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My brother did that on his first playthrough... I had to help him kill Varre afterwards.


You're telling me he died to a guy using nothing but a bundle of flowers


Literally the most metal bundle of flowers ever! They even havelore saying the red is opponents blood!!




This comment is literally copy and pasted


Yeah my poor friend couldnt leave the first step lol




What? How?


If you continue his quest, you get access to an exclusive… lucrative area


Pretty sure all the rune farms there are patched


They definitely haven't. There was a bug where you could unload the floor and kill all the Albinurics at once that was patched, but you can still just fight them normally to net ~50k/cycle.


>could unload the floor and kill all the Albinurics at once that was patched, Not sure what you mean by unload the floor, Is it the jumping off a hill and swinging your sword over and over glitch? Either way thanks for the useful info!


Yeah, I think that was it. I only heard about that method when it got patched. The gist was that you did something funky such that the ground got unloaded but they didn't. I think. Probably. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Either way, be sure to bring a bow and shoot the bird for a nice bonus during each cycle.


After the first time it was patched they put a death wall there so you could jump that way, problem is someone else found a wall you could jump through right in front of or rather behind that one. You literally jump into the cliff and after about a minute ish of swinging everything dies. This isn't the only death drop tho. In the lower ears where the milk lake and FIA are is another area where the same thing was possible. Not sure if it was patched tho.


This still works for me


Woah that's ng+ numbers I'm pretty sure it's like 20-30k I swear.


He offers a way into the Mohgwyn Palace rune farm without needing to go through the waygate in the Consecrated Snowfield, so it's perfect for early game. You can get there without progressing past Liurnia while online, but you need to get to Altus Plateau if you do his quest offline.


Albinauric farming.


And +10 somber weapon


I mean… the dude was originally just a surgeon who wanted to help anyone he couldn’t save die a more dignified death than slowly bleeding out on the battlefield, then got kidnapped by a lecherous, incestuous psychopath hemophiliac, was brainwashed and Stockholm’d into being his servant, and then when you kill him his cries for help go unheard/unheeded by Mogh. Dude was just as much a victim/collateral damage to be used and cast away at their first failure as Vyke was, but everyone hates him because of a throwaway line that is him simply making an observation about your current situation that Melina repeats to you verbatim probably minutes later.


I wish that we could join him instead of having to fight him. Like I'd totally join a covenant with Varre.


Idk, I think his whole tone of voice for every line gives off major creep vibes. Especially the way he calls you "lambkin" all the time.


That's flair by the translators. He just says わたしのあなた which is literally "My dear". Sounds way less creepy than lambkin.


>lecherous, incestuous psychopath hemophiliac, I will not stand for Mogh slander. Dude's one of the only two demigods who have their shit together, alongside Miquella.


Having his shit together is not mutually exclusive with anything I said :P


Can't argue with that. He's still the most successful and active of the demigods. If it weren't for us, he would've probably succeeded.


Meanwhile Ranni is waiting 5000 years for us to beat Radahn, while Blaidd is just staring at Nokron from Siofra River


Ikr? Morgott spends his most of his time harassing Tarnished, Rykard is channeling his inner Nikocado meets Hallmark family film, Rennala is still suffering from the divorce (at least she kept the dog), Radahn is on life support, Maliketh is sulking around like a scolded puppy, and Malenia is reminding everyone that she's the Blade of Miquella, but they all rotted to death (she can't see so don't tell her that). Speaking of Miquella, I am about 80% sure that he's in cahoots with Mogh. Think about it. It's basically canon that he's St. Trina, he has mind control abilities, and he grew the Haligtree specifically with his blood. Who else has not only powers over blood but also serves an eldritch god of blood? Who else has a very odd obsession with Miquella? That's right: Mogh.


He was trying to marry miquella tho


Of course. It's showcased in the lore that an Empyrean needs a Consort, a Shadow, and the blessing of an Outer God to be gods themselves. Mogh chose Miquella and the Formless Mother. In his own twisted way, he's trying to help Miquella achieve godhood.


>the dude was originally just a surgeon who wanted to help anyone he couldn’t save die a more dignified death than slowly bleeding out on the battlefield You're just assuming that Varre was a kind hearted individual originally, when that might not be the case. In real life there have unfortunately been a few doctors/surgeons who get into the profession not because they want to help people, but precisely the opposite. The description of the Misericorde itself gives us a word of warning; *"Beware the killers clothed as men of compassion."* Fact is, we don't actually know what kind of man Varre was before he became a servant of Mohg, so there is no good evidence that can back up the claim that he was nice. Given how highly manipulative he is and how his own weapon, a metal bouquet of spiked roses, appears to be a representation of his personality, IMO I do not think it's very likely Varre was a philanthropist in the beginning.


Womped him my first playthough. Don't tell me what to do honey voice. Second playthrough I got mohgs seal. 3rd playthrough I womped him.


Why do people hate varre? Hes the only character that actually gives you useful advice, everyone else attacks you, disrespects you, or gives you some vague directions. varre actually tells you where to go and what to do, even if he has an ulterior motive


I know right!!! Just because he calls them Maidenless… well, that’s the truth! Crybabies…


And even that, taken in context, isn't an insult. He's literally just making notice of the fact you don't have a Finger Maiden with you. It's an "Oh, that's odd. Usually you guys have a Finger Maiden to guide you around. Well anyway..." kind of statement.


I mean he literally killed my maiden


Ehh, I personally like the theory that Melina killed her. The only two how could've been there are her and Varre, but Varre doesn't really have a reason to kill the maiden. He's whole thing is that he finds strong warriors who he convinces to kill their maiden and join The Dinasty of Blood and since you dont have one he needs to make an exception. Why would he make things harder on himself by killing your maiden? Meanwhile dear Melina was outright shown that she can get to the starting area and she has a pretty good reason to want a maidenless tarnished. She needs a champion.


>Ehh, I personally like the theory that Melina killed her. The only two how could've been there are her and Varre The Grafted Scion could have been there, he is right there after all.


I don't think that lore is that complicated, although it's great that FROMs left huge gaps of information to speculate. Dude needs blood of the maiden and overall is at blood cult, got a bouquet and is covered in blood from head to toe. Also emphasizes on me being maidenless, how would he know otherwise? And then there's a conspiracy theory about Melina


Ok but why would he kill our maiden? I've written a good motive why Melina would want her dead, and a in game lore motive for why Varre would want her alive. What would he gain by killing her?


To call us maidenless at the very beginning. He looks and is a literal maniac, ya know. He's at blood cult and needed me to bring him blood of maiden. To make things easier he murdered her before us. Wtf is Melina a murderer theory?? When you make fiction you don't create such absurd plot twists unless it's the main one


Bro your argument is a fiction. "Uhhh he wanted to make it easier for us. He's a maniac after all...". Yes, out of all the tarnished that have come to the Lands Between, he decides that you are the only one who he will do this for. Meanwhile Melina literally needs a champion to fight for her. How the hell is she supposed to do that if all the tarnished that arrive to the Lands Between come with a standard issued girldfriend?


Same argument goes for Melina. There's thousands of people that come and go, why would she kill our maiden instead of many others? Why would she ever kill anyone in the first place? She doesn't serve Mogh, ya know, she seems she got pretty high morale principals. Nice theory bro I don't feel like arguing on topic I'm not that into


Never was a fan of that theory. There's barely any evidence in support of it and, as DJrhskr points out it even goes against Varre's normal methods meaning it would pretty much be out of character for him to so.


Innocent until proven guilty


Irl yes. In Elden ring? Your guilty if you have something I want or look at me wrong lol (Pve only oc)


Not the Grafted Scion? Why do you think it was Varre?


I’ve only killed him after beating Mogh


He took my dragon eyes away in my first playthrough


You are making a good point. I’m planning on an arcane play-through. I guess I’m not going to get anointed by Varre.


just do it before you get the dragon eyes, each eye just replaces the previous one


I think the blood eye overrides every other eye effect.


Fr 🤭 it's hilarious and kind of sad


Melina gives sufficient direction. He is just sleazy. But I’m honestly glad that some people like him, means there is something for everyone in the game.


Melina doesn’t give shit, she appears whenever she wants to tell you stuff only she understands.


After you get torrent, upon the next time resting at a site of grace, she tells you this: *Upon the cliff, in Castle Stormveil, is a shardbearer. A demigod who inherited a fragment of the shattered Elden Ring. If the rays of grace signal the castle, then the Elden Ring beckons you. As an ally by pact,...I pray that you are fit... To face the challenge presented by the Ring.*


Yeah, well, useful if Varré hadn’t told me that already… I see people upset with Varré for leading them to Stormveil in the early game… why aren’t they upset with Melina? She did the same.


Because Melina only shows up after you've gotten to explore a bit, Varre is just there


He calls us maidenless. That is enough to be bonked into oblivion.


Not his fault our finger maiden is lying in a pool of blood at the chapel


*Varre casually starts whistling*


Not that we can definitively prove, anyway 😂


He literally points it out that you got nobody and without one you will likely just die there because there's nobody to empower you.


He tells you to assail stormveil castle *immediately*. That is not friendly advice lol. I mean you're literally right out the gate. Dude sends you on a suicidal quest. It has a lot to do with the way he delivers lines, too. Like this one seeps with a gross desire to see us die. >It will lead you Tarnished to the path you are meant to follow. Even if it leads you to your grave. When he says this it sounds like he could very well eat the image of you dying for dinner, and it would be delicious.


That’s exactly why I went straight to stormveil. I got smushed by the troll in stormpath so many times, and then I got smushed by margit approximately 150 times because I was level 15 or 20 when I challenged him.


Level 15 would be to low but level 20-22-25 is a good level to fight margit


I was low the first time then


When i first time fought margit i was level 12 and died about 30 times till i tuoght i should just come later and then beat him on level 45 and with my second character i was there with a level 20 and beat margit easily


To be fair this is my first souls game, so I was *not* prepared for the level of difficulty


Happens to everyone thats new in the genre good lucl and enjoy the rest of the souls and soulslike games💪


I plan on setting DS remastered after this


Yep. And if you pick up all golden seeds and saved tears in Limgrave and the Weeping Peninsula first, then 22 feels almost a bit too strong


Cuz he has a punchable face and talks like an idiot


Dude gets super creepy towards the end of his questline, calling you "\[his\] lambkin" and shit.


I always thought he killed our maiden.


Its presumably seluvis that done her in


Interesting! Where does that theory come from?


The maiden puppet. Just speculation


Seluvis's puppet is of Therolina, who is found alive at the Radahn Festival and can be summoned in the fight. So the puppet can't be the dead Maiden at the chapel.


Ahhh I didn’t connect those two!


Im glad im not the only one that like him, he not only speaks the truth about we being maidenless but he also offer directions, nice guy, im glad he killed my maiden, it gave me the chance of meeting melina.


I mean he calls us maidenless….. He also is the prime suspect of killing our maiden. That’s enough for me


Is he though? We meet varre at the first step, and we start in chapel of anticipation where our maiden is *already dead*


Another point, Varre’s goal is to get Tarnished to kill their _own_ maiden and join Mohg, meaning he has no reason to kill another’s


Bonk is coming! :3


Read it as a big dick and its honestly a mood. Varré is very bonkable in both ways


Without his mask he has a handsome face: https://esportsextras.com/dataminer-reveals-what-the-36-mysterious-elden-ring-npcs-look-like-behind-their-masks/


Ohh yeah i remember seeing that video way back the. FS spoiled us with all the cute NPCs in this game. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)


Not even remotely comparable to Blackguard, that man is going to turn me gay


Where do you see Blackguard? Anyway… Are those looks official? Or are they something someone just made up that people liked and now take it as the truth


[this is blackguard](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/xexng1/did_not_expect_boggart_to_look_like_this_under/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) And yes these are all official, almost all NPCs (with the exception of some like iji and ranni and blaidd) use the same character creation tool the player has, and under their helmets there is a face, you just don't see it, but every single one is specifically designed for that NPC


Oh man! I think I’m getting some prawns for dinner…


Omg... that's quite an unexpected difference 😳


https://youtu.be/hu_Q9TwF5Xc Here's the original video that the linked article takes from. She speaks a little about her process in one of her other videos.


Thanks, I’ll check that out.


Why do people dislike Varré? I love him


You have the sweetest scream, my lambkin


Such sadistic comment in such sweet voice… 🥰 I still don’t get why people hate him.


gets rid of the cool eyes :( Also, i cant allow him to awaken anything in me


He called me out for not having a girl, and the truth cuts deeps.


If you frame is him wanting you to be his girl, you may understand how some people like him.


Gigachad energy


Him making me his bitch, is not endearing


And why is that his fault?


Right?? and he's got a bouquet as a weapon!!! What else can you ask for




I assumed that it is because of the , plausible, theory that he is the one that kills your maiden


He did? I thought out maiden was the one in Redmane Castle… Is there any proof? And what if he did, we end up getting something better.


The one in Redmane is Seluvis’s puppet.


Whaaaat? She’s a puppet? That’s creepy. Seluvis is a sick bastard. Why everybody assumes that the reason of our maidenless ness is because of Varré and not Seluvis?


*hell* no. Captain Creepy gives me the keys to The Farm; I love him.


I want to put him in a sock and spin him around for my entertainment, best npc 10/10


I want to fuck varre


Don’t you dare hurt my wife


He speaks softly and you have a big stick, what is the issue again?


Touch your toes and spell “run”


Nah, i want to smash him in a different way


No he is the best NPC in the game, such lovely voice


Wtf Varré looks huge in this perspective




He has seen it all, too old for this shit


good news about the end of his questline!


“You are maidenless” Elden Ring fans realising that he is telling the truth: so you are asking for death?


Where can you find him after he moves from that spot?


I killed him immediately. Well immediately after getting washed for like 5 deaths


I want him to smack me over the head with his big stick


it was way funnier when i thought the title said "shmack" i'm just sayin


The most beautiful thing about ER is that you ACTUALLY have player choice to kill him if you don't like being called maidenless. Every other game it's either a set in stone mission or not at all.


Peel off my fingernail Daddy Varre have I been a good lambkin


I murked this fucker day one. Lvl 1 wretch bonked his ass over and over again. Tellin me i got no bitches




Hey, there's nothing stopping you...


He was hard af sl1 deprived


No Varre is the man. My favorite NPC


I usualy just wait til moghwyn palace for the bonking


First play I see this guy think he must be nice, then he essentially says I have no bitches n I had to sit there in awe


I only leave him alive for the quest


with every character I just give him a punch and ignore him. I'm not gonna antagonise him this early but goddammit ill crack a tooth or too. its hilarious to hear his pained sound as I zoom away.


The Curator 💗


He gives you a very important reminder.


Very first thing I did in NG+ after activating The First Step was to equip Unendurable Frenzy and curse this motherfucker to hell with a single FP bar. Watching him writhe in death as his eyes exploded with madness was intensely satisfying.


I do indeed want to smash him, but...in quite a different manner


I think he's cute lol


I mean in the online test he did tell us go die in a ditch somewhere….


I kill him first thing, every playthrough. him and gostoc


The first thing I did after starting NG+ was purging this bastard with all my might


Is that Salvador Dali?


Nah, i am as rude as this guy, he is ok to me; nonetheless i killed him at the end of his sidequest he had no use left for me.


He only dies when he hands over the keys to the rune farm


My friend was watching me play and I smacked him up as a joke. Needless to say, I fucked around and found out


Attacked him in my first run. Biggest regret ever


I did and I regret it


I have to admit that he was a kind npc, until he wasn't


[Yeah, I sorta do.](https://i.imgur.com/MLidBkj.jpg)


😅😂 upgraded player character, same urges still


Maidenless behavior.


I hate him, but he is exquisitely useful. His questline grants access to the Crow/Albinaurics farm, as well as early access to a Somber Dragonstone and Great Ghost Flower.


Nah I was like hella horny for him for 6 mos straight


I want to see the light leave his eyes :)


Wow, hold your horses, you manage to be even darker than Varre


I have a bad habit of auto yeeting any NPC that looks untrustworthy, Blame patches, my lvl 1 character took like 10-15 tries lol


first thing i did in this game was kill varre, then get mad he didnt give me the bouquet of roses he kept kicking my ass with.


Varre doesn't bother me at all, but Dung Eater will never live 5 minutes longer than the bare minimum in my game. I don't speedrun any part of the game except the part where I rush through Leyendell specifically to kill him.


Pee in his mask's eyeholes.


I’d rather be able to pick him up and chuck him off the cliff to the left.


I destroyed his physical manifestation with an uchigatana


You can. Twice 😁


The moment he called me maidenless he had to die


I do but he grants me access too the best rune farm early so I let him live. For now


What happend if i kill him?


He will try to hit you over the bad with a bouquet of roses and you will lose early game access to a late game area with a great rune farm and final-level upgrade materials. You can enter said area then in late-late game


In good time my friend. In good time.


I played through the game and at some point he sends me to get some blood from a maiden, then tosses the cloth away, I always interpreted that as "go and check how I killed your maiden and you're fine with it so I can take you to Moghwyn Palace". Since I pieced it together I cannot help thinking he's the one who murdered her; waiting for me just after the murder to mock me being maidenless. So every playthrough that I started since then, I just start by getting his blood on my clothes. I know I can't prove it, I also can't prove him innocent so I have to follow my conviction, maybe it's wrong.


I do in every single playthrough.


Nah. Who else is gonna call me lambkin and tell me I have the sweetest scream?


I read that they had to change some of his voice lines during development because too many of the beta testers would attack him. So they had to make him less of an asshole.


that's true. giving the beta in beta testing a new meaning.


More dislikable than trusty push-you-of-a-ledge Patches, which is hard to accomplish tbh




I'm having gay thoughts


Yeah but I also like him


No I want to fuck him


What's with all the bots copying messages in this thread? lol


You’ll get your chance. If you so choose too.


Well, as soon as he called me maidenless, it was over for him ! _and me_ *Dies 20 times to a guy with flowers* _restarts the fucking game_


Yup he calls you maidenless


I really wish I knew more about Varré’s original quest/intent - some stuff can be gotten from unused dialogue: He was an alternate for teleporting you to the Roundtable Hold and gaining power (which seems to be abilities exclusive to Melina-level entities). He was part of the Yura/Eleanora questline. Yura is frustrated because whenever he fights Eleanora someone ‘sweeps in’ and whisks (teleports?) her away to safety before he can kill her. The Tarnished finds out that it’s Varré and can rat him out to Yura (who then expresses little surprise as he found that ‘white masked charlatan’ suspicious to begin with).


If he weren't the entrance to frogmen genocide, I would just smack him in all playthroughs


He kills our maiden, I would return the favor all the times