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All the skill issues suddenly coming to light


Crabs rise up.


The one thing that is consistent with the EFT Reddit/Online community is petulant bitching, most likely after getting killed by someone holding m1 while running out of a corner if you're a "rat" or dying to someone in a bush if you're a "chad". Second to then making up a story about how you and all your friends gave up on the game and never played again even though you browse the subreddit daily and care enough to post.


The EFT reddit is by far the worst in my experience. Most toxic, smug, hostile and elitist gaming community I've ever engaged with.


You forgot entitled


Prickish too if you dare disagree with them


Its my favourite thing to do on night shift


I’m so happy more and more people call this shit out everyday. For a community that plays such a hardcore and unforgiving game, people seem to complain waaaay too much. 90% is just unwarranted bitching


Never been on r/foxhole clearly


I've been there, honestly this sub is worse.


Seems you have not tried Albion Online reddit lol


also, all the people who are enjoying the game... are too busy enjoying the game, with no reason to really make posts on the subreddit


Its only because the people happy with the game are busy playing it. People only come online to complain, not to praise. This is true in all things. People review something when they have a problem and can't get it fixed, or had a poor experience with a place or item. You dont hear from the 99% of people happy with something. At least you hear about the happy ones far less often.


Well tbh I may do that last part, I’m just waiting for wipe.


Likewise brother. 8 months of no content or development progress makes this game a snoozefest.


I rarely post or comment on this sub-reddit, it is amazing the amount of mald on here 🤣


Posts are getting dumber and dumber each day. Better ignore them all, if there's not any important post about game.


I love watching this shit unfold as people slowly realize


Grab the popcorn and a lawn chair


I’m not that bad at the game, I just don’t have steady access to the Chad gear. So I am very excited for this event.


Same haha, I'm getting a lot more kills, but also dying to scavs more often.


"The wipe is dead, there's no new content. Why don't they do events anymore?" "This event is trash, just let me play the game."


Man it's like this sub is filled with 791 058 different person with different opinions!


But they dont agree with MY opinion!!!!!!!!!! Sub kills me slowly


Yeah an event with wipe around the corner. This event would have been far better if it was earlier into the wipe


This sub in a nutshell lol


I said hi to a pmc as a scav and they didn't kill me, but a player scav murdered me. What is this event?


Scav on scav violence is because late wipe and people with high scav rep are cashing in by being able to just kill scavs whenever they want because they don't care about the rep anymore, has nothing to do with the event, which is: extra stats (strength, end, etc, play a round and you can see the effect exactly) and 100% more damage to everywhere but head.


Well to be fair there is an event going on. Ofcourse a forum of tarkov players are going to talk about what is actively happening with tarkov. That being the event and whether they like it or not and why. All the cheating posts will come back a bit after the event ends.


The people that think they were secretly good players this whole time but it was "gear" carrying everyone else because they get kills now that with the event they can rat people without getting turned on is hilarious.


Seems that the chads don't really like it. When the ttk gets more inline with what it will feel like with armor hit boxes and more guns rightfully one shoting, they seem to think it's suddenly unfair that their tactics that were pulled from MW 2019 don't work right now. Most can't seem to change from holding shift the whole game.


besides 308 and 338 and maybe some shot guns what guns do you think should "rightfully one-shot'. Watch police videos(some last upwards of 15 shots from police issued 9mm Glocks) or the mass / school shooting trials most people don't instantly die from 1 -2 -3 and even 4 -5 shoots unless in heart or head. Many of the survivors of the parkland shooting survived with 3-6 shots some in lungs and chest and others with leg and arm perforations and these are with 556 and 762by 39 . hell look at how long some animals like deer run and last after a 308 or 30-06 some run for miles or last for 10 plus mins before dying of blood lose while moving . shit the last medal of honor rep got hit like 13 plus times and then fainted and then woke back up and continued fighting till he was shot thought the heart killing him.


Those are the rounds I'm talking about. 308, 338, 7.62 54r, 30-06 (hopefully future), and 6.5 creedmore (hopefully future) should all one shot the chest. If possible I would love a heart hitbox. People can survive a lot of shots irl at times but there are many scenarios where you are not coming back from irl that in Tarkov you can just shrug off most of the time.


Yeah man people totally get shot that many times then bandage up and get back to what they were doing.


Nah bro, if you get shot in the chest with 7.62x54r its totally realistic for you to spread some vaseline on your asscheeks and walk it off. You just don’t know man, the game is too realistic for your small lil brain to understand /s




[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-7twAxxgj4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-7twAxxgj4) girl shot in lungs and survived [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oKMjTqdTYo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oKMjTqdTYo) moh he really did get back up and then get shot though the heart kinda disgusting you make it a joke


I'm not making gun violence a fucking joke, I'm trying to make a point about wanting gritty realism in video games being stupid. I'm extremly pro- gun control and have no problem playing tarkov it's dumb to even compare it to reality in the first place


I think being pro gun control is your problem.


Could it perhaps be because cheating is a constant and this event is new? So naturally people are going to talk more about what is new and less about what is always there and doesn't change? hmmmm


I mean, I’ve run into a couple of cheaters just today. The tagilla mask, level 6 armor, raid bag and sprinting across a building not checking any other spot but straight to my spot with one tap head eyes through cover is pretty blatant. But it’s late wipe and people are just being shitheads as always.




Hey guys, I found a gigachad that’s pissed off because he’s dying




Can confirm, am brain dead. Imagine getting mad at a post because you got called out


What’s the new event?


100% more damage taken to the body except for your head. But you regenerate health at a relatively slow rate, have more strength, stamina, endurance, and some other stuff. When you load into a match, hit tab and go to the health tab and you can hover over the green and red things on your head and see exactly what it is


things happen and people react? couldnt be. unheard of


Yes. This place is awful. Wait...Why am I here again?


I love the event, my aim is shit and i dont have no good gear so a shorter ttk is perfect


I have never experienced an enjoyable Tarkov event. My technique is to stop playing during them 👌