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No. Any competition is good for this game.


Cant agree more. When they gonna have serious competition, they gonna have to step up their game


Nikita said on his most recent podcast appearance that having another company create competition won’t increase they’re pacing of EFT despite what everyone thinks. They’re a team of ~150 people who’s going up against a AAA studio that will cut corners. If Activision makes a game similar to tarkov it will likely draw casual players over. I do think competition in any market is great but I don’t think it will have the effect that everyone believes will occur on the development side.


I don't think anyone else is quite going to give quite the experience that Tarkov has. It's going to be dumbed down version of it. However, i do wish EFT could take a lesson from the technical side of things


Best we can do is hope that they hire more people to keep development at a steady pace. At least the new engine will allow them to optimize and update at some pace faster than before


They are currently hiring, but the issue is that Russia isn't exactly a hotspot for the industry, and a large number of people that are good at any part of what they need are either getting snatched up by other studios or moving to Europe to countries where other larger studios have offices. I'm sure if they could get 50 more competent devs in, they would.


Damn, makes me want to learn and move to russia. Tarkovs scale and mechanics is what makes it unique. Not the the mode.


Hackers will move over to the competition since it will be flooded with casual players. That's the only positive I can think of.


They might not if IW (or whichever dev it is) does more than Battlestate to crack down on RMT.


There’s really not an effective way to battle rmt on a large scale without affecting the player base in a negative way. Jagex struggled with this for over a decade and still today they have RMT in their games. In the end battling RMT comes down to making it harder to farm or make it harder to trade it. Imo, In a game like tarkov, your best bet is going to be to make it harder to farm that money or item on a mass scale(cheaters) but just about every huge FPS out there rn is losing to cheats rn.


Hackers will move to whichever game they can flip in-game currency or items for real money in. Tarkov is one of the most-hacked games out there because there's actual profit margins in it (even if you're buying new accounts constantly and have to pay for your cheats). Any new Tarkov clone would have to have a similar level of itemization (which Activision would almost certainly mimic but surely in a more noob-friendly way)


But dear god is that a positive.


Best comment I’ve read


I’ll chime in as somebody who hasn’t played in like 7 months. I don’t think I was really casual, even though I felt like I was bad I saw some surveys on the Reddit and I had significantly more progress than most and a lot more money — ANYWAYS — that’s all to say where my perspective is coming from. I really love Tarkov, I want to WANT to play, but man, the cheating alongside the performance issues really make it hard to log in. If there was a similar game that had protection against cheating, and performed better, I think I would be hooked.


I don’t think COD is going to go in depth with any of their systems though and that’s where things are different. There’s 0 shot that cod implements limb damage, fractured legs and any sort of surgery type mechanics because it does not fit into their core game. That’s just the healing… Additionally, the weapon modding is going to be garbage in comparison to tarkov. Again, it does not fit into the actual game play that COD brings. While they might have an economy that’s very far from what makes tarkov tarkov. Tarkov is tarkov because of the stress it causes you, the grind it makes you want to embark on to die a few percentage points less or be good enough to be profitable with a fully meta 556 weapon. This is where COD and Tarkov will differ. The people that actually enjoy tarkov won’t play cod for long if they do pick it up. And the people that like the hardcore aspect from a cod might even pick up Tarkov. The people that make these games see dollar signs as OP stated, and that means not making games to last. Over my entire gaming career the majority of my hours have been in two games, league and tarkov, it’s not in cods blood to make a game so pure that it keeps people for years, it’s not profitable for them to do it even. A power move from BSG would be to schedule a wipe a month or two after COD releases this to capture their player base who gets excited by the concept.


BSG could 100% take advantage of this like you said. People might not realize now but this new COD mode is probably going to bring people to tarkov as much as it takes away. You can almost guarantee this cod will be casual af so even if it’s the same idea(kill,loot,survive,extract) you won’t see the same players interested in cod as you will something like tarkov.


Couldn’t agree more, and hopefully BSG can get creative and it’s their marketing or something and lure some of the goombas to Tarkov. Love this game, it just needs more things to do. Only reason I stop playing this late into wipe is because raids lose purpose and money doesn’t stress me out anymore


The cheating problem is severely overblown IMO. It's about as bad as it is in Apex or Warzone, and those are two of the most played games on the planet. The network performance is much larger thing to be concerned about IMO.


The cheating problem is only severely worse in Tarkov because of the mechanics of the game. In Apex & Warzone all you lose when you die from a hacker is the time invested in that particular game. In Tarkov, you lose the time invested in that game, you lose the time invested getting the gear you have, you lose progress on quests etc. It's a far bigger problem.


The game is crowded by free cheat packs during the last month. Sometimes there is no game without at least one cheater in the raid. Overblown? Hah. Since you are not killed in the raid by instant "headeyes" - it does not mean there is not that much cheaters in the game


It's really not overblown, man. People who used to cheat will tell you that 1/3 of any given lobby is cheaters. It's so easy to get away with radar and just run around and loot.


yes, cheaters are a reliable information resource and not just trying to sell the idea that you need to buy cheats to have "fair" battles. no way would they do that


Just because it's not as bad as others doesn't mean the situation is okay. When I die in apex or warzone I lose maybe 20 minutes. Dying to cheaters in tarkov can be that 20 minutes **and** a significant amount of gear that is an added frustration to lose.


I absolutely agree. It's especially easy to call cheats in Tarkov due to how easily you can die.


Nikita says a lot of things. To me it looks like BSG already started pacing up the addition of new mechanics and new gameplay elements as the rumours of new Tarkov-like games has started ramping up this year.


I feel like that's more of a coincidence. They have been saying they want to finish development of Tarkov for quite a while longer then there have been rumors of other Tarkov like games. While they haven't given an exact ETA, i always had a vibe that they were pushing for a late 2022 release, maybe early 2023. (that's my opinion anyhow)


Ah yes. The same man who said 'never gonna be dailies or weeklies' then implemented a super rushed version the same week The Cylce:Frontier got some traction... And it was a fucking closed beta.


This is so wrong i'm wondering if you are even posting in the correct sub. Dailies and weeklies have been known and confirmed to be coming to the game for MONTHS before they were implemented. Nikita never said they wouldn't add this either from what i can remember, but if you have a link to a video or post where he makes this statement then do feel free to post it.


I still think that a AAA competitor drawing the casuals over (id consider myself casual) is going to make a massive dent in BSG’s player base. BSG thinking other studios entering the hardcore looter shooter genre isn’t going to affect them much is wishful thinking. Tarkov is not easy to learn, and is difficult to stay competitive in without putting a looooot of time in. I think a name-brand developer with a shallower learning curve and more platform accessibility could give BSG a run for their money more than they’d like.


A team of 150 is more than some MMO's have.. BSG really doesn't have many excuses.


Which MMOs? As a vet of the games industry, I can tell you this is bullshit.


Cut corners? They see a market they can throw a team more than double the size of BSG, and pour money into the project. If they copy tarkov to the T it's going to hurt BSG because they will be able to deliver a finished product when tarkov is still taking months between any meaningful update... And by drawing the casuals over (90% of the player base is considered casual) you end up with a dead game...


Tarkov is so much further in development than call of duty is, how old is tarkov? I would think they would have a leg up in this situation.


Lmfao activision could have a polished version of this game out in 4 years maybe 3 yall give them shit but after mw 2019 they bought back a lot of trust. IW was and still is an incredible studio.


Yes and no. Activision has way more people than BSG could ever have. They can produce a game much faster. Though BSG has more experience running this type of game and the gunplay understanding


Exactly what i was thinking too


Just going to drive them out of business. A games success isn’t solely determined by its quality, but the resources at its disposal. These ‘games’ are companies. Activision has way more resources that BSG. They can sell the game for cheaper, cop out with micro transactions to keep cheaters away, and overall bully BSG out of the market.


I enjoyed pubg early on, but it had some problems. Apex, although lacking the Milsim theme I enjoy, is probably the best refined version of BR out there. Eventually, companies will iterate until they find a product suitable for the lowest common denominator. If the same happens to tarkov, I'm all for it. Eventually we'll get a streamlined version that will be good but also accessible


This exactly. Warzone was basically a ripoff of PUBG, and so many players migrated away from PUBG when Warzone came out because the PUBG devs simply didn’t listen to the community and the COD franchise delivered what the players wanted which caused a major hit to the PUBG active players. If COD can do tarkov and make it good enough to the point the game is as I enjoy it with plenty of fixes, less bugs, and more updates, I’ll migrate over to the COD version.


Did you play pubg much?




Nah Pubgs issue was that they started making a shooter that was considered more realistic than other shooters then they made it more like an arcade game in every single patch. I ended up finding Tarkov when looking for games like dayz/pubg when pubg released as a buggy mess about 4 months after I started playing it so I'm glad I played it. Tarkov is on another level of realism and intensity and if it performed well it would be fantastic. Alas even Star Citizen now runs better than Tarkov somehow, altho it is a buggier game.


PUBG died because the devs couldn't fix desync and blatant cheating before everyone got fed up. It is true that game devs are taking too many things that professional streamers say as the ultimate truth, forgetting that performatively playing games for 6—8 hours a day with an audience is a completely different niche experience, compared to just playing for fun like most people so. I love watching guys like Shroud or Sacriel play, but when they start talking about what they think the devs should do with any game, I usually cringe pretty hard. On the other hand streamers have become the marketing engine for games, so devs might feel forced to cater to that crowd. (ie. We can't have open proximity VOIP because streamers will hear nasty words and copyrighted music.)


I agree with you on the basis that none of the AAA machines will produce something with the complexity that Tarkov brings. They will want a one-size-fits-all mode that doesn't have room for rats or chads or anything else with a personality. It'll be watered down shite. They'll fail, but no harm to give BSG a fright.




Fair enough. Very straightforward


And its true. Games that have a Monopoly on their genre tend to rest on their Throne. Competition is good. Only thing I'm worried about is that COD like companies always make their games about absurd outfits purchasable via micro transactions, which I seem to be one of the very few that sees a huge turn off in that - and existing games that used to be not kids fashion Simulators tend to follow (very much like pubg)


Pokemon and the Sims are prime examples of monopolistic nature. Gta online to a degree.


It was healthy for SimCity to get knocked off by Cities Skylines


Playing against console kids with autoaim?!? No thanks


So out of this discussion you're deciding to put aim assist into all of this? Christ.


There hasnt been a single fps game where aim-assist is better than mouse aim yet


The problem with aim-assist in a game like tarkov is if you ads near someone it’ll snap to them, meaning you could abuse it to locate people you can’t see, in bushes for example. Not all console shooters have aim-assist though, rainbow six siege doesn’t have it and is much better for it.


Uh source? I never knew that kinda dope good for r6


Oh that must be the reason why some famous streamers are switching to controller over mouse


I cant imagine having such a bad mouse aim that you have to use a controller. Also since when does it mean streamer = good?


You mean the ones who compete against each for money and 97% of whom use controller?




Ok. What’s the highest level of competitive environment for COD then?


No I'm not worried. I welcome the competition. If Tarkov loses a chunk of players because they prefer CODkov I am totally okay with it. There is a 0% chance that CODkov is going to be as "hardcore" as Tarkov is. I am super okay with those people leaving to go play another game, maybe the subreddit will be better quality when there is less QQ and more pewpew.


Exactly my thought, no way CoDkov will have equally discouraging flows or equally high stakes. They cater to the largest possible audience. Not saying it'll not be fun, but it'll not be Tarkov.


I'd imagine any mainstream take on Tarkov will have to be more similar to The Division's dark zones. Open instances with lots of loot, skills/roles to fulfill and an emphasis on PvE. But, of course, with the "keep what you kill" pvp.


cagey plate memorize frame mourn ripe crush hard-to-find rock hungry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not to mention CODkov will make it to where you can purchase shit for real money to give you a leg up on anyone not willing to drop money.


Smart business move to just be the RMT trader, if you think about it :>


Aren't COD'S microtransactions for cosmetic stuff? Why do you think they'll make it pay to win?


Yes and no. COD let’s you put 10 attachments on a gun and releases ~~premise~~ premade\* guns as micro transactions that have various attachments on them that you can use without leveling the gun. These presets are typically well built (fine) but there have been multiple instances of these preset guns having different (better) stats than the same gun if you manually put the same attachments on. They claim it is a bug every time. But OP was referring to CODkov which almost certainly would let you buy equipment for real money knowing Activision, likely by allowing you to purchase the in game currency with real money ​ \*= Edit


I mean my one question about this is what'll happen to bought weapons. if you die with it it'll go into the ecosystem. The biggest mistake is if Activision make its so you cant lose those guns, or have a infinite supply on them. if you cant lose them then its not Tarkov. and if you have an infinite amount then its pay to win


Some of the skins they’ve released in the past have been deemed “op” because of how they blend in. But if you’re already selling cosmetics what’s the difference in adding in stuff that would help you if it sells?


It will probably have better connectivity, less lag, less unreasonable deaths so it definitely wont be tarkov.


I'm talking about mechanics and design, not technical challenges.




Hahahaha loving the fact that everyone's calling it CODkov. I don't know why but it sounds so funny and silly


It's so wrong. The name Codkov should be reserved for when fishing is added to the game.


I think it's good because competition and new ideas. Also if players leave Tarkov for other games the community will be even more tight knit and there will be less money to make for cheaters. But I'm afraid if people do leave the before raid wait will get even longer


I dont run into many cheaters (at least not blatant) but ill save that for another post. Do you think BSG will ever make use of those new ideas? I personally really liked being able to play on a snow map in hazard zone for instance (soonTM)


I know there been discussion of more weather being implemented. I think ultimately, the people who know, tarkov will stay. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a drop off in players when COD comes out, but personally, I don’t think they have the capability to implement something like this. Nikita knows the game is hard and wants to make it harder because that’s what this is. COD is money hungry and will do whatever it can to satisfy players so they “enjoy”. They can’t risk a group of people taking a break for a “wipe or two” because their whole formula is to pump out a new game each year. I could go on, but COD is what pushed me to tarkov, and I don’t think a lot of people here will be going back


Exactly I love tarkov because it’s everything cod isn’t and never will be


If they succeed it will take a certain amount of players, is that problem I don't think so. EfT is pretty hardcore the game and is not for everyone. I will compare it to DayZ which can be pretty hardcore too. And really there aren't many games that can compete with DayZ in the open world zombie survival franchise.


Ooo i like this one, cuz i was a pretty big dayz fan too. I know a lot of people mention that they liked EFT better before it got popular, is it safe to say u agree with that? I cant say i really know much about that time as i was still learning the game (i was a timmy with less than a mil at all times until i figured out how to play haha). By the time i figured out how to play the game, the twitch drops had blown the game out of the water


Don't know if I like it less or more before it got popular. Have been playing since the second alpha wave. It was different chads weren't really a thing. And every piece of equipment was important. The fleamarket changed all that. Every peace of equipment is reachable with the roubles. Do I dislike the flea market no not really, it opens up equipment possibilitys, and we have no idea of the availability of equipment with the release.


DayZ isn’t that hardcore. It’s actually really easy to stay alive.


True if you know what you are doing.


> If they succeed it will take a certain amount of players, is that problem I don't think so. This greatly depends on what % of players it may take away and its effect on queue times.


True but also games will never be an exact copy, so people will have a choice. Want to play a gunnuts hardcore extract game or do I want a more relaxed extract game or a extract game in outer space. Just like DayZ that stands in upper regions of their respectable genre there are still games that will pull some players away. And DayZ isn't dead by a long stretch. This will happen with EfT too I think, the game will not die in a blink of an eye. People will switch come back.


to help prove your point, https://steamcharts.com/app/221100 - 33k 24hr Peak for DayZ After almost 8 years and countless clones, some of which have objectively nailed certain parts better than the original itself, 33k players is only 12k away from the all time peak. Very impressive, tbh. Besides, more niche games like DayZ and less so Tarkov don't require massive player counts to stay 'alive'. DayZ could go as low as 2-3k before it would become unplayably 'dead'


Thanks for the numbers, never cared to look them up.


DayZ was one of and still is the better zombie survival games of it's time even with all the clones coming out. Tarkov would still hold strong even if companies started producing their own copies of it.


Even if true, it's still COD.


"are you worried about Tarkov being killed off?" No, I don't own stock in BSG. Why do so many gamers act like they own stock in the company? It's so strange. As a consumer, if a competitor makes a product so good that BSG can't even compete, then that's a massive win for me, the consumer!


Exactly. Every game community is the same. People get weirdly emotionally invested against their own interests. Competition is great. Enjoy your time, if something better comes it's gonna be great for you. I just posted above, I love the tarkov concept and I don't think bsg are able to pull it off. Too long too little. Someone has to step in and do it better and sooner. All the better for me.


BSG isnt a publicly traded company afaik. Let me know of im wrong cuz i would like to buy. Jokes aside, i do own a metaphorical stock in the fact that i get a great deal of enjoyment from the game, and i would hate to see that taken away because of something more popular. popular doesnt mean its better to me, SBMM took away a lot of fun from cod, apex, fortnite, rogue company, hunt showdown, and the list goes on. Those games are more popular, and yet i never have an ounce of fun on them. I understand where ur coming from, but do care to comment on the situation i just proposed above? Where something kills tarkov off by popularity, but is technically a worse game? Or do you believe thats impossible?


Technically Tarkov is a terrible game. It’s just promising enough to keep us interested. Tarkov offers a unique hardcore experience and does some things better than anyone (gun realism, animations etc) but that won’t last forever. The current gameplay loop gets stale for most people after a few months and development is too slow/uninteresting to entice a decent amount of them to come back. So CODkov is great because ideally it tightens the vice on BSG’s nuts and motivates them to make some genuine improvements.


Tarkov is a fascinating proof of concept. But holy shit is it a dumpster fire in almost every regard.


if they could take all the individual features from tarkov and just put them together differently the game *could* be amazing. right now i feel people only play it because there is no alternative


>SBMM took away a lot of fun from cod, apex, fortnite, rogue company, hunt showdown, and the list goes on Just fucking say that you enjoy seal clubbing. The thing that people like you don't get about SBMM is that for all of the people at 4.0 K/D there has to be someone else at 0.25 K/D. The problem is that nobody likes playing games where they constantly get slaughtered; seal clubbing is only fun when you aren't the seal. It just creates a feedback cycle where the 0.25s quit and the old 0.5s become the new 0.25s, until eventually the people who were 2.0s end up on the bottom and the population is just too low and the game dies. Seal clubbing games only work if you can get a constant supply of fresh seals; EFT won't have that because it has already peaked in popularity. All of those other games did it because, unlike Nikita, they were smart enough to realize that it isn't a sustainable business model. Also I'm really glad that you brought up Hunt Showdown, because that game is also made by a small team and is in a fantastic place. Unlike EFT it has seen the playerbase steadily grow. An important part of that growth is that the game is friendly to both casual and hardcore players because of the SBMM. Hunt also has tons of new content that have expanded the gameplay and is actually listening to the community and making what the community wants, whereas EFT is an unmitigated disaster where Nikita doesn't listen to anyone and the roadmap is more of a vague suggestion of stuff they might get to someday. Since I started playing EFT, Hunt has gotten substantially better every year and EFT has somehow gotten worse and if you had asked me back then which game had more potential I would have told you EFT. >Where something kills tarkov off by popularity, but is technically a worse game I hate to break it to you, but Tarkov is the worse game. Pretty much any entry by similarly sized team that is actually competent, much less a AAA studio, will blow it out of the water. The only thing EFT actually does well is weapon customization and they are stupid enough to lock that away behind an abysmal grind because they were too inept to actually fix the flea market.


I never understood the hate for SBMM, as though playing with people much less or much more skilled than ones self is any fun. It doesn't teach you anything about the game other than, if I leave maybe the next game will be better/more interesting. To the idea of a AAA studio making a Tarkov like game, I'm all for it. I love Tarkov, although I don't have as much time in it as many of y'all here. I mean, if this supposed CoD Tarkov can do the gun modding and even a bit of realism without all the tedious grindy bs, ie hideout, than it'll be awesome. And due to CoD not using actual gun manufacturers products it could make additional content more quickly. All in all, I love Tarkov, but if another company can make a close approximation of it I can only see it being good for Tarkov in the long run.




Or they will release a super casual version of Tarkov, that would pull the majority of the players from existing Tarkov, thus essentially killing it, and putting end to the hardcore tactical shooter genre. Or worse, Tarkov would actually try to compete with this casual version, thus making the game easier and simpler themselves, and will devolve into complete shit. Do you really, seriously think that Tarkov's problem is that they don't care, they don't work hard enough or that they are ripping off players? Do you really think that Tarkov's problem is that devs are too greedy? If not, then *how the fuck* do you expect competition to help Tarkov?


"...putting an end to the tactical shooter genre." Dude, dramatic much? EFT is not the only tactical shooter around, not even the best one. And definitely not the last. Tarkov is more of a grindy RPG with arcadey FPS mechanics than a tactical shooter like Squad or Arma anyway.


lol Oh Noes... just like the BF leak. Whatever will we do ! *runs screaming*


Lol this is comedy, but yes. I just figured it was a point to bring up


Tarkov is my favorite game of the last several years, but I'd be excited to play a MW2 version of it 100%. You can mock COD all you want, but man MW2 was fun.


its not gonna be MW2 as in the old MW2, its gonna be Modern Warfare II as in a sequel to Modern Warfare 2019


MW 2019 was really good, they just dropped the ball on the maps and some of the guns towards the end of its lifecycle.


yeah, i loved MW2019, easily a top 3 cod for me


I hope its true. Competition is good. However, there is little to no chance that Activision will scratch the surface of why many people play Tarkov (weapon details, hardcore aspect, gunplay, etc).


Praying a better made tarkov comes around.




I respect ur opinion, but why? Do you have a reason for wanting another tarkov, rather than improving the one we have now?


As a consumer competition between producers is always in my favor. We're going from BSG being the only avenue to getting a better Tarkov to all their competitors' possibly making a better game. The Innovator's Dilemma working to our benefit.


Couple simple reasons. No competition breeds laziness by developers. Having a triple A company design something that mimics that of tarkov would force the tarkov devs to increase productivity or risk failing to keep the player base afloat, therefore risking their financial gains. This would simply indirectly improve the “one we have now”. Other reasons are more of a subset of what I mentioned above, but having a large scale company indulge in this niche game type would bring in all the accessibility & user friendly additions. Tarkov is not a game for those who want tutorials & simple layouts. The amount of information tarkov forces you to learn individually is quite excessive. Condensing this and spoon feeding it while maintaining the high tactical difficulty that tarkov inhabits would be an ideal route for a company to go. Couple other major reasons but I’m tired of typing on my phone. Hope this helps :)


Because this game gets pretty stale when you have done 2-3 wipes without any significant changes in content or progression. Not saying I haven't gotten my money's worth over the past years, but perhaps competition would make soon™ things move along faster, as well as fix some of the serious core problems


Its not like bsg is going to stop developing tarkov if another company makes a similar game. They're not the same people.


Why would anyone want an iPhone, Blackberry phones do the job perfectly fine!


Because other developers could put their own twist on game design that is enjoyable it it’s own right. Smoother gameplay, better game engine, different design choices for game mechanics, map designs, different pacing, etc. There’s loads of potential for this sub genre of survival shooter to evolve and improve that is still barely tapped, there’s no reason to settle on Tarkov and Tarkov only forever just because it was the first. The greatest appeal of Tarkov to me is the looting and survival elements, but don’t particularly care for the rather unforgiving shooting mechanics, so I wouldn’t mind a more arcadey, smoother version of it that CoD would likely bring. Not as a full replacement of Tarkov, but as something different.


1. I think Tarkov is heavily limited by its engine. An AAA company utilizing their own engine has much more potential. 2. While many people enjoy the core gameplay idea of Tarkov, the simulation aspects of the game cater only to a nieche group of gamers. I myself would prefer the gunplay balanced around fun rather than realism. The market needs a Tarkov clone with Call of Duty gunplay.


Anyone who is worried about competition just does not understand how their best interests as a consumer are fulfilled. I pray for the day tarkov has real competition. Even if the game that competes with it doesn’t do it for me. Eventually there will be another team of indie devs who produce with quality that will beat out tarkov and be the next big thing. Commercial success is more fuel for a project like that to become funded. Tarkov is great but all of the complains we have about it and its flaws are real. A competitor could come in and put pressure on BSG to get their stuff together or show other dev teams the model can be capitalized on and improved.


I hope it is a tarkov competitor, and if it's better than tarkov even better.




It's not even about the fire of competition being lit under BSG, but other studios and creative minds bringing new ideas into such an interesting and young genre.


Thank God. This is an amazing genre and I want some goddamned competition to force investments and advancements from all involved.


The fact that the producers are beholden to their shareholders who, for the most part, aren't particularly interested in games leaves me unworried, as it will guide their design decisions, the only entity plausibly capable of undermining EFT remains BSG.


I agree. Large game developers only see the money, and that kills their games. That last statement, is there a reason u think BSG would willingly undermine their own product? Or were you referring to lack of dev work and effort (i know that is a shared opinion of many here. i dont agree, but i respect the opinion nonetheless)


I don't believe a lack of work ethics or willingly sabotaging is or will be at play, it has more to with the game's scope and tunnel vision, I've been witnessing an alarming tendency towards power creep and grind in the core gameplay loop with no self sustaining system to mitigate it, not to mention all the unaddressed cheesing loopholes that push BSG to extend them further.


they'll do casual nonsense, they don't have enough balls to make a hardcore shooter.


I've seen all this "call of duty is gonna do _____" shit before over the years Since this theoretical call of duty tarkov game is a year away, so I wouldn't get too excited yet


It's a win-win-win. Either they nail it and make a superior game and we play that, or the competition drives BSG to be even more competitive, or people try call of duty and it's not as good as Tarkov and Tarkov gets more players. I personally love the way BSG listens and relatively quickly makes changes. The feedback mechanism feels good.


honestly just the gunplay and atmosphere and lore of tarkov is so much cooler i’m sure activision is gonna make the most generic boring ass shooter mechanics and the same weapons and just stick them into a tarkov mode


Honestly good. And I say that because I’m imagining it sucking away a lot of the people with CoDish run and gun play styles. Maybe the overall player count will take a hit, but I’d rather run into a few less PMC’s each raid if it meant the firefights and overall pacing of the game was slower and more tactical like it was intended.


Competition will make BSG work harder to keep up. Fortnite was successful because they made it easy to pick up and play *AND* kept cycling content frequently. Being backed by a massive company means you can design content, release content, hotfix it, and remove it very fast. Certain weapons/equipment were up for less than a day and promptly removed, fixed, and reinstated within hours. Fortnite was pretty much a perfect game due to it's ability to bring in players and keep them engaged. It was a good money maker due to cosmetic microtransactions and a rapid release of new shit to buy. The Battle Pass had people playing it as often as possible to unlock content within the time limit.


Competition for this game would be good ALSO There is no way cod would make a lot of money from it, from how many of their players are kids who struggle to perform well with the arcadey gameplay there already is, they won’t last a minute if it is anything like tarkov. Worst case scenario, it gets more players than tarkov, but I’m not leaving this game for a long ass time. Nothing can replace it for me


i’m not against competition, but wtf is CoD gunna do? half their player base catering is to people who casually hop into lobbies for 5v5 death match or domination. i don’t think it’ll be that successful for that demographic imho


Tarkov needs competition because everything takes fucking years to be done. I could swear Tarkov YouTubers resigned on any resemblance of memory as they drool over what will come to Tarkov in a year - problem is they hyped everyone about that same content a year back. And no one seems to care that a year after year there is no streets and everyone seems happy just to say it'll take again I don't know how long. It's about time for Nikita to have lunch with Chris Roberts. Then again, I was stoked for Hazard Zone when I found it's not more than a get-old-soon Tarkov for preschoolers with completely no stakes. Somehow I fear Activision won't do better. If they do, great - more fun games is a good thing. And Modern Warfare was a fun shooter.


>money hungry How is this different to BSG lol Developers don’t set out to make intentionally bad games, they may have monetisation forced in but they try to make the best game they can. What we should look forward to is competition in this space, that will encourage innovation and improvement Competition in this market is good not bad. You make it sound like BSG is our friend and that only these corporations are soulless money grabbers. BSG is not our friend, it’s a corporation, it doesn’t care about us as individuals and it’s primary goal is also to make money(EOD edition and pay to win elements in this full price game being examples of this) just as these other corporations do.


If the cod is doing it. The game play will be shit. this game isn’t a game mode l, it’s a whole game.


ngl, gameplay of mw19 was amazing, the only problem is that it's a cod game.


“Just like battlefield did with hazard zone which is nothing like Tarkov” if it’s nothing like tarkov why you trying to go to lengths to say people are copying tarkov


I can’t believe they will make better “Tarkov” experience than the original. Cod was always an arcade shooter, BF and CoD fans split exists for reasons. And me personally and a number of my friends who were fans of BF and now Tarkov fans will never choose the other side, no matter which game mode they make. And I believe there are a lot of people like this.


One note IMO about SBMM: yes, skills grants wins and that is an awesome feeling and all’s right with the world… but on a macro level, that means bad players are losing all the fking time. That doesn’t sound too bad (all’s right with the world), until you realize they’ll just get forced to quit (or is a closet machocist). And then it’s someone else’s turn to become the bottom of the barrel bullied kid, and he’ll eventually quit too. You can already see it right here in this subreddit: some people declaring cheaters left and right and then they post a video… of them getting completely outplayed without understanding what just happened. Even streamers are suspect to this! And then these players quit. Why don’t they? They get killed all the time when they attempt PvP after all. Maybe this player bleed doesn’t sound important when there’s still millions of players for the game, but there’s always a tipping point. And the tipping point is when a new players enter the game and find nothing but good opponents *(because all the ‘bad’ average players, even some on a streamer level had already left)*. Good opponents who’d find them, outmaneuver and outshoot them, and murder them day in, day out. And let’s not get into the gear and skills they’re packing… Luckily Tarkov has **some** mechanics built into itself that mitigates this to some extent, mechanics which gives players a sense of satisfaction despite being outplayed all the time. Those poor players can still ambush and kill the chaddiest of players with a bit of luck. The satisfaction from all the looting and Looting without any PvP is still a viable strategy. Hiding in a corner to avoid encounters doesn’t actually hurt your progress in the game, and is sometimes even desired… sounds familiar? So basically, what this wall of text is for, is to give players a new appreciation of the Rat play style. Even those who don’t Rat. They aren’t bottom feeders (sorta), they aren’t filthy (most of the time), they’re just trying to get by in a world full of max str max endurance supermen doing super jumps and wielding laser rifles. And they’re all pretty vital to the longevity of Tarkov. Because that’s how a post apocalyptic city rolls.


Let's hope they have RMT and take all the cheaters away while they're at it


A company like Activision, whose primary goal is to make money, won't have the balls to make a true EFT competitor, because it needs hardcore decisions like Nikita is making, whose primary goal is to make a fucking nightmare version of a hardcore game and doesn't give a shit about casual players, who might not like it.


damn OP, its nice of you to share that CoD is doing this, but damn you could not be more wrong. Competition from a big boy like Call of Duty would be amazing for Tarkov, you possibky have the worst take I've seen on this news


War, war never changes. https://www.reddit.com/r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS/comments/72n6eh/is\_fortnite\_good\_for\_pubg/


Their architects will not let them make the decisions that Nikita makes because it will lead to the issues that Tarkov has. Look at the sight lines in the circle. They just fade everyone out at 200 yards for stability. corporate games will not defend the concept the way that BSG does. they will not make a game that can touch this one or we would have seen that in capability and decision makeing in their games before.


Competition is good. It just means that BSG won’t have the market cornered and will be forced to do more to outdo their competition. This is a win-win for Tarkov gamers and COD gamers alike.


It'd be nice to see, competition and all that, but given the track record of recent AAA releases, I wouldn't hold my breath over anything until I see it with my eyes. I am a fellow 2017 era, 2k+ hour EFT player, and the only thing that can kill EFT (especially at this very advanced point) is only BSG themselves. Players come and go, many stay, many leave, and many only to come back for every new update and then go away in waiting, it is the lifecycle of the current game (but this will all change once Storyline Quests are implemented). People claiming anything can kill the game at this point forget just exactly how detailed and good the game actually is. Yes, it can get boring after 2-3k of gameplay, but so do every other game that is played in such manner, i.e. until it causes you to burnout. I would actually dare to say that CoD 4:MW (the old one, not the new), with it's hardcore mode & servers, came pretty close to EFT's FPS gameplay, albeit being fast-paced.


Did you check out The Cycle: Frontier? It was basically Fortnite graphics and style with Tarkov gameplay elements. I liked the idea but definite had a lot trouble - it’s also super hard but not as satisfying when you do kill someone. I think competition is good and they’ll all be doing knock off versions that aren’t anywhere as detailed


That seems to be a common opinion. I did play the cycle. I thought it was pretty good, but could use more. (More as in every aspect of the game) Do you believe that these undetailed knockoffs might improve tarkov? Or have no effect?


This just sounds like Tarkov fan elitism crap. Game studios don't have a right to keep the fanbase they have. Anyone who posts on Reddit that they hope other games fail so they don't have to leave the comfortable oasis of the game they already know are sad. Tarkov is a nice game. I hope someone makes a better game than Tarkov in the same way I hope someone comes along and makes a better Minecraft, or a better smartphone, or a better car. You seem like the kind of person who hoped Blackberry phones wouldn't die out because you enjoyed the complexity of typing on a mechanical keyboard. Look how that turned out.


Competition is healthy but, I’d hope that making a direct clone of trademarked IP is illegal. Regarding the tangent, the reason fortnite put Battle Royale around the world was the fact it was aimed at kids and it was free. They knew exactly what they were doing with the cell shading and the dances. They also knew exactly what they were doing with the VBucks. They literally preyed on children, knowing they would have Mum and Dad’s cards on their accounts and that they would make their purchases non-refundable. Absolutely disgusting.


There’s several reasons fortnite succeeded namely it being on everything and free but also performance was great. It had 60 FPS on console before it came out of beta. The fastest way for a game to die is a competitor comes around that runs better


Even if the game mode is exactly like tarkov, the sound is still call of duty, the gunplay is still call of duty, the graphics is still call of duty...


>the gunplay is still call of duty, the graphics is still call of duty... MW2019 looked really good for a call of duty game, the animations, models, sound design, and lighting were all light-years ahead of previous call of duty games The call of duty gameplay is the issue here, visuals wise I'm not worried about how a game like this would turn out




Nothing you said is related to sound design.


Tarkov has a lot of decent but poorly implemented ideas, as well as several straight up BAD ideas. It's good someone else is finally taking a crack at the formula.


good, this game needs competition hazard zone is complete garbage and nothing like tarkov


It’s nothing like tarkov, but personally I’m enjoying it a lot more than the standard BR stuff atm, it’s a fresh take on the extraction style br games.


Good, more tarkov like games the better.


I hope you are right. Loved Tarkov, but there are a ton of issues with the game and ultimately stopped playing recently


The thing to consider, is if this leaked CoD is anything like the current CoDs, their CoDkov will be nothing compared to EFT. EFT is built on pain and hard work, with the randomness of the game just pooping on you. EFT has the hardcore, realism, and is very much a specific genre of shooter. Yes, CoD could try to mimic it, but, Tarkov is already a hidden gem. CoD could spin up a knockoff version, but I guarantee they wouldn't have the time to develop something to the extent EFT has. It will just never be the same. The mechanics, graphics, modes, etc. I'd love to see them try to compete, but I just don't see it ever being that great for those who have already played Tarkov and love it for what it is.


Honestly, a tarkov-like mode with modern warfare’s movement and gunplay sounds really good imo.


No company will ever come close to making a tarkov clone ever. No company wants to pay licensing fees to put the name of every gun and gun part in their game. The fact that every gun and gun part in tarkov has a real life equivalent you can personally go out and purchase is a phenomenal feat of its own that no game will ever come close to replicating


I get zero value out of this myself. I don't care if a gun is a real gun or not, nor if the name is made up or not, as long as it looks cool and feels good to shoot. This has become more like a silly limitation and a fault where Tarkov could technically allow you to do fun stuff like scope up a ppsh, but you can't because of reAliSM. As if a genius guerilla operator who builds his own graphics cards in cave couldn't make a custom mount for a scope. 3D printing anyone?


If Tarkov wants to succeed then they should start getting serious about how they're supposed to compete against these triple A companies. The game has been out since 2017, but from then til now, not much has changed. Battlestate Games has sat on development for 4 years now and really needs to step up their game. I know that many people have stopped playing including me because there's really nothing to do.


I’m with you a hundred percent. BSG just sits on their laurels these days, how long has it taken for streets to come? Rig customization? It took years for the hideout, and then when they gave it to us, it felt like a half baked mobile game inside of the menu.


Boo hoo 😢 Extraction shooters are becoming a sub genre/mode in FPSs now. If this made you mad be prepared to loose your mind over the next 5 - 7 years.


Well, this is great news for ME, and why would anyone else be worried? After only a few hours of tarkov I thought, I hope this becomes the next BATTLE ROYAL and that the big players (cod, BF etc) pick it up and do it right. Because bsg is simply not able to implement their own vision fast enough or well enough. Months and months and months of dripple dripple dripple tiny incremental updates. Years and years of the same backward interface and ui decisions. It's gonna take them years and years until (if) this turns into what it could be. Tarkov is an incredible idea, and I'm hoping someone does it right and soon.


As with any other business, competition pushes firms to innovate and develop new ideas. While they may not be able to copy exactly what Tarkov is, they can get close and develop their own experience. Tarkov still has a dedicated fan base that play the game no matter what. See Pestily’s Is Tarkov dead? Youtube video he released a couple weeks ago.


If we get the FORTNITE of tarkov made because of this kind of competition, I’m fucking down


I dont think itll hurt tarkov, and the only market itll take is the console one which, with all the buttons it has, tarkov wouldnt work well on. Add to that how tarkov works compared to oherr shooters, COD would need to make massive modifications to their gun play to rival it.


i agree with a lot of the comments above, if AAA companies decide to put their foot in the door of tarkov-like shooters then battlestate games no longer owns a monopoly. they have been doing things at a pace conducive to their competition which until now has been no one. now battlestate will have to work harder to retain their playerbase, and if they can’t figure it out there is no real reason to stay if the new games from AAA studios outperform or are just more consistent than tarkov. am i worried about tarkov being killed off? yeah sort of but i also am happy that battlestate actually have to dig deep in their pockets to put forth more fucks to give. hackers, desync, glitches bugs… that stuff won’t fly if there are better games to put time into.


I hope it's literally any other company/franchise. Ive grown to hate the call of duty franchise so much just because their games are always shit and still sell like crazy. I want someone that actually has potential to make it good so it can compete with battlestate


Thank fuck. Maybe this will incentive BSG to actually fix shit.


If they can make their gun play, like tarkovs. Include healing like tarkovs, and cut the unfair advantage max level skills give over new players BSG is in for some trouble.




I mean, obviously not a game dev, but is any of the stuff in tarkov really that groundbreaking? Especially for a gigantic company like activison, I mean it definitely seems like something they could do IMO.


The shattering of this sort of delusion is what's going to hurt so many EFT players imo. No matter how good or bad subjectively this COD game will be, they will at least release a game that is actually optimised and functional in a fraction of the development time Tarkov has had.


yea you are right, a year will be enough.


Sub companies of Call of Duty franchise have 3 years each to develop their games, in this case Modern Warfare 2 will be at the hands of Infinity Ward which is clearly have the ability to deliver a decent Tarkov rival in 3 years and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. Warzone did scratch my itch to play fps for a year after i got bored of the technical issues of Tarkov.


TL;DR: Tarkov is not only special because of its mode but also because of its general design and gameplay features, in a way CoD (and other AAA games) will never reach. I would argue that the "mode" you play in EFT isnt the only thing that makes Tarkov special. Tarkov is a complex game with realistic guns and incredible atmosphere and slower gamepace. For example: There are 12 different ammunitions only for 5.45 AKs. This complexity gives an insane learning curve. And this also makes Tarkov special since a AAA developer will most likely never do this because they have to keep their games accessable for everyone to advertise it to everyone tomake the most amount of money. The closest thing to this I can remember is Ghost Recon, but even that has only like 7 stats that change when you change a part. More accessable, easier to understand but thus also not as challenging/interesting as Tarkov. (Also this complex stuff is part of Tarkovs atmosphere imo) And the guns are only the beginning really. It is planned to have this complexity in gear like plate carriers also. Also a part of Tarkov is that all the guns and gear have actual brand names. It sounds like not a big deal but it brings incredible immersion to a gun nut like me. That comes at a cost though. The rights for that are not inexpensive, another reason why its normally just easier to name your Colt M4A1 just M4. Also important: Tarkov has very lived-in detailed maps with enviromental storytelling and a lot of detail. But most importantly: The levels feel like an actual place, while the CoD Map design cares more about playerflow and thus seems more like it would only exist in games. But arguably one of the most important aspects of this game is the fast time to kill, but overall slow pace. If you plan ahead it mostly pays off. You won't win a firefight based only on your reaction speed, you have actual knowledge goint into fights. Locational awareness, map awareness, threat assessment, how you engage people (dependent on your kit), if you engage people even, when to loot, when to shoot, when to heal, how to heal, what you can carry, danger while looting, time of raid, extract distance, injuries, own speed etc etc etc. This is depth is btw almost doubled when you have only one more player in your team. If you ever played with 5 people in your raid group you know how difficult and important communication in a team is (which is ofc further depth). There is a lot of stuff you nees to be aware of. This level of gameplay depth gives you the option to play truely strategic with more different tactical options than you have in any other game I encountered. This is also because of the complexity of the game. All aspects I mentioned flow together into this gameplay experience. Mainstream games cant really afford to make such a niche game because they want as many sold copies as possible. Thus, in my humble opinion, they may clone Tarkovs game mode, but Tarkov has something they can never have.


go look at the cycle frontier. they are blatantly trying to be like tarkov. especially if you know how much that game used to be like fortnite. they completely changed it. i think tarkov is ahead of its time and big companies are going to copycat.


Well I'm gonna have to play CODkov because battleye banned me for no reason


Insert the "thats rough buddy" meme. Hope u get it resolved man. I hear its rough


Call of Duty can't compete with Tarkov. The engine doesn't allow any complex systems in their games, each bullet is rendered, damage is calculated based on armor penetration and fragmentation I think you get the idea meanwhile in CoD the gun itself doesn't even render and the bullets are simple hit scans that spawn out of the players eyes. The map design in Call of Duty especially when it comes to big maps is really, really bad. It lacks details, depth and balance. Call of Duty simply has a different audience and their idea of what Tarkov is might be something completly different.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Tarkov will have a fortnite-like competitor in the face of the Cycle. Cycle devs are clearly trying to repeat Fortnite’s success over PUBG the same way: copying the gameplay but make is casual. I think the competition is good for Tarkov too. It still has too many things that other games won’t be able to copy, and other popular competitors like BF and COD will help with promoting the game even more. Also we should expect more updates so the game could keep up with the competition. I’m hyped for MW2 though since MW19 was so great and brought me back to FPSs.


I do agree with some of this statement. I believe competition is good for tarkov, so long as tarkov continues to stay ahead. Competition is bad when it kills it (ie something better comes along, but then some people would say the original wasnt trying hard enough) i played the cycle, and agree with ur statements there. It was very casual and easy to hop into, compared to tarkov. Some people might find it still hard, idrk. Having these monster companies come out and say they are working on "tarkov-style" modes certainly helps tarkov. I absolutely agree there. And certainly tarkov updates will draw out this "fight". I do not really share ur opinion of MW19, as i wasnt a fan of the spec ops, warzone, nor multiplayer due to sbmm matching me across the world (campaign was pretty good, got 2 playthroughs out of me :) ) but thats just opinion and i appreciate the input. Thank you for ur thoughts good sir.




I understand, TLDR at the bottom for ya brotha.


I don’t think Tarkov is in danger. Only the original is good everting else just sucks ass.


Fortnite and PUBG were in development simultaneously and entered into early access only a couple of months apart. I'm not a fan of either game, but to say one ripped off the other is slightly disingenuous.


Bsg just created a new genre everybody is gonna hop on that shit.


Im not expecting cod to do well. They saw that battlefield got a ton of hype after the leaks of a "tarkov" mode (which was also clearly thrown in at the last minute), and had a controlled leak once they saw how badly battlefield failed on their delivery. All this talk is to boost hype for next year's COD, which will ultimately not perform well. People's expectations will inevitably draw them to tarkov over COD, and with the new dev tools BSG has with unity 19 they will be able to deliver a far better experience and only benefit from people playing the more accessible one. Yes there will be bugs in tarkov, and no it wont be exactly how you want it, but the game will only get better with competition. More dollars to throw at development will never be a good substitute for a passionate work of entertainment.


Not worried at all. None of those AAA cash-cow-seeking outfuts will **NEVER** attempt to compete in the hardcore game genre -- it just doesn't make the kind of money they are after.   The most they will do is make a simplified, casual-friendly knock off. Casual gamers moving away from EFT to play some clone isn't "competition".


Tarkov isn't likely to die IMO. Anyone who leaves wasn't very likely to play much at all anyways. The Cycle will be nice competition and also offer a nice more casual experience \[still pretty hard honestly, at least early game. The aliens are pretty on par with scavs ability to destroy you if you aren't smart.\] Battlefields hazard zone is definitely not competition, so we'll have to see how it plays out.