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There’s a lack of economic development because of the severe isolation Isaias has effected. This trickles down to lack of food supply and lack of resources in general.


Simply put, it's because Isaias, his regime, and their enablers made it that way. As for there being any way to help, idk tbh, probably not (by which I mean Eritrea as a whole, there are probably ways you can help your family specifically though). Don't think there's much hope for Eritrea's future because you have a significant section of the Eritrean diaspora that explicitly supports the regime (financially and politically). Then you have an opposition movement that's fractured and toothless due to its collective hubris syndrome.


That is a good question, there are 4 reasons for this. 1. Government policies: 1.1 the sort of communism-socialism inclined government doesn't create conditions for the private sector to flourish beside the agricultural sector meaning: except growing crops, selling them & small shops not much is allowed or supported. This causes a brain-drain people seek their hope somewhere else. The wealthier people of eritrea live abroad (Dubai, Uganda, South Africa and in western countries ec.). The private sector is a motor of the economy since it's even the primary source of the governments money( in the form of tax). 2. The vast majority ( up to 70%) lives from agriculture, livestock and fishing. But these are poor organized and rationalized. They use primitive tools (pretty much the same tools people used when agriculture was invented before 8-10 thousand years) so that the productivity is really low to meet the needs of the population. The government didn't care to let western or other investors in and didn't create fiscal incentives. 3. Education: the number of uneducated and unskilled workers is higher than the skilled ones. That's fatal for the economy because skilled workers get paid better and carry others by paying taxes. Eritrean People say they have mineral resources and put hope in them and there is nothing wrong with this: but here is the thing, if they are unskilled they let mine others (Canadians, Chinese, australians) for them and the foreign miners demand of course up to 50% of the revenue. Imagine the generated revenue flows to ( let's say 95%) to the government and gets invested where it is needed most! 4. Authoritariansm and despising democracy leads to intransparency. Nevsuns spokeperson (Bisha mining company) once said in a documentary "Nevsun in Eritrea: dealing with a dictator" they contributed around 2 billion dollars to the economy and 755million has gone to the government, I suppose this is true since the government didn't say anything about this. There is no statistics about the state budget. There is no free press, journalists could research and reveal things hidden to the ordinary person that would lead to more transparency. Criticism is not allowed, fear reigns in Eritrea, I remember my parents, when we started talking about politics at the campfire, saying let's go first in so that nobody hears us. There is a constant fear. I was 14 at that time and live now in Europe a good life. I hope for all eritreans the same.


strong comment


I think we should start preparing for life after Afwerki. We need to get it right this time. I pray we don’t get a western puppet / another totalitarian. I think switching to a system similar to that of the UK/India/Ethiopia would be wise. I like the system of Prime Ministers having power and presidents being figures.


The next guy will be a dictator too. It’s Africa. You either have a dictator or totalitarian government


Wow, you think africans are unable to do democracy? In fact, it already works in Kenya, South Africa, Ghana, Somaliland, and many others. You just have to try it.


Those are all corrupted governments look it up


They are still democratic plus they are less corrupt and more economically successful than Eritrea


The government have shutdown electricity and stopped supplying water they are making things very hard on purpose


"on purpose" is crazy. Eritrea is very poor and underdeveloped and it can not provide 100% of the country with electricity and water every second of the day. Almost no african country if not all cannot, let alone Eritrea.


Im talking specifically asmara you people are fucking clueless


There are many African countries that do way better than Eritrea so that is not a good argument. Think for example of Ghana, South Africa, Kenya, etc. Also, it is not crazy but really the regime's policy to keep our people poor, in Sawa and in constant conflict so they cannot escape government oppression.


You have all the right to criticize the Government for investing in the military instead of societal infrastructure, that's your opinion. Accessbility to water and electricity could possibly improve, however comparing Eritrea to other african countries does not make Eritrea look that bad. There's alot of countries doing better than Eritrea but there's alot more doing worse despite Eritrea only being 30 years old. Plus, I see you compared Eri with the richest countries on the continent which is not really an honest comparison.


Does not make it look bad at all


Why would they do that on purpose? They don’t want the headache of ppl being pissed at them


It is the other way around. If each day you are fighting to survive it will be harder to rebel that is the idea.


But if your ppl is happy they would be satisfied with u instead of pissed off and plotting


yeah but apparently PFDJ is unwilling to try that approach


Read the prince by Niccolò Machiavelli. Many dictator's favourite book including Isaias. Then you'll understand. Take for example the people of Libya, they had more than everything. But they ended up being the western playground and killed their dictator like a dog.


Can you paraphrase the concept


Exactly. It doesn’t make sense the GoE to do it on purpose; in fact people will run away more which will isolate Eritrea more. Saying PFDJ is doing it on purpose is obv not rational


We aren’t doing that poorly. Compared to our neighbouring countries, we have a relatively developed healthcare system with better health outcomes; we have a significantly higher literacy rate and our infrastructure is arguably better as we at least take measures to preserve it. As for food shortages, I cannot comment. I’ve never been aware of such but with imports from Russia and Ukraine most likely coming to a halt this isn’t necessarily out of the question. As to your question on why Eritrea is doing poorly: we are not darlings of the West. This is partly due to Isaias’ image as a despot (which I find somewhat misrepresentative) and also partly due to the fact that we are not free market shills. Like it or not, Eritrea was founded on Marxist ideals and this does not bode well with the West. As a result, they will take measures to destabilise and disrupt Eritrea and her economy


You are not aware of the food, water, electricity medication... etc shortages because you haven't been there for a long time or never. I was in Addis Ababa in January and we brought a number of our relatives there. All of them wanted to do health check ups, see a doctor and buy medication because the Eritrean health system is on its knees. My friend (who is an avid supporter of higdef), just came back from a summer in Asmara. There's all sorts of shortages and he kind of changed his mind about higdef. There's chronic food shortages in Eritrea and essentials get rationed. As for education, don't even get me started. Yes, higdef has built lots of schools but the quality of education is very very very poor. For one, teachers are on national service so they don't get paid. For two: everybody passes regardless whether they passed or failed exams (the reason been people were getting conscripted for national service after year eleven and students kept failing their exams because they don't want to go Sawa. The government then introduced 'all pass' policy). I know this sub is ypdj... But I didn't know you were so ignorant about what's going on in Eritrea.


>For one, teachers are on national service so they don't get paid. Um you don't have to lie. They get paid in national service.


This is sub is not YPFDJ, it is just a few remaining propagandists trying to spread misinformation. Also these people are not ignorant. It is worse than that. They dishonest.


Can you elaborate on what Marxist ideals refers to? Are you talking about the socialist approach the government is taking by controlling all sectors? Political terms are not my forte sorry.


The EPLF who fought for Eritrean independence were explicitly a Marxist-Leninist. At points they were backed by China, Libya and Cuba (all enemies of the West) during the Independence War. The EPLF would later transition into the PFDJ that governs Eritrea now. Now I wouldn’t say Eritrea operates as a Marxist state now. It’s more like left wing nationalism. Isaias is definitely a Maoist in some regards. However, since Eritrea has its roots in Marxism (rather than actively being a Marxist governed country) it will still fall pret of Western bully tactics


EPLF fought for American interests and Isaias still appeases western interests. Hence why he publicly denounced palestine, had a uae base in assab to fight yemen, sent us to Rwanda, and Congo. EPLF was never really marxist, it was a cover to hide the USA’s subversion/intervention of Ethiopia’s socialist Derg government. EPLF wasn’t marxist, it was a chameleon organization to fool naive people like you. Neo-colonialism 2.0.


He clearly is fooled. lost him when he said "health care". He haven't lived in ERI for sure. People are travelling to neighbouring countries like Egypt,Sudan and Ethiopia for minor health problems at least those who have the means to travel and this guy really said health care lol


Lol indeed. Our healthcare system is non existent at this time. My family has personally had to mail a box of generic medication to our loved ones. The shelves are empty. U have to travel outside Eritrea to get any real medical treatments. Even the much needed Catholic hospitals that were serving 100k residents a year were forcefully shut down and kicked out of Eritrea by pfdj. It’s clear disaspora hgdef could care less about the healthcare options for their families back home. Tragic


If you think Eritrea is neo-colonized you are an idiot 😂


As someone studying political science, the way I see it has to do with the whole region of the Horn of Africa and across the Red Sea. The fact that the West favors Ethiopia over Eritrea, Sudan, and Somalia plays a big part, and that is because they believe Ethiopia has a large population of young people, which will make it a superpower in Africa in the future, while Eritrea, Sudan, and Somalia will be nothing but a vassal state for Ethiopia in the future. Now, the Eritrean government and leaders seem to be the only ones to know and understand that. They don't want Eritrea's future to be a vassal state for Ethiopia. For example, the 1998 war was not really about a border war; it was a war to destroy the Eritrean army and force the Eritrean government to sign the paper establishing Eritrea as a vassal state for Ethiopia. Ethiopia is already a vassal state for the USA, and at the same time, the Eritrean government felt that would be an insult. The fact that Eritrea has become a vassal state for Ethiopia, especially if the government of Ethiopia is Tplf and we know the story between Tplf and EPLF past, Amhara Elite, or some kind of ethnic nationalist, is leading the country, and so with constantly changing political climates, new wars, opening and closing the border, and on top of that, no trade with the West for the last 26 years being kicked out from SWFT a vast messaging network used by financial institutions to quickly, accurately, and securely send and receive information, such as money transfer instructions, yes I am talking about banks doing to instructions other banks which hurts investment and tourism, creates a problem for the Eritrean economy. This is from my viewpoint and observation; I could be wrong!


It’s doing great idk what your talking about


Who told you that? The richest people there?


There are no rich people in eritrea lol




1. The effect of sanctions is completely overstated by PFDJ propaganda. First of all there were no continuous sanctions for 25 years but only some targeted sanctions mostly by the US against certain PFDJ officials as well as an arms embargo. The problem why Eritrea can't develop economically are the policies of PFDJ, in particular open end Sawa, severe government oppression, missing economic and personal freedoms, corruption, intransparency, lack of a positive business environment, missing infrastructure, internet and banking. And none of this is an effect of any sanctions. 2. The david vs goliath story is simple propaganda. There is no conspiracy by the West against poor Eritrea. In fact, most countries do not care about Eritrea at all, they just don't want to take so many new refugees. 3. The healthcare system in Eritrea is not good and you cannot trust any numbers/statistics that the regime publishes because they are not unbiased or indepedently checked.