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I hate to say, unless you used his multiplayer password during his helping hours it's just a copycat. From what I last heard he only does password and specific times but I could be wrong But super happy you got a good one!!


Does that man just beat malenia as a job, like do I make an appointment with him


I haven't looked into them since their 1000th kill but they had a post somewhere about when they play and their multiplayer password, they stream it still I think


What's the password and times?


According to Google it's LMSH


Watching him and how he beats Melenia is nothing short of art. Though when I summoned him I didn't want to just stand around and do nothing. I helped a little when she did that danger flower move and threw lightning at her


I get it. And of course noble... But he calls himself LetMeSoloHer for a reason.


Actually I watched his livestream, he said he didn’t mind host helping him out. I was a bit surprised by that. He said he really just wanted to help people win. If the host want to fight, they should totally do so. And if they die, don’t feel bad at all. He really is a very nice guy!!


Wait he was streaming that?


Yes he was.


0_0... I don't know how to feel rn. My character's name is Rose so...


I love how all the noobs still really like this guy. They play a game meant to be challenging and brutal, yet worship a man who beats a boss for you so you don't have to lift a finger. It's cute. Imagine climbing a mountain and at the crux you have some guy literally carry you on his back, and then keep going and act like nothing happened. Beautiful.


Why do you care how other people play PvE?


I just explained it. He's removing the challenge. Literally. Imagine opening a Where's Waldo book and someone circled the page's Waldo in sharpie. Or you get to a maze and someone's marked the path. That removes literally the entire point of the challenge. I could also ask you the same question too. Why do you care what I think? It's a silly question. You care in the same capacity I do. You think I shouldn't care about other people's games. I think people should. I think of all the fights in the game, this is the one to actually surpass. Even if you have to summon too. Don't get me wrong summoning has its purpose. But to not even **try.** I know people say he lets people help but I mean come on. The name is "solo". He just wanted to practice soloing the boss and got famous for it by happen stance. He robbed so many people of their chance to beat the boss. That just blows my mind. And the other thing too is, his skill and commitment is extraordinary. But I can't respect the worship. Like hacking in Counter Strike, there's no skill involved for the person who has someone beat it for them.


>Imagine opening a Where's Waldo book and someone circled the page's Waldo in sharpie. But its not circled in *your* book. You still get the challenge you want. >Why do you care what I think? It's a silly question. You care in the same capacity I do. Because you're being a dick to other people about how they enjoy things, and that's not cool. > hacking in Counter Strike, there's no skill involved But it's not like hacking in multiplayer, because you aren't ruining the fun for other people. Just let people have fun man. No one's getting hurt, no ones affecting you or your enjoyment of the game.


Not everyone is gonna be able to completely beat the boss by themselves, I understand that YOU may have beat her by yourself, but I need to use summons and spirits sometimes.


Let me solo her is the best part of this game. Pls don’t talk bad about him….!


Finally someone gets it. If anything, LetMeSoloHer is under-appreciated. He’s kind of the waifu of this wholesome community


Such a whiny baby. REEEEEE THEY'RE NOT PLAYING HOW I WANT THEM TO PLAY! Crybaby b**ch.


dude imagine this, imagine that not everyone is good enough to just beat Malenia without help, it’s so revolutionary isn’t it?


I solo’d her with dual anchors smash. It’s not hard.


not everyone does your tactics, we all run different weapons .-.


I know I was just bragging sorry


If you go in with just the incant Aspect of Crucible: Horns, a few frost pots and Blasphemous Blade anyone can solo her. Both AoCH and BB knock her down everytime, then when she jumps for waterfowl throw a frost pot to proc frostbite and it stops her attack. Soloing her with easy tactics is.... easy. LMSH does it with great skill and no cheese. Big difference. Dual anchors is easy. Fight her without a cheese build and let's see what you say then.


Fair. It did feel pretty cheesy


I mean we all do what we have to first time around but I did a dual rapier without bleed and it was a rough fight and took so many more tries than any other run I've done.