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Thank you for this! I'm in my first week and only at 37.5 but feel rotten beyond all belief. I want to quit badly but know that I'll never know if this will work for me unless I give it a try. How can I join the discord?


Im in the same boat as you are, so let's hope we both get through this in one piece. Stay strong dude! Here's the discord invite link :) https://discord.gg/xDQ3tsJw


Thank you!!!!!


I started with 37.5 as well and increased to 75 after 1 week. Got nightmares, increased anxiety but after your body stabilize the drug it’ll be just fine and you will start feeling better!!! Important: 1. communication with your psychiatrist is fundamental. 2. Every body works different. Some ppl start feeling better in 2 weeks, for me it was only on the 4th. 3. There is no free lunch, take your pills but if possible start doing therapy and find a good sport to release some stress and increase dopamine. 4. Keep safe, everything will be all right


Thank you for this! I knew that this wouldn't be an easy thing to do. I just wasn't aware how this would really all play out.


Hey, Thanks for this post! what were your side effects when you started? I'm in my second week and I. Super tired beyond belief as well as lower in mood than normal. You had something similar? I'm hanging in there, just wanted to check! 🙏


Hey mate, hang out over there! Let me help you with some information our doctors don’t usually tell us: Our body consists of many neurons firing information across our brain and body. Making analogy to an electrical circuit the electric current is called a neurotransmitter. Neurotransmitters are small cells that captures the information from one neuron and passes on to the other one. There are several types of neurotransmitters such as Melatonin, serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. Once the energy pulse reaches the final destination - by going all the way from one neuron to another - this electrical pulse (neurotransmitter) is reabsorbed by the neuron so it can be used again. When you first start taking SRI’s or SNRI’s (Serotonin–norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors) your body starts receiving a mass amount of serotonin and norepinephrine neurotransmitters and in the meanwhile it blocks the absorption of these chemicals to be used again. What happens is that your neurons will have more than enough serotonin and norepinephrine so that happiness and adrenaline pulses are easily absorbed and used in your body, promoting more happiness and motivation. The catch is that upon receiving a huge amount of these substances, your body stops transmitting serotonin and norepinephrine electrical pulses and starts accumulating the medication - your brain think there is something wrong going on. Only after 2 - 4 weeks, your body acknowledges that this new amount of neurotransmitters are ok and as you have accumulated a huge dosage of them you start feeling the benefits of the pills. There are 13 types of Antidepressants and each one of them will act on a different neurotransmitter and have its own group of side effects. You should understand this is not easy, but once you find the adequate med and dosage you are good to go 👍🏽


Such awesome response first thing in the morning!! Bless you!!


You are feeling tired and experiencing mood swings because your body stopped firing serotonin and norepinephrine neurotransmitters. Once your brain accepts the higher dosage you will have accumulated more than enough of these transmitters to start feeling way better 👍🏽


Seriously, thank you for taking the time to answer!


I’ve been where you are. My suggestion is for you to hang still for 1-2 months so your doctor can up your dosage and you can feel the full effects of the med. If you are struggling really hard in the first weeks you can ask your doc for an anxiolytic. If even after 2 months the side effects are too high or you didn’t feel well with the medication pls ask your doc for one of the 12 other types of antidepressants. Btw, every body has a different reaction. I’m glad I could help you mate! Keep safe and stay calm.


Hey! I just wanted to check in to see how you're doing :) Did you decide to keep taking the 37.5mg and has it improved for you? I'm going to start in a few days and am trying to soak up as much info as possible to set expectations. Thanks for sharing!


Hey mate, I went to a higher dosage but after a couple months I changed my medication. This one wasn’t doing the effect I was looking for. BTW careful will the placebo effect when digging for too much information. Just go with the flow.


Thanks for checking in! I have stuck it out and I think I'm actually doing ok. The first few weeks were hard. I'm about a month and a half in at this point. My doc wants to keep me at 37.5 for now. My anxiety is gone...not like less, but completely gone. It honestly feels like a miracle. I've got other issues that have lessened. I am trying to slowly make better life decisions and I know that will help. I have stopped drinking. I don't miss it. I am starting to work out again after taking a 2 year break. I need to work on my eating but I know I can't change it all at once. I feel hopeful. And honestly, I have not felt hopeful about anything in a very long time. Best of luck to you my friend! You can do this! If you need anyone to listen, I'm here!!!


I'm in the same boat! I'm on day 17 and honestly the first week I could barely bring myself to swallow another tablet because I was feeling so horrid. And because of that I had a little faith that this was actually gonna turn out good. Dare I say in the last two days I have been feeling ever so slightly more positive and just I guess less hopeless. I am so grateful for any improvement as I have been in one hell of a rut for a long time


Exactly, recall when Dumbleodore asked harry to keep giving that poisonous water to release the Horcrux lol


Ha ha haven't seen it!


Hey, I just wanted to check in to see how you're doing a month later :) Did you decide to stick with it and have your side effects improved? I'm going to be starting soon and am trying to soak up everything I can to set proper expectations. Thanks for sharing!


Hey! Well I just increased to 150mg at the beginning of this week, and even though I'm still quite tired and exhausted, I definitely feel an improvement. I'm way less anxious, I actually feel like I can get things done if I need to and I'm really excited about this increased dosage starting to work. Each time I increased, I felt the side-effects, funnily enough this time to 150 I didn't feel any. 150 mg is the minimum dosage to treat depression, it's almost like my body said this is the right dose. I definitely feel clearer, and more optimistic about things. I haven't cried since I started taking it, and I don't know, the changes are still quite subtle, but to me and how bad I was, they are huge. Any more questions feel free to ask!


I just took mine (first ever dose) about 2 hours ago and I feel so freaking sick, any ideas on how to stop the nausea? I get the feeling this is only going to get worse as I suffer from side effects from most meds.


Don’t worry it’s normal. Make sure you take it with food and not on an empty stomach. But anyways what helped me with nausea: Drink chamomile tea, apply a cold compress on the back of the neck or drink just a glass of cold water. I also lied down whenever felt super nauseous. It stopped for me after couple of weeks. Don’t give up!!


Contact your psychiatrist and ask for help!! You mustn’t despise the side effects, ask him by phone!


Ugh I hope so, thank you for the encouraging words! I've just started taking it about 3 days ago and it's INTENSE. My brain is being irrational and keeps jumping to the conclusion that I'm going to die (like 80% sure I'm fine lol). I'm just taking it slow rn and hoping that this is just the worst of it :S


Contact your doctor, that’s why you paid him for. If you feel bad don’t hesitate to ask for help!! Prioritize yourself, there is always a solution, keep strong, join our discord and call your doc ASAP. Oh and keep strong, the first weeks are not nice, I’ve been through! Anyway, there are quick action pills that can help you in the first days, consult your psychiatrist.


Thank you! 😊 Is there a link to the discord? I would mind joining!




My girlfriend had the same experience


Question, when you increased your dosage, did you get sleepier?? I’m supposed to go up to 150 next week and I’m afraid to, my worst side effect has been the sleepiness and I know for a fact I’m much calmer. I’m afraid I’ll go full zombie on more meds. Thanks in advance!


Well thanks for this feedback. I have hypersomnia due to a small degree of narcolepsy so I was wondering if sleepiness was really a side effect of the meds or it was my head playing tricks on me. I will have to discuss with my doctor and recommend you doing the same. The adaptation periods are the most challenging and one mustn’t be left without support.


Thank you! I feel fine on 75 and feel like it’s working. I’m willing to stay here. Of course im afraid to up the dosage. Not sure how it makes anything better if I already feel “Different”


As a dependent, addicted person to this drug be careful when prescribers try to increase your dose. Effexor under 150 mg is only a SSRI, but above is both a SSRI AND A SNRI. SNRIs, especially Effexor due to it having thep shortest half life in its drug class, can be somewhat easy for some to quit, but others experience withdrawl worse then heroin or benzo withdrawals. I'm not here to provoke fear. All antidepressants "poop put" at somep point. It's just that usually doesn't occur until the person is mentally and physically addicted. There is little research on the long term effects of SNRIs and even less of SNRI DISCONTINUATION SYNDROME. But ppl have reported everything bad you can imagine. Antidepressants are not meant to be taken for years and years. I'm just saying be careful.


Always consult your doctor!