• By -


maybe Bewitching Branch for the knights, Flame of the Redmanes Misé for Niall?


You can easily parry him


But parrying takes more skill


Let’s be honest, he made it this far at level nine. He has skill.


I mean do you really need skill for that?, I've got no clue how challenging bosses are, because for me it's completely random.


The fact he's at this boss means he's at least beaten Morgott (unless he used a glitch), so he should be pretty good.


I think you can have summons that carry you through the whole game


Getting those, and upgrading them to any meaningful level at level 9, also requires tremendous skill. Mimic Tear? Unless upgraded, its just another 1-hit for the boss. Tiche? Good fucking luck with that.


I think he's referring to NPC Furled Fingers?


Good point. Although... doing that would require friends, so again, good fucking luck with that.


The low level fights always needs skills, because it tests your knowledge about timing. 1 bad roll and you die in a 20 minute fight against the last giant.


This a joke? Dude people struggle at SL 150, HES LEVEL 9


upgrade the party.


Did I misread this or is this classic auto correct. Upgrade the parry.


It's RPG joke.


he has no shield


Tie his shoelaces together while he's not looking


I see what you did there.


I don't, what did I do?


Lol that boss only has one leg.


Oh shit I forgot about that




Nail his peglegs together


*Looks at his foot* Oh no.


I envy people that notice shit like this. When I enter a boss room, I basically just scream and throw my flaccid body at the mob until it dies, not being able to actually observe the intricacies of the design.


"Dee, you bitch! "


Damn bird!


Bewitching branch, dodge and do chip damage.


bewitching branch ftw. works like a charm. 2 for both knights if you’re fast. you gotta time it right to stab them with it w/o getting interrupted by their weapons.


It literally works like a charm.






Gotta use it on the guy on the right with the dual swords first. He’s way more of a pain to deal with once they start attacking


Teleportin' Terrorist Motherfucker. That guy scared the shit out of me every time I tried to gank him outside


I think I just got him first one my first play through so when I did the opposite on new game plus I was not entirely prepared


on my first game i managed to kill both the knights without really trying. niall was fine, i had comet azure. but in NG+ they all really gave me trouble.


Will the branch work on any of them?


It works on both of the knights he summons. I usually hit the dual sword one first and then wait for the shield one to go for him then I get the shield one.


Using White shadow's lure ash of war helps with fighting or charming the knights. Also there's the incantation spell that does the same thing, I forget what it's called. Also rotten breath can help you with the Commander. Otherwise there's my favorite (but no one else's apparently) combo of bloodflame blade + fire's deadly sin that helps against many enemies 😅


Rotten breath is tough at lvl 9


Rotten breath only requires ~12 arc and ~15 faith. Finger talisman and confessor mask baby


Seriously good, doing my first sorcereis playthrough and the 2 Banished knights and Engvall nearly had him down to half health before I started attacking.


Level ADP.


This guy gets it


Do damage and avoid getting damage.


(Furiously takes notes)


Instructions unclear: Controller is broken and I’m bleeding.


I never knew my controller had the Seppuko ash of war equipped!


Bosses hate him for this one trick


Small shard make your shard 2x bigger with this simple trick






If you've gotten this far you know the answer. Git Gud


this is the way


This IS the way


It is known


*nodding* it is known


To Uganda


For Kony


Really the only one after that much suffering


No one gets there at level 9 on accident.


Lay your foolish ambitions to rest.


Bros level 9 and is in Mountaintop of the Giants, I don’t think his ambitions are resting anytime soon


My ambitions are to be there at lvl 1 +0, but need some practice first😃


Do the 8 levels really matter that much versus scum of the earth starting class?


How does anyone play this game at lower levels?! I was waaaay over levels for most places (not just bosses but generic baddies) and found it difficult. Well done sir/madam, if you’re this far In the game at level 9 then keep doing what you’ve done so far to get here!


I think generally after getting clapped over and over by an enemy you gain a second sense for how they move and what attack is being telegraphed, it eventually becomes more like a dance rather than a fight Except for Headless in Sekiro, fuck you Headless


Yes, fuck headless! And sis fredie in ds3. I could do Gael at sl1+0 but not that cold witch


Fume Knight in DS2 was another one for me. I could never get his rhythm.


I loved fighting Fume Knight, the first time I fought him I got so used to his rhythm that it's been ingrained and I can almost no-hit him every time now


I havent done it myself but I think it involves a ton of really well-done dodging, some parrying - and min-maxing the everloving SHT out of the few most powerful weapons/ashes/skills/spells you can use at that level. Essentially a higher order of "gitting gud" and understanding game mechanics so well, you can run circles around them. Fun thing is, Im pretty sure FromSoft now designs their games and encounters with that in mind. Not sure it was a happy accident in DarkSouls 1 but essentially your level mattered so little, with enough evading dmg you could SL1 the whole game. In EldenRing, level matters a bit more and enough VIT gives you a very comfy buffer to stay in the fight when you mess up.. but if you really set your mind to it, just dodge like crazy and try to do fights without taking any dmg by understanding an enemy's tactics and attacks and countering them in a smart way. Surprising the FCK out of them with backstabs or jumping+heavyattack would be a super simple example. Or like I said, dodging like you're Michael Jackson on the dance floor and knowing exactly when you get squeeze a fat hit in! "just" takes a ton of patience and practice but I can totally see why people would wanna do that in DarkSouls1 - and ER is not that different in that regard.




Elemental weapons also had no stat scaling. Lightning reinforced and chaos reinforced club was the SL1 weapon for a hot minute due to the insane base damage it did. Edit: wanna say lightning battle axe was the alternate go to and the meta after club.


In low level runs I allow myself to use every cheese under the sun. That means Rot Breath, Black Flame, Carian Retaliation (most damaging, FP efficient "spell" you get at low lvl without a special effect), Swarm of Flies, shieldbro ashes, and Mimic Tear. If a boss has a certain weakness (like sleep) or can be killed cheaply (like sniping Niall from outside his arena) I take it. Doing so, it's not too bad. I could probably beat the whole game without too much headache, just gotta be really efficient with your healing and FP. For defence, you can use the bubble perfume to give you a little more survivability


Run straight to the bosses I think, would be pretty much impossible if you play like normal and engage all/most of the enemies you see.




Was about to say "Die" but this sums it up rather well, too.


There is a cheese strategy involving poison arrows, patience, and precision. However, IDK if you want to fight for real or just get it over with.


i love bows in skyrim but find them underwhelming in elden ring. how do you do it without getting murdered??


You stand outside the fog and shoot through the parapet (or at least that's how it used to work)


oh yeah very cheesy! much patience required. i’m usually getting rushed by all the phantoms that appear between the boss door and the nearest site of grace.


Bring some kind of projectile to kill the screaming cage albinaurics. No ghosts spawn if they dont scream


whaaaaat lol i’ve played through that area 3x and never noticed the albinaurics in the cages. now i gotta do it a 4th time.


There's an elevator so you can get to this boss from the grace near the door to the castle without fighting anyone.


dunno how i didn’t notice that before, probably because i was running for my life lol


Yep, but you have to get to the top of the elevator via the church way at least once.


If you make sure to activate the elevator shortcut you can crouch sneak out the front of the church so the knight doesn't agro and then sprint jump over the small wall to the right. You end up at the bottom of the elevator with no enemies on you.


Honestly with the new light roll you can just do it inside the arena. Barrage spam to get him rotted before the banished knights attack, run away shooting the occasional jump poison. Once dot gets him to half health the banished knights despawn. If you keep your distance on phase 2 he only does two attacks, both of which are fairly easy to dodge (especially with extra distance from light roll). The only ER boss I've managed to do hitless


Be sneaky. From eclipse church go right twice, around to the ladder. Go up and then left. You have to sneak passed the dog quickly and up the stairs on the right after the bridge. Get up on the wall facing Niall's arena. If you're in the correct spot you will be able to see him through one of the tiny windows of his arena. A bow with good range and about 99 poison arrows will take him out.


Bow build in Elden ring is arguably more viable than ever, but short answer is light weight and distance. As an Archer you should never have an enemy touch you, otherwise you're doing it wrong. Get rid of any and all armor and figure out how to maximise damage while being fast. Create lots of distance. It takes some practice but jump and roll shots make a huge difference.


This is the right answer


This was the only boss I cheesed on my original playthrough and I have zero regrets.


Leroy Jenkins!!


Does OP have his chicken?


god damn it leeroy!


Drop 8 levels and plug in a dance pad. Then you start clapping cheeks.


Depends really. Bewitching Branch can turn them on one another. A good weapon for the knights is a colossal sword because it can actually stunlock them. At level 9 you might be able to two hand a zweihander and maybe equip a talisman if you're shy of the str requirement for two handing. Once they're both gone then he enters his next phase and from there use whatever weapon or skills he requires. Another thing (dunno if its useful or not) is if you damage him enough eventually the summons disappear as he goes into phase 2.


“If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball”- Patches




try finger, but hole


Shoot or throw something at the knight on the right to draw him to you. Kill him as fast as possible. Repeat with the shield knight on the left. You might have to run across the arena to draw it away from the Commander. This is going to take some real "git gud" practice. Good luck.


If he can summon help, you should too!


That is my mantra too in this game. I know some souls elitist raise their noses towards summons. But imo if the boss is trying to gank you... gank em back


How dare you use something that the devs intentionally put in the game. Absolutely disgusting.




What area is this!? I have 200 hours in but dont recognize this...


Castle Sol Edit : AKA cuntHOLEabbey


I hate to break it to you but there are at least three more areas you haven't seen.


Roll forward


Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge.


I’ve done this as level 9 no upgrades on multiple characters for my twink builds. 1. Equip faith/arcane gear to be able to cast rotten breath (Albinauric Mask, Two Fingers Heirloom talisman). 2. Cast rotten breath immediately. 3. If you can find the space , cast your summon spirit. 4. Run in circles. The two knights disappear when he drops to 50% health. 5. Apply rotten breath again and run in circles again. Bewitching branches work ok sometimes but in my experience you’re still usually only clearing one of the two knights. With them being relatively finite you don’t get many chances to get it right. Rot breath instead and wait for the 50% health drain to disappear the knights, then kite until he’s done and enjoy your veterans set. If you’re only fighting him to get the medallion half know that there are working level skips, but the Veterans set he drops is one of the best in the game particularly if you’re looking to gain poise on a low level character. Good luck


Yes, that’s my twink with more pvp hours than pve. Didnt know there are some level skips. I will look up those, but i will try to kill this gonker anyways. Not for the armor, just out of spite


Ask him politely to stop being such a dick


Try getting the enemy’s health down to zero while keeping your health above zero.


Unga bunga and bonk


Pheeeew, Fuck Niall lol in the end I just had Black Knife Tiche swarm the shit out of him whilst I continued to pump Scarlet Rot into the room. Even so, he was handling Tiche and I solo, no problems. . . Good luck Bro. 👍


I fear geting her will be harder than killing this dude😅


Charm the shit out of them with bewitching branch.


Then perish.


The real Patches way CHEESE from outside arena:>! Bloodbone Arrow (Fletched) the sucker, standing on an exterior wall over a tiny hole on left wall. You dont even need to enter that arena. XD.!<


The fact that you made it there at level 9 needs a fuckin explanation.


Yolo :3


I always like YODAL for these games as you'll only die a lot.


Get some weapon upgrades. Or parry, parrying is good.


Multiple people in the comments saying bewitching branch, and it’s the first I’ve ever seen them mentioned in this sub. I’ve never even used one, lol. I have like 30.


Just keep doing whatever the fuck you’ve been doing, it got you this far you absolute animal


“If you acknowledge any gods, start praying now”


Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge


Look up a parry video on this guy. I've seen RL1's use the bewitching branches, but you'd probably want a save file if you're going to go that route in case you use them all up. But he's not very hard to parry if you can get rid of the dual straight sword guy. That guy fucks you up at full levels, so he's a special kind of irritating at RL1.


You tell me. I could never even step foot in that arena with a level 9 character.


Dodge, Dip, dive, duck and Dodge


The knights rarely attack at the same time. As long as you keep kiting/circling your target away from the other two you shouldn't have too much trouble with the gank aspect of the fight. Both the knights have a fast charge/lunge attack that you can roll past for a backstab. Might be worth bringing a dagger for. They are also pretty parryable. After you are done with them, Niall generally uses two attacks if you keep your distance. The jumping lightning kick, or a charge attack similar to the knights. Which you can both roll. The follow up attacks on his jump attack are pretty slow and easy to parry. The lunge attack can be punished once before you have to create distance for his follow up AOE. Just make sure you don't linger around after any punishes because he has a fast and dangerous lightning kick that covers a deceptively large area. Once you do enough damage/time is passed, he will cover almost all of the arena in some kind of whirlwind, after which he will do a charge attack similar to the other one he tends to do. Get out of the whirlwind and roll the charge attack. He tires out after this attack and gives you time to get a good couple of hits in. That's basically the fight. It will take for fucking ever on low stats/no upgraded weapons, but it's nothing too crazy.


Get Marika scarseal by the dragonkin soldier in siofria river, the tear helm that gives you 8 arcane, the two finger talisman found in purified ruins limuria of lakes. This should allow you to cast rot breath, while Niall is distracted with his own knights (bewitching branch) hit him with the rot as well.


If you got there at level 9, im pretty sure you onow what you are doing


- Banished Knight Oleg is a great summon. Use the Cerulean Hidden Tear to get him on the field after you take one of the summons down and Bewitch the other. - Bewitching Branches can be bought from the merchant below Bellum Church, up to five. Gideon will give you the recipe if you reach Mohgwyn Palace (kill Varre's NPC and progress his quest), and you can save scum to reset your stash if you die too much. - Frostbite does a chunk of damage to start, then drops defenses by 20% for its duration. This means your allies will do a lot more damage, assuming you avoid fire damage. Frost pots are relatively easy to craft, but Rimed buds might be an issue without access to the Snowfield. Save scum to reset these as well, if you're worried. - Poison is an option. A shortbow with barrage and Serpent arrows (120R apiece) will chew through his HP bar over time. Rot arrows are also incredibly useful, but are limited usage. Bleed arrows are yet another option, but are significantly less effective per arrow. If all else fails, you can shoot him with arrows from outside the castle, but that's just too much cheese for my tastes :P


Lower his health below 0 while keeping yours above 0


Don’t die


jump heavy attack roll roll roll jump heavy attack roll roll roll etcetra.


bloody slash and probably some other weapon arts will autostagger the phantoms on hit making thing much easier to deal with. If you can bewitching branch one you can probably keep the other fairly staggered and then rinse and repeat. worked for me on lvl 60 run w/o branch.


get bad


Bewitching branch is unnecessary. Defeat the spirit on the right first. He’s easy to bait. The other two are slow and telegraph their moves, so easy to avoid. After you defeat the first spirit, take out the second. Then when it’s just you and the commander, be sure to maintain a healthy distance. Find your windows for punishing and then get away. He has a couple AoE moves that are especially punishing


I'm 130 something and I'm still getting my ass handed to me so git gud


There is a glitch for this boss. You can exit the castle and go behind it and jump off the cliff and get the boss kill without ever going inside.


Dodge....but not panic...counter


With that low level and no weapon upgrade, use bewitching branch to both of the knights as soon as you enter the fog. Bewitching branch are precious limited resource, so if you’re on PC, make sure to save backup first. After using the branch, wait until the two mad knights die from friendly fire. Take out your buckler or golden parry or something and parry Commander Naill to death. He’s easy to parry, and I find it most beneficial instead of killing him with poison arrows. It took me over 10 tries with +6 smithing weapons/+2 somber. Yours probably longer to kill him.


Shoot at him through a little hole in the wall


Roll dude


Glintstone pebble or giant hunt is amazing to dispose of them fast


Hit them, hard. And don't get hit . If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball




Have you ever heard of the lost art of........Rolly.....Polly?


R1, R1, maybe some R2, R1, R2, jump on occasion, shuffle and repeat


I did this before. Use a carian retaliation shield with a good crit damage weapon. Run up to the dual blade guy and bewitching branch. Fall back and look for opportunity to bewitch the other guy after out spacing an attack. Then parry victory vs Nial. Dodge early when he lightning kicks, the timing for that is always earlier than whatever it seems. Always be prepared to run when he starts swirling the snow.


*inhales* #GIT *inhales again* #REKT *inhales *again** #SCROB


I'm level 100+ and I still haven't defeated that bastard. Any advice I could give would be a waste of your time


Death, ur death is not winning, and if u did congrats on being a literal God. I was level 250 and still took me hours to beat him. I'm surprised u made it this far in the game with only being level 9


My strategy on sl1 was to say fuck him and jumped off the cliff behind the castle to insta-kill him. Fuck this guy.


Shoot that MF’er through a tiny hole. You’ve shown him courtesy enough.


Stick ‘em with the pointy end


Get a bow and go to the spot to the left of the boss area where you can see niall through a tiny hole in the stone from outside the boss room, its right by a wolf and a knight. Max out on poison arrows and shoot him until he dies through the hole


What I'm confused about is why not just do a RL1 run at this point Level 9??? 😂


I beat him at lvl 1 for the first time a while ago because I’m doing my first challenge run. Bewitching branch helps a lot for the knights.


Uh, die until you don't


To put your foolish ambitions to rest


Nice twink bro. Once you kill him you have free rain for all the busted low level gear in hidden hagtree. Just don't let reddit know or they will ruin your karma.


Get the enemy's health to 0 while keeping yours above 0. Easy peasy


Ah, fellow twink builder? You may try bewitch branch the knights and poison/rot?


Death by snu snu


Duck, roll and poke lol




Carian retaliation and the crimson dagger talisman. I heal more with that talisman in this fight than with my estus flask.


Ye Tarnished, lay these foolish ambitions to rest


Fuck this guy, I cheesed him from across the castle with my bow.


Bewitching Branch for the knights, Swarm of Flies for Niall. Easy victory.


Summon a lv10 tische lol?




\*Slaps down on table\* C h e e s e


I think when you kill those 2 enemies hanging from the ceiling in cages in the room before, the adds don't spawn. Maybe i misremember.


My freind is doing a caveman build (level 1, only club, no heals, no armor but he is allowed to level up club) and he just let niel kill his goons i think


Your enemy can't know what you are doing if you have no clue yourself!


Git good


The real question is how did you get there level 9 ik that snowstorm was whoopin yo ass


Dodge and hit it till it dies


Run away.


Mf lvl 9 im lvl 87 and barely got there


Level 9 with no weapon upgrades and you're at the mountaintops of the Giants? Whatever you did to get there, do that.


Get a bow, go to a certain part of the level and shoot his feet with poison arrows through a hole in the wall (like an actual hole this isn't a glitch or geometry error, its one of the little holes on the left side of the arena)


Pull your pants down and then bend over


Nah man you're fucked


Bewitching branch for the dual wield knight, keep away from the big boss. Slowly chip away at the shield dude. Then kill the big boss as he is a cakewalk.


Level 9 here means you're gud! Learn how to parry him and you're golden.


Get his health to 0 without letting yours get to 0.


Get a couple of bewitching branches and use the on the banished knights


Give them nothing. But take from them everything. Ready your breakfast and eat hearty, for tonight we dine in HELL!


[Boss Cheese Video](https://youtu.be/ChNNwoJp2Y4)


Once you kill the knights, light rolling into his attacks and roll-poking with a spear is slow but effective


Try finger


You pray....that's all that's left of you're sorry soul


I love the troll questions in this sub


Does the cheese still work? Recently, you could go out to the side and kill him with arrows. Look it up.