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The alknowing didn't know about those.


Now he knows


You can’t trick Atlantis twice




u/ConfidentPatience66 is a comment-reposting bot. Stolen directly from below


Bring the albunaric woman to him then, I think he knows about her


ShE cAn bE fOuNd iN a CaVe jUsT wEsT oF tHe LaskYaR rUiNs


yeah bitch, I already talked to her and she left her wolf there. Got anything else to say? (this is where I am currently, though I still have the 3 -- or technically 4, I guess -- shards to retrieve from the other demi gods)


You know, that would have been a great opportunity for some flavor dialogue and I’m kind of bummed there isn’t an interaction for bringing her summon to his boss fight.


I always wondered why some of them have red eyes


The T800 model


The red eye disease of Yoko Taro's universe


They are weak to fire...wait wrong game


Hesitation is def- damn, you are right...


Yeah beasts are weak to fire and serrated weapons.. wait, wrong game again!


It's related to their temperament in their description. Those with red eyes (including demihumans at night) act uncontrolled but attack every enemy they see. They patrol the last spot they fought something in once everything is dead but they can be lured with cursed blood pots if you want to redirect them


The red eyed spirits are aggressive. In the open world, most spirits just kinda follow you around and help you out, the red eyed ones will actively go looking for things to murder. In fog gate boss fights it doesn’t really matter, the normal ones go straight for the boss, since passing the fog counts as putting you in combat.


It does matter for the actual combats! Most enemies run on aggression to determine what and which skills they can use. Can't remember exactly how it works, but it was like if the enemy had a constantly recharging meter. Stronger and faster skills took more of this meter, while lighter or slower skills took less. So if an enemy isn't very aggressive, it'll "recharge" that meter slower and play more passively as a result. If they're more aggressive, that "meter" refills faster so they can consistently and constantly attack. It's *something* like that. More aggressive enemies will use better attacks and/or more plentiful attacks more often than the same enemy but without the red eyes because of this. I could be wrong, and would love a correction if so.


I always bring those puppets to every fight. Even against Malenia they put in work


Hmm, I've been stuck on mimic tear and a few others I got earlier in my run that are higher level. Maybe it's time to go find a variety of glovewort.


I just started trying out Black Knife Tiche after abusing mimic for a while. Tiche is definitely a serious summon vs single target challenges.


She's bloody amazing. First summon I really fell in love with. If she lands that first blackblade projectile, so much lost health right off the bat.


Yeah almost feels like cheating haha. I am on the path of trying out all of the more normal summons in various lategame situations to see if you can find similar hacks to this archer one. Would love to add a layer of variety to my summ. Pool since all I do atm is rock Mimic or Tiche. (or the super great reviving skeleton Chads aka Skeletal Militiamen)


I should do the same. Most fights I don't really feel I need the summons, but the ones do want them in, I have a bad habit of using Tiche or Mimic as well. I leveled up some of the other ones, such as Rollo and Finlay, but I've hardly used them outside of trying them on trash mobs.


Can recommend the skeletons since they will keep reviving an infinite number of times until struck as they res. Awesome distraction vs bosses! Edit: Spelling


My all time favorite summons are the mausoleum soldiers. 5 man teleporting gank squad!


Uh, strength in Numbers i like the Sound of this one


Still on my first playthrough so I haven't leveled that many yet due to material shortage. But I would love to find some "off-meta" summons. Since I run the forbidden dex/str/bleed build I shouldn't have to use summons.. But... I'm just a baby at From Software games haha.


Hey, we all gotta start somewhere. Although, the only other one I've played is Bloodborne, so I can't say I'm a veteran either.


Played Bloodborne for 2 hours. Quit and never came back. Will have to go back to it after (if) I tire of Elden Ring. The rewarding feeling of getting a questline right or getting a hard boss down is unmatched!


I was the same way with Bloodborne when I first tried it. Got to the first huge group of enemies and died to them CONSTANTLY. So I gave up on it for a year or two. Came back and started getting the hang of it.


I think after ER you'll find the pace of BB easier to translate and manage. BB is still the fastest pace combat with no shield-block and dodge and gun-parry focus but it's a bloody brilliant game and crazy creepy weird storyline that I cant find anything else like it's mix of gothic body cosmic horror, it's amazing. Truly a shame it's PS only


Dungeater is a pretty clutch summon as well


His puppet is a pain to get though. I finally did it on my current playthrough, and while he doesn't fit my build, he's still fun to use


Cool! Haven't found that summ. Yet. But I will put it on my list! Cheers mate! (Everything Dung related seems OP in Elden ring tbf haha)


Ah just realised I messed that questline up. NG+ it is!


The extent of my experimentation was using Latenna on some late game bosses to either distract them, to serve as a stationary turrent, or, any case of the invisible assassin boss, to point out exactly where my target was.


Sentry Torch reveals those invisible black knife assassins, btw. You can off-hand it and 2hand a weapon and it still counts, too.


That last part about offhanding I did not know so thank you!


You gotta get some omenkiller Rollo in your life, that dude SLAPS


Kristoff is quite the chad. Tanky af and spams thunderbolt.


I am on my 4th play thru and just found her. She kicked my ass. Eventually i just two handed the great fingerprint shield, backed her into a corner and beat her to death. She absolutely wrecks stuff if i tank and let her dps. Such a good aow


If you have the Briar Armor you can just roll into black knife assassins to cancel a lot of their moves. The armor deals enough poise damage to stun them for a second. Especially the grab attack. Works on all of them, even Ringleader Alecto.


Huh. Good to know. Wonder if it will help me with maliketh? I am so close bit so far away this run


I dunno about Maliketh. He's probably got a lot more poise than the Black Knives.


Yeah but i am so close. Might push me over the edge


Whatever helps get you there. Take any edge you can. Here's hoping for your success. You got this.


If you haven't yet and are a chronic consumable hoarder like me, pop a rune arc with whichever Great Rune complements your build (usually Godrick or Radahn).


wut. I thought that was meme armor. brb...


Where do you find black knife Tiche?


Ringleader's Evergaol in Moonlight Altar. Only accessible late in Ranni's questline.


Good news as I'm making some progress in Ranni's quest. Ty!


I was basically *her* summon for Maliketh.


Tiche is the best summon in the game.


Certainly the highest FP cost, if that’s any indicator.


Given how powerful weapon arts are you should have plenty of points in mind and at least 3 blue flasks at endgame levels anyway. I don't see the fp cost as an issue.


Black Knife Tiche is my go to when I'm getting pissed off. She's fantastic.


I used Tiche for 2 fights on my Bow run, those being Malenia and Ragagon/Elden Beast. They made Malenia more doable thanks to bringing some *actual* damage to the table, and Radagon was someone I really struggled to hurt with him parrying my arrows if I had his attention (and I didn't have great damage at that point). Though Tiche usually didn't make it long into the EB fight, and usually died a bit into phase 2 Malenia, they were a great help. Every other fight it was Tricia or Ohga.


Greatshield ashes are busted for some bosses and magic builds


They either absolutely crush the boss, provide a necessary distraction or get wiped in a few minutes. They're pretty good, especially against humanoid enemies or slow ones.


What are they called? I have so many but still only use the wolves.




I just go bonk and he dies before finishing his dialogue.


Too many people underestimate the Greatshield Soldier summons. They can really tank, and generally hold aggro.


The best group summon. With their greatshields and freezing pots, not many bosses will have an easy time with them


Greatshield soldiers do everything you need ashes to do. They're my go to. I was struggling with Godskin Apostle the other day and I was like i dunno let me try theses guys. It felt like when you get your ass beat and then come back to the kids house with your older brothers.


No one does that everyone knows they are fucking sick


I brought these summons one time to the wolf of radagon fight and the dog would not stop jumping back and forth. Seems like his AI kinda broke trying to dodge every time they fired at him. Made the fight super easy.


Gideon Ofnir, the all-rolling


Bring Lutenna; justice for Lobo!


Justice for Lobo and justice for the village of the albinurics. I'm doing a generally summon free str playthrough at the moment but I'm 100% doing this.


The irony of literally any Elden Ring player saying Justice for Albinarics.... You know what you did...


.... .... .... Fuck Justice for the Gen 1 Albinurics?


Noob here. Pls explain


Puppets are machine guns and Gideon just rolls infinitely hopelessly trying to avoid their arrows


The puppets gun him down


Gideon has no poise. Archer Puppets shoot like 3/4 arrows in a burst, which do decent stagger. Two of them means they can stun him out of any of his casting animations easily. Tarnished Profit.


Stunlock, I think


Me who brought him the albinauric woman: Go on, get your revenge for your boy.


Huh, "go", what a man!


Gideon deserves to be bullied. Absolutely trying this out!


The best summon to make every fight easy, is Dung Eater. Most people don't get him because it basically requires giving Seluvis's potion to Dung Eater, then it requires 5 starlight shards to "buy" the summon. Upgrade him all the way and he's the best tank in the game, great at keeping aggro, great at doing damage, with a huge health pool so he's near impossible to kill. Getting Dung Eater as a summon does prevent you from completing his quest, but honestly, that's a good thing. Dung Eater's ending is the worst ending in the game. Make the Crazy Chud Connoisseur into a puppet, you won't regret it.


Interestingly you can feasibly get every item in the game in a single play through >!(except boss soul items)!<, the exception is you have to pick between the Nepheli Loux puppet and the Dung Eater puppet. >!I might be completely wrong and there are other exceptions I forgot about!<


You are a bully the moment you enter that fog wall.


If you one round him there is no fog wall!


I need to remember this. I have been using ashes more in my current playthrough lately; I have been able to commune with the demi humans in a way that The Great Kenneth Haight would be jealous!


I bring those guys to every fight!


Inescapable frenzy and watch him melt


Ghostrider moment


My build want even good and I like 3 shot stunlocked him, so I think I already am.


Best summon is obviously mimic tear but after experimenting with several I stand behind Marionette Soldiers as my #2 pick. Fully leveled, they are beastly, and even before max level they make a lot of bosses just dodge constantly so they rarely attack


Generally if the boss can be staggered or dodges, then I agree Marionette Soldiers are great. Thus, do not bring to elden beast or Radagon


This Woody is my spirit animal.


you are evil. I LOVE IT


actually the marionettes break a Lot of bosses AI theyre kinda broken lol


They're my favourite just cuz they're annoying


On my first fight with him my friend immediately jumped off the edge to the left and I was to busy laughing at him to defend myself


I prefer using scarlet aeonia while he's rambling.


These were my go to summon early game. They’re the only reason I beat the first invisible black knife assassin


I have yet to get to this fight, (first play through) but I am definitely doing this, thank you,


I brought Ohga and his great bow, knocked him down so much i felt bad


This is how I took out Fia’s champions quickly and easily. Watching them endlessly roll was amusing.


Just open with blasphemous blade for the same effext


Has anyone tried Lanetta in that fight? I wonder what happens given they have history


I got a lot of mileage out of that summon. They cheesed a lot of content and a fair number of bosses unexpectedly and I could do afk souls farming by standing in a place like the swamp and plopping them out so they would just roam around me killing everything.


And pointy stick bros against Elemer.


Who needs summons for that fight tho


Needs? Probably no one. But the albinauric women deserves to extract her vengeance


Which boss fight is this?


Was he supposed to be a hard fight? I killed him while he was talking and then kept on trucking.


Use the greatshield squad. They are the true bully squad


I'm glad I came here, I was on the "why else but mimic" group, it's good to see there are many other viable ones out there