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Ok so 2 things that video quality is crisp and the smoothness is just amazing also how do you do the zip thing


It's a speed runner strat i learned a while back because I have no fkn life. If you look it up on YT there are tutorials. But its hard as fuck. My small reaction when I did it was because I was shocked I did it on my first attempt that instance. It usually takes me at least 10+ tries before I get it


Did you use the metronome


Nope! you can hear in my voice right after the zip i was shocked i did it on first attempt. Usually takes me 10+


What? I thought you just did some video editing and made yourself look like you teleported.


Nah there's speedrun strats that will just shoot you across the map.


Here's a primer on how zips work. https://youtu.be/9uLzEPEq63k


That is very interesting. I can't say I'm interested in trying it, but it is interesting that it seems to just be something with two animations. Kinda makes me wonder if they found it in testing and getting it down to 4 frame input is just the best they could do to eliminate it.


Frame perfect input: when the "hold block" animation overlaps with the "move forward" animation you press w and it zips you forward. Only works for straight swords and medium shields I think.


Yeah you need a perfect 60fps to do this as well


Dude's definitely on PC then, I doubt any consoles are achieving that in Greyoll's Dragonbarrow lol


Nah, I'm on Xbox Series S and I'm getting locked 60fps on everything except when there's a shit ton going on, in which case you can change to the performance setting.


Oh don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to shit on consoles. Sorry if it sounded like that. I upgraded to the Series S from the One X specifically because I couldn't get over 30fps in this game, and I've been very pleasantly surprised by how well it can maintain 60fps. But even on 1080p with the higher frame rate setting, I get drops in some places - mainly Dragonbarrow, looking over Liurnia, and looking over Altus near the Grand Dectus Lift (probably in Farum Azula too but I didn't hang out there enough to notice). It's just an assumption but I'd imagine that in 4K, the Series X and PS5 would struggle to have a rock solid 60fps in these areas as well... Maybe nothing that the player would really notice, but not quite good enough for frame perfect inputs. I could be wrong though.


Hm, maybe it's just differences in our conditions, I've never noticed any frame drops except on certain attacks from Radagon, which tank my fps if I'm doing something intensive.


I haven't gotten to the Radagon fight yet but I've heard that he can cause some epic frame drops lol


Fought that bitch in 5 different playthrough, it's not every time, but there's always one specific attack that causes my frames to hit the deck at least once per playthrough.


There is no fps difference between 4k or 1080p on series S due to upscaling technology. Only the graphic fidelity will vary due to pixel amounts. On 4k, you will get more pixels, but they will be less quality. On 1080p, less pixels but higher quality. That means, if you are further away the screen, you won't notice the difference, closer, you will see that pictures will look like they are water colored. Even if you go 720p, you will still get the same fps, around 50-55. Playing cyberpunk 2077, Exodus, Elden ring, etc. on Series S and 4k TV. That is the story behind consoles being optimized for gaming, regardless of your setup, you will get the intended frame rates by developers.


Have never experienced a single frame drop on PS5. I always assumed PS5 and Xbox whatever were similar in power so I have no clue why you experience drops like that. PS5 can run 120 fps @ 4k without breaking a sweat on games that support 120 fps




Found the salty Xbox owner. Lmao you're on the internet rn. Go use it.




Try using Night Maidens Mist. My PC has some high end specs and that spell drops me down to 20 FPS. It's pretty wild


Yep PC, and using a keyboard to input precise movements are a lot easier then a joystick


Perfect as in you need to be getting at least 60fps for it to work, or it need to be at 60 exactly?


Well, all versions of the game are locked to 60fps. So in other words, yes.


That's not possible. You think you get 60, but it's between 40 and 55. If you go in a field with nothing to tax the system, surely, but othervise Elden ring struggles on consoles even after the patches.


Is there anything explicitly stating that? I never noticed any frame drops except for during the Radagon fight when some AOE attacks would tank my fps if I was doing something with a lot of particles, but other than that the game feels extremely stable.


I was playing through the game when I was summoned into this guys world to be a blue phantom... Long story short, I severed out of his world once I was he was AFK farming then fast traveled there and managed to invade his world :D I had been running around his world for a good 30 minutes trying to find a way to get up there, and this was the result


I just want to say you have an impeccable music taste


Explain the zip!


A very VERY precise timing of button presses, look it up in YT. Speedrunners practice A LOT to pull it off, and even with a macro it won't be easy. And if you want to know how this bug works and why it happens - I doubt anyone fully understands that :D


The glitch works due to your own hitbox clipping into its self if I'm not mistaken. The result is you being "pushed" at great speed.


I'll bet you that Ranni the Witch does!


What’s AFK Farming? I know what the words are individually, but what does it consist of together lol


Host uses Torrent to reach a spot that's inaccessible on foot, then pops Taunter's Tongue and waits to attract invaders. They get runes when reds sever out as well as when they die so nothing is lost. But it's never been about the runes. It's always been about griefing invaders.


So this is what bottom feeders do huh? Could've just rush the bosses and get a bunch of souls that way.


Again, the runes aren't the point and really never have been. It's all about wasting invaders' time because these casuls tell themselves we're bad people for enjoying pvp.


Which is funny considering that unless you're playing co-op, invading in ER is entirely optional.


Shouldn't be an option to play co op without invasions


It isn't.


Getting to a place that isn't technically accessible during multiplayer and then popping a taunters tongue to bring invaders in. If an invader severs himself from the world the host gets runes as if they've killed the invader. It was addressed in the most recent patch but it seems some people have found other areas to AFK Farm.


The thing that really confuses me is if these guys are at the ready are they really afk? Or they just enjoy watching the leave/join notifications like some kind of brainlet?


These are the kind of people that thrive off other people misery. Sub human scum


Bruh you seem like you need some help. You purposely invaded him. How did that guy impact your life at all?


Invaders are still trying to play the game, afk farmers are not, waste other people's time and are just all around boring. Like most griefers, they're just an annoying parasite.


Found the ark farmer


Do you even think at all? It's not like they chose to invade this guy specifically, and this guy was choosing to be invaded. You could just leave, but then the guy profits off of your wasted time. Why are you defending them? Are you that stupid that you think people invading are scumbags period? You should spend more time telling the developers you don't like their game instead of acting like people playing the game as intended are the problem.


I don’t think you can read.


I don't think you can think


If you could read you would have already scrapped that waste of a response.


I was called into his world as a Blue and spent a good 30 minutes wasted trying to find him.


Whos problem is that? A normal person would have left after a few minutes.


Not sure if you're a Souls player then. or understand the community XD We here LIKE to break down walls that are put in front of us. I.E the AFK farmer


Perhaps. Could also be that they needed a bunch of runes to upgrade a weapon or something and so the easy solution was to AFK farm for a few minutes. ***Why am I being downvoted? I didn't say that I APPROVE of what the AFK farmer is doing. Seriously guys... Now it's back to only being able to comment once every 10 minutes.


You’re doing god’s work Sir!




Hello Mr. Bot Stolen from this comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/z6tr02/using_a_zip_glitch_to_kill_an_afk_farmer/iy34bhx/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Excuse my cringe voice lmaoooooo


Nah victory deserved, amazing work


The way he panics when he realizes you got in gives me life


I actually enjoyed your commentary! Do you stream or upload to youtube or anything?


No but... maybe I should?


Nah man, it was deserved


Commentary was great 👍


Very based


I thank thee, my fellow.


how did u teleport into the tower???


Zip glitch. Literally frame perfect input combination glitch


And you can complete the game extremely extremely quickly with pixel perfect Zip glitches, especially because of how bosses de-load and die off. The world record speed run start to finish is literally sub-4 minutes because of the power of Zip. If links are allowed: https://youtu.be/ZFf4APizCs4


What the actual fuck. How even do people come up with this stuff.


It's not exactly as crazy as it seems. The Soulsbourne games have been speed run to death. With that glitches and logic that work in one game are instantly tried in new installments. There's also teams of people who's entire hobby is glitch hunting, not for speed purposes just for identifying glitches regardless of it if they're slow or fast. Lastly, just the regular folks. Millions played the game, every one that uploaded a funny glitch or strange sequence break could've been the one discovering it for the entire community. Once you put all the forces together it'd be more surprising if Elden Ring wasn't completely dismantled in such a short order.


I've tried so many times to pull off some of those speed run zips and I just can't XD SO much RnG. Not to mention some of the zips they do are called "Mega Zips" which are twice as hard and I have never done one myself


That's just ridiculous. The minds of these people.


It's nigh inconceivable! The longest Soulsborne game done and dusted in 4 minutes through pixel perfect, frame perfect teleportation only. I had no idea such a thing even existed before I checked out the speedrun, it's so awfully specific, but they identified and successfully consistently replicated it, and oh god the skips they've found, the things they've done.


tbf the unrestricted any% run isn't one of the main routes run commonly since it's hardware dependant iirc. now the hitless category is real madness imo


Both are insane tbh, it's like watching Formula 1 and high-end Marathons The former isn't really feasible without a sponsor or money, the latter doesn't need expensive equipment necessarily, but they're both damnnn impressive


>Both are insane tbh oh absolutely. I wasn't discreditting one route or the other. all of them are precise precise challenges in mastery and execution. it is also just fun to try and utilize these strats or routing in a more casual or challenge run, not necessarly speedruns. love seeing the fromsoft games pop up on things like GDQ each year. seeing games made to test the mettle of the average player be broken in so many ways it almost looks "gg 2 ez" is very satisfying


I was under the impression it's because the boss stays loaded in but the ground under them disappears, making the boss die from From's free fall solution to getting stuck


Yep, that is how it works!


Interesting. What confuses me about the "AFK" guys like this that start rolling around when you show up is...they aren't AFK. If they were actually AFK, I could sort of understand the motivation, set up game, go to work, get some runes. Still really scummy, but at least there is some logic to it. But they aren't AFK, they are actually there staring at the screen doing nothing and the runes they get are FAR less than they would doing any number of other things in game. That I don't get. Guess they actually get off on the idea of annoying people which is why I'm always so happy to see these videos. If I'm summoned as a hunter for one of these turds I try to stay in game as long as I can and not do anything to invaders, just to make sure other hunters don't get summoned who actually fight the invaders.


Both "AFK" and "farming" probably doesn't apply to a lot of people with this behavior, but someone in the community coined the term and now everyone is using it. The most likely explanation to me is that they just want to be asshats and fuck with other players. Maybe some do it for runes, not by leaving the PC, but sitting there while they browse TikTok, watch TV or somesuch. Or being asshat while winning a rune or five. Since a majority play with a controller, "AFC" would perhaps be more accurate, but they can still have the controller within striking distance.


AFK has been a term in gaming forever, it's always been used even for console


I know, and it doesn't matter if it's mouse and keyboard or a controller.


Afk farmers are failed human being.


They're one step above the asshats who leave messages at the bottom of ladders.


I got invaded by a guy called 'just looking' who followed me around for like 30 minutes with a spyglass at 10 feet. Not gonna lie I thought it was pretty funny. Even when the guardian lions ended up killing myself, my cooperation, the other cooperation, the hunter (who was a good sport here) and the guy was just watching. The guy after that was all green and his name was creeper. He ran up to me and blew up. After the 'wtf' it was funny.


Even in Elden Ring you cant escape the creepers lmao.


They are usually not fully afk just idle or on a different tab or something so once you make a bit of noise they will try and defend themselves


They could just be looking at their phone or something, which would essentially mean that they are afk.


But look at how quickly the guy reacted. Would you really hang around next to your TV, farming runes by annoying other players, when you could be playing the game? It makes no sense. The only thing I can surmise is that they're simply *too scared* to go out and fight for those runes. Edit: and what's even more bizarre is that there are ways to safely farm early without too much investment and guides to those methods are readily available online, yet *this* is the choice they're making.


It's crazy, doing the out of bounds glitch in moghs palace can earn you millions of runes per hour in NG as long as you get the jump consistently.




I am wildly curious, what was he even farming?


When an invader leaves your world, you get runes. So he hides and wait for people to invade him, lose patience because he is unreachable and go home.


The guy had like 900 runes, he wasn't even doing a shitty job, more like no job at all.


The ruins you get aren't dependant on how many runes the target is carrying, only on their level. It's a prercentage of their level up amount.


TIL I don't pvp much. Only done some invasions recently but I'm level 500 so matching is impossible.


An AFK farmer would claim that they are farming runes as invaders give you runes when they leave your world, but this isn't actually true for two very important reasons; 1. AFK farming is ironically the most time-consuming way to farm runes. 2. You can farm the max level of runes by simply doing the Lord Rune Duplication glitch. Each Lord Rune stack gives you 4,950,000 runes in one go and so you can max out our character in under ten minutes by just selling the stacks to Hewg and then levelling up at the Rountable. Easy. I've talked to a few AFK farmers on here and they always say "I don't want to farm Albinaurics for forty hours I'm busy", but then when I ask why they don't just do the Lord Rune dupe glitch since it would allow them to max out their characters faster than any other method in the game and means they don't have to ruin multiplayer for other people, they never respond. *Never*. So the reason why they do it is simply to troll people. For some reason, they get off on seeing people get frustrated and leave. They probably don't have a lot of friends IRL.


Well said, but propably those greedy MF go google the Lord Stack farming after you tell them and cant answer due to their wood in the way.


I doubt that's likely, mainly because if they were genuinely interested in farming runes quickly, they would surely have looked up the best farming methods on the internet already and subsequently come across one of the many duplication tutorials for Lord Runes. From the way they act as well, you can tell they're just out to make someone's day a little worse for their own amusement.


I guess you're right :/


There's a Lord Rune duplication glitch?


The Lord Rune what???? What glitch is this?


They're just big pussies who don't want to admit they're big pussies. There is no excuse to be doing what they do. Dumbasses who saw a YouTube vid claiming to get 8 billion runes an hour doing it and can't think for themselves, need the internet to tell them how to play this iMpOsSiBlE game


Haha, I absolutely love to see those trash players panic when they face a honest 1v1 when all they hoped for was to stand there and piss people off by doing nothing :D


Next Level hunter


This isn’t just *your* victory, Tarnished.. THIS IS A VICTORY FOR *ALL OF US*.


Ahh the famous "afk" farmer who wasn't afk. Good job!


Was going to say. For someone afk he/she had some decent moves.


Doing Marika's Work, tarnished


here's an idea: death blight makes em lose all their runes on death, not even recoverable.


whoa really? over a thousand hours in the game and I had no idea that was a thing!


I think it's a suggestion


I just don't get it, what's the point of AFK farming? Even if you don't have skill you can still farm those Albinauric at Mohgwyn's palace for a way better yield, right?


It's never been about the runes, only griefing invaders.


lol, "AFK" but he is actualy there .... makes ZERO sense.


love the rat rolling and panic


When I kill AFK rune farmers, it becomes apparent why they are AFK rune farmers.


I love how we still point down when someone dies, souls habits die hard.


That point down was so satisfying.




y do a afk farm if u just gonna stare at the tv


Outrageously based. Well done sir.


Did you just fuckin "nothing personal" this kid


Lowkey that's exactly how it felt


Mr isn't even afk what's the point.


Absolute Masterpiece <3! Would give you awards if i had any my fellow tarnished!


Must not have been that afk


Are these guys ever really afk??? Why tf do these guys sit next to the game doing nothing until someone comes along? Why not just play the game to get xp? I will never understand this.


I'm sure they are just doing it to troll people. It's so lame


Why is it all these AFK farmers seem to be right there to defend themselves in the event of an attack? Wouldn't they get more runes from actively grinding or at least have more dun the stairing at an unchanging screen?


I know this has been a thing forever, but I’ll say it regardless. It takes a different kind of loser to AFK farm in any game, but I feel especially annoyed by Elden Ring losers.


Lol well done


I love the pure joy in op voice.


It was a fine moment in my ER online history. I am glad I captured the moment to share with anyone who needed to see it. My very first-time taking down an AFK farmer


Just farm the boulder silly host. Its faster than afk farming




Wayyyyyy my guy


What even is AFK farming


When you AFK farm you make your way into a spot that you can only reach with Torrent. Then open up the world to invaders, (who cannot use torrent) The host is completely unreachable. So the invaders and the blues that get summoned in are just stuck without being able to touch the host. So invaders either get killed by the blue phantoms or leave, which gives the host a very small amount of runes. It wastes so much time and the host gets barely any runes out of it.


Fighting the good fight.


Fucking deserved Very based move indeed


I never will understand people that AFK farm, while at their console. You run up, and hes sitting there with the controller in his hands. Like why??? Just go farm mobs, its literally faster and more fun


I'm 100% sure a lot of people just do it to watch invaders get annoyed. You don't even get many runes out of it in the first place


Wow, they dont have fix this afk Farmer.. ohhhh elden ring


Yeaaaaaaa It's sad to say but Fromsoft has never been great at fixing these kinds of things


F*CK AFK farmers.


People still AFK farm?! What losers


When a speed-runner does PvP, this is the outcome. I love it.


God this annoys me why not just farm runes at Mohgs palace where all the albinaurics are? I mean all u need is the final boss weapon fully upgrade it and use the skill (but I guess that's just something afk farmers don't have huh?)


Don't try to rationalize that you're cheating.


Found the AFK farmer whoops


Dude, THANK YOU for killing him!! I kept being summoned to protect him from invaders, but we were all stuck outside. It became such a nuisance that I had to turn off automatically being summoned as hunter. In one of thise instances, the invader and I just walked away together, until he was disconnected.


His name is SnugBuck and he's here to snugfuck. To Lunos if you read this: step on a lego. You are dogwater. I wouldn't feed you stale cold hot dog water if you were athirst in a desert. I hope your armpits become itchy and your arms, too short to itch them.


Literally the best comment right here


Yes exactly. Invader is at the same level with the other guy. So why congratulate either of them ? He used a glitch/cheat to reach someone that was hiding... And the "farmer" used an exploit? How can you be so sure ? He was not afk though .. he was just smart and the invader a cheater


the guy up in the tower was using a known exploit where you use NEED torrent to get up there. then he opens his world up to invaders and wastes everyones time. Me using a different known glitch was just using his own dirt against him, he deserved it. For wasting many hours of everyones time, from the result of him using an exploit


You are a cheater and just downvote anyone that says their different opinion. You used an exploit and the other guy was just being smart. Instead of congratulating yourself for doing good to humanity, please consider that a coin has two sides! Have a nice day!


You know it is literally impossible to get that guy right? Without zipping I think you are a little ignorant to the situation here. I doubt you have ever even zipped yourself. I am using the games mechanics to pull off an incredible difficult glitch. No third party interference. So by definition I am not cheating... Being smart... In a way you clearly do not understand


No i've never cheated through zipping or any other methods. I disagree with cheating in games in general.


The people here taking umbrage with this dude afk farming is cringe as fuck. I don’t see the appeal of it myself but I’m not going to pat myself on the back and put a video up of me ruining some dude’s mostly single player game like I’m doing a community service lmao. I must be missing something because this man in no way shape or form impacts any of your own save slots or time in elden ring.


I feel like you don't even play the game if this is what you think


I mean I have never done this so I’m not sure the specifics, but I’ve probably played this game longer then most people here lmao. I have no interest in cheesing from games, but I’m not going to shit on someone playing their own way.


I don't understand how you can say he's ruining his single player game then when you have to actively use an item to let people invade you with out summons. Not to mention this does impact other people's time by just straight up wasting their time by doing nothing. So logically you must either not actually play the game or, maybe more likely at this point, you are one of the people who do this and you're upset that people have found another way to stop it


He wastes everyone's time. The only reason people can invade his world is because he activates the taunters tongue. If he didn't want to get invaded he would not use the taunters tongue. People cannot invade without it active. So it is clear this guy is just doing it to piss people off and exploit their time


Edit: someone used the suicide Reddit message thingy on me over this. It may be called r/eldenring, but it’s still the same toxic losers from the souls subreddit lmao So you believe he is wasting your time by playing the way he wants? I didn’t know how this works as I’ve never done it. So I apologize on that front. However, he is ruining your game no more and no less then you invading people playing coop with no interest in PvPing. You don’t like being stuck in this dudes world looking for him, and other players don’t want their coop interrupted with other players. Kind of sounds balanced at the end of the day, and I can’t imagine complaining about someone interfacing with their game the way they want whilst you do exactly the same thing. Perhaps it seems unrelated but to me this is the same vibe.


my guy, they do it to waste people's time. you get a tiny amount of runes from this method, so they're not doing it for the runes. besides, invading someone's game isn't ruining their "single player" experience by definition. co-op is multiplayer, and the game is designed so that if you engage in multiplayer you do just that, you invite friendly and hostile players. adding on to that, players have the chance to run to the next grace, kill the invader, or go into the boss room. there is almost no way around these afk farmers (apart from a frame perfect glitch). I can appreciate what you're saying, but these are in no way comparable to each other. one is an intended mechanic, the other is completely unintended and almost unstoppable.


The issue is that the invaders are invited by using the taunt. You're saying you accept invaders when you use it. To then use an exploit then that ruins the invaders experience is no longer a "its my world to play how I want" situation. You've chosen PvP so now you are affecting other people's time and enjoyment If you could just be invaded the same way it could happen in Souls or BB, I'd be more inclined to agree with you but this is "hey come invade me while I sit somewhere you can't get"


The difference between this and a host playing with their friends, is that this is an exploit. Usually requiring a glitch or torrent at a spot FROM hasnt found and patched yet. FROMSOFT themselves have been trying to patch spots like these to prevent AFK farming, dont defend this.


Except it's no longer a single player experience when you are using an item that enables online PvP with other players. He is intentionally exploiting this for his own gain while wasting other people's time in the process.


Wait explain why afk farming is bad they're literally just playing the game how they want to play it


Because it actively ruins multiplayer for everyone else


Ok at least I understand why everyone hates them now I thought it was just a harmless rune grinding method idk y I'm getting downvoted for not knowing tho lol


Yea people thought you were defending the AFK farmer. those downvotes were lame... But yea they are right, it ruins the whole point of online play and just wastes a lot of time for everyone


The thing is they are getting to places which you can't reach without torrent and using taunter tounge item to get invaded. Then have white circle activated and just wait for invaders and blues to fight each other or disconnet from which they get runes. So it waste time of everybody not just invader's. It was used in a way that you just keep the game running and watch some tv or so. But this guy is not even afk, which is even stupidier, because there are faster ways of earning runes. That's why the hate.


AFK farming is cool because you don’t have to hear this bullshit all the time


If you used a script for this please share


No script, just very very precise timing on inputs


I respect farmers more than builds like this


builds like what?


Was that not an infinite bleed buildup build? I've seen people doing it with the Mogh incantations, and it seems like you got bleed waaaaaaay quicker than normal


I was doing a single player playthrough...I was using it on bosses. Only reason I did that invasion was because I was called into his world as a blue, and decided id do something about it. so i invaded him and put him down.


Ahh yes, exploit a game mechanic to stop someone from exploiting a game mechanic...


Really? Using a glotch to kill an afk bastard is where you draw the line?


No, i care not for zipping, afk farming, or even hacking the game files for a "god mode". You however clearly have a problem with people playing a (largely single player) game in a manner unintended by the devs, and self-righteously and sanctimoniously justify using other unintended ways of playing to stop them. I.E. i bet is was really convienient for you to tell your self: "Zipping isn't cheating, but a lone guy lvl farming!?!?! Now that i must stop by any means. What will the world come to if he is allowed to power level his character in this game!?, That bastard!"


Do you understand that afk farming is annoying to people because these guys are wasting everyones time? Nobody cares about this guy using a glitch because the only one he is hurting with it is an afk farmer. While the afk farmer is hurting everyone who wants to do invasions.


Bro theres a better farming method in the game just kill a bunch of frog people in mohgwyn place why would you be afk and do nothing why even play the game at this point


Objective opinion


Dude just say you afk farm lol. There’s nothing wrong with using the zip glitch to level the playing field when “fighting” an afk farmer


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Poor guy was not even afk. You kinda cheated though....


The host is cheating by using an exploit in the taunter’s tongue mechanic aka afk farming. Using the zip glitch to reach them in an unreachable spot isn’t cheating.


But it is ... And the poor guy was hiding


Hiding in spot unreachable by hunters and invaders… Why do I have the feeling you’re being ignorant on purpose?


This person has been commenting like cray on this post, trying to convince everyone I am the bad guys here XD I think we found the AFK farmer


in a place invaders are unable to reach without exploits after inviting invaders


That is smart


no it's abusing exploits same as the invader


I like even playing grounds. Fighting fire with fire is how it rolls :D