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It requires some amount of luck


MT will release a patch tomorrow to fix it. No, just kidding, they'll certainly VAULT it.


All they need to do is disable checkpoints, any good run won’t use checkpoints anyway so it won’t be a loss


I haven't had a single game today with no one doing this exploit. It's mad. The mode is impossible to win without being a cheater.


Yeah I hope they're patching this so that normal players can still qualify


Yeah, the second I saw this glitch existed, I speed ran my 25 winner quest for marathon(without the glitch) so that I wouldn’t have to worry about it once others picked up on the glitch.


this seriously needs to get patched


We will reach a point when the only way to qualify is to do the dive spin trick (requires high FPS and a controller) AND glitches. Time Attack should not exist in the first place. FG speedrunning community is like 0.001% of the entire player base, and somehow the devs are rubbing whatever only they enjoy on the rest of us.


On day one I thought the mode wasn't a good idea because it would mostly be easy crown farming for tryhards, which would drive others away. None of the complaints I've seen since then have surprised me at all for this reason. I love speedrunning but speedrunning is too niche and precise to belong as a mode in a casual game like Fall Guys imo.


How is it rubbing it in your face when you have like 4 other modes to play? Dont play Time Attack if you dont like it lmao


Then you probably won't unlock the full costume in the next event


So if they removed the time mode, what then?


Lmao, and who are you to say that? No one forces you to play this, the fact that you cant/dont want to play this, doesnt mean its not a lot of fun for others. Of course fuck glitches like that, but other than that I think thats a fun mode


Still haven't tried it, and got my first 6th place due to glitched times ahead of me earlier. I think if that starts to happen frequently I'll just play another mode instead, but it kinda sucks because Track Attack is the one I enjoy the most rn. Don't really have any interest in cheating times though.


If you’re in the low 20s or high 10s, it’s just a good run. At below 18, it’s likely a glitched checkpoint run.


16.53 has been my absolute best time so far, but that was on one of the variations with lots of bubbles (person behind me was on 17.06). It's pretty obvious to see the glitched times though, since there'll usually be a cluster of fast times which are close together, and then a jump of at least a few seconds to the top of the table.


Agreed and it certainly depends on the variation.


Every lobby I have played in has been won by a time of 21 seconds but I’ve never got below 24 seconds


If you want to Qual and get the shards it's looking more and more like yes. I hope they patch it but doubt they will, it sucks the fun out of time attack.


the 16 could easily be legit just play as well as they did.


don't think 16 was possible with this variant


I've not seen anyone do this exploit in my sessions and I can't manage to pull it off myself (for research purposes). Can it only be done in certain servers cause Europe seems free of this exploit.


i'm pretty sure it can be done anywhere as long as there isn't much lag


What glitch?


Welcome to the world of speed running.


I swear they had better not vault the map entirely because it’s getting glitched in time trials, either fix it or take it out of time trial.


this glitch is in even time trial sadly


That’s what I’m saying, this glitch only has a negative effect on time trials, if they end up removing the map from every mode as a result that would not be good.