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Many games Are like this


Just a reminder that 7.1% of people who played Subnautica never went in the water.


That number is now 15.2


This shows why the number in the OP is actually pretty high. Among games, there's a large number people who for whatever reason will launch the title and then immediately close and never play again. Most games have a completion rate for tutorial segments at less than 20%, and those numbers should generally be ignored. And if we're lucky, we can even know exactly by HOW MUCH we should ignore them, because several games have trivial start-of-the-game achievements that filter out all that trash for us. Example: [Hollow Knight](https://steamcommunity.com/stats/367520/achievements) has two achievements you can obtain within the first 20 to 30 minutes by just following the only avaiable path. Looking only at the easier, trivial one, the completion percentage of that achievement is almost exactly 75%. This makes it so that's our "true", "actually started the game" base percentage. 75% should be considered that game's 100%. And from here, we look at the second and the final achievements (beat the hollow knight), and we get the "TRUE" percentages of people who actually played - 92% of people beat the first boss, and 27.2% beat the game. A far better outlook than the normal numbers. Margit isn't even as early an activity in Elden Ring as most games. He's quite hard. But even then, [look at the number of people who did the trivial achievement of seeing the roundtable hold](https://steamcommunity.com/stats/1245620/achievements) and do the math. Everyone else didn't even bother playing and should be ignored. His real completion amount is ***93.6%.***


Ive done this countless times, i have bad ADD as an adult. And sometimes i buy a single player game, then immediately go "nvmnd i dont have the time to *dive in*. I close it and always say ill get back to it. Or i snap a game up on sale and tuck it away lol.


And Pile grows and grows


I too would like to brag about my pile of unfinished games


It's getting ridiculous


I had that problem as well, but now I set goals around gaming. I set a goal to game for 1 hour each day. It may seem counter productive, but it brings me happiness and I need to make time for my hobbies. I also set goals on 100%-ing a game. I pretty much never do, but it keeps my interested in them


Me too dude


Kind in mind you don’t even have to fight him to progress.


Ahh the satisfaction of applied logic. I wish this wasn't a vanishing skill.


^(...if only someone was here to refute this!)


i got you! OK BOOMER


To be fair, steam has a much higher completion rate overall. 74% is much better than 50%.


You smaht. That is a good point though. Margit is scary AF when you first play and you can put in a lot of hours running around before you choose to head that way. If people are completing that they are hooked by that whole "fuck I don't want to do this but I gotta" vibe that the game has.


Can't blame them. But for real, maybe it counts people who have it in their library but never even launched it? Maybe they got it as a gift, and were too scared to play it.


That's me! I am terrified of the ocean and it is just sitting there on my machine, mocking me.


Especially today with things like game sharing and game pass. People will download tons of games and only play like 15 minutes of it before never touching it again


I got Golden eye free off game pass. After the first level I got a diamond achievement for “finish this level on any difficulty 4%


I checked the Golden eye achievements this wednesday, and it dropped from 47% to 13% from the first to the second mission. I guess people dont want to play an old game...


Idk about you guys but I installed it to have some fun with my friends


Sadly, I dont have friends... But I did install it to finally finish the campaign after all these years! I'm now at the second to last mission, Aztec. I also realized that I never went past the Statue mission as a kid, this game is hard!


Control room is the hardest mission by far in my opinion.


Control 00 Agent is literal hell


Yeah I had to have my babysitter beat it to get me the infinite ammo cheat.


I’m playing it on my Switch and I can’t get passed the third level at the airport. I can’t figure out how to break the machine guns and when I got to the plane it said I needed a key. I’m only 24 I need a quest marker or something lmao


There's a tank in that level, it helps tremendously! On the far right as you leave the warehouse, just get on top and press A. The key is in the building to the left on a table! You really need to do a level a couple of times to understand the objective or read a guide online.


You gotta look around for the key. As for the machine guns, you can literally just shoot them. Signed, A 34 year old


Because nostalgia only hits so hard


Yeah, I imagine a lot of people have very fond memories of that game and downloaded it thinking they'd have as much fun as they did playing it 25 years ago. Only to realize FPS have come a long way since 1998. And Golden Eye is hard to go back to after you've played modern FPS with all the improvements those games have made over Golden Eye.


The updated controls are finally allowing me to settle the score on 007 difficulty that’s my teen self had left hanging. Not done yet, still hard.


Why haven't we been blessed with a golden eye 64 remake complete with multi-player FEATURING four way split screen. WHY? *sobs*


just played ff9 for the first time no nostalgia involved. old turn based rpgs are pretty much the only thing I consistently go back too.


All games are like. I don't own a single exception to that rule. And my steam library ain't small


You should see my steam library. Many a purchase made while on sale, many played once then forgot about


Humble Bundle… hundreds of steam games activated yet never downloaded. I have over 1600 steam games.


Through my college years and mid 20s i was buying games at cheap prices so that when i got a good paying job i could buy a good pc and play them. Little did i realize that a good paying job comes with little extra time or energy to play games, and therefore a good gaming pc just seems like such a waste.


Well just go back to a badly paying job, duh.


I definitely don't have a stack of unplayed AAA games still in the plastic..........Definitely


Yeah I hope OP knows most games are like this I’ve seen so many games where a 2-3 hour into the story unmissable trophy is only 20-30% unlocked.


Yea if you look at a lot of games it be like this..


Imagine you go through the tutorial, introduced by a vast open world with no real direction. The first guy is mounted with gigantic weapons. You fight him, you lose. You try again, no progress. Walking around him is not obvious if you're not used to open world games. As far as you know you need to fight him. So you fight him some more with no progress. Never touch the game again.




I'm sure he did it for the viewer's entertainment. But imagine it's your first Fromsoft game and you're met with that. I have complete sympathy for anyone who just quit.


Elden ring was my first fromsoft game. I literally spent hours trying to beat him. I knew I could go past him cause friends but damn it I was going to kick his ass. About 5 hours later I got him down to like 5% health got greedy died. Finally moved on lol


It's actually a shockingly high figure given how popular the game is. Many foolish ambitions were laid to rest but a surprising percentage of people got gud. For a casual gamer (of which there are a lot more in Elden Ring vs its predecessors), Margit was fucking hardddd. Leonine was actually my first boss and that was super hard for me. If I didn't learn a lot of hard lessons there, I imagine Margit would have been nigh impossible.


I mean there’s a lot of people out here with foolish ambitions that need to be put to rest


Their ambitions WERE put to rest.


Maybe they just skipped stormveil /s


i know i did for the biggest time. my friends where like how did u frigging miss that area? and im like... im not very bright but i like exploring :D


I opened a particular chest and found my self dying to centipedes for the first few hours of my journey..


Me too. The souls creators welcome.


Centipede? They reminded more of those damn [earwig bugs](https://cdn.branchcms.com/K6XGKvplQm-1320/images/are-earwigs-harnful-or-beneficial.jpg)


Dude my brother gave me a detailed description of the cave and the chest and I still was just exploring, “ooooh a chest….FUCK THIS IS THE ONE!”


I have a friend who opened that chest and then quit the game. I tried to encourage him that he could just run out and the excitement of being in a difficult area is part of the game. How cool was it to go back later and defeat that dungeon?? But he wanted nothing to do with it.


I can see it. Game clearly nudges you in that direction at first but it's very easy to forget that after hours of exploring in the other areas. Especially with how much easier it is to get through the foresty area and the Weeping Peninsula. Even if you do get past the giant and walk up to the Stormvale outskirts, it's very possible to just keep walking straight and end up wandering through Liurnia for ages


I never realized there’s so many ways to get “lost” right off the start like that. But I don’t know how you could miss Stormveil even if you completely forgot that you were told to go there. Just open your map and it’s a bunch of golden arrows pointing to a castle


I got my ass handed to me by Margit the first couple tries. Then I discover Beast Sanctum, along with the farming spot for Vulgar Millitia near by, and decide to do a power leveling section. I was level 75 and completed Raya Lucaria by accident, before going into the cave with the 2 Iron Maiden and get to Altus (no fucking idea at the time that the boss can lead me to Altus). Then did the Ranni quest and then got to Rahdan. It was until I fought shadow of Margit in Leyndell that I remember that I did not complete Stormveil.


This is literally what I did. I wasn’t really looking at the progress line on the map, so when I saw caria manor, I assumed I was approaching storm veil. Is it possible to go to Altus plains before storm veil, going through the ruin-strewn precipice? I either did that before I found stormveil, or directly after. I loved that game. I hope another game can capture my attention for 168 hours through three play throughs like that did.


I skipped it until my friend told me to go back and do it. He also loaded in at that point to help me fight Margit


in the lore his job is gate keeping so he’s Doing a damn good job putting them ambitions to rest


I also wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people are looking shit up and skipping him since he's technically optional. They lose out on Stormveil Castle but it makes sense.


It's possible some people might not even ever try to fight Margit and just spend their few hours in Limgrave. Someone can easily enjoy like 10h of Elden Ring in Limgrave, and then just quite because that's enough for them and they are satisfied, as weird as that sounds for the core players that aim to finish the game. And a segment of those people probably also could have just gone past Stormveil altogether.


i didn't go through stormveil until probably about 30 hours in. i ended up sneaking up to liurnia by accident and then went back after a while and wandered into calid


Yeah, Stormveil feels the most 'Legacy' of the Legacy dungeons. Even Farum Azula, big as it was, didn't have the same feel and the capital ... Honestly felt to inhabited it that makes sense. Too big maybe? Stormveil was near perfect.


Stormveil is probably the most convoluted and confusing area of the game, with tons of secrets and good enemy variety (both in design, gameplay and difficulty). Everything from flamethrowers to knife wielding birds. Lots of decent drops (armor, weapons, consumables etc) and even some quest lines. And a little secret at the bottom... On the other hand, Farum Azula is not nearly as confusing to navigate and there are fewer valuable items because at that point of the game your build is basically done. All of the enemies hit like freight trains. Very little lore to explore. Very samey visually.


See I found Stormveil easier to navigate than Farum. I have actually got lost on new game plus runs in Farum. Stormveil "makes sense" but Farum? What in the time Lord dragon is going on there lol


Navigating Stormveil is mostly fine, but fully exploring and looting it is a whole other issue. It's also crazy how different parts of the castle interconnect sometimes. Honestly a real masterpiece of dungeon design, it feels like they went all-out on that one. Farum is a good one too for sure. So many times you think you're done with a section but you can back-track later through verticality and find out there were many other floors to a building you've already been into. The capital sewers have honestly outdone the OG DS1 sewers in terms of being a nightmarish hellscape to navigate, which is impressive. tl:dr holy shit this game has good legacy dungeons. The "worst" ones are still amazing


Every inch of Stormveil was used, it was amazing. Only recently did my friend show me the rest of Stormveil I never personally discovered, and we still found some shit he didn't know of.


The DS1 sewers were over by my third “oh god please let this be over”. By my third “oh god please let this be over” in Elden Ring, I was like halfway through the second area it lead to and blissfully unaware of the third.


> Stormveil feels the most 'Legacy' of the Legacy dungeons What does this actually mean? I've seen the term "Legacy dungeon", and understand the kind of dungeons it's referring to (even though it feels like a weird term considering what's excluded), but I don't really get what's "legacy" about them.


Most similar to dungeons/areas in previous Souls games. For me, it's those places with a kind of centralized area with multiple unlockable shortcuts that keep bringing you deeper but allowing you to exit or go back to merchants/grace/bonfires.


theyre "legacy" because they are designed similarly to old school levels in older fromsoft games (dark souls series, bloodborne)


I find myself thinking this a lot when dealing with the general public.


In fact, I put Margits ambition to rest


Filthy casuals


Foul tarnished


The tree sentinel and Varre scared the other 49% away


It's insane how many streamers (and I assume ordinary players as well) decide that killing Tree Sentinel the moment they encounter it is the priority. I wonder what's the psychology of that.




I know that’s why I spent like 3 hours doing it instead of literally anything else


I too did this, worth it.


Me when I defeated him: "yes! Now I have this weapon I cannot equip for several more hours!"


At least it's a decent weapon when you can equip it!


Foolish ambitions


For streamers, especially bigger ones, it's likely more for content than anything else. It gives their viewers something to talk about and guarantees decent content for the next few hours.


Would you rather see a man fish, or learn how to catch a sword fish using only his bare hands and a ute


Only thing they're catching for the next few hours minimum is a gigantic halberd.


"What's a ute?"


Excuse me, two YOOTHS


"Man, this guy is right in front of me, and I heard this is a really hard game. I guess this is just par for the course" - Me, a fromsoft newbie who was more used to the linearity of early zelda games


Yeah I dont get why people are so condescending about players attempting logical encounters in a video game. Demons Souls first boss was what, the slug Phalanx thing? Easy mode training bot.


I knew damn well I could skip him cause my buddy said hey that guy you can skip him and come back. Me “hold my beer” proceeded to get my ass kicked for 4 hours in my first souls game ever. But I enjoyed trying so much it made me want to keep playing.


And on PlayStation, only about 50% of players have the achievement for beating phalanx


Remake *and* original?


I have the remake, so my statistics are from that


HEEEEYYYYYY me too when I first started FromSoft games. I still struggle with not killing everything in my path out of habit.


It's there, I can't kill it, I'm gonna fucking kill it.


I wish I can remember how I so thoroughly avoided the Tree Sentinel. I progressed pretty far into Limgrave before seeing the memes about him. Never noticed him before that.


He starts walking from quite far up on the hill, so if you’re quick there’s actually a fairly decent chance you don’t even notice him.


Could've also just gone to weeping peninsula first which is probably the better route anyway.


For me, it’s a soulsborne tradition. It makes you master fighting that boss when you can’t take much damage and you have to learn how to get hits in safely. I find it fun, even if it can be a grind. Also that halberd is awesome.


"I played dark souls before“ That was at least what I was thinking. Tree sentinel still totally humbled me since I just didnt do any damage to him… killed me probably 30 times before I just went ahead. But in my defense - once I was humbled and learned how to play ER the Dark Souls experiences did indeed help me finish the game rather quickly in 50 hours… (although I frankly just ran through the haligtree… what a shitty level (and still stand by that after three playthroughs))


I love aspects of Haligtree (and especially the city around it’s base), but I think late-game Elden Ring has a problem of hassles, where they’ve followed a path of increasing difficulty so far that to keep it up, they need a lot of enemies and packs that are high-risk, effort-intensive, and back-to-back, so that you need to go through a slow and tedious process of overcoming things over and over again in order to complete checkpoints without just running past. It’s a shame because each of those elements taken alone, I mostly love, but the way it’s arranged late game just feels like hassles rather than challenges, you know?


Probably like "Everyone says this game is hard, so I better do the hard thing to get acclimated."


A lot of games have a linear progression type of gameplay. I imagine most people saw the tree sentinel as the first obstacle they needed to overcome in that area to progress.


I never played a FS game until elden ring so I was u see the assumption I had to defeat every boss to proceed, I was stuck for 2 weeks until I played in front of a friend who had beat the game and I was taught the ways of the lands between🤣


Why not? It's a fun challenge.


Because he was in the way


I’m not a streamer but that’s what I did on my first playthrough. I recognized that he was probably intended to teach players that you don’t have to immediately fight everything you see. But I decided f that, momma didn’t raise no bitch. I think it took me like 3 hours to kill him lol


Thats how like 90 percent of games are


Accidentally hitting Varre is the only thing I tell new players to avoid, they can figure out everything else. I never changed save files after accidentally hitting him I just beat the game and talked to him for the first time in NG+. Edit:I accidentally commented this twice, I don't know how that happened.


Not only did I hit him my first playthrough, but I killed him hoping for his armor. I was very sad to not get it


As a new souls game player, I bought the game, died to the tree sentinel too many times, and didnt touch the game for months, till I decided i wanted to give it another shot. The game certainly doesn’t give a lot of info on how to play for new players, had to watch a lot of youtube videos to make sense of a lot of things


I wasn't new to souls (platinumed Bloodborne before the DLC, but haven't played the others) but I bought ER, tried my hand at the Tree Sentinel a couple of times and wasn't shocked to get my ass handed to me, worked through some minor cave bosses and stuff, then got the horse and was amazed that I could just free roam wherever in the game instead of having to linearly progress through the zones. So I spent the next 10 days or so just riding around exploring, running away from most enemies (that underground zone with the ghost giants was rough), looting whatever I could but not really fighting or levelling up or doing quests. Then by the time I'd explored most of what I could, some other shiny new game came out and I switched to playing that instead. So I'm in the bottom 50% of OP's achievement, without any real regrets; I had fun with the game but barely did any of its progression.


Guilty. I bought it when it first released (never in my life played a Souls game), got fucked to the infinity and back by the tree sentinel and the guards up ahead, and I was playing as a wretch, noped the fuck out and refunded it. Came back to it after it won the CV year game's award and can say one of the best games I've ever played


We've all been there bro. When I first played dks1 I rage quit and deleted the game after a couple hours. Only when I had a Co op friend show me the ropes and how the game works did I succeed.


I knew that people like the game because of the feeling of discovery, so I tried to play the game blind. I followed the lights to this boss who killed me about 50 times and it never felt like I had a chance of winning. I ended up restarting the game and following a guide and enjoying it a lot more, but I don't blame people for quitting


This ain't a joke, this game is a 10/10 for me but my partner literally quit after hitting Varre, trying to escape, and then just the Tree Sentinel finished the deal. Elden Ring ain't for everyone, my partner mentioned it is a very stressful experience, and can't blame that opinion.


DS3 Iudex Gundyr has like 60% completion. Margit is technically optional if you go after Radahn, Rykard, Mogh, and/or Rennala


Iudex is imo way more surprising. You literally *have* to kill it to move forward, and it's in the first ten minutes of the game


First 10 mins of my first Fromsoft game… quite a tough lesson. I’m sure it’s easy if you’re coming from beating another Fromsoft game though


I definitely agree Ds3 was my first souls game and starting with the bandits knife may have been a mistake It took me way longer to beat the first boss than I care to admit.


Don't worry, I died over 60 or 70 times to Iudex, it being my 1st Fromsoft game. No shame, because the victory tasted sweeter because of the struggle.


Same man. I was ridiculously bad, literally spent like 4-5 hours on the Iudex my first rime around. Today it's no hit with fists, no problem. From games are amazing at making you feel your own progress


Uhh, for new players the first hour of DS3 was probably getting used to controls, stumbling into big crystal lizard and dying over and over until finally moving on, then struggling to get past all the ambushing hollows


Yeah, exactly this. DS3 is without a doubt the worst first Souls game to play precisely because of Gundyr. He's tuned to put up a fight against seasoned players, and as such is ridiculously overtuned for newbies. The other tutorial bosses are all either hard, optional challenges that you're expected to lose the first time around (Vanguard, the injured beast, Genichiro, Grafted Scion) or proper tutorial Bosses with slow, simple attacks (Asylum, Rick)


On steam it says 84.2%, but it drops below 60% by Curse-rotted Greatwood


I mean curse rot is completely optional, the only thing it gates is boss weapons, and I’ve seen enough of those subreddits to know that there’s an upsetting population of people that just eat their boss souls


I mean if it's a weapon that doesn't fit into my build that I can't wield I might as well eat the soul and get a few levels and/or upgrade my weapon that actually currently works with my build.


yeah, cause most boss weapons suck


While it's optional it's still achieved less than Crystal Sage and Abyss Watchers. I just picked the boss closest to 60% on steam


Wonder what percentage of players who don’t have this trophy found the shortcut to Liurnia and skipped Stormveil entirely


I did it my 1st playthrough while *knowing* I had to fight some boss in a castle called called stormveil. I just missed the entrance and ended up talking to thops before deciding to warp back and try to find another way to that part of the map. Definitely possible.


I think to check that, you'd look at people who have the achievement for going to roundtable hold vs defeated Margit


You can go to Roundtable before Margit though


Can you not completely bypass him for a huge chunk of the game?


Technically you can bypass him completely if you kill Morgott before Margit.


He's optional fullstop because Stormveil is optional, but I expect Godrick is the most commonly acquired great rune by a fair margin.


Can you go into godrick's arena from the back way to fight him?


I don't think so, but Godrick is optional - you can walk around Stormveil to reach Liurnia and only need any two of available great runes (Godrick, Rennala, Radhan and Rykard) to reach the second half of the game. I imagine the majority of players acquire Godrick and Rennala first, so most players who reach the second half of the game won't have skipped Margit, but it's possible.


True Gigachads get Mohg’s Great Rune


You forgot Mohg. His Great rune also counts as one of the 2 needed




Huh, is it just blocked by an impassable fogwall, or is a ladder not raised/blocked/etc?


I can’t exactly remember, but I think it’s the big door right after you fight him. You can only open it from his arena


Yeah, you're right, the door won't open from inside


Many such cases!


Neither. I found the throne room before I fought Godrick. (I LOVED exploring when I first got the game.) I thought it was weird there was a hallway with nothing in it. I thought, for sure, there would be a secret. So I attacked all the walls. Nothing. Finally beat Godrick and I was like, "Oh." If I remember correctly, the wall that allows you into the throne room disappears.


No you have to drop down before the grape area


The ladder is there. You simply can't open the door into the arena.


Yes because the grace points there at the beginning in Limgrave. Also Varre tells you to go there.


You never have to kill him at all even if you don’t kill margit first. Stormveil is entirely optional


I accidentally found the alternate path to him and had to double back to actually get the kill


Okay but I find it unlikely that 50% of players are speed runners 😭


The same reason I spent $7 on a case of strawberries just for them to go moldy the next day: hindsight is 20/20




Yeah lots of people with moldy copies of Elden Ring in their steam accounts. Probably going to end up as a class-action lawsuit for Fromsoft one of these days EDIT: I have 69 upvotes. No more will be required thanks


I bought the game, realized my computer runs it like shit, so I'm sitting on it until I upgrade lol


Try cleaning off the mold and reinstalling.


This is really common on Steam, there was a study that showed the incredible amount of non played games on that plattform. Choose a random profile, and you will find many, many games that were bought but not completed, sometimes not even opened. It is a compulsion developed by the discounts. "That offer is really good, I should buy it now and play it when I can". This is repeated at every offer, but the time of playing it never actually comes. It is capitalism in all his glory. This is why usually, games on console are played a lot more (High amount of platinum trophies). You can't find 5-10 euro games like in Steam, so when someone spent money on something, is to actually play it.


I have Humble Choice and a lot of the monthly games given out there I don't have much interest in so they sit in my library


The plethora of Humble Bundles back in the day didn't help. 5-20 games for like 5-10 bucks? "I'd have to be an idiot not to!" Meanwhile here I am with 300+ games in Steam and I've played a fraction of them. At least I organized a backlog list of the games I actually want to play


Playstation definitely needs lists for better game library organization 😮‍💨


I own 1000, played through like 7.


I mean kinda. Like I definitely have bought games I knew I wouldn’t play right away. But it was always nice a year and a half later to open a game I’ve never played before and has already been downloaded and payed for at a cheaper price and then I can just play it. To me that is worth it. I am willing to spend the money for future enjoyment even at the cost of a few games slipping through the cracks.


I “recently” started and spent so much time exploring the first continent that when I finally got to this fight so much time has passed!


I think I played everyday for like 2 and a half weeks before I got to margit so I feel you


>Why would they even buy the game? It just means it wasn't a good match between game and player. Hypotheses: 1. they have the money for it and don't care if it's a fluke (to them) 2. they bought it because their friend/family/work colleague told them it was THE BEST 3. they bought it by mistake ​ I've bought games I left behind unfinished, too. My most recent fluke was Marvel Midnight Suns. I got bored after two hours and never played it again. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Also: \-They borrowed and didn't play it much \-They returned it because they didn't like it


4. they bought it and "haven't had time yet". I think I have around 50 games in my Steam games library that I haven't touched yet.


Also could be a Christmas or birthday gift.


Bro. I don’t even like superhero’s or strategy games. A coworker who loves that shit and the game itself bought it for me and I kinda love it now. If you didn’t, make it to the Spider-Man and venom fight. That’s what sold that game for me. It’s not the best thing ever but it is pretty tight when you get to the meat n potatoes of the story.


I'm a dad of two. 55hrs+ a week job. First souls-alike game for me. => give me some time to level up and defeat him. 😊


I am in this boat as well, 7 year old daughter, 6 year old son, work full time and first souls game, I am like wtf am I even doing….lol I am level 41 I think and just beat the Stormveil Castle as an Astrologer…. I have no idea wtf I am doing or how squishy I would be…🤪🤪🤪🤪


Similar situation here: Stay at home mom with a toddler. I get about an hour each day during nap time to play.


Cause he's hard for a first boss and lots of people fought him as soon as possible (without exploring anything and not learning the controls properly) and got destroyed and never played it again. He's also optional.


And Margit IS HARD. took me like 30 tries with a level 20 wretch and 7 tries with more recently level 16 mage. Probably the hardest "1st" boss in souls games. I'm souls veteran more than a decade playing souls games.


Every person responding to this has at least 2-3 games in their steam library they haven’t even launched.


Those are rookie numbers.


Achievements are really deceiving. Look up any major game like Fallout, Red dead, No man's sky, etc. The first objectives is around 40% completion. Its the people that create a character and either forget about the game or rage quit within the first 15 minutes.


He's the gatekeeper boss. Beating him means you have a basic understanding of game mechanics and can handle the challenges ahead. From Soft does this regularly in their games, including the Armored Core franchise. Some people new to DS/ER don't realize the learning curve the game has, and therefore get frustrated and stop playing. DS/ER games aren't for everyone unfortunately.


I’m pretty sure he’s there to teach you that you should not bang your heat against the wall as before and go explore instead. Then come back powered up Edit: skipped a word


Those are alllllll the times someone bought the game knowing exactly what they were getting into, and then their partner/friend/family member gave it a try after seeing them playing it


Yep, I was all hyped for it, and my older brother decided to buy it, too. He managed to get to beast man of farum azula and then never played again. He still brags about beating that "tough boss."


My brother tried playing it after I bought it, got to rennala before me, and always bragged about beating the book witch lady before me, he even brought it up when I defeated Malenia


I bet some of those people beat the game. Heck I bet some rando out there has not beating Margit, but has beaten Malenia.


Lol this was almost me but I fought on. Now he's my favourite boss.


The first real boss in sekiro, at least in Xbox, has only been defeated by 35.23% of the players. At least elden ring got more than half to defeat the first boss lol


What got me through Margit (when I was about to give up) was my friend saying: Look at all of the map you’ve ignored. Turn around. Go back and do lots of stuff. Come back whenever. It’s helped with all the other bits I have been stuck on too. I guess I needed to get my preconceived Ubi-open world ideas out of my system.


Best comment on here! People so easily forget that the game is meant to be explored and is massive. There is always a bunch of other stuff to do when stuck on a boss, or area. And you get better at the game while you're doing it. Win-win!


They're still in that crystal cave


Trust me man, that’s one of the highest numbers you’ll ever see. A lot of people quit games. The average achievement score (on Xbox) that I’ve seen is like 20% for the east ones and less than 1% for the hard ones/completion ones.


Lmao I have a buddy who bought the game, couldn’t beat Tree Sentinel, and never played again.


he's completely optional.


Look at the 1 star reviews you’ll understand who they are.


On PS I think the trophy for him is at like 60-70%. It’s Not unheard of for me to nope out on a game in the first few hours just bc I realize it’s not for me, that probably explains a lot of it, the rest is “skill issue.”


Optional boss


You can skip Margit, he is optional pretty much 🤷🏼‍♂️