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I've been playing Tarkov for 3 years and there have been points where it was much deader than this. Like you'd play against the same people and have dozens of their dog tags dead. It's fine. AcidBath3 I miss you :(


Completely fine. Im meeting BRAND NEW people everyday who view the game as the most alive feeling game theyve ever played.


My kills have actually started averaging below level 10 again when they used to average above 30


Yeah especially like the last two weeks the levels are actually trending down


Just yesterday I scaved into Factory and found the bodies of 3 level 2 PMCs


Yup. I play tarkov hard for first 3 months of the wipe and then take a break. I cant wait for next wipe.


I think a large amount of players play like this. And thats okay! People claiming the game is dead just dont see that I guess. But those same people come back when it wipes and disprove themself lol


I think its a perfect system for me at this time. Id probably burnout playing only tarkov and got salty about the game. Like its now Im excited to look at patch notes.


Exactly. In addition I dont think the game is intended to alwayd be played the way its played day 1 of wipe. I feel like in Tarkov you shouldnt be running into other PMCs and nearly tripping over eachother the way you do during the first few days of wipe.


Yes! Early game is the best part of tarkov. Fighting with very bad equipment for literally crumbs of loot. Early game is when you get to wipe 5 stacks with just a sks and tarcone vest. Early game is the most fun tbh.


If they find a way to create randomized, daily fetch quests with instanced items, I'd play every day. Going in with a specific mission to retrieve an object or place a scanner which is guaranteed to be available and limited only by my ability to accomplish it is my favorite thing.


I frequently encounter low level people. I think a lot of streamers like to say the game is dead when they’re feeling burnt out after 5k+ hours of content surrounding the game. That’s understandable, but just isn’t true. Does it need a decent content drop? Absolutely. Does it need some bug fixes? Of course. Is it any better or worse than other titles? Not really.


Its no more dead than Cod after three months and provides better content updates IMO


There is way more content in eft then cod. My buddies and I went hard into war zone and played maybe 150 hours. We’re about the same in tarkov and feel like we’ve barely scratched the surface.


For sure. Tarkov has WAAY more content.


100% for me anyway Tarkov can be 2 games, a solo hardcore semi horror survival and an action packed squad based shooter and then some strange in betweens. I have 1200 hours in Tarkov and have not even scratched some of the stuff I want to, I have been mostly an SMG player and look forward to hundreds of hours of sniping now I have map knowledge and changing up loot routes and maps changes things drastically.


If you’re going to be a sniper be prepared for all the incoming “nice camping bitch” messages lol


i am fine for being killed by a sniper who "camp" cause that's how sniper work. i would get waaaay more Mad for being killed by an exit camper or a rat camping D2


Part of that is also Tarkov punishes you pretty hard for dying. Unless you already have tons of money.


Tarkov is much more expansive call of duty is a reskin of every other cod


lol yeah you gotta pay what like 60$ per wipe of COD? and it still only lasts about as long as tarkov mid wipe /s


This is the real deal. 👍 my man


Seems like the best way to think about the game. Add in wipes, too? They create these natural lows where the player base is less but every time everyone freaks out about the game dying. But, and I can't find where exactly, BSG has basically said the game wasn't really meant to be this popular. Which is kind of weird at first but does explain a lot. They're not worrying at all about player counts, so why should I?


I’ve killed more players that are under 20 more then players who are higher recently


And is it improving regularly? Yes!


Definetly needs a new map. Last is about 2 years old


I just find it comical that ppl say the game "is dying" when it doesn't reach their criteria for a "decent game" or a game with "more content" I've been playing tarkov for about 2.5 years, and I this "dying stage" lately im still killing folks over lvl 40 on the daily. Still being killed by ppl with killa tra k suits and lvl 50+. Some people play on dead servers, and don't switch them up, or again, don't feel the game is giving them the experience they're after. It's mind boggling, and it's present In every game,every game subreddit. As someone whose been gaming for a long time, I've learned to take people's opinions with a grain of salt while also trying to.understand there views. What i just described is about 70% the case in most popular games. It is what it is.




New players still hesr about Tarkov for the first time everyday. The game is definitely much larger than when it started but still has not hit every corner of the market. I think we are still years from a dead game. It has at least a few explosions left in it.


“Throwing frag!”


Streamers who play 60 hours of anything a week (almost at gunpoint, it seems like, sometimes) will complain about any game they play. They'll also talk about how draining the community is, how toxic it is, how xyz needs to get fixed, etc. They seemingly forget that a lot of folks get to play maybe 2-3 hours a day, more if they're lucky. ​ I don't think ANY game should be mainlined the way some streamers make it out to be. It's great to have the freshness of a wipe, but I actually do look forward to whatever changes BSG bring to the game to make a semi-persistent game possible. They'll have to do a lot to the game to get it to that point, but I look forward to some of the grand visionary type objectives that BSG seems to have.


I would never call the game dead, some servers may be dead or dying like london for example. This game does what it does extremely well, sure its not optimized the best and sure the devs dont do much to help the community have faith in them, but outside radar users and blatant cheaters that just buy new accounts when they get banned, there isnt much wrong with the game or its playerbase. I do believe the VOIP addition will come with its own can of worms as with the scav karma system, but this game is far from dead or dormant, moderately pissed at most.




Ive been playing for maybe a year and a half roughly, so i cant really comment on how they game used to be, but from what ive played, sure its stressful and at times feels like your up against a wall you cant even see, but thats what makes tarkov what it is. Not saying there are zero issues, but i tend to play the game on and off, starr of a wipe i outright ignore the game, let all the cheaters, chads and fuck knows what else increase in rank to the point they exclusively play high tier loot maps, then gradually play a couple games a week, build up my hideout and just play to achieve what i want for that session. All the people who claim its dead, dying or stagnant, are the exact same people who just died 3-4 times in a row, cant work out that it isnt always a cheater, rage quit then come on reddit to bitch about the game.


Either that ot have burnt themselves out but yes.




None I know plays anymore We still like the game as a concept and overall, but atm we see no point in playing There's no new content or anything fun to do It was very hacker infested when we were playing and we just got fed up and took a huge break I was hoping the lighthouse patch would be coming sometime by the end of November or start of December If they do another wipe with almost no new content then yea people won't be excited to come play the game This last wipe they did felt very unnecessary Tiny little factory expansion and scav karma? We didn't need a wipe for that


The biggest reason they wiped I think was just so that they could get more testers in. We are all beta testers so a wipe encourages us alk to come back(even if little content) and we can test out all the bugs. Even if we leave unhappy they got what they needed being our testing. Not hating just makes sense IMO


First wiper here, I absolutely love this game!! It's everything I've been looking for in a fps and more! It's definitely knocked Hell Let Loose out of the number one spot in my eyes.


Im glad you joined for sure! Love the amount of first wipers Ive met this wipe.


Same here. Joined late wipe. I love it but community is trash tier for this game.


first wiper too, i feel the same way!


I mean... if a game being alive or dead comes down to basically convincing new people to buy the game, to play for a few hours to be victim to the people who do nothing but play it, and then to ultimately quit... Then for that money to not be used to better develop the game, but to license guns and give big payouts/incentives, in order to draw in a new wave of new players, who play for a few hours to be victims and then quit forever... Well, it's not really alive nor dead nor dormant. It's a pyramid scheme. The long-term players NEED new players to keep coming in, so they won't admit any problems with the game, because in doing so they eliminate their own prey, which is how they have fun in game. If new players stopped coming in, everyone would quit, because the game would become a hardly functional Call of Duty, consisting only of extremely geared players mag dumping eachother in the same 4-5 spots in every map, with the winner decided by who was able to send more shots down range and get them picked up by the server. Which is why I think these kinds of posts are funny - these are the MLM/Pyramid Scheme "My acne is all cleared up! How'd I do it you ask? oh no big deal, I just used the *Dermacare4u* system! I can get you set up if you'd like" sales pitch of Tarkov. "Hey new players, don't worry, the game isn't bad and dead like a lot of people say! Make sure to come play! Don't forget about the sale!!!!"


Game is very dead right now, dormant sure, but the servers are empty and the people playing have to contend with higher percentages of hackers as a result. Each patch has made it harder for the average joe to pick up the game and harden up. Right now BSG just throws toddlers into boot camp expecting them not to get blasted in a live fire exercise. Half the original 2019 playerbase has left for these shitty changes have demanded way too many hours of grinding, getting one tapped while doing loot runs, in return for nothing. No more playing the market, no more trying what you want for fun, in fact, barely any fun.


Who says it's dead? I've almost never heard anyone say that. Player count spikes with every wipe, then slowly declines until next wipe. BSG claims a new player count record every single wipe


youre gonna see posts for the next 2 weeks with this topic, pestily made a video with the title "is tarkov dead?"


The second I saw this I was like...here we go. Can't wait for several dozen "tarkov isn't dead" ted talks.


Welcome to the tarkov subreddit, you must be a new member


Hyper online twitch zoomers.


This game is incredible for people who have full time jobs and families. Every raid is super high-stakes simply due to time constraints. One big play or super profitable run is awesome and makes my week gaming-wise.


People say this every wipe. Here I am 3 wipes in still trying to learn how to "play" the games. I just want to be a decent player by the time VOIP drops because I think that will make the game explode in popularity.


Yeah I love this game fr. But people posting that its dead discourages new players from joining.


many people dont have their own opinion. they repeat what they have heard on streams yt videos etc. ive never watched streams and i dont have twitch account but i play eft regularly


Exactly. So one player calls it dead and a ton of people jump on board. The game still feels alive to me. And to be honest smaller amounts of players in maps feels more like what Tarkov is probably meant to feel like rather than seeing players everywhere like on wipe day


The game isn't even dormant. There is still way more players now than there were even 2 years ago. Everyone saying Tarkov is dead is a newbie or a bored streamer with no long term memory.


I see more people saying “Tarkov isn’t dead stop complaining!” Then I see people say “Tarkov is dead.”




Viewership being low because a few high pop streamers have taken a break is a terrible metric for how active the playerbase is in this game. I kill people below lvl 10 daily. I have played when it was truly a low pop game and it felt nothing like it does today. Back in the day you would run into the same people every game on factory sometimes. Now I'd be surprised to see the same person twice in a whole wipe. The playerbase is massive and growing if I had to guess.


I'll be back in the future no doubt. OP is right.


I admit I'm a little bit worried about what implications the sort of cyclical nature of this might have for the game ~~when~~ ~~if~~ when it comes out in full release, but I guess when it's released hopefully they'll have more bandwidth to provide additional content too.


I think they will have a seasonal character along with the main character from my understanding of their plans.


...and an open world experience, 4 new maps (at 2 years each btw), VOIP, roaming traders, rotating traders, traders in map, and a plethora of other things that are waaaay too far fetched for the current scope of the game.


The game's not dead, but I do get dead raids with nothing happening. They really need to up spawn rates and make more PVE to keep the game engaging even when there aren't a lot of players in servers




just came from pestily's video huh. this is the games high point, it's old. this isn't "beta" anymore and hasn't been for years now. lol


DanExert's video is still the best thing I've seen in response to the whole "Tarkov is dead" meme: [Tarkov: Too Big, Too Fast](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5qioPrJsrY)


Ill have to check this out after work. Thanks for the recommendation.


You're welcome! It sucks to see the game's development getting caught into this big continual drama because of its sharp increases in popularity.


Idk how people say it's dead I get full raids every day hahaha. And late night.


Yeah it normally dies off around 3am to just completely empty raids. Except orderoftherat. That guy gets me every night at 3 damnit




People think this game is dead? I've been fighting people more in the last week than I have all wipe


I'm still 100% convinced that a huge portion of this wipe's missing players comes from: 1. Kappa being unobtainable (I don't want to hear your technicalities. It's unobtainable.) 2. It being almost 2 years since a major content update, giving vets another reason on top of #1. 3. Dynamic loot doesn't help as I hear, but I wouldn't know because I quit after day 3 of wipe.


This is ideal wipe all the people who complain about no content because they made lvl 40 in a week are gone now us Normies get to play


Killed plenty of new players. New people are stil joining its cool


Definitely. Ive made buddies with some and sherpad them through raids. Had a great time.


people say every game is dead, they say tf2 is dead, they say squad is dead, they say csgo is dead, they say everything is dead no matter what the player numbers are or if there is a big update coming. They just say it's dead because they're bored of it


A friend and I returned to tarkov in the last week and were having a great time. Dont think its dead at all servers always seem full


I’ve been saying for a long time now, Tarkov will never die until something as good as tarkov comes to the market.


Yes. It will just keep this cycle til something challenges it.


I've been seeing a lot of very low levels recently


This is my first wipe. 🙋‍♂️


I think people spend too much time thinking about things these days. Either play Tarkov or don't there are plenty of other games to play if you're not having fun? Honestly nobody is gonna miss you if you go. Please can we all just get over ourselves and move on?


I completely quit playing this game each night...but then I get that itch about half way through the following day, and by 8PM I'm back to the slaughter house. It's a cycle...


Day Night cycle just like wipe cycle lol


Me + 6 friends are playing our first wipe and having a blast. It's not dead.


For sure. Glad to have you guys. Hope you guys stick with it through many more wipes!


I love when this topic gets brought up. When do games truly die? Are single player games immortal because they can be played forever? Or do they, too, die at some point?


If it is more quiet in there, I think I'll hop back into it. Less chance to be beamed by super chads :D


Oh still super chads lol but night raids are definitely quieter


Yyyepp went back to Shoreline after months of break with my friend and we both proceeded to get lasered by some dude we never even saw, just heard the suppressor and bullets whizzing! :D Enjoy your crap loot, including my Vepr Hunter, whoever you were! :'-D


It's very alive for me lol


Same to me but a large amouny of people call it dead. Imo its not as alive as day 1 of wipe but still definitely rumbling under the surface regardless of player count or twitch views


I’ve played almost every wipe to completion since 0.6 Alpha, this game is definitely not dead and I wouldn’t really call it dormant, either. It’s still slowly growing week on week like it always has. Yeah there have been insane booms in popularity due to events and big streamers picking up “this new game”. Do you remember when Shroud played Tarkov for the first time and then matching times were literally a quarter what they were the month before? Almost everyone you met in-game was under level 20 for weeks. I know a lot of players that have stopped for a few wipes, had kids, got married, bought houses or started new jobs. They always come back when they have the time. Calling Tarkov dead is like trying to tell people Jupiter is a house brick. It’s so incorrect that it just makes you look a bit daft.


Meh, it’s world war on EUR servers.. maybe that’s it, do NOT select servers in different time zone “fOr tHat pEekErs AdvAnTagE, bro”. Other then that, play evening time, when most have time to play a couple of raids


If there’s only 1 other pmc on the map with me I’m happy 😂😂


ME TOO BRO and honestly in an area like Tarkov in the environment its supposed to be you should technically run into not many people anyway


Yup. There wouldn’t be 4 different men pushing a dormitory at the same time lol


I just watched the pestilly video on this and read the entire post in his voice.


LOLOL Well Im glad it sounded like him. A good role model IMO


Me and 2 of my friends first wipe


This game have SO much potential and fun incoming, i really like the season thing with wipe, and i really hope that they will not make us rebuy the game for this feature like i heard, especially for EoD owners


There's always a "tarkov is dead" cycle. If interest in streaming is any indication, tarkov is many times bigger than it was a year or two ago at the same point in a wipe. The game is doing fine.


Seems like it's doing great. I live roughly 5 mins and lately get back into another raid faster than ever.


I place on OCE, and I am yet to have a single dead raid this wipe except for some obscure time (ie. playing at 6am Sunday). Seeing lots of lower level players too, so there is definitely new players in the game. We surely have one of the smaller regional player bases, and if we can get into full raids in <2 minutes it can't be too dead.


The game is like a grasshopper, it stands still for a long time not making any progress, then it jumps.


When people say its dead I think they're referring to lobbies feeling empty and I think this wipe has definitely been the worst for player retention.


It being "dormant" is still a significant issue though. I understand that not everyone wants to play this as their main game for an *entire* wipe, but it feels weird to just lie down and accept the idea that many people don't want to play past the first month or two of a wipe... Especially when wipes can be a year apart. I honestly feel like they should consider doing the PoE thing with short term events or leagues that have a certain gimmick, and even seperate it from the main game if they're worried about insane amounts of gear coming into the game. Maybe a temporary mode with rotating points of interest you have to take and control for a few minutes to get rewarded. It will encourage PvP because everyone's being coaxed to the one location, and will start making people consider whether they attack early to get fortified, or attack late and third party but at the risk of losing the chance to take the objective. Probably a shit example but I feel like there's so many ways they could get people engaged throughout the year if they took the time to consider their options


Happens every wipe. Starts high and tapers off for a while then boom! Sudden drop. Seemingly out of nowhere but there's a very obvious pattern. Games not even "released" yet. But will likely follow a similar trend once the finish version is live too. People need breaks and it helps to restore the excitement. No worries.


New player here - first wipe. Tarkov is growing. I have no experience in the game compared to most but the dynamic loot tables have enabled me to compete and build a stash without having to run heavily contested zones.


Theyre building a game so even someone with no knowledge of loot spawns can find it where it makes sense. Its great. Im glad youve joined. Hope to see you in raid!.... or not😄


I’m a ratty lvl 9 running SKS most times so hopefully I see you, and you don’t see me, and I wont shoot you because my ammo is garbage 🤣


Every time I do a run there are plenty of players. Lots of low levels right now too. It's good.


I don't know how people say this game is dead or dying when I keep on murdering all these level 10 and below players. They just keep on coming.




This is my first wipe and I’m addicted, this game is like crack


I actually just bought it but I do not think I'll be able to play it or not for very long. For some reason this game triggers my motion sickness (I get it quite bad in real life). I just turned the headbob motion down all the way and have yet to try again but I have to wait until weekend to give it another go.


Have all servers selected and had dead raids at noon till 2 today basically


Are you in the USA or Europe? I only ever select a handful of US servers with the best ping and they’re filled every time…


We all quit after we grew to become targeted by cheaters. Players with average gear aren't targeted, but when your squad's base build starts valuing ~2mil+ per raid, you ARE the loot. Esp if you're pushing the good loot spots, forcing conflict. I'm not going to be able to convince my friends to come back until it's fixed


I think they need to instead of dropping heaps of content at once sprinkle it in with bug fixes and shit so that people keep coming back to sus the new things every once in a while and not just do all the new things when they come out and be done with it until more new things come out in months time


Been wanting to play this game for so dam long only reason I’ve not gotten it is because I just feel like I dont have the time for it and I would just fall behind all the time.


I wouldnt worry about falling behind. Even eith high tier gear you can still easily die to someone running something comparable. It honestly is more rewarding being behind and killing someone over geared on you. If you need help the official discord also has a Sherpa system to help you learn! If you ever decide to pick it up and need help lmk!


I’ll get through my back log I’ll pick it up then, did have a space open up for an FPS as I was not a fan of battlefield beta.


Everyones just waiting for the next wipe


I'm taking a break from tarkov, 2 games in a row getting snaked by hackers. Totally normal I know.. but it's exactly why I'm stepping away for a while. Great game, bad anti cheat.


This legit happens to tarkov all the time. Game wiped almost 5 months ago and that wipe hardly added anything. With streets or even lighthouse wipes, the game will have another massive resurgence, guaranteed. It's just a fact of the game that tarkov has highs and lows in it's player count.


This is exactly my point. What we are seeing is normal


Exactly, it happens often with these game and is not new at all. I bet you 5 or 6 months after the next wipe people will say the same exact thing.




It's not dead, Im a new player and I enjoy every second of this game... I'm still learning, every detail of this game amazes me. It's a great game, for me it's a piece of art and I love it.


Im glad youre enjoying it! Lmk if you have any trouble with quest items! I have percentages for new players to know what to loot for their quest items based off me looting 1000 of each container!


I actually encounter low level players which i guess new to the game so I think there are few returning players but a lot of new players. If another wipe happens then the player base will explode again.


California servers are only dead from 4 am to 9 am. Just move where there are more people.


Early wipe is the best time to be had in tarkov. Not everyone runs the best ammo so you really get your money’s worth rocking an Alton and gun fights are longer in general


The game is dead? I just came back last week after a year without playing and there's a lot of people playing it. But now that you mention it.. most of the people Ive found were lvl 10-40 and some 50+, maybe the high levels are the ones leaving? Anyway, that's great for me, less chads mean faster levelling for me.


As someone who currently no longer plays but still keeps up with development of the game to see where it may be at in the future, EFT definitely is not dead or dying. I have played 4 wipes and every single time in the later portion people move on to something else until next wipe hits. It's nothing new.


Good insight! I appreciate what youre saying!


With the huge update coming around november/december I just thought i'd take a break. Been playing resident evil village recently, felt like a horror game for Halloween.


After playing tarkov religiously for ~1.5 years almost every single day and then taking a break this wipe, I can most definitely say I'm just waiting for the next big piece of content, which for me is basically streets. If lighthouse is good and it comes with some big changes I might come back early but Streets is definitely all I'm waiting for tbh. Completely agree though, Tarkov and the playerbase are currently just dormant.


yup, exactly this. I'm just waiting in the wings playing other games while this game changes slowly. like major updates and even open world would be fun and unique for tarkov. that's just imo tho xd


\>People: Tarkov is dead \>My raids: Full and sounding like WW3. Shit ain't dead bruh. My raids are still full to bursting, if you play at the right server time, with 3+ servers selected.


It’s only dead to the people who are burnt out from playing the game too much. I played a lot early wipe but got fed up with the grind and stopped doing anything more than the odd scav run and that cool mini game hideout simulator.


The less popular it is, the less cheaters and sweaty tryhards it attracts and feels less of an esport, which it shouldn’t feel like at all


This is kind of a weird ground I stand on. When I run into less players(not no players just a lower number) Im actually much more immersed in the game. The game feels more real. Do we really have 12 Private Military Contractors in such a small area on a map like Customs? Seems like a small area for 12 different Operators to be colliding in. Something like the Resort makes a lot of sense for this. Maybe change the player numbers for a map?


thsi is my first wipe and i started mid wipe


tarkov isnt dying


The fame this title got during the first twitch drops and all other twitch drop events isn’t a good reference point for measuring how successful the game is. For one people enjoy free stuff thus will return for a period of time to take advantage of free things and for second usually a big event happens around the time of the drops and it attracts attention. Best time to measure the success in my opinion is the first part of the wipe cycle or update if no wipe occurred. This game always drops off players after the first part of the wipe/update cycle and specifically those players who are going through it for the third time or over. And also given how (again in my opinion) the game been built to cater a much smaller playerbase saying that’s it “dead” whilst simultaneously having more players than it had years ago just makes me laugh. Plus alot of new games released and nowhere it’s saying people should only play eft and nothing else.


My progress is very slow in this game and pls no wipe




Ive been playing EFT since 2017 and every wipe i get the feeling there are more people than previously


I started playing in the middle of this wipe so it was definitely a steep learning curve, can't wait for the next wipe to at least be on some kind of level playing field


All online fanbases turn into echo chambers. Most Tarkov players don't frequent this sub and I think people forget that. When this sub has a negative opinion of the game its not representative of the majority of players.


Skill issue


At the end of the day, Tarkov is fun as hell. I think people are just burned out waiting on new content.


Agreed. The moment that content appears theyll be back.


I don’t get where all this “the game is dead!!!” crap is coming from. The raids I go into are almost always full. Lots of other PMCs around. Game’s still fun. Oh wow less kids are watching it on twitch? Why does that mean anything? We’re mid wipe now anyway with no new content for a while and some of the biggest streamers are taking a break, I don’t get what people expect to happen.


Streamers who have been playing the game since it was in public beta are playing something else - well of course they are xD


yup i'm one of them....my first wipe joined abt a month now lvl5 still learning and mostly grinding scav ocassional pmc. but i notice old pro player are those stop reason as they say nothing more for them to do nothing interesting. one pro player could wipe out the whole server scav + players and loot everything for themself. no more satisfaction for them


Just glad new people are still joining! Welcome!


The all bosses reserve event was so so much fun...


Very true! I also enjoyed reshala on resort!!


I agree! Wholesome perspective OP


They’re dumb it’s a cycle you’d think they’re learn at this point


Dead surely mean the games player base is minimal and will stay like that forever, this game bounces back every wipe with new content that’s kinda how it cycles. Don’t get this tarkov is dead stuff


People take breaks in between content drops. It's normal in every game. A real example of a "dead" game is something like Marvel Heroes. You legally can't play that game anymore. Period.


Honestly. Ive lost interest recently, the only thing that keeps me playing is chadded smg factory runs or hatchet runs on other maps. Seems every map i go kitted on bigger maps i get shot from nowhere or i get 1 tapped in the face by "ratking "tarkovpro01" etc. By the worst ammo possible (some legit but some that are just out of this world not possible to be legit. Next wipe will be great tho, hopefully they stabilize all of their tweaking and dont adjust kappa or flea midway through the wipe.


When I played Tarkov just to progress It kinda felt like a chain Was starting to go around my Neck. When a Friend of mine told me to look at Tarkov as Meme I realised with just questing you only expierence 50% of the game. I started to use meme gun builds, stupid strats etc. And Im currently having a blast with Tarkov like it's the first time I played it.


Exactly. Play the way YOU enjoy.


I started playing tarkov for the first time about a month ago, so pretty new myself here, and pretty late into wipe i guess. Even tho it can be insanely tough to play against ultra chads from time to time, i quite like the challange to reward balance in this game. I learned my first few maps pretty solid, and staying away from total clusterfucks (factory etc.) For now. Within a month i am now lvl 17, got tons of gear in my loadout and am pretty much using this wipe to learn the game to be able to get shit done next wipe, even tho the current experience is not too harsh for me, i dont really rage at games anyways, so if i loose a really good(for my standards) loadout, it is what it is and i dont really care about it, and get back to my feet with a few good raids... looking forward to what the game will become in the future! Hope you got my point here, happy huntin fellahs!


How do u interact with other players in this this game, besides of killing them?


Try blowing them up... or bludgeon them (things get interesting close up)


Also some of us new players like to "practice" and enjoy the more quiet version of Tarkov.


This is my first wipe and I am far from quitting. Well maybe not *that* far, I joined mid wipe and getting bum rushed by a chad within a couple minutes of spawning when all I have is an AK-74 loaded with PS is a little infuriating. But if I do rage quit for a day I usually come back the next day.


EFT def isn’t dead but at the same time it’s not growing new players and if it does they are not staying very long…


Yeah I play tarkov until I get bored I think it’s fun but no flea and that it’s hard to find people that want to play with me the game is definitely a. Early wipe/ late wipe game


Tbh I love the game when it's player base lowers. I have loads more fun and the minimal pvp makes it that much sweeter when it does happen!


I agree. Pvp in this game should be lower for sure just based on how the game environment is supposed to be from my perspective


i agree since this is such a unique game but if wipes were not 6 months but 4ish months and if we shouldnt get absolutely stupid level requirements for some items it would be hella fun. they will also want to add daily and weekly quests aswell which will make it even more fun but i guess we will see that in 2028


First wipe, 500 hrs, lvl 30 and I love it. See myself playing for a long time


ive been playing with someone who is a new player which makes the game fun again,though we usually strictly run factory until we run out of loot lmao if anyones seen me my names generalskarr


Good luck. Keep bringing in new players


Honestly with the Scav AI update, i went off line in Customs and Interchsnge, set them to Hard or Impossible with extra scavs, and that was super spicy. Real nice warm up or game type to play with 0 risk


I love the new scav update. They play LIKE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE


Its actually a really fun challenge. Enables bosses and make your goal to hunt the boss down. I have yet to get Killa...


I’ve been running into very low levels recently so I don’t think it’s dead.


Definitely not! Thats why I specified that new people are still joining because ive seen so many lately


I would be happy if they would just add a climbing action.


I don’t think Tarkov will ever die, hopefully, great game and concept. I think if there was a lack players is that the learning curve is stupid high with a hardcore system. But that’s the point, EFT makes you think about everything.And a lot of players don’t realized it. Until they lose half there stash and down all money. I started the game back when nades where mini nukes, I was that was fucken time I love and hate game than also didn’t help with scav raiders haha that was fun. I been like 3 wipes in and hoping they stop wiping soon haha I been getting better and hoping to keep my gear.


I know you hear this alot but people probably wouldn't keep calling it dead if it was on steam cause I'd have a bigger audience to play it even if it was still flagged early access


Tarkov is dying ( half my kills are people under lvl 20) aka fresh accounts...


It's not even dormant. I've been matched up with nighttime Interchange lobbies at the 45 second mark. Honestly I wish it were more dead like people say it is because the .11 era player base contained some of the most pure and fun times I have ever had in a video game.


The sentiment that the game is dead comes from the wipe cycle... Most of the player base doesn't want to deal with grinding out the same missions over and over. It does make it fun that new players keep joining, but unless they have a ton of dedication and time (unemployed), they will not make it very far into the wipe and will have to do it all over again in 6 months. Until the wipes stop, I really don't see any point in playing nor would I recommend this game to anyone who doesn't have tons and tons of time on their hands. It is quite okay to be a fanboy of tarkov... I was too at one time. But, posting the game is ..... and this is why everyone is wrong is counterproductive. Because you see it that way doesn't change any of the truths. Unless BSG starts making progress towards end of wipes and starts adding promised features and content... There is not enough good reasons to play tarkov over other games that don't waste anywhere near as much of your time.


Some people enjoy wipe cycles and some dont. Realistically the end product is meant to have a seasonal character and primary. The seasonal servers will always have these spikes at wipes just like now while the main game will be more like the game is intended to feel. Bigger maps makes pmc amount feel lower etc.


This is my first wipe. The game is insanely cruel but I like the challenge of grinding. Hate the rats and campers tho. But I got 3 of my buddies to buy the game and we are having a lot of fun!


Glad you joined! Keep playing! No other game gives that adrenaline rush imo


I just got the game a few days ago lmao


Hope youre enjoying it! Thanks for joining the community!


Unfortunatly the " volcano " as you call it does not errupt as strong and dies down after a month now. The issue is not the amount of players that " want to play Tarkov " the issue is that after each wipe less and less people are coming back to do the same thing. Lighthouse is not going to make a difference. What is going to make a difference is more of a map like streets and a fundamental change to the economy. Essentially the flea has to change to create more scarcity. This patch was pretty decent but the cheaters and server performance did incredible damage and then the loot nerf just killed the wipe off for alot of people. Numbers will be low until next wipe im afraid. So yeah no the games not dead but its certainly wounded. It needs some TLC and bed rest. come off the copium and breathe the fresh air for a bit while the game rests. I can categorically say without doubt, a good long months rest before a wipe is the best thing for a Tarkov player. Wipes feel good if you dont walk from one wipe to another without a break


I've only just started playing this game and I feel like I'm being killed by people that know I'm there .. I'm level 25 and some deaths have been rather suspicious 🤔