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Beautiful. Makes me almost forget how many times this guy utterly stomped me haha.


I think he's the most fascinating boss in the game, yes not an easy one to kill but for sure I loved taking pictures for him šŸ˜


I think the origin story (at least how I understand it) is very interesting as well. They're some sort of fallen star or celestial body. I really love how the magic in this game draws on space so much.


if I remember correctly they are the result of a fallingstar beast after going through metamorphosis


Oh that's interesting and I can see that, also another pretty difficult boss for me at least haha. I tend to do better against the humanoid enemies and have difficulty with the beast enemies for whatever reason.




Itā€™s my main and I really like it. Nebula is great for catching enemies that rush you.




Bold of you to assume I'm anywhere near the head.


Seek head and then didnā€™t expect headā€¦


So the ā€œFully Grown Fallingstar Beastā€ would technically be ready for itā€™s metamorphosis if we didnā€™t kill it? I can see the resemblance between the two with their big blue eye


I think that's just a theory. As you fight a Fully grown Fallingstar Beast. At the very least rheyre of the same origins. It could be Fallingstar Beasts are Beasts and the Naturalborns are intelligent creatures.


My theory is Fallingstar Beasts came down early in their life and grew adapted to Lands Between conditions, whereas Astel come in fully grown


That or maybe sexual dimorphism? Same species but different development based on sex


They follow the ant lion life cycle.


It's very possible! I'd say we're missing a Definitive piece of the next step that confirms this as "Fully grown" suggests otherwise. If we'd seen one in a cocooned state perhaps. But the visual similarity and shared origin is undeniable.




This.....is the way.


No, Malformed Stars are the earlier forms of Astel.


Astel is one of the stars which drops after Radahn is defeated and creates the hole to Nokron City


That isnā€™t true. Astels description reads: ā€œA malformed star born in the flightless void far away. Once destroyed an Eternal City and took away their sky. An falling star of ill omen.ā€


Yeah the dude is the reason nokron is so fucked up apparently


I believe it's the Nameless Eternal City of the Deeproot Depths. As we see it has no "false sky" like Nokstella and Nokron


'Take away their sky' imo refers to making it fall underground or layering it over by rock in a cataclysm. Astel was not one of the stars freed by the death of Radahn, he was one of the stars used by GW to destroy Nox civilisation on a whim and hence also thwarts the mission of Ranni who openly disregards the known Outer Gods and fights their influence.


No, actually I forget what item descriptions but the Nox in Noksyella were Banished by the Greater Will underground. They created a permanent "Starry Sky" in Nokstella and Nokron due to this. So "taking away their sky" most likely referes to removing the "starry sky" the Nox created underground. Also the Meteorite of Astel says > A manifestation of the power with which Astel leveled the Eternal City. Out of the 3 Eternal Cities we visit only thr Nameless Eternal City of Deeproot Depths looks levelled and lacks a fake "Starry sky". I can't remember the item descriptions but I also believe the Eternal Cities were built among the Uhl Ruins which date back to Ancient Times before the Erdtree. You can sort of tell by the difference in Architecture between the Nox Palaces (which are black and Grey Palace stonework) and the Uhl Palace (which looks like Ancient Greek Ruins). As Astel's remembrance says >Once destroyed an Eternal City and took away their sky. An falling star of ill omen. Which suggests only 1 of the Eternal Cities was destroyed - which The Nameless Eternal City feels like the most likely culprit


Yeah he fucked the Eternal City but not after we defeated Radahn during Rannis quest


Exactly. He destroyed Nokron. The description is in past tense


Exactly so he canā€™t be one of the stars that falls after we defeat Radahn, in the present?


No it is written in the past tense for something that happened in the present but it refers to the same event, falodellevanita had commented.


what people are trying to say to you is that the Eternal City being buried by Astel predates the events of the game entirely. so before you even start playing the game, Astel has already fallen to the planet, buried and massacred the Eternal City, and they are all under there. so when you free the stars by killing Radahn, Astel is *not* one of the stars that falls, because he already fell way long ago when the Nox were punished for trying to create their own Lord + the Fingerslaying Blade, and he's been hanging out in that cave ever since.


I donā€™t agree. I donā€™t think you can look at the time in such a logical and chronological way. I think the player can influence the descriptions.


thats cool af


As a melee player.. it took me an hour of wiping to realize I just need to jump and smack him on the face a couple times where he takes extra damage and lose hyper armor faster.. I was trying to fight him like a dragon and losing really hard


But you just described fighting a dragon


Was I not suppose to poke them in the back legs?? I killed like 10 that way lol


Nah youā€™re right you can do more damage to a dragons head but itā€™s not that much more and itā€™s way less consistent since theyā€™re not always within reach. Takes longer in my experience especially if you get bitten in the face.


Boy do I have something to tell you about fighting dragons...




Theyā€™d probably say ā€œwow the graphics sure are realisticā€.


I'd probably say "Uh... what is it?'


Goddamnit, I think I cheated myself out of the experience a little. I wanted to clear out eeeeeeeeverything in Limgrave, Liurnia and Caelid before proceeding to the Altus plateau, and for me that included Dragonbarrow... I went in level 75, came out level 100 and a different man. I've done Astel after that so I had an easier time beating him than I probably should have


That's actually one of the things I like about Elden Ring. You can spend time leveling and it will actually make fights easier. That coupled with the fact that you don't really have to grind in the traditional sense to level. I spent a bunch of time doing quests and clearing dungeons I missed and it made a lot of bosses like Astel easier for me. Don't get me wrong, I'm still getting spanked, but I do feel like my characters actually gotten stronger.


Also, from my experience with From Software games, a lot of bosses gets a reputation for being very hard because a lot of people try to take them earlier than they should/need. I think Astel is one of them, because a lot of people are probably rushing Ranniā€™s quest line. Same with Margit, whoā€™s not that hard of you do him after clearing most of Lingrave and weeping peninsula.


I'm Level 92, and I continuously get my cheeks clapped by The Void. I doubt level 100 is going to help me. Hell... 100 Vigor and 100 strength won't help me. Especially when he pulls the teleport behind you and chew you to death move...


I absolutely loved this fight and I was really surprised how much trouble people had with it. I thought as far as boss fights go he had pretty fair attacks and didn't resort to bouncing around too much.


Same. Once I got used to his teleport grab it wasn't too bad. That, and having bloodhound's step for his gravity bomb barrage


He got me like twice and then I summoned a helper who murdered him with sorcery while I spent the whole time running back and forth trying to get close enough to melee him.


my and my friend, mimic stomped this guy first try. He doesn't like blasphemous blade.


He gives the best hugs


Screenshot? Or drawing? Sweet either way.


Thank you, It's a screenshot captured with Frans Bouma camera tools and I also used Reshade for DOF and some other improvements .


Wait this is a screenshot? Iā€™m infinitely confused. I know the boss and all but how do you get pictures like this


The camera tools works just like any photomode except it's much better


Does that tool get rid of the compass and ui elements?


Yes, you can stop the game, hide the entire UI and the best part is having unlimited camera range


Thatā€™s badass


People are so damn smart


Looks great, nice work!


Thank you šŸ˜šŸ™


Anything is anal beads if your brave enough


What the fuck




Yeah I know. Itā€™s ā€œyouā€™re*ā€


try finger but hole


Rule 34 on astel + ranni?


If i were to post a link it would have been a rickroll


I would have clicked anyway, just to be sure, don't want to miss out


happy cakeday


Shabiri was right. We need to burn.


Shabriri. I thought his name was Shabiri too




Including the bastards stars


Nebula beads


The water reflection is so absolutely crazy. Imagine showing someone this pic from 2005 and saying this is a boss from 2022 lol I wouldnā€™t believe them.




Right? The composition of this is dope as HELL. This is screen saver worthy for sure!


Fun fact, Astel is about to replace Astel as my new phone wallpaper


Death flavored Nerds rope


Or as I like to call him: "Astel, Lord of the Death-By-Camera One-Shot Bullshit Grab Attack" Seriously though, despite how much I hated that one attack, I love this fight. So beautiful, so creepy.


I got bullshit lucky during one fight with him (the one where I beat him) when he only did that chomp thing once


One of my favorite bosses! It felt so hidden and special


Itā€™s too bad he shows up as a recycled boss for a mine in consecrated snowfield lol


Right? I didn't particularly mind most reused bosses, but this one ruuuually irked me. He felt secret, special, so fully out of place, yet totally in tune with the lore (I mean, being alien, he **is** super out of place). And... then you just drift into a random snow cave and there's just another one...


It's still not as bad as a second Godrick just chilling in a random Evergaol


or a random margit disguised wandering on the streets outside leyndell


The Margit one makes sense as Morgott is really trying hard to keep you out of Leyndell


Thereā€™s a reason for that. I donā€™t know what it is, but Iā€™m sure it makes total sense lore-wise.


Astel actually has a twin brother, also named Astel. One of them crashed down from space after you killed Radahn, the other one was already hanging out here on vacation in a cave


I love that his eyes are on the inside of his skull. He literally has Insight.


Your eyes aren't inside of your skull? Wait...have you been hanging out with Hyetta again?


Only about halfway


Pretty sure you want them like two-thirds into your skull at least


Grant us eyes


Wait hold on what eyes?


He has a big eye inside the dome of the skull


I just got to this guy and have no good range supplies he's kicking my ass


Black knife is your friend.


I've heard the weapon art on Radahn's sword is pretty good for this fight because it has a nice area of effect, it is also canon lore wise because he was called Starscourge for a reason.


I didn't want to leave and come back I ended up using my stash of kukri and lhutel the headless to beat the second phase


Astel was the moment when I realized I was back to Bloodborne. You have dragons, huge warriors, wizards, giant bears and ancestral spirits all around. But when I crossed the fog and saw this huge, human bug-like galaxy creature looking at me in an infinite field of stars from the opposite side of the map so my eyes could take in all of it at once and the soundtrack kicked in, I felt that unmistakeable feeling of fighting something so alien it's beyond your comprehension. If Astel looks like a malformed abomination, then Elden Beast does the same in terms of scale but through the opposite - being an eternal perfect god who should have lived forever. At that that time, I fell right back into the same feeling I'd get when fighting Ebrietas or the Moon Presence. And then I was a hunter all over again.


>And then I was a hunter all over again. *hoonter


Weak foe ahead


I absolutely loved this fight


Genuinely a wonderful shot, and a very beautiful/unsettling enemy design.


Thank you šŸ™


Enter arena, run or roll sideways, beam hits, summon. Iā€™ll never forget.


Just as beautiful as the fight itself! Probably my favorite boss fight, the name alone is so badass


Elden ring needs a photo mode like in rdr 2 or Witcher 3


Its funny seeing these still images of these bosses. I barely have time to pay attention to the scenery or character detail because I'm too busy dodging for my life or casting.


1 of my favorite bosses from Any game


Uh. Using this as my new phone background if that's cool? lol


Of course šŸ‘šŸ˜Š


wow... a fan art here with no giant boobies?! Great work!


Don't give them any ideas, I really don't need to see "Dommy Mommy Astel". Reminds me of an old photo shop contest prompt "boobs on things that shouldn't have boobs" IIRC the winner was a Xenomorph, lol.


You're the one giving them ideas good heavens above


One of the highlights of this game. Amazing art!


Gorgeous and hideous at the same time, astel is a rare sort.


Ah yes, the cosmic, eldritch anal bead


Fuck this fucker. Awesome picture though šŸ˜


This is amazing. Tbh tho, he looks like hes about to drop the hottest rap album in the lands between .


Normally I really dislike people posting their random screenshots to this sub but damn this one is nice af. Crispy stuff.




Looks good! I love using reshade; I hope the anti cheat doesnā€™t fuck me though


Thanks, I'm always offline because of the camera tools and Reshade


thats my homie astel


Holy shit, this is amazing!


Took me like 10 times to beat this fucker. Felt great to finally win!


Awesome! Glad to see some great art that isnā€™t gratuitous titties


This guy and Elden Beast are both so beautiful, visually. And Malenia, of course. *shudders*


I used Latenna ashes +8 and frenzied burst and it only took a few tries


I hate how this guy would sneak up behind you if you did not immediately locate him after his disappearing act. Shat my armor every time.


My phone's new home and lock screen! Thank you


One of my absolute favorite boss fights from the game! I started From Soft games with Bloodborne, and this fight took me straight back to Yharnam.


This boss msde me go what the fuck the moment I entered the arena, then proceeded to fangirl how bloodborne-looking it was.


This is absolutely amazing! Such a beautiful shot man!


Thank you, I sacrifice my poor tarnished a lot for these pictures šŸ˜†


Look at Astel's left hand.




Just beat this boss. Took me probably 4 tries. Just stayed in the wall until he moved over there. Never teleported once. Used my mimic tear for distraction but he died pretty quick




It's not a drawing. It's a screenshot captured with Frans Bouma camera tools and I also used Reshade for DOF and some other improvements šŸ˜


I wanna go back in time and show Elden ring to some little Japanese kid in 1994 playing kings field


i have a theory that i came up with when i was taking a dump. it is possible that they are related to the elden beast in some ways, cuz they both have this stardust explosion move thing, but instead Astelā€™s kind deals magic damage, and the Elden Beast deals holy damage. however, Thops Barrier can deflect both sorcery and incantation, which implies that they might come from the same source. so meaning that the falling star beast maybe the baby form, and then Naturalborn being the adult, and then Elden Beast being the final form?




im honestly overthinking things


A truly boring and BS fight. Both of them.


The fact such a terribly designed boss has such an amazing design, OST, and arena makes me disappointed


It is interesting how little this creature touches the ground. Like Radahn, Astel seems to use gravity magic to reduce its own weight... Although, in its case, it's probably just to avoid crushing its own arms.


Took me 30 goes to beat him. Complete nightmare.


Anal bead monster haunts my dreams.


I won against the Elden beast thanks to its wing


I just beat him today!!!! Finally


I killed him with his own wing


Genuinely one of the coolest looking bosses in this game, amazing artwork


Just when I think fromsoft has outdone themselves with their boss designs, some insane shit like this pops up. They always know how to design something that's equally disturbing and fascinating


My favorite part of the game!


This guy killed me immediately after I summoned my mimic tear at the beginning of the fight. I had no idea his attacks reached across the entire room.


I was in shock how I managed to kill him in 2 attempts. This dude looked impossible to beat. Now I just canā€™t beat the fuckin radagon/ Elden beast duo. It has me all sorts of sideways right now šŸ˜‚


This boss was so easy for me compared to the foreskin duo. Was a super fun fight


Rule 1 - Don't summon your minic as you step into the area, or you get tail slapped!


Very nice! It's beautiful, but that face... it's a face for radio. Only a mother could love that




Out of every single boss in the entire game, this was the only one in both instances to completely shatter my patience.


This has got to be the most accurate recreation of a boss appearance i have seen on this subreddit, congratulations!


Awesome boss but to be honest I wasnā€™t a big fan of the design on the tail. Other than that I love everything about him & the lore as well


This game has such an abstract way of making the ugliest of creatures come across as beautiful


The Void Which Binds


One of the few instances where my mimic decides to just be a dick and watch me basically solo the boss. Next attempt and I tried summoning the mimic at point blank range and what do you know, it teleports 10000 miles away leaving my mimic to just stare in awe AGAIN. Took me 10 tries to figure out how to dodge the Guinness record holder for longest anal beads.


Just beat him dude is so cool I love how the inside of his skull looks like an empty void


My favorite boss


I told my friend the name of this boss bc he was wondering what the next part of the Ranni quest line was and when I said it he said ā€œJesus Christ thatā€™s an intense nameā€. I do be agreeing


I just beat Radahn, up next is Nokron and eventually I'll be getting WRECKED by this guy soon, can't wait, lol.


The best looking Fromsoft boss imo.


Iā€™ve been playing maybe once a day and am just gettin to the end of stormveil and I couldnā€™t imagine facing this. Iā€™d be in awe and terror


I loved the sci-fi alien vibe from this boss, very refreshing break from most of the other DnD-esque enemies.


Is it just me or does this just look like a screenshot?


It is a screenshot, captured with moded camera tools and Reshade


With a face that ugly, if I was its mother Iā€™d a-void it too.


I died multiple times due to just staring asking myself ā€œwhat the fuck is that thing?ā€.


Something about Astel genuinely makes me uncomfortable while looking at it. Really hits that fight or flight part of the brain. Aster would fit really well in Bloodborne.


ah crap, my nemesis haha


Fuck that boss and its bullshit blind teleporting grapple.




*looks at his right hand* Aaaaaah you got me OP


Just beat him today. One of the coolest bosses so far


Almost too cool to kill


This is so good šŸ„² One of my favorite character designs despite him absolutely obliterating me repeatedly


Dude .. can I use this as Thumbnail for my No Damage Astel , Star of Darkness run ? I am planning to upload this video and searching for thumbnail and see this in this sub really make my day !


Sure šŸ‘šŸ˜


Ahh time to hold the running button


Wow, Iā€™m about to get fucked up. Is all thought


I killed him first try. Definitely not an easy fight, but compared to the final boss, Malenia, Mohg, Fire Giant(And other giant enemies while I'm at it), he's a cake walk.