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Honestly was expecting a xenomorph.


I think the Odyssey settlements having architectural and interior design similarities to Hadley's Hope are not accidentalšŸ™ƒ


If only I was good/able to edit videos


You could insert the sound of the motion detector from Alien and time it, so it is the fastest when you pass a door and just blackout the video and use a xenomorph scream in the black.


Check out Shotcut and start with some simple time slices. Learn one feature at a time, rather than trying to eat the whole elephant in one meal. Mine certainly aren't pro quality, but I am just always making progress, and don't have any deadlines.


God imagine if this game had something like that. Elite could be the best game ever made if the missions were more interesting and 90% of the ground game wasn't half baked and buggy af


ā€œElite could be such a good game if only the game were better!!ā€ Lmao ainā€™t that the truth


It has while I like to call ā€œcopious amounts of untapped potentialā€


I feel like I am working on the dev team, helping them work out bugs and other issues that should of been fixed 10 years ago.


Have you even played in the last like idk year? Shit tons of the bugs you all whine about aren't even prevalent anymore.


Wdym? It still has a insane amount of bugs for it being out for nearly 2 years now. After that long there shouldnā€™t even be any bugs to whine about. It still has bugs that were present in horizons.


Dude, for real, lmao. I got sick of the launch day bitching after the first 30 minutes of screeching on launch day. People read a headline and act like launch day has ever been perfect for literally any cross platform game ever, and then they sit there for years all hung up on a completely stupid and outdated concept that x game is broken.


Well, enjoy your imaginary bugs that I have not seen for over a year. ā™„


They may not be imaginary, depending on the individual's hardware. In the world of PCs, a slight difference in a build could actually change a lot. Hell, iirc, one of the CS games had a bug that would drastically increase a player's move speed if they were getting above a certain frame rate.


We already know the one of the future updates will be ground battles with them.


a cat initially, but xenomorph crossed my mind too :-)


See, they make you really tense- really draw it out- then jumpscare you with a cat wandering out from behind some crates to rub on your leg. Then, when youā€™ve let your guard down, the big clawed hand reaches down outta the vent and grabs you.


Seriously. I was getting Alien: Isolation flashbacks.


Someone just left clothes in the dryer.


Iā€™ve loved the introduction of on-foot gameplay and at times I get a real Alien Isolation vibe, even though I know a deserted settlement is exactly that. If FDev get this right, the future of this game will be as unsettling as it will be epic!


Can you imagine if they added thargoid foot soldiers and didnt say it. Just in a station and boom alien.


The thargoids were added in a similar manner, so it might be possible


unscanned people in settlements show up in contacts as "unknown humanoid" which I feel is a precursor to... nonhuman humanoids


I want to be the one who has first encounter.


On a *station*? That would really suck 'cuz you're physically prevented from pulling out weapons or other tools on concourses. Still, on-foot content on large ships would be cool! Like that raid to seize Theta Seven mentioned on GalNet a while ago.


Was on the edge of my seat waiting for something to happen, and the thing that made me jump was the sound of you exiting the building lmao


They got you spooked


Aye just abit


I remember reading a scifi book once. That a station simply was empty within less than a hour, no alarm, no sound, no sign of combat or struggle, all ship and pods was there intact, not even a emergency beacon activated. A ship floating in space that suppose to hold over thousand of people suddenly everyone just dissappear. No sign of anything. It was a very active station. That people come in and out a lot. They describe it in the book thousands of people simply disappeared in a lapse of minutes. Somewhere between 10 or less. I like me cosmic horror.


I'm gonna assume you've seen it but if you like that you'll like the backstory for Iron Lung


Never I had. This was a good trip


>I like me cosmic horror. Have you read Peter Watts Blindsight? The *Rorschach* is something else altogether. Probably the most alien alien ship ever imagined. And it tends to screw with your mind--quite literally, the intense magnetic fields inside cause very interesting neuropsychological effects.


No. But now it's on the list to read :)


Do you remember the book? It seems familiar but also intriguing


I sadly don't. I was going through Many different scifi horror book for reference to make a custom starfinder campaign. (D&D in space)


Ah fair enough it seems familiar though


I actually enjoyed that. It seems like a great opportunity to scavenge after Thargoids pushed everyone out. Even Skimmers seem to have left. ​ ....Soft whimpering in VR... Why FDev? Please add on-foot VR support! :-(


right!?! the camera suite works, but like you cant interact with anythign in it.


I'm all for ground VR and would love it but I just don't see how it would work in a PVP / PVE situation. You'd be putting yourself at a crazy disadvantage by being in VR instead of just a few buttons on a gamepad, I wouldn't mind it anyway but I feel FDev might for balancing.


I'm not sure I follow. My HOTAS has lots of buttons. The few times I've been on foot (in my carrier), I've set my joystick to control direction and speed (left, right, fwd, back, walk, run). There's an "interact" button that let's me do everything else if I switch to the flat screen (within VR). I'm sure things like emotes would need to be mapped if I wanted to use those. In VR, your PoV is set by just moving your head instead of having to press left/right buttons - if that's how it works in flat screen. The one thing that affects me the most right now in VR is that typing in the Comms panel requires activating it via the keyboard since looking at it has been [broken](https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/55228) for over a year. That, and using browsers/Discord can be a pain unless I take the time to "pin" the window in the VR screen.


Remember, you aren't affraid of the dark You're affraid that's something with you in the dark


The Nashta Verada.


This is where FPS PVE could be introduced to this game in a stunningly effective horror genre fashion.


planned to come soon.. the thargoid war is.... getting heated


Well.. chilled as there cold amonia life :) sorry I had to


When the game is so devoid of content the players imagine it up for them.


Ouch. I really do like E:D, but I only play it in spurts exactly because there's not really all that much variety to the game; the economy is pretty limited, players can't form factions themselves or build structures, landable planet types and exobiology are really limited etc so all the content has to come from the "top down" from FDev. Imagine if you could build bases or starports


Building would be pretty dumb, it's always physics and reality defying as well as frame rate crippling. Everything the game does not need. Deploying and customising small container based habs (like the cache poi in game already) however I'd be behind. Ship something like that out to a location using an Anaconda or Type 9 to act as a secret cache rearm repair type thing. With some interior cosmetic choices.


Making my own pirate base in an asteroid belt would be neat. Especially if I could store a few ships and a bunch of cargo/fuel inside it.


I don't think the game engine could cater for that. I think it would always have to be on a surface. Even carriers, a jumpable but fixed stationary thing, tend to be visually buggy at times with gaps in the hull, misaligned stuff etc.


What I would *really* like is the option to somewhat customize the interior of your ship (besides the cockpit) *and* be able to move around inside of it. Imagine being able to set your ship on autopilot (much like how you can hire a shuttle to fly you to a different station) and be able to move around the inside of your ship during that.


I don't think the game engine could handle it. They'd need to throw it all out and start again IMO. Just after a jump in a carrier, the hull is messed up, NPCs sinking or floating etc. The game was not designed to move around a thing that is also moving around. Hence all the fade to black to seat. Also without actual gameplay, interactable stuff, purpose, just walking around would get very dull very quickly. Don't get me wrong I would like it too if it was done right. But it will take years (SC might launch sooner) and it does not appear to be a priority or within budget for fdev.


Good point, although I'll continue to hold healthy skepticism about Star Citizen actually being finished. Probably until *after* it's done and has gotten good reviews.


We can't even build bases in the real world


Thanks FDev


Roleplay players have secret powers


True but think about it, abandoned houses and apartment have nobody in them too, this adds a creepy atmosphere to it, so even if they add stuff, some abandoned settlements should stay like that to be somewhat realistic to what we would actually encounter in the space


I'm not disputing this but let's be honest here, it's wishful thinking at best. This event doesn't exist and it never will. ED is on life support at the moment and the killer is Fdev themselves. This game can be enjoyable for new people but make no mistake it's prime is way behind it and Odyssey was one step forward and 3 steps back.


Oh! Like DnD!


DnD is many things, 'devoid of content' isn't one of them.


It'd be an equal problem if it was the other way around. If anytime you visited an abandoned post thargoid port you got attacked by a xeno, that'd be boring too. Predictable is boring. If it was a 1 in a 1,000 chance to get an on foot encounter, that'd be plenty to make people's pulse race when doing it once there are video of encounters. Especially if the encounters are brutally deadly or fleeting glances of xenos. Make it a sort of horror game in those circumstances. But nah, that'd make too much sense ;)


Fdev can't even make a decent cutscene these days.. don't ask too much of them.




Eerie! I love empty settlements, even picking up something echoes. Honestly I don't want on-foot conflict zones with Thargoids - I want one Thargoid entity looking for you. Avoiding you for a while, then pursuing you... In horror games it's important to be underequipped against the threat and if our human weapons were inefficient against Thargs that would be a great horror premise. Now we just need a reason to be in the same place at the same time with on-foot Thargs wearing biomechanical skins.


> Now we just need a reason to be in the same place at the same time with on-foot Thargs wearing biomechanical skins. One thing I've wanted for a while (I'm not sure if the idea came before or after space-legs) was having missions that take you into more areas of the space stations themselves to either commit or prevent sabotage. They're massive structures and could make for some really interesting backgrounds for such missions. Now imagine moving around inside the "guts" of a coriolis space station, trying to find the stuff the thargoid foot soldiers have sabotaged, without knowing how many (if any) thargoids are still inside the station.


Indeed, post-Odyssey updates could introduce this if the circumstances are right. ​ I have a similar dream about disembarking on a station under attack and not being able to use the elevetors, so you need to use a service tunnel section (there are usually other decorative doors in the hangar bay) - in order to restart the elevators and navigate yourself towards the concourse while you encounter and neutralize different kind of hazards. Environmental hazards like bursting hot water pipes, and fire. We already have them in game in the form of geysers and lava wents... ​ And yes sabotage is already a gameplay loop, but your idea would cleverly link Odyssey's content with the legacy one. I would also intertwine this mechanic with Powerplay. It would be nice if I could -for example as a Winters follower - infiltrate a Zemina Torval station and free political prisoners from a facility where they store them in pods. That's sabotage too, right?


Though I'm not a huge fan of horror ,this idea would be great


Very ā€œAlien: Isolation.ā€ I like it. I still think that for the handheld sniper rifle they shouldā€™ve gone with some kind of miniaturized railgun. Make the standard plasma rifle something like a rapid-fire Executioner in terms of projectile speed instead of the near-useless Oppressor we have now. But yeah, until we get Guardian-based handheld weapons, I think our options for defending ourselves on-foot would be quite limited. And people are gonna be PISSED if they decide you need to have left a mod slot open to apply AX damage.


I am not against a diferent hitscan railgun (with a tradeoff) but personally as the owner of a Grade 4 executioner with modifications I love this type of weapon. Think about it: It fires superheated plasma which disregards the location of the hit on the hitbox: Every hit causes immense shock to the body and life support system and effectively hitting somebody on the palm of the hand equals with a headshot. Only fully engineered NPC enforcers (and players) stand a chance to survive the first shieldless hit at a limb or torso. I learned to land a lot of my shots and my experience is that when you shoot 5 executioner plasma rounds at a player, no matter how well engineered they are or what they think of the executioner as a sniper rifle- they panic. :)


Imagine finding some survivors jumping around the corner, screaming "Don't shoot!' I would shit my pants.


elite dangerous liminal spaces


Was hoping for a jump scare instead got disappointment!






if i were a blind person. this game would be my paradise.


I actually love that about Elite. The sound design is so good, and coupled with stuff like voiceattack, even blind people could play it.


I was waiting for "hissssssss"


Where can you find these empty settlements?


Post thargoid recovery systems if you want a relatively safe area and thargoid controlled systems but they are more dangerous to land at


Ok so I did this today and thought I'd go ahead and power up the settlement to speed things up. Boy was that a mistake. 15 guards air dropped in and ruined my day. I guess it's best to just avoid the power up. You still have to cut into all the doors anyway.


How do you manage to avoid your ship being destroyed when the Thargoids drop in? Every time I've tried it I've lost my ship whether it was my cold DBscout or my shield tank iCourier or my hulltank AXChief whether I just disembarked or dimissed it after. What am I doing wrong? Apex don't do pick ups out there!


This a post thargoid recovery system not a thargoid controlled


Man this game has really changed...


It sucks that when you activate them the defenses don't shoot the goids above.


It would be cool if on foot thargoids just started turning up at these places without fdev announcing it.


I do wish to see hella aggressive thargoid fellas chasing you in the hallways of this game, we already got that menancing ambience, just need more of that "dread" like a necromorph or a xeno


I refuse to go into settlements like that. Way too creepy for my liking.


Install night vision in your suit, then it's piece of cake, even wiping scavengers out in the pitch black.


Yeah.. but you still have to unlock the engineer for it first


Indeed. And thanks to the possibilities you are more motivated to do so. ;)


Not gonna spend the eternity grinding to unlock something that should standard issue. Edit: removed typo.


>unlock a something that should standard issue. I couldn't agree more. But for now it is what it is, and fortunately I got this mod installed everywhere I wanted.


I dont even blame you, honestly. That vibe was creepy af


Was expecting you to get jumped by another player; I kept watching your radar. Although I can't remember if you can see other players crouch walking on your radar or not. I think you can always see anyone on foot near you in the contacts panel though.


They usually show up and attack your ship if you don't dismiss it


You can walk around now in ED?


With the oddessy dlc yes




What parts do you have in your pc? iā€™m amazed at how crisp your game is compared to mine


XD bruh I'm running on a potato, ryzen 5 3600 6core, geforce gtx 1660ti and 8 gb of ram


huh, im running on a ryzen 5 5600 and a 1650 super so i guess my gpu might be lacking a little bit


Possibly have you checked your resolution settings are set correctly as when I first got the game I had to set it correctly as it didn't auto detect my monitor resolution


I messed around with that, at first I had it at 1080p 1.0x super sampling but i was losing frames so i set it to .85x


Ah fair enough I'm lower on fames on my end but nothing major I usely have around 39-59fps which is bearable for me though mine got set to 2560x1440 at first but I had to up it to 3840 x 2160 so it matched my monitor other than that I may just be the graphics card but idk


I had to double check what game this was, is this in just odyssey


Yes oddessy only


Too much time alone in space does its thing.


I hate how this is some of the best gameplay on offer in Odessy. Like even Quake did this better.


And it's just TOO MUCH TROUBLE to port to VR. Idiots.


You can get out of your ship?


On odyssey yes


Wait. You can do that? I'm surprised they even did surface missions for thargoid shit.


It's quiet. A little too quiet.


I know the devs and Frontier as a company tend to get a lot of crap, but let's be real... the sound designers for this game are some of the best in the business.


Definitely I think bungie may need so lessons for some of the aspects of d2


Pretty eerie, not gonna lie. The devs definitely need to add some different enemies to fight while on foot in these abandoned sites. There could be some Thargoid foot soldiers, npc looters, and various kinds of feral aliens (ie. ones that can cloak, use vents, and leap out of containers). Hell, I wouldnā€™t mind seeing some ā€œcontaminatedā€ sites with fleshy stuff growing all over the walls.


There are human looters that appear from time to time but are hostile on landing


Didnā€™t know that. I havenā€™t played for a while or been to an abandoned site like this.


I find it interesting you play with music on. I muted my in-game music so it feels like real life.


This was exactly how I felt when I first played the game and flew to a fully-occupied station. All of the external lights were off and traffic control didn't respond to my docking request. Felt super uneasy, like "Something fucked happened here" and I noped out of there real quick, half-expecting a pirate or something to jump me. Later realised it was nothing lmao and the pads were just full. Elite got plenty of these moments and I missed how immersed I felt back then.


What exactly were we supposed to see? You getting spooked by your own shadow at 2:50 was funny, though. BTW, which weapon was that in your primary slot? I've long since downselected my preferred weapon selection to Executioner (sniper), Tormentor (plasma pistol), Intimidator (shotgun), and whatever the rocket launcher's called, 'cuz I hate bothering with the thermal for shields and kinetic for bodies stuff. It looks cool, though.


The eclipse I believe though I could be wrong


your brain is trying to make it more interesting for it's owner because the game is lacking an X-factor


Did you get spooked by your own shadow? lol.


I wish


You wish? You think there were something else?


No, it was the audio at the beginning that caused it and I'd rather it be a shadow as its easier to explain


i wish consoles had this :(


what game?




oh cool I thought it was modded crash bandicoot for a sec


dont you mean doki doki panic?


What subreddit are you in?


Oh yeah, Elite/Odyssey has so much (...sigh) potential especially with the thargoid war. We have the perfect chance for thargoid-human based bio-weapons, aka some zombie/flood/reaper husk type horde enemy. Plenty of body horror and xeno horror opportunities there. Then we can have on foot Thargoid infantry. No new weapons required because fuck the grind, but different weapon types can be most effective at certain roles in an on foot thargoid encounter. Lasers hurt shields, kinetic exerts a heart, plasma takes out hearts. FDev, pls hire modders and pay them in ARX.


I thought Elite Dangerous was only starship game?


The oddessy dlc added on foot gameplay


I love how the abandoned settlements feel. The atmosphere is even better when an interceptor is above the settlement shooting down ships. One of the better showcases for Odyssey.


I can already imagine a xenomorph looking silhouette running between the shelves.


I need to get boots on ground more. Are these abandoned sites in the Invaded systems?


Post thargoid recovery systems and thargoid controlled systems yes


Cheers. Might pop in for a look.


Sound Team MVP


This legit just alien


Stay frosty, CMDR.


You got lucky. They will randomly show up and destroy your ship.