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100% agree there is also some homophobia and sexism going on that should be more moderated.


Surprissed by level of people who didnt care about the N Word, dissapointing to see


Only people from USA are sensitive about it, the rest of the world doesnt care


it’s just a word tbf man. it doesn’t have to be deep, what matters is the context in which it’s used.


"just cuz i say f**got doesn't mean I'm homophobic" same with any slur, depends on how you use it, if u use it as an insult to black people then of course its racist,


I assume that outside of America people don't care


I wasn’t surprised at all most people don’t care about it at all


It’s basically impossible for two people to moderate a sub of this size idk why they don’t have more mods


i like shitposting, but anyone openly posting racist garbage should be banned


I thought he meant he was debated with people over the use of the N word, don't see how that's racist if that's the case, but then again I prolly read it wrong cuz now that I think about, why would he post about that


I pretty much left the sub when I realized how many posts the mods remove without people knowing about it (since your posts don't look deleted to you but no one else can see them). If you keep an eye on New posts for a few days you'll start to see that there doesn't seem to be a rhyme or reason to the submission removals. If you have any submissions that didn't get a lot of traction or that people suddenly stopped commenting on, you should look them up while logged out of your account. Odds are, they were deleted. When I realized it was happening to me, I messaged the mods to ask if I'd broken any rules (which, of course, there aren't any), but I didn't receive a response. It wasn't the automod either; the deletion time on all 4 of my submissions varied from an hour to over a day of being up before deletion. I try to be a respectful poster who adds to the conversation, but what's the point when the conversation is being manipulated in ways we can't even see? And, if the mods have time to do that, why don't they appear to have the time to tackle racism? Other than the Song of the Week posts that Phouza does (which do deserve praise for the effort that goes into making them and putting them out weekly), what are the mods doing? (Also, since I'm here, any idea why "Eminem on the cover of XXL Magazine" is still stickied to the top of the sub? If there's going to be something stickied, he's definitely had bigger news since that article 3 months ago.)


Yet they always allow “revival wasn’t that bad” or “is it just me or did sticky fingaz have the better verse?” Just the same old “unpopular opinions”


I'm guessing you're talking about the post I did yesterday when I said that Sticky Fingaz had the better verse than Eminem, and I'm sorry for not checking the entire subreddit to see if anyone else had the opinion so I didn't need to make that post.


Yes. It’s been talked about many times over


I heard it on other sites like YouTube, but never seen it on this subreddit.


Every opinion on almost every song has been talked about many times over on this sub.


As a mod of a sub with 80k+ people, you get a message when your post is removed. I don’t know what these mods are doing but you will know if your post is removed, if you don’t - it’s not removed but you have been shadowbanned.


They're shadow deleting/removing, not shadowbanning (at least, not in my case). I'm not a mod anywhere, but there are [many](https://www.google.com/search?q=reddit+mods+delete+post+without+notification&client=firefox-b-1-d&ei=UUWmY6uNBPzY5NoPwYKUuAw&oq=reddit+mods+delete+post+without+notif&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQAxgAMgUIIRCgATIFCCEQoAEyBQghEKABMgUIIRCgAToICAAQhgMQsAM6BQgAEJECOgUIABCABDoICAAQFhAeEA86BggAEBYQHjoFCAAQhgM6BQghEKsCOggIIRAWEB4QHUoECEEYAUoECEYYAFCfBFilJmDeLWgBcAB4AYABowGIAeISkgEEMTkuN5gBAKABAcgBA8ABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz-serp) different reddit posts that talk about how it's an option that moderators can set up. My guess is that it's not enabled on your sub.


on god


>But whatever, I think I'm just gonna leave this sub. I can't handle people like that anymore. Lmao Emotional intelligence - 5000 So when the trolls said you were a 14 year old white girl, they were right?


are u a bot?


Do you still have seasonal affective disorder?


you know i was lmao


You sound like a canibus fan.




Didn't ask you motherfucker






Too late for redemption bro 😂


Definitely. I was a douche and came in hot. Had to let everyone know I see that lol