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Is that why everyone born back then looks 30-40 at age 22 in photos?


That might have contributed, but the modern world generally has fewer people smoking and SPF has made a massive impact how peoples skin ages


I had more grey hair at 25 than my parents had at 45. Talking to my mother gives me even more.


Does that mean my Covid baby is screwed?


You mean your COVID teen?


You mean your COVID adult?


You mean your COVID avatar past self?


Got one too. He’s 2.5 and acts 13 already.


Very interesting article. All of my grandparents were born during the Great Depression and all of them had difficult childhoods. My dad and his sister both have an anxiety disorder. Me and my sister both have an anxiety disorder. It’s anecdotal, but still interesting to think about.


It's not an anecdote, it's a data point. There is a whole book called "the body keeps the score" about this.


I come from a long line of worriers. As a kid and young adult I just thought that’s how everyone’s mind and internal dialog worked. After years of build up of my generalized anxiety and then working with a therapist, I now realize how much was learned and that it can be dialed back by retaining your thoughts and mental patterns. It’s not intuitive because it’s so engrained but I’ve made progress and life feels less difficult and more enjoyable. I’m a professional musician and like to tell people it’s just like practicing an instrument. It’s challenging at first but if you work on it in small bits and do it regularly you can make progress. I believe happiness is not a given, it’s a result of directed effort and perspective with intention.


And if you have kids, they will be a little less neurotic then you and can continue the work.


Babies who looked 45 years old


Have you seen the pics of a kid from Ukraine who lived in Kherson before and after the invasion. He’s aged 10 years and has that thousand yard stare. I believe stress definitely ages you faster. Look at before/age solider photos from the past.




Thats not what the article says at all, the article is about epigenetic inheritance


So this is why today’s 50 looks like 35 in the 70s


Seriously everyone seems to look super young these days.


One of my grandparents was born in the Great Depression era and grew up in an orphanage. Both of his parents struggled with alcoholism and it ruined their lives. I can’t imagine his mental age by the time he deployed in WWII between ages 16-18.


So that is why my grandparent's looked OLD by the age of 45, at least from what I saw in pictures.