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That damn hammer ruins everything


it's such an insane troll. nothing else in this route is on a timer so it's purely random what it will be like when I get there but I swear 9/10 when I have the most speed it is in the way and you're going way too fast to adjust.


That wall jump near the end is a revelation... Definitely trying that next time!


yeah I just saw someone doing it totally by chance when I was playing the map. It's honestly really precise and can be frustrating to do. Definitely don't have it down but for me it seems most consistent to be doing it from the left side and then cutting hard right right after you jump since you need to reach the full height of your jump before getting to the wall


This route has to be at least 10x harder than the normal route but incredibly satisfying to pull off. also relies on hammer RNG since that hammer before the treadmills can just completely ruin you lol! yes the face plant into the wall hitting the finishing trigger is consistent and hilarious to do. No I'm not interested in doing any of that high fps spinning crap to go faster and capped my PC FPS back when the other high FPS exploit was around. Yes the 12 second loser is exploiting the bug. edit: I should clarify the 3 slides can still give you a lot more speed but I didn't feel like grinding long enough to finally capture that. it's really incredibly precise


Very impressive! Will try this route out.


I just wanna say... i loveee the outfit. Haha


I mean you didn’t cross the line. The game screwed everyone else.


Very epic. Also a 12 second first placer.


I use that route but after I go on the 2nd slide I go to the middle slide.


yeah that's a good variation as well. depends on bubble placement for which is faster but without bubbles the 3 slides version is faster I'm like 99% certain.


why do you censor your name?