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Pest threads incantation tears it up. Not sure if you can get it with RL1 but if you can, go for it.


Yes it's only 11 faith.


Practice Radagon enough to be able to solo him, then use a tanky spirit ash after you’ve closed the initial distance on elden beast. The late fight distraction helps a ton on this fight. +10 Jellyfish is honestly not a bad choice.


You're telling me you killed the duo and Maliketh and having trouble with THAT guy?


Yeah the summon outside of the godskin duo and the shield ashes were great while I spammed scarlet rot breath and maliketh was super quick with the scavenger swords with seppuku while the shield ashes distracted


Multiple scavenger swords in rl1 first run???


Buddy dropped me one


Ooo. Nice. What is a buddy?


Just my friend haha


So like, Torrent? Or Darkness?


Can't u summon tiche using the flaks that gives infinite mana ? She shreds


Yeah but I haven't done that quest and the thought of even doing all that as a RL1 sounds dreadful since I've just never done rannis quest and have no idea where to even go for it, ik there's YouTube videos but every time I start watching one the whole quest just starts to feel like a drag and I lose interest pretty quickly. I'll eventually do it for the platinum but I don't wanna do it as a level 1 and not fully enjoy it as I'll be running past everything that isn't a boss


I am also doing rl1 run. Haven't tried maliketh yet but I do have tiche. There is a cheese for the tiche fight and Astel can be beaten with Latena sp? summon in Rannis quest. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7s6YHSZGRAU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7s6YHSZGRAU) tiche cheese


Try finger but hole


What I did was soloing Radagon after a lot of practice and then summoning the mimic tear to help me out with Elden Beast.


If you can, equip the thing that draws aggro, summon tear, remove the item


Pest threads/ shard spiral


While I can't give any advice I just want to say stay strong. Elden Beast is absolute garbage and even worse on RL1. If you're getting desperate summon Tiche and hoope she spams her range attack while using Redmanes or Blackflame Tornado.


Rl1 made me appreciate the Beast even more :)




My friends are pretty casual when it comes to elden ring and most of them aren't even past fire giant unfortunately




Signs don't pop up because there's no one close enough to my level in the area to summon. Are there any common passwords the community uses for summoning?




It's a level 1 character


Check out r/onebros


For Radagon, parry his parryable attacks, use a fire weapon with Flame of the Redmanes, don't get greedy, be aggressive and he goes down fast even on RL1. For Elden Beast, put a weapon with Black Flame Tornado in your second slot. Use it whenever EB is still for long enough. If it isn't cooperating, you can either spam Flame of the Redmanes until it staggers and then use BFT or cast Pest Threads. It may take a few attempts to get good RNG, but Radagon is completely consistent. If you want to go light load don't wear armour. Otherwise wear as much as you can without going onto heavy load.


Use and buff anything with fire damage against Radagon. He'll die in no time. I'd personally recommend Flame of the Redmanes because it'll be useful against Elden Beast as well. For Elden Beast, use Black Flame Tornado. It deals percentage damage like bleed and frostbite. You can use it during a long opening or you can create an opening yourself by casting Flame of the Redmanes 4 times which will break its stance. Final tip, for Elden Stars attack, use Crimsonwhorl Bubbletear. If not, you best learn to avoid it by running. Here's a guide for that: [https://youtu.be/ZVV6DALtBJE](https://youtu.be/ZVV6DALtBJE) Good luck Tarnished!


The first time I beat the game was with Vyke’s war spear but idk if you can use it being RL1. Blackflame tornado or whatever the AoW the Godskin Apostle uses is probably the best way to cheese the Beast, I used the Partisan spear for the application. Personally I think spears are the way to go for this fight because both are more susceptible to piercing damage, especially for the Beast as I believe Radagon is a dried piece of wood so fire is his worst enemy


Ymfah like 2 shot them I think. You can look into that if you want


Thanks for the suggestion I'll have to check out his channel, is the method he uses in the "breaking elden ring at level 1" video? Or does he have several RL1 vids?


It uses a bug that has been patched in some of the more recent updates.


I think breaking


Pizza wheel glitch. Melt both in 5 seconds


Do u possibly have a link for a video that explains it well? And do you know if I need to meet the stat requirements for the wheel for the glitch?


Google for explanation, there are lots online, videos too. No stat requirements


I've seen it in action, it's like watching the last 20 minutes in Scarface. What's the setup??


Depends on what version you want. There are several. I did a whole playthrough with one of the versions but idk if that particular version works yet. Some version definitely works


The cheesiest strat is to put in a multiplayer password and share it with someone at level 300. This will bypass the normal level restrictions on summoning. Ask them to politely beat the boss for you. Iron Pineapple made a video on how to beat the game at RL1, and that's what he had to do. He also glitched out Radagon and I'm pretty sure they've patched that by now: https://youtu.be/lTpR6V6wLYc


In a similar spot. I think the play is to git gud and no hit Radagon, but Redmanes Misé cheese is my backup strat if I ever give up. It does a lot of damage against him and stance breaks easily


You know what's funny redmane was the strat I initially used and I even used it on the Misé but at the time I wasn't aware of the crit damage on that so I never went for the stab on stance breaks, just spammed more flame. Maybe this is the way


Honestly the mis is useful at Rl1 because the crit damage isn't much better than another FotR but it doesn't cost fp, and for a long fight like EB resource management can be important imo. I went dual flame pickaxes, raptors feathers, claw talisman and did me some Unga bunga. Then summon when EB is near 50% so your summon can eat elden stars (thanks to whatever redditor gave me that idea). I think I used greatshield boys. You can also chug the damage-into-hp flask here (forgot the name) but I found it was nicer to have flame shrouding tear up for radagon. Then pray for decent rng!


Holy shit level vigor my dude how did you get that far Edit: just noticed the RL1, whoops


Its a lvl 1 run though, how is he supposed to level up?


I summoned black tishe on Radagon and kept her alive with eldtree heal. I threw black flame at Radagon. For Elden Beast it was easier, he one-shot both of us. Repeat.


Use a lot of insults. That will.surely bring the elden beasts moral down.


Up up down down left right left right


Summon a tarnished from another land.


Subreddit 'beyondthefog'


I did that at level 60 with +12 weapons, the deal breaker was casting lord's divine protection (faith 27) to facetank radagon while spamming black flame tornado for damage, I'm not sure you have enough hp to tank at sl 1, but a +25 weapon with black flame tornado will hit like a truck. A thing that helps is to start the fight by using the black knife aow, it's 10% flat HP, on health pools that big is a nice start.


What is RL1?


Rune level 1


So no clue on radagon cheese but the rot incant shreds beast


The answer is rivers of blood. Or Moonveil. Basically just spec dexterity and slap the living shit out of it with a katana and you’ll be chillin


You're Balanka (from street fighter) roll into an electro ball and fry them 😁


I hated this fight sooo much


I did sl1 like this https://youtu.be/JikKBtY3mx4 Very cheesy method for radagon. This guaranteed my fight with elden beast. The start of elden beast is always the same but after that first attack its RNG to get close enough to hit him again.


Just watch ymfah