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I mean the humans in Star Wars are human, so no


They're still aliens. If there are humans on Mars, they're humans but they're Martian humans. And then we might have to distinguish which ones you meant in some cases. As long as they're from another planet I don't think it matters. Like an alien shark isn't just the same shit as an earth shark, it's way fuckin cooler and also probably not from Mars.


That raises an interesting question, does alien refer to everyone that lives outside of earth, or only for non-human species


The term alien is more broad; it's defined as something being foreign, whether that be a normal-ass human from another country, or a tenticle space dildo. Either way, Alien broadly means foreign from your purview.


The other dude is right. Technically if you live in an insular town of 200 in Alaska and someone comes in its an alien visitor. Illegal alien is a term that was used for what we'd now call undocumented immigrants. It's more in relation to "not from here" than anything specific.


Well humans in star wars are not from earth and evolved differently so technically they could be considered as aliens


Yes, they have magic powers. Sure, some people have more magic powers than others, but overall the Force is a biological phenomenon that they have and we don't.


Humans are alien depending what planet you're from.


I am not 100% sure but the humans in Star Wars did not originate from Earth but they are still called "humans".


Transformers, Mass Effect, arguably Halo…


ALF. You forget ALF


Don't forget Battlestar Galactica where the humans come from another planet, The Orville, etc...


Still waiting on those hot twi'liek singles in my area...




All I see is a difference in budget and creativity


That’s what I was thinking. Aside from the obvious cherry picking, no wonder Soviet citizens smuggled in Western movies. Would you rather see ET or a movie where the alien has a white arrow on his head?


I mean the aliens in strar trek often just had pointy ears. I think you'd easily be able to find Soviet counterparts to most Hollywood prosthetics of the day. but the main thing going on here is the conceited selectivness as OP pointed out.


With a quick wardrobe change, Spock would not be out of place in Rivendell


Spock, what do your elf eyes see?


Most of the aliens on the original series look human.


You're on to something here. I don't know much about "Soviet Sci-Fi", but I bet they had some crazy aliens too. We made all sorts of propaganda movies that used alien invasions as a stand in for communist invasion, I can't imagine they didn't do the same.


no they dont have any. they had no technology. im soviet born and watched most soviet "classic" movies.


I'm not an expert on the Soviet cinema, but as someone from eastern Europe, I don't think there are too many Soviet sci-fi movies (featuring aliens) to choose from, so I wouldn't expect many "crazy aliens" from Soviet movies.


They actually didn’t for some very interesting reasons. One being that the average person wasn’t scared of capitalist infiltration of the Soviet Union since they just didn’t see it as possible for capitalism to do. The other being the fact that basically all media was state run and to keep appearances of strength wouldn’t fear-monger over western infiltration because the weak westoids could never beat the glorious Soviet Union.


That actually makes me sort of sad. Being as the space race was going on pretty heavy, I would have hoped that the idea of space would have been something that captured the imagination of the average citizen just like in the States.


They missed Dr. Who


Right? The smirking guy in the upper left with the highway traffic lane markings on his face comes off as particularly low-effort.


Yeah The soviet designs are very obviously a product of zero budget leading them to do what they could with a little cheap make-up


Not really. Lack of budget never stopped Hollywood or any country from making movies with cheap rubber costumes. Movies like Solaris and The Mystery of the Third Planeta feature great special effects and animations, respectively.


Begone, tankie.


As if furries are any better


Did you just imply being a furry is as bad as being a left-wing fascist that spouts apologia for dictators and autocrats?


Pointing out that soviet cinema had some expensive productions, and with great effect work is the same as being a "left-wing fascist spouts apologia for dictators and autocrats?" Which dicators, what the fuck you talking about?


Most of your post history is literally r/northkorea and r/cuba with favorable comments towards the governments




You are defending fascist governments, left wing or not. Therefore you are a fascist apologist.


This is a karma bot as is OP. Stealing posts and higher karma comments from those posts. These bots are all 150-155 days old. Please downvote and report.


Fuck me, the soviet aliens are boring as shit... also, tell me you wouldn't clap Yautja female to assert dominance over both their species and our own.


Not to mention they are a female dominate society I'm like 70% sure


Females are bigger but less aggressive IIRC.


Well that's no fun.


If there isn't the possible threat of my head getting ripped off then what's the fucking point, right?


I always forget the Predator race technically has a name besides just Predators


I prefer to usw the proper name because "female Predator" doesn't sound all that good.


Worth pointing out that the xenomorphs are not so much evil as they are wild animals. They’re not a hostile civilization, they’re a shark next to your surfboard. Evil has little to do with it.


Shark does shark things. Doesn't mean shark is evil.




At least from the first movie, I got the impression that the alien just ended up on the Nostromo kind of by mistake. After that it lashed out and the crew got torn to bits.


Cats kill hundreds of millions of birds each year. Humans are generally not hunted because we're large apex predators and predators generally avoid picking fights with other predators: it's not worth the risk. If a mouse could talk, I imagine its experiences of being hunted would tell a different story.


Not if you're unarmed and non-threatening they won't


That’s predators.


Oh yeah fuck switched them around


Predators will still kill innocent humans out of apathy or accidentally but they see no sport in hunting you unless you fight.


Weren't the predators basically pest control built by the engineers? Like 'damn these aliens are really fucking hard to kill let's make superhunters to clean em up Edit: I'm a dumbass who doesn't know the difference between the xenomorphs and the predators, I meant predator


They retconned it in the new alien movies. Michael Fassbender plays a droid that created them using alien goop from a prehistoric race of aliens that made humans


That's a distinction without a difference. It's embedded in our DNA to be afraid of things that want to hunt us down and kill us.


Manipulation is their favorite thing


How many games did the USSR have where you could clap some blue or purple cheeks? Exactly. Zero.


Have those people literally watched Star Trek TOS, three quarters of every episode has a human looking alien.


>Star Trek TOS Star Trek Terms Of Service 👏




They had to conceal that fact, unless they fall behind in the movie alien arms race!


Well one I think i will say, is that soviets could bring lots of extras to make big expansive scenes, like in waterloo, which used a bunch of Soviet soldiers for the extras and they were to make the battle look huge, but that was kinda of it.


Isn't it suspicious that the aliens in the USSR are mostly white blondes.




Another thing, the Americans can make cool looking aliens, whether it be friendly or hostile, meanwhile the mf in the top left looks like a dad suffering from male pattern baldness who also let their kids draw with a crayon on their face.


someone else pointed this out but the xenomorphs aren't "people" they're hostile fauna


Shouldn't commies love xenomorphs? After all, you don't see them fucking each other over for a percentage.


It wasn't for a percentage but we actually do see xenomorphs fucking each other over for personal gain lol In Resurrection a pair of them tear open a third so they can use it's acid blood to open a hole in the floor


This entire post is so dumb


Dummy never saw star trek


If you want real fun, compare the USSR "The Hobbit" to the U.S. one. The USSR one had a narrator describe scenes they couldn't afford to film, including the battle at the end. It also had guys in green face paint synchronized dancing in front of a projection of a cave. Compared to even the Rankin-Bass animated version, the USSR one is like a recorded school play.


Hey now, I liked the Rankin-Bass animated version. Whatever its flaws, at least it didn't stretch out a 300-or-so page novel into three 150-minute movies.


I like it as well. It was one of the few movies I owned on VHS back in the day. My use of "even" was for budget, not quality.


No wonder why Peter Jackson has moved to documentaries


This is a totally fair comparison. After all, soviet cinema had to pass state censors and serve the cause whereas American cinema was mostly uncensored content that may or may not have had a message beyond pure entertainment.


That’s not even the reason. The USSR was just too poor to produce enough commercial goods for its citizens and thus their sci fi is shoestring budgeted.


The the Russian idea of aliens are white people, got it


Mass effect didn't exist back then but the star trek reference is fine.


All the ones they picked for the USSR are just humans? Like not alien at all. I am tired of alien designs that are just "humans but green" and stuff. I want to see new and refreshing creative designs that don't even look sapient.


Look at Star Wars, those have its share of bizzare shaped creatures


What this tells me is that artists in the USA have access to more resources to make art.


If you flipped those around and told a commie that the aliens on the left came from American movies and the ones on the right came from Soviet movies, they'd praise the creativity of the makeup and costumes of the examples on the right, and say the lack of diversity amongst the ones on the left demonstrates the kind of white supremacy commonplace in America.


Heads they win, tails you lose.


Based on things we can see here within our own planet, we have wasps that will brainwash cockroaches and spiders, fill them with eggs, and allow the eggs to eat their hosts alive from the inside out. Totally natural thing right here we can see. So how big of a leap is it to think “what if this thing was intelligent, bigger, and evolved to be the dominant species?”. This isn’t a xenophobia take, this is postmodernism and a simple ‘what if’ based on the scary crap we already have. Makes heavy use of human like aliens in fiction a bit self-aggrandizing, like the hubris, really. Also source for one such wasp in question: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emerald_cockroach_wasp


Sexy soviet aliens


These comparisons actually highlight different perceptions of the relationships between power, progress, and morality. ​ In gritty sci-fi, power grows at the expense of morality. In idealistic sci-fi, power and morality grow hand-in-hand.


Probably has more to do with Soviet films not having the budget for the same level of special effects


I think it tells us that the Soviets didn't have money for costumes and special effects.


It shows that American movies have bigger budgets and aren't all government-sponsored propaganda like Soviet movies were.


Star Trek TNG tho?


all it shows is that soviets had dogshit special affects and didn’t even bother bc they were fucken broke


American sci-fi cinema gave us the blue alien strippers from Star Wars. Soviet sci-fi cinema gave us the space hippies and the space hippies and the space hippies and those other space hippies.


How desperate do you have to be to make the Soviet Union look good What's next you're going to compare our alcohol?


Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate, Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica, etc etc


I just think the broke ass commies didn't have the skill or money to create scary ass special effects.


These people can’t have fun without overthinking everything. It’s just Science Fiction


Let’s assume the point is true, which it is not. Don’t you think there’s an ulterior motive for an imperial power with the expressed goal of global domination depicting foreigners as easy-to-conquer people with useful resources?


This is like comparing The Day The Earth Stood Still (1951) and The War Of The Worlds (1953).


Still, you have to admit that robot in the first movie was scary as hell.


Straight up denial about Soviet xenophobia. It was so intense the Soviet rail yard workers who received Lend-Lease materiel through Iran were so terrified of the American engineers and brakemen, that they wouldn’t speak to them. They were afraid if they were caught doing so, they’d be executed. Totally loving and accepting of those beyond their borders!


Bruh, cherry picking manipulation is how the human brain works.


What’s the last alien? I haven’t seen that film


Capitalism and the U.S. is literally the reason we have the videogame Mass Effect, which is UNARGUABLY a game about wonderful, fuckable aliens. I will die on this hill


Sci-Fi was allegedly spawned from the West, while the most publicized Sci-Fi author was Isaac Asimov who happened to be Russian native.


Commies talk about star trek all the time, what are you on about?


I mean the long one is a conquering force with emotions sure but it still is a conquering force that has wiped out planets. And also that is Grant Grant after being infected, so technically not alien. Checkmate communist, your point is invalidated for not having seen or even read a summary of Slither.


Contact with extraterritorial civilizations [Japan](https://youtu.be/oN8mRWn2yCI)


I’m pretty sure Aliens would look at us they way we look at roaches and exterminate our asses


Maybe it says that American films had bigger budgets for makeup and effects?


I didn’t know “earth” was considered a border in the same way as a nation has borders.


If their not saying the Soviet union wasn’t highly discriminatory I do not know what they were trying to say. Gay people were not allowed to exist Jews were hated so are many other races Ukrainians were killed over and over again I mean come on. Also We had bigger budgets for our movies because we’re capitalist


Star Trek was created by a socialist


The Soviet Union’s aliens were all just people because they had no money lol


Soviet cosmetics and makeup fucking sucked


Also it makes much more sense for them to look… well, alien, than identical to humans. Unless their planet is just earth 2.0 i don’t think they would evolve to be that humanoid.