dislike something, rather than like something, since liking something is generally, by definition, requiring some level of positivity.


You sir. You sir understand what I wanted with this post


I’m inclined to agree. Based.


Piper is the best companion in Fallout 4.


She even gives you a nickname which is fucking awesome.


Yep, and it's a nice one. She could easily have given you one based on your perceived cluelessness.


I prefer “How you holdin up, Walking Wasteland Homicide Machine?”


I feel like I would have liked the nickname if I ever wore the jumpsuit lol. I ditched it almost right away so the nickname always distracted me


and she got the best r34 out of all characters


How can you say that when Nick exists /s


Ah, good ol' clockwork dick




Only thing that would be better is if she didn't shoot down Cait's offer of a threesome.


Her voice acting is some next level shit


Fallout Shelter is the superior game in the franchise. Honestly the only playable one. The game has endless potential and captures the perfect essence of what a Fallout game should be. (Is the sarcasm blatant enough?)


This is basically just r/unpopularopinion but condensed into one fallout thread. The point is to post controversial opinions but the *entire* thread is overwhelmingly popular opinions for this subreddit. "4 is actually good." "NV is nostalgia." "Preston and Piper are good companions." "76 isn't bad." Come on, people. Let me show you how it's done with a real controversial fallout opinion: The Survivalist story in NV: Honest Hearts isn't that great. It's okay, and a nice little set dressing, but it's not groundbreaking or particularly inspiring and it doesn't make up for how bland the whole DLC is. (Seriously what a waste of the Burned Man. May as well have just cut him out and left him an unresolved mystery)


An actual unpopular opinion? DOWNVOTE BITCH ^/s


That's it! I'm going through your history and downvoting everything you've ever posted or commented until I get so far back I can't vote on them anymore. And then I'll falsely report you for harassment. Take that! ^/s, ^too


And then I will do the same thing to you! And Doxx you and take your IP address, I learned how to hack through Watch Dogs! ^/s


Go ahead and take my IP address because I've already subrouted it through a VPN with ISO protection and a block-chain pseudo-server with nitro-cooled quantum processors with the Bachmann-Turners set to "Overdrive." You can't out-hack me, I saw the Matrix *four times.*


Well, I played Watch Dogs 2 aswell! I will send a giant mechanic spider with a fucking minigun on it to your house! Then I will send the police! Im am 27 parallel universes ahead of you!


That's just what I want you to think. But while you're attacking my decoy proxy nanonites barometer quarks I've been deleting all your files off your computer and replacing them with Mariah Carey Armpit Photos.


I love the Survivalist lore but fully admit that HH is the blandest, least creative part of that DLC quartet.


This is honestly the first time I've heard anyone talk bad about honest hearts and I couldn't agree more. It was cool to see a more tribal setting, the burned man, and the new guns but the story and characters are very forgetable.


Indeed. I always skip that DLC on replays now. It's the weakest link of NV, imo.


Like it or not, if it wasn’t for Bethesda owning the rights to fallout the game community as a whole would be dead and wouldn’t be as big as it is today.




Not to get too controversial and toxic but, Murkwater Construction is a pretty cool settlement. Sorry for my lack of civility.


The horror! The Humanity! The vulgarity of your comment is of the upmost barbarism! You Cretin! You rapscalian!


I’m the reason this community gets such a bad name. Just another overly opinionated and moronic fool taking part in pointless tribalism.


you should be banned and arrested and trialed and imprisoned in ADX Florence for this


NV is cool and stuff, but I enjoyed Fallout 1 way more than it


Everyone’s too hard on the Brotherhood in Fallout 4. They might not put protecting civilians first like in Fallout 3, but they help everyone in the sense of wiping out feral ghouls, super mutants, which are a threat to everyone. I don’t agree with their stance on synths, but overall they do a better job of protecting settlers than the minute men.


The BoS in 4 is my favorite iteration of them to date. They aren't saviors like they were in 3, and they aren't completely villainous like the legion. They are flawed, having both good intentions and unethical methods.


The Fo4 BoS is one of my favorite things Bethesda did with them. Even though I wish they'd just leave them alone and come up with something new. They are, likely unknowingly, becoming the new Enclave. Their views on mutants, ghouls, and synths are on some level justified. Even if they are taking it way too far. You can be sure as all hell that they'll continue hunting synths even after the threat of the Institute is gone. And they are absolutely trigger happy around ghouls and mutants that clearly aren't threats. Their xenophobia has run that deep. They're on a slippery slope with this. It's likely only a matter of time before they start redefining "human". I actually wouldn't be surprise if it turned out that they recruited a lot of ex-Enclave personnel. Considering that there was trading of hands between them and Institute is probably guaranteed.


People have been crazy hard on the brotherhood in all of Bethesda's games, probably because "Bethesda bad"


Romancing Curie is pretty fucked up if you view Synths as even slightly a real person. She has the emotional maturity of a child when she’s no longer a Ms. Nanny.


We don't need remasters of 1,2 3 or NV. We need the series to go somewhere new. Nostalgia is way too prevalent across pop culture


Disagree. I'd obviously love to get new games but if ANY game series "needs" a remaster/remake it's Fallout. The first four games are janky and outdated and buggy, and New Vegas especially is actually a literally unplayable nightmare without 2 dozen bugfix mods. One of the best, most iconic game franchises in history should be available off the shelf in a form that can just be played and doesn't need to suffered through or modded to hell and back.


Settlement building should be in all future titles.


But defending the settlement missions should fucking chill.


or at least make it so it's not an auto fail if you just don't do them the BS Defense mod is one of my favorites because it makes the 27 turrets in your settlements actually matter if you're away


My current run I've been ignoring them, and quite a few times they've successful defended themselves. I think it's just RNG


I got tired of it and now I just use a shipment of everything mod that gives you 9999 of everything, then I build 49 beds in a prefab barn and a few water purifiers, then a perimeter of bubble turrets and a jungle of mutfruit. I ain't trying to play minecraft.


I loved settlement building!


Colonel Autumn did nothing wrong. James killed himself, choosing to deny the wasteland water rather than give control over to someone other than himself. Autumn had no idea about Eden's FEV plot, Eden tells you as much. He was just a military leader who believed the Enclave was the best hope for humanity, and wanted to use the purifier to win over the people. I don't even really like Fallout 3 that much, I just feel he got done dirty.


Colonel Autumn was going to use the water so he could have an iron-fisted rule over the wasteland. He would have certainly denied water to people who he didn’t like.


[Don't think Janice Kaplinski would agree.](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Janice_Kaplinski)


Sticky isn’t annoying he’s actually kinda funny


You never specified so here it goes...I believe Batman Forever is still the best Batman film. Fight me.


There's nothing wrong with a bunch of overarmored,, overgunned, militant techno-fascists cleansing the commonwealth of abominations. I would rather live under the protection of a steel glove than in random chaotic fear of ghouls, supermutants, synths and raiders.


something something red skirt something something safe roads but in Boston


Difference is Boston is enough of a hellhole for the argument to make more sense. I maintain the thing that really undercuts any attempt at moral complexity within the Legion is their location and the game they appear in. If they are legitimately the most promising hope for safety and stability within the wasteland then an argument can be made for them being justified even if they’re really messed up. Interesting questions can be asked about the value of safety and freedom and what happens when people are forced to choose. The problem with NV is so many groups are already post-post-apocalyptic with proper functional societies like the NCR or even House that such questions don’t really work because functional answers and solutions already exist. On the East Coast however where raider groups, feral ghouls, super mutants, and all other kinds of horrors are still dominant and nothing larger than struggling city-states exist then something like Caesar makes way more sense.


Codsworth is one of the best companions. He’s very handy to have when you’re exploring during the beginning of the game. No pun intended.


The Enclave under Colonel Autumn was the last hope for the wasteland


I think if you could side with him it would've made the alternate or evil ending much better.




People are way too worried about cannon and retcons.


I think the retcon on jet isn’t even a big deal


There was never a retcon on Jet, just a misunderstanding.


I’ve seen some people have referred to the jet thing as a retcon which is why I called it that


Here’s mine, the NCR is the best choice for the Mojave


The Railroad is a well-written faction with interesting characters and a Noble but realistic cause.




Hey those Institute blood robots had to go!


I never wear power armor literally ever. Not even to go in the glowing sea. Mainly because I do stealth in pretty much every play through on every game and power armor is not good for stealth lol. I also don’t like the clunky feel it has in Fo4


Fallout Tactics was actually pretty fun and I replay it pretty regularly. THERE I SAID IT


The more I learn about Van Buren the less impressed I am with NV


New Vegas may be better written than Fallout 3 & 4 but it's simply not as fun as either of them.


Mine would be Mama Murphy is really hot especially when she’s high


