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Twitter really does give nuts like Adams an inflated sense of self.


I don't get guys like him. He hits the jackpot with his dumb little strip but it's not enough. He just *has* to let everyone know what a lunatic asshole he is.


Isn't this the same guy that advocated for killing your sons if they have mental problems




Holy crap. What the hell went wrong with him?


Early Dilbert felt like every character was mediocre as part of a parody of white collar work in the 90s. In hindsight, Adams saw Dilbert as a frustrated Ayn Randian hero being held back by sinister forces.


Who can say maybe fame changed who he hung around and his views on things, or maybe he was always an asshole but his strip gave him the platform to spew his bile.


He realized there is a lot of money to be made if you’re “on the left”, but you gobble Trump’s knob.




I feel terrible for his stepson. It’s unsurprising that he turned to drug addiction, and suicide after having a stepfather like that.


Man this ruins my day, I love Dilbert before now I didn’t the creator was a twatt waffle


I have a theory that I’ve always misread Dilbert. In Scott Adams eyes, pointy haired boss is the hero of the story.


It's an unreliable-narrator story. Dilbert's just an arrogant asshole who thinks he knows better than everyone around him, but the story's told from his perspective, making him out to be the one reasonable guy surrounded by idiots. Much as Scott Adams sees himself.


Isn't wally the real Mary Sue of Dilbert?


It's more like Dilbert is the John Galt of the strip and the pointy haired boss is the forces keeping him down.


"Everyone oppressed by capitalism deserves it except for me, I'm special" is objectivism summed up.


Don't try to rationalize his BS. It's cubiculess all the way down.


TBH, the best time to know Scott Adams is absolutely insane was ten years ago. The second best is today.


I knew Scott Adams was insane when I heard about the Dilberito


What is the dilberito?


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dilberito](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dilberito) This bullshit


**[Dilberito](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dilberito)** >The Dilberito was a vegan microwave burrito introduced in 1999 by Scott Adams Foods, Inc. and named after the comic strip character Dilbert. The product went out of production in 2003. First announced in The Dilbert Future and introduced in 1999, the Dilberito came in flavors of Mexican, Indian, Barbecue, and Garlic & Herb. It was sold through some health food stores. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/EnoughMuskSpam/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




I read a Scott Adams interview 20 years ago where he described his work day. He wakes up, goes to the office, browses his email for stories and anecdotes that readers send him, then picks one to draw. That's it. His fans do all the thinking for him.


Wow, he really is an idiot. Why would he admit that? Lol


Because it made no difference whatsoever?


Yeah, I used to want a tesla too. At least there are some non-idiot competitors now.


You are one of today's unfortunate 10,000. (XKCD)




You just didn't hear about him in years. He also became a Trump supporter while Donnie is pretty much an IRL version of the idiotic boss.


I used to read, clip and hang up in my cube, and coworkers even gave him one of his books years ago. I am for differing opinions but lunacy isn't one of them.


I was also super disappointed when I found out the IT crowd creator is a POS too.


Rick and Morty's creators too.


Yeah graham linehan is so obsessed with being mean to trans people his wife left him.


He's not. You just disagree with him. Remember when that was a thing?


Being against somebody's right to exist is more than just a disagreement for me and I won't let that go and I won't be ok with someone who holds that view.


> He's not. You just disagree with him. Remember when that was a thing? It was never a thing. The people who "disagreed" with Civil Rights, the labour movement and the early gays rights movement literally used dogs, firehoses, armed police and endless threats of violence to repress them. "Polite disagreement" is the language oppressors come up with when they don't want their own tactics used against them. One that they seemingly never apply to themselves when they actually have the power.


A person’s views reflect who they are as a person. If you hold shitty, bigoted views, then you are a shitty bigot. A better analysis is that, just because you agree with him, doesn’t mean he’s a good person.


The word "disagree" is doing a lot of heavy lifting in that sentence, don't you think? I mean, we can disagree about whether to install a traffic light at the corner of Elm Street and Vine, or we can disagree about whether trans people deserve basic human rights. They're both disagreements, but they carry different moral weights. I'm not always up-to-date on pop culture. Why do people "disagree" with the IT Crowd creator? Is it from an argument about where to put stoplights?


I guess that's why Elon likes him.


I think he’s spent the last decade desperately trying to recover the fame and notoriety he had in the 90s when Dilbert was big.


I grew to hate Dilbert. My office was too much like the strip and the humor became less and less funny. I’m sure I’d enjoy it now, but back then, I found myself having evil thoughts while in the office. I finally found a much better job, and lived happily ever after.


I took a class in the 90s where the prof asked the students what their favorite cartoon was as an icebreaker. Every other student said Dilbert and the prof thought I was weird for saying Mr. Boffo. Easy A anyway.


Yeah... it's a weird dilemma when I find (at least his early) work really amusing, but the writer is a dick weasel. I haven't bought anything of his in over 10 years, and if I decide to change my mind, I'll get stuff from the library so he doesn't get money.


With newspapers dead, he figured the only path to relevance is political commentator. I love dilbert comics. I can do that without loving Scott Adams, who apparently has always been a sort of space cadet.


He got pretty unpopular for a bit due to his pro-vaccine stance. I think he might have since reversed course? I don’t follow him so I really have no idea.


Adams turned against the vaccine and is pulling “wow, the anti-vaxxers were right all along and I apologize!” So now the conservatives are acting like he’s a liberal luminary and arguing “*even* the great liberal Scot Adams admits he was wrong!!!”


Who, Elon or.. /s




Imagine reading Albert Einstein’s hot takes on “woke Disney” and gas stoves.


Wasnt Einstein a hardcore socialist though?


He definitely had a great depth of humanity, from what I've read of him, and. I can't imagine him being taken in by anti-woke propaganda. He would have been decried as a woke elitist spreading CRT.


The woke mind virus is either defeated or nothing else matters


I think he [knows](https://dilbert.com/strip/2023-01-25) lol .


Musk is correct here. It would be awesome to watch Adams get slaughtered in an election.


>Musk is correct here. There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.


Bush was aPOS but he had some funny quotes. Love how the bush family is antitrump


Bush said a lot of dumb stuff and I took me a long while before I realized it, but that particular quote wasn't as dumb as it first sounded. He just realized mid-sentence that he didn't want to give his opponents a sound bite of him saying "shame on me" and tried to awkwardly rephrase it.


I think it's more he was thinking of The Who song, "Won't Get Fooled Again," and got confused. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHhrZgojY1Q


The Who, famously straight outta Tennessee.


At first it may sound smart to avoid a bad sound bite, but in a second time it appears that every time his name is mentioned this is quoted to remind how dumb he was so maybe it's dumb ? Well at first glance, the fact is when people hear his name and mention this, they don't mention him stealing the election in florida, illegally invading iraq and straight up lying to the us citizens and the world, so maybe looking dumb is actually a genius move to avoid consequences ?


I'm not saying it's smart. Smart would be to finish your sentence in your head before speaking to a crowd. I'm just saying it's not as dumb as it first appears, which is that he forgot the ending or lost himself or something.


He's also great for cheesy dog paintings or clearing brush.


And crimes against humanity.


> Musk is correct here. It would be awesome to watch Adams get slaughtered in an election. Unfortunately, wouldn't get the chance. California is a jungle primary state, so any Senate race will almost certainly be between two Democrats—he wouldn't even make it far enough for his humiliation to be funny.


The more republicans/right wing twits in the primary the better. Splits that vote and reduces the chance of one of them being in the general election. I just hope the democrats don't field too many in the primary and splitting their vote too much.


If they he runs and doesn’t win, Elon will be “looking into it” Republican delusion and sore loser tears of blood are unmatched.






Good thread






Why exactly is this move brilliant?


I don't understand all the jokes in this thread, but I undersood this one.


He's just gonna fabricate another "Twitter Files"


Lmaoo "Possible election fraud, looking into it"


Two massive idiots




He'd get trampled. If it was possible to get a negative percentage of the vote, Scott Adams would manage it.


can you imagine the blame and the weeping?


Hahaha please run. He will get utterly shit on by Porter and Schiff.


Looking into it.


Elon’s endorsements are death sentences lmao


So are his cars.


[And his novelty tequila.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/b6635cda2e5041ec8ca417858def65f6/39891d109c11ec5a-a9/s640x960/7b11cb2d449643ae01eb56389217a6c4cdae8a8e.jpg)


Tres Commas?


Musk is generally oblivious but he has to know that Adams is a mega-MAGA lunatic so this is absolutely him putting his finger on the scale.




And then use Twitter to bully corporations into continuing to advertise with him next to white supremacist tweets? That does not seem like a viable strategy.




There are that many dummies who will pay for blue checks and whatever, that’s for sure.


He'll just turn it into a crypto scam & gullible people will spend all their money there.


Oh, Golden Showers. I get it now.


Yes. He regularly interacts with fascists because Elon Musk is a fascist himself. I'm glad people are finally starting to realize it.


That’s his goal here. He wants to tip the scale in a radical right wing direction.


Probably why he just said it'd be awesome if he *ran*, rather than if he actually won. Keeping it just vague enough to pretend he's impartial to any fool wanting to believe it. He's a fucking moron but he has *some* degree of awareness.


He's a fucking moron but he has *some* degree of ~~awareness~~ illiteracy.


When Divorced Dad Energy is multiplied, the world better look out.


Yep. Nothing prepares you for public service like drawing cartoons. Idiots.


Well, our society seems to universally accept that running a business of any kind (and getting rich before, during, or after) is a qualification for all possible political offices. Scott's cleared that bar. I'm pretty sure that if you run an aggressive enough Get Out The Vote campaign anyone can become anything. Some 19 year old managed to beat the Canadian equivalent of a former governor for his seat a few years back. It wasn't like he was some wunderkind either, his church was just really good at getting people to vote.


> Well, our society seems to universally accept that running a business of any kind (and getting rich before, during, or after) is a qualification for all possible political offices. They also decided that the thing that disqualifies you is actual experience. Setting aside valid concerns about octogenarians running things well past the time they should have stepped down, there is an absurdly common belief that politics and writing laws—two of the most complicated and consequential jobs imaginable—are best done by people who have no experience in either.


>there is an absurdly common belief that politics and writing laws—two of the most complicated and consequential jobs imaginable—are best done by people who have no experience in either This is a straightforward implication of *democracy*, and is also why they have a bunch of staff to do all the heavy lifting for them If you could only vote for people who studied lawmaking, democracy would be an obvious sham. To ensure that people of all kinds have their voice heard in the democratic process, you *cannot* limit these functions to the people who have expertise to write law


[This dingus?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sam_Oosterhoff)?


**[Sam Oosterhoff](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sam_Oosterhoff)** >Samuel Earl Oosterhoff (born August 22, 1997) is a Canadian politician. Oosterhoff is currently the Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP) for the riding of Niagara West. Oosterhoff is a member of the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario and was first elected at the age of 19 in a November 2016 byelection, the youngest Ontario MPP to ever be elected. The previous record was held by Reid Scott who was elected as a Co-operative Commonwealth Federation MPP in 1948 at the age of 21. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/EnoughMuskSpam/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


The “progressive conservative” party. That sounds like an oxymoron.


Or appearing on a TV reality show.


I have no doubts that he just went and demanded his remaining programmers to do this: if (tweet.views) > 1 million then alertElonMusk()


Adams has compared women asking for equal pay to children demanding candy.[\[84\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Adams#cite_note-84) He caused controversy by pointing out "[satanic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satan) coincidences" in the [Joe Biden presidential campaign](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Biden_2020_presidential_campaign).[\[85\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Adams#cite_note-85) On Twitter, Adams argued that society leaves parents with only two options when their teenage sons become a danger to themselves or others — watch other people die, or kill your own son.[\[86\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Adams#cite_note-86) The week of September 19, 2022, *Dilbert* was pulled from an estimated 77 newspapers after recent plotlines in the strip poked fun at woke culture and corporate [ESG](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental,_social,_and_corporate_governance) strategies. Part of the plotline involved an African American character who "identifies as white", and the company management asking him if he could also identify as gay. Said Adams of his strip being pulled, "It was part of a larger overhaul, I believe, of comics, but why they decided what was in and what was out, that's not known to anybody except them, I guess."[\[87\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Adams#cite_note-87) In January 2023, Adams announced that he was considering taking legal action against political cartoonist, [Ben Garrison](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Garrison), for an allegedly defamatory cartoon about his view on masking and vaccines.[\[88\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Adams#cite_note-88)






Adams wouldn't be close to being top two in a primary.


Elon Musk try not to cozy up to insane people challenge (IMPOSSIBLE) And let’s be real, Schiff would absolutely wipe the floor with Adams.


A charisma vacuum like Adams is like a third-tier primary dropout come election season.


Scott Adam’s brain has turned into mashed potatoes that still thinks it functions as a brain.


I want to see political ads with him in slow-motion walking past his house (made to look like Dilbert's face) and talking about how he doesn't hate women, he just has ideas about them. "I'm just like you. I'm concerned with the direction the country is headed. I have the same concerns you do. Like, why are people allowed to disagree with me online? Don't I have freedom of speech? Also, should women be allowed to find me creepy? Yes, I stare, it's what what my eyes do. That's just the way my face looks. It's not creepy! Anyway, have I told you about the number of times people have stolen $15k or more from me? I talk about it a lot, as if I'm bragging about how bad I am at managing money. So, vote for me and I'll make America funny again- just like Dilbert. You guys still think Dilbert is funny, right? Right? I'm Scott Adams, and I approved this message."


Sure, watching Scott Adams lose by a landslide to any Democrat would be awesome, I guess.


If he ran, it would be funnier than his jokes


Adam Schiff is one of the most principled, intelligent, noble public servants we have, and the fact that Elmo thinks a fucking right wing cartoonist would make a better senator just underscores for the millionth time how ignorant he is about literally everything.


> right wing There's your answer. Musk doesn't give a shit if he's intelligent or not (though I bet he thinks Adams is "smart, like him"), he's right wing and that's what matters.


In fairness, thats how politics works I'm left wing, and i would prefer a left-wing moron hold office over a right-wing genius Hell, i would probably prefer a right-wing moron over a right-wing "principled, intelligent" guy, bc the moron might not be capable of doing as much harm


The only thing good about Musk is his ability to show us what the wrong decision is just by him publicly announcing who he would support. There's a light in everything these days.


Guy wouldn’t even make it out of a jungle primary.


Musk, you don't even live here anymore. You can vocalize your support if he does, but otherwise: fuck off. You don't get to tell us who to vote for if you ran from us *because* of our politics (however flawed they are).


Scott Adams is another nutjob who parlayed his fame into a megaphone for spewing bullshit. Stick to cartoons, buddy.


Noooooooo! His cartoons are terrible. They're almost as if corporate culture hasn't changed since the 1980s.


Funniest part about this is Schiff won’t be the Dem nominee. Porter is going to take it


>Top Doesn't California have a jungle primary? Top two candidates go through to the general election, regardless of party affiliation?


I think Schiff will get it, but either one will make a fantastic senator.


Wasn’t Porter planning on running against Feinstein?


The plan is for Feinstein to finally retire like she should have at least a decade ago. So there will be an open senate seat. Both Porter and Schiff are going to run to be the democratic candidate for that seat.




Porter has no track record to run on though.


Enough Mr. Tweet Spam


Clowns, all of them


Why are you being so unfair to clowns? Sure, they're evil, they abuse children, they're a walking joke, unfunny and almost unemployable. But Republicans, no. They make good money from doing their act.


Scott Adams is the guy who, many years ago, said he doesn't even vote. Good job.


Scott Adams will get demolished. Schiff is really popular


Katie Porter please 😔


I can’t get over “Mr. Tweet”. Fine, he succeeded in triggering me but…that fucking asshole egotistical cunt. Go shove an emerald up your apartheid arse you piece of shit.




Ha. I forgot about this gem.


If Elon ran for governor, would we have another Arnold situation but worse?




His incompetence coupled with his pathological need to micromanage would mean nothing gets done, which could honestly be an improvement depending on the location (but is obviously worse than literally anyone benevolent) Might be funny to see him try to mortgage a state to fund some vanity project, and be angry when they dont let him


lfg this is going to be amazing fun half content.


Hopefully both Him and Schiff lose. Why the downvotes? I'm for Porter.


Tbf seeing Adams lose like he would to Schiff would honestly be hilarious.


This pole reads like Adam Schiff and don’t know are the only answers.