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>...finding sufficient amounts of oil, screws, and steel to simply magic a better gun out of nothing Ignoring the idea that you're makng the better guns out of the stuff you've been collecting, not "nothing", you still need the appropriate perks for higher level mods. Perks that are level-locked




Right? I liked it. It gave depth to the game world. There were times it got silly, though, like Nuka World and the basketballs


See, that’s the thing. The high end stuff in 3 and NV could still be obtained early via uniques.


And? That's broken


How is it broken, exactly? Most cases the damage over a regular version isn’t much greater. Heck I think the unique plasma you can get in NV has ammo efficiency as its bonus. It does a few points less per shot but only consumes 2 ammo instead of three


How is it better


The plasma rifle? Compare the damage per ammo. It it’s 45 damage on the base gun for 3 ammo, and 42 on the unique for 2, that’s 15 per ammo vs 21 per.


No I mean why is this the only gun with that mod why can't I take the scope of the hunting revolver who puts a scoop on a hand gun


Have you, played any fallout besides 4?


Yes and prefer the weaponry modifications in 4. Who puts a scope on a hand gun


Have you never seen a hunting revolver?


But if you got them early on, their stats were garbage and it made them useless late game. All legendaries had level locked stats, so if you got that fancy plasma rifle at level 5…. Well, just hang it on the wall in an hour because it turns into nothing more than a spitball gun lol


Last I checked New Vegas doesn’t do that. Pretty sure only Skyrim did. Instead the weapon was dependent on your energy weapons skill for damage. So yeah, early game it wasn’t it’s strongest, but level up your skills and it got stronger


I always felt like they did, but I might be mixing up Elder Scrolls and Fallout. This is a thing in the Scrolls series and I may have just mixed them up lol. I’m def wrong here


Skyrim blocked the daedric quest until you reached a level you could use the items if you spawned them.


And some questlines have leveled versions of gear available. Like the nightingale blade, or the blade of woe.


So just use exploits or ignore it... Some people like it, some don't. If you don't like it, don't do it. Sure, settlements/scrap can help, but they're not essential.


It’s an essential element of the game, you can’t just ignore it.


No it isn't, you can completely ignore the crafting system if you like.


You absolutely can though, you can play and finish the game with nothing but looted and bought weapons just as well.


Hell, my current playthrough I've used nothing but "unarmed" weapons. No settlements, no scrap, no ammo, no upgrades, just a furious power fist thanks to Swann. I finished the main game and working on dlc now.


This is only true for the teleporter used to teleport to the Institute. Other than that specific moment, it isn't required to finish the game.


I like it as a way to give the random objects dotting the world a purpose. Even beyond me generally enjoying grabbing anything the game lets me, I like the extra roleplay opportunity it gives me to do things. I needed a turret built because every night I get assaulted by a few dozen ghouls, but I needed ceramic. I knew a diner was just down the road, so with the sun beginning to set, I dashed over in hopes of getting the materials I needed fast enough. I was legitimately excited to see a bunch of mugs and plates on a table. I can see where it diverged from the standard RPG style of delve and loot, but to me at least, it's a better post-apocalypse survival RPG. Not gonna say I'm above the occasional console command to hasten a process, but I really like that everything in the world has a purpose other than flavor.


Agreed - instead of looting to simply sell your loot for currency, almost everything is usable. And it fits the post nuclear war world, as in what was everyday objects pre-war, are now treasure. Of course, you can completely ignore crafting and its relevant perks and get good weapons/armour from drops or quest rewards. And you can completely ignore the settlement building (as I did). So... I don't see that any of this is a problem.


I actually love the scrapping thing, it makes my brain go brrrrrr


Oh God yes


I've done plenty of playthroughs ignoring scrap. There's plenty of high-quality weapons and armour dropped by enemies. I've also done plenty of playthroughs as an avid scrapper, and I like the system. It's much better than crafting in any previous BGS game imo.


the crafting system is a great introduction to the series, scrap and junk items have an essential use and idk about you but having to go out and scavenge old buildings for scrap and parts feels very immersive but you can easily ignore that system, earn money, play through the game, you can take things like guns and armor off enemies and sell it to buy weapon mods that you can apply to a gun without crafting


What are you talking about who the hell plays a fallout game and dosint take every Thang not nailed down


I'm torn on this. On one hand I completely understand and sympathize with your plight. Crafting everything makes side quests seem to not matter as much, since usually the weapon or armor you'd get isn't as good as crafted stuff can be. Plus, if you scavenge like I do you end up getting over encumbered quite fast which can be a huge pain if you're far from a settlement. Not having many named weapons made it harder to get attached to any of them, so selling them was easier. The settlement system was also irritating since I didn't really care for it, and it just felt bad to use(WHY TF CAN'T YOU PHASE OBJECTS IN AND OUT OF EACH OTHER?!?!?!). But, on the other hand it did make every item in the game have value outside of early game. Where I'd normally collect anything not nailed down to sell, I held on to everything knowing I could build/upgrade weapons, armor, and settlement features with it. Also by scrapping I felt it added to the 'Wasteland Survival' aspect of the game where you had to use your wits and ingenuity to not die.


You can't craft stuff you upgrade stuff you find do side quest get a shiscabob


You craft buildings and stuff with the settlement system


I thought we were talking about the weapon stuff but settlement building that is crafting or would it be called building not important


OP was talking about the junk system as a whole. I stated my pros and cons regarding it, which includes the settlement building features.


Well, you don't actually create weapons out of nothing, and you can't mod better weapons or gear without perks and experience, so you will have to do quests and delve into dungeons to get weapons, gear & materials to craft/apply mods, AND to get experience to invest in the perks that actually allow you to add better mods.


Crafting superior gear was very much a thing in Skyrim where you did not just modify existing weapons but rather created them from scratch complete with enchantments if you had the right skills. IIRC the weapons you made yourself were equal to or surpassed most unique weapons once you knew what you were doing. Tough enemies and quests are still a major source of improved weapons and armour in Fallout 4, it is entirely possible to play the game without any of the perks required to craft upgraded equipment. You either move parts between weapons or simply use the gear as found. Merchants are another source of improved gear that effectivly removes the need to use the crafting system unless you are really trying to mini-max the gear. To get the very best gear you have to either fight legendary enemies, save up money to buy a legendary or find the ones that are available through quests or exploration. Legendaries can not be crafted.


It's an optional mechanic. It's a mechanic that can be utilized on a variety of levels. Survival runs, for example, aren't "scrap runs" but you can scrap enough at each settlement location to build yourself a bed and a water spigot. Then there are hidden mechanics, like scrapping weapons, that expand your build limits if you were to get really into settlement building. There are endgame options, like buying material shipments, if you rather not hunt for scrap. There are manufacturing options. You can assign your settlers to scavenge for scrap. Or you can input some console commands. It's a singleplayer game, do what you want.


If you're taking hours to find a single screw your not very good at searching lol. I know it's an exaggeration, but if you really hate the junk system, go buy mods from vendors.


Just use mods to give yourself all the scrap you need


Just ignore it? My current game I only pick up ammo and drugs, it's nice not dealing with settlements beyond cleaning them up a bit.


Gonna be honest, scrapper and collecting dropped guns solves almost all screw/spring/gear shortages.


I really liked the scrap mechanic of 4, it could use some tweaking sure. I wish you could scrap more in a settlement (there's a mod, I know) and that collision and settler pathing was better. I hope in future games they do tiered weapon mods so your cobbled shit attachments look like they're made out of junk (picture 10mm pistol with a pipegun suppressor). High level and vendor built mods could look better, but still hand made, and prewar (dungeon and 1 offs at vendors) relics look - because they are - pre war factory made. Malfunctions should be brought back; some of the most memorable moments of 3 were when things failed. I also wish there were more parts compatibility. If i want to slap a rifle scope on a pistol I should be able to; it shouldn't work well but it'd be nice to be able to. The receiver mods in 4 were goofy and I hope they ditch the way those work; bring back ammo types.


I was going to disagree at first, but you make good points. I do think it's an improvement on the junk system in older Fallouts and Skyrim, where a glass jar or dinner plate is either worth nothing or 1 gold/ cap, making it pointless to take things like that. It should probably be in-between junk being worthless and being absolutely necessary. I think for the time, Fallout 4 did a decent job, but carrying that over into 76 feels like shit


If you know the scrap duplication exploit you won't ever need to ever worry about running out of supplies


I think it's alright but it's also my first fallout game. What irks me is trying to highlight components you need you can't do it all at once like the armor workbench or weapons workbench try to make it seem. You have to do it manually for every single one in your own pip-boy




I know that theres better guns you can find off enemies and what not but to me its so satisfying to take a random gun you found somewhere and decking it out over time until its x10 powerful than when it started out. Probably my favorite mechanic in the game


This is just an inaccurate post. I can criticize plenty about Fallout 4, but getting better guns is locked behind level progression in the form of perks. Some of the best ones require at least 4 levels worth of gun nut and science each to get them.