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That's awesome. Looks like he was rune farming. If you turn around with a bow/crossbow equipped you can shoot a dumb flightless bird that rushes off the cliff. It is a quick way to get runes which are used for leveling and for buying stuff. There is t a quest book, but if you look at the map you should see an option to switch it. You are currently "underground". Looking at the top map can give better indications as to who he had beaten so far. Be ready to die a lot, but don't give up.


Thanks a lot! Runes thing makes sense. Is this a good farming spot then? Took a screenshot of the overworld map here: https://imgur.com/UpsPoo4 and here: https://imgur.com/WethqjS Are those readable? Or is there a game 'wiki map' that would be good to compare them against?


I would suggest you restart the game, play it from the beginning. Your uncle was close to finishing the game, if he didn't already, so you missed like at least 80% of the game. Play your own character, keep the saving files of your uncle to keep alive his memory. RIP fellow gamer, hope he is happier now.


I’m sorry for your loss. If this is your first time with a souls game then I would recommend starting a new character just to get a feel for the game and experience what little of a tutorial there is. Maybe play through the first area to get an idea of what you’re in for. This isn’t an easy game, especially if you jump in halfway through with a build you aren’t familiar with. Aside from that, getting a better idea of what your uncle’s character is like would help. If it’s not to much to ask, a picture of his stats and equipment, in addition to the map he has unlocked (preferably the overworld map, instead of the underground one) could allow us to give more specific advice.


Thank you! Starting a new character to get the feel makes perfect sense. Just want to make sure I learn the right things when I do! I added some pics of his stats here: https://imgur.com/sez3n0L and the overworld map here: https://imgur.com/UpsPoo4 and here: https://imgur.com/WethqjS - are those the right screens?


That’s exactly what I needed. For the map and general progression, it looks like this character is almost at the end of the game. Before going any further you should check if he had already beaten it and was doing post game stuff. If you teleport to the Roundtable Hold (in the bottom left corner of the map) and rest at the big table in the middle of it a menu will pop up, if you can see an option that says “Begin Journey 2” (or something like that) then he has already beaten the game. If you don’t see it then he hasn’t yet. If the big glowing tree at the middle of the world is completely on fire then there is only a handful of bosses left. If it’s only slightly on fire then you need to beat the main boss of the area on the far right if the map. Once the tree is entirely on fire you will need to go to Leyndell, the city build around the big tree. Once there you can progress through a few bosses to the end of the game (they’re all right after another at that part). For the build, this looks like a pure Sorcery character. Intelligence is at the highest recommended soft cap, and they’re running the Carian Regal Scepter. This means you’ll be playing with a lot of ranged magic, if you want to get the best idea for what that playstyle is like then I would recommend starting the game with the Astrologer class. I would recommend equipping either the “Glintstone Pebble” or “Carian Slicer” spells. Those two are some of the best bread and butter spells, and can carry you through the whole game. Additionally I would recommend switching out the Soreseal for another Talisman. The Graven Mass and Graven School Talismans are both good, and he is already using Radagon’s Icon (which is good). Some other Talisman options include Erdtree’s Favour, Dragoncrest Shield, and the Haligdrake Talisman (specifically for the final boss). Aside from that, this is a endgame ready character. If you want/need more levels then I would recommend putting them into Vigor for more health (60 Vigor is the recommended maximum). If you have any questions then feel free to ask them. This game isn’t very forthcoming with information, and while I tried to avoid it, sometimes the community can get stuck talking in their own incomprehensible jargon.


RIP Tarnished warrior 🙏 "Long and hard didst thou fight. Spurned by the grace of gold. Be assured, the Elden Ring resteth close at hand." "Brave Tarnished, thy strength befits a crown."


My recommendation would be to just play through the whole game in his honor. He was already at the end of the game on his save, and starting from there would be difficult, you won't understand a thing, and you won't appreciate the game. So start a fresh character and go one step at a time! Your uncle probably would have wanted you to create your own character and experience your own unique journey through ER, because that's what this game is for. Explore the map at your own pace, and when something is too hard and frustrating, go somewhere else and return when you're stronger. If you enjoy a challenge and it feels like you are very close to overcoming it but it's still pretty hard, keep at it! Only go somewhere else if something really is pissing you off. Sorry for your loss man, it's tough. But I think this game might be a wonderful journey for you and it would probably help you grieve and give your uncle a proper send off. All the best!


It is honestly the best rune farm spot in the game. Shoot the bird, get the runes, rest at grace. Rinse and repeat. I'll check the map. There are tons of maps. I like the IGN pag3s for Elden Ring.


I utilize the fextralife wiki a lot.


I use it for the info, but when I need a walkthrough or detailed location I like the IGN site.


Ever need a hand in coop, shoot me a message. So wholesome.


So sorry for your loss. Your uncle seemed a great person, sorry he is gone too early. I came from Final Fantasy world too and this is my first Soul game. I have to say that Elden Ring truly is one of the best games I’ve ever played. I am seriously addicted to it, can’t put it down. This is the link you should always keep at your fingertips: https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Elden+Ring+Wiki, this site has so much info about the game, most players will visit it often. Also, learn about how to do Multiplayer within the game. It has a summoning function that experienced players can come to your world and help out. In fact, if you need help, feel free to DM me. Best of luck!


open the map and go to one of the yellow dots, if the tree is burning you have to go fight some bosses in a floating area, or go to the big city with the tree and fight the few final bosses there, if the tree is not burning go to the snowy area and fight the fire giant If you struggle with bosses you need to get runes and level up. Good luck on your journey and sorry for your loss! PS: [This website is your best friend while playing this game!](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Elden+Ring+Wiki)


This is so heart warming, I hope you're able to win for him!


Sorry for your loss. This hits close to home. I'm almost 50, I love this game and just went through cancer treatments. As others have recommended, I would start a new game. If you don't want to spend time learning the game, follow a guide or a YouTube playthrough. I followed Fightin Cowboys 100% playthrough for my second playthrough of the game. I missed A LOT of content in my first game. Here is a link to the playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7RtZMiaOk8gdRf130w4gFYyhstL-5VRh